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Why force players to subscribe when they still have gametime?


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Hahaha a garbage post has 18 pages of responses. There are more interesting (and actually factual) posts out there that have garnered less attention. GG Interwebs.


I would suggest returning the game if you feel like you've been cheated. I totally know you won't though, because this is a dumb complaint.


Everything that has been presented by the side of the issue that's in agreement with the OP (at least from my part and most other posts Ive read) has been factual. You declairing it not factual or not valid does not make it so.


And we can't return the game. All online transactions of this kind in this type of games AFAIK are final. Which is also a bogus claim (that all sales need to be final even if you find fault with the product you purchased), but a whole different discussion.

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has been factual.


Sorry but that is in of itself not factual.


Because wither you like it or not, wither it's a valid reason or not, this is the way every subscription based MMO has worked since EQ and likely UO.


There have been times and cases where you could get a free trial or something along those lines and not have to put your CC in first, but those are the exceptions not the rules.


I have seen a Lot of people trying to claim otherwise.


But even then lets put that aside, because ultimately what other games have done doesn't mean this one is forced to do so.


However the irrefutable fact is that this game does require you to enter some sort of payment option when you set up your account. Be it a CC, ATM, Prepaid card, game time card or paypal account.


If you want to play the game you must do that, no matter how you feel about it, that's how it works here, and at this point nothing you say is likely to change that.


This fact was clearly spelled out on the box itself, no one really can blame anyone but themselves if they were surprised about it because the information was there.

Edited by VanorDM
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Free game client download trials are not the same as 30 day free with sub. Swtor currently doesn't have a game trial download. Also every game i have played since 2004 works the same way as swtor.


I bought Champions Online back before it was F2P and the only way to get it was by buying it and subscribing later, and while they apparently had a similar process that required you to set up a subscription plan, I submited a support ticket and they activated my game without requiring me to setup one. It was this way for many people, and some would QQ about it in the forums, but those that submited the support ticket got their game activated without setting any of this stuff up.


I also bought EQ 1 and didn't played only with my retail copy without setting up any payment plan (I didnt even have a CC or paypal account then, and I never bough a game card or even played the game for more than two weeks or so)




Have your parents help if you guys are having trouble.


...of the mark assumption :rolleyes:

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Everybody does it, you're mistaking first month free with free trial.


first month free requires purchase, free trial doesnt. if you want free trial, come back in a year or two.


Fact is...tenth of the box was covered with capital size letters saying "REQUIRES ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION TO PLAY" if you didnt understand what that ment, you have your own inexperience to blame.


we all know it requires an active sub to play. It is a subed based game. And no, im not confusing it with a free trial, I said it is like one. When you purchase the game, it comes with 30 days free. The fact that in order to use those free days you must first set up a sub is a shady tactic. Yes..everyone does it..that doesn't mean it is a good tactic. It is aimed at taking full advantage of the consumer. The fact that you can sub, then immediately unsub negates the whole, "you have to do this to play" anyway scheme your saying because when you cancel, you dont have an active sub anymore. Just your 30 days.


It is a tactic aimed as taking advantage of their client base. Nothing more.


I have my own cards, and I did sub, I have been playing. That does not mean I agree or support the tactic they use, and would like to see it changed.

Edited by xRydisx
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Because wither you like it or not, wither it's a valid reason or not, this is the way every subscription based MMO has worked since EQ and likely UO.






See my post above when I mention EQ. I think I mentioned it somewhere else as well. Though, the game (EQ) had been around for a while at that time, so who knows if it had gotten to the point you could play without setting anything up at that time.


If you want to play the game you must do that, no matter how you feel about it, that's how it works here, and at this point nothing you say is likely to change that.


I realize that, and even submited my CC info already. I'm just arguing for the principle of the thing at this point. Which might seem silly to some, but I believe that that is part of the purpose of these boards--to provide costumer feedback (and why you feel the way you do). That's all Im doing at this point.

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I bought Champions Online back before it was F2P and the only way to get it was by buying it and subscribing later, and while they apparently had a similar process that required you to set up a subscription plan, I submited a support ticket and they activated my game without requiring me to setup one. It was this way for many people, and some would QQ about it in the forums, but those that submited the support ticket got their game activated without setting any of this stuff up.


I also bought EQ 1 and didn't played only with my retail copy without setting up any payment plan (I didnt even have a CC or paypal account then, and I never bough a game card or even played the game for more than two weeks or so)






...of the mark assumption :rolleyes:


Funny I started with EQ and eqoa and had to set up a sub to play with my 30 days free. /cheers to Champions tho liked that game :D

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I'm just arguing for the principle of the thing at this point.


I respect that, and might even agree with you. For me I fully plan on playing this game for some time and so I set up my sub right away so I wouldn't have to worry about it.


My objection is to people who say that the requirement is somehow putting a unnecessary and meaningful burden on them. Because there's a ton of options for payment in this game.


Maybe there is a better way to do it, but Bioware is not being unreasonable or unethical in doing it the way they are.

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Funny I started with EQ and eqoa and had to set up a sub to play with my 30 days free.


I suppose its different for different people. Perhaps I got in late in the game. Im sure it had been around for at least one or two years by the time I tried it.


/cheers to Champions tho liked that game :D


My main MMO. Have a LTS there. Best character customization MMO to this date :D

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I work for Sky, they give out 3month half price deals on movies etc. because they know a good 70% of people either forget to call in and cancel or cant be bothered, so they just keep them. At least for 1 extra month. You work out what 2mil people's 1 month subscription totals out at...


Same thing here.

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Why is this thread still being discussed? Of course a company that has spent millions is going to try to make some money, I dont blame them.. They have delivered a good product and if you dont think so cancel your sub now and ****... End of Discussion please!!!!!
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It's standard business and smart practice. It verifies the player has a way to sub the game, which is required. It prevents downtime and confusion when the 30 days expire. It gives bw a chance to retain some of the people that only planned to play the 30 days. If at any point anyone doesn't want to play, or wants to cancel their sub for any reason, they can do that, and finish playing the time they have if they choose to.
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Also when is the last time that Any high up person from Blizzard has taken time to thank anyone...... Bioware cares about its consumers and they have shown it the past few days with messages from the big dogs like this one





Blizzard cares about its products, why do you think there are constant hotfixes/patches in wow/sc2?

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Many, but not all, MMO companies do this. And until someone drags them to court over this fraudulent practice, it will not change. Not surprisingly, it is mostly U.S. companies that do this. In Europe they are one foot in jail for false advertising.


It is bad business practice any ways since most Europeans do not have a credit card and do not like paypal. But if losing money is what Bioware likes to to, more power to them. I have subscribed and subsequently canceled my subscription. Not sure I'll resubscribe just because of this mistreatment.

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Dont see anyone forcing anyone to do anything. Free will. Free will :)


Yeah, just don't play the game you already payed $60+ for if you don't like having to setup a subscription plan, or potentially pay extra for a time card. No one is forcing you :rolleyes:


Many, but not all, MMO companies do this. And until someone drags them to court over this fraudulent practice, it will not change. Not surprisingly, it is mostly U.S. companies that do this. In Europe they are one foot in jail for false advertising.


It is bad business practice any ways since most Europeans do not have a credit card and do not like paypal. But if losing money is what Bioware likes to to, more power to them. I have subscribed and subsequently canceled my subscription. Not sure I'll resubscribe just because of this mistreatment.


Where we have been conditioned to let big companies to walk all over us and call all the shots. Capitalism is the American way. Be a patriot and don't question businesses having the upper hand in dealings with their clients.

Edited by VisionStorm
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I'm going to play SW:TOR, because I enjoy it, but with that in mind...


I'm tired of people falsely stating that MMORPGs like WoW, Rift, or old EQ, forced you to buy a subscription before being allowed to play your free 30 days. Sure, they DID ask you to provide credit info, but NONE of them actually forced you to buy game time and forbid you from playing your first 30 day period if you didn't.


The 14-days for free many are offering now are a different beast entirely, and has only added to their count of gold-spammers.


First of all the statements are not false I was there at WoW launch and guess what? I was going to use time cards to pay but still had to input a CC and choose a sub to log in. I then cancelled the sub and deleted the CC info.


Second of all who forced you to buy anything? Only thing I see on my CC is a pending 1 dollar charge from Swtor.com which as anyone knows is just a verification amount and will just sit in pending and never be processed it's just a hold.

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well..if you can cancel your subscription, and still play..then obviously an active sub is "not" required to play this game.


Since it's pay before you play you have an active subscription. The 30 free days counts for your active subscription. What people continually gloss over is that it says on the package and on the FAQs that you need a valid credit card or game time card to play. This was known information before you were required to pay for the game. If you didn't see it then you're uninformed consumer. Be glad you learned this lesson with someone so inexpensive and perhaps you'll be more careful with larger purchases.

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your mistaking me for someone that has this issue. I do not, I have an active sub and have paid set up for 3 months. I dont plan to change it. That doesn't me I like or support the method of practice they are using.


Simply saying, if you can sub and unsub immediately and still play with your 30 days that came with your purchase, then its the same as waiting till your 30 days are up to sub to begin with. The fact that take this choice from you is simply a ploy to entice commitment first and hope some people forget.


It is like going to a car dealership, ad them asking you to sign that you will buy the car before you even get down into the financial department for percentage rates% and total monthly cost. It is a shady practice, and yes many do it, but that doesn't mean we support it or think it shouldn't change.

Edited by xRydisx
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