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  1. To answer the thread title I think most of us left for different reasons. Me personally it was due to my RL friend and the people we played wow with sorta being jerks. He and I rolled on a server and told the folks we played with in wow the server name. They were frikkin babies and cried the queue time was too long (the longest I'd had at launch on Drooga's was like 25 minutes). So they rolled on another server to "get a feel for the game and would move when the lines got shorter". Needless to say my RL friend rolled a toon on that server to help them learn the ropes, they had more time to play than I did and naturally they levelled quickly so didn't want to move but wanted me to start over (I had hit ~39 at that point) and since I levelled slow I was not about to start over when we'd made it clear the server to roll on in the first place. So they wouldn't switch, my RL friend tried to split his time between grouping with me and them and playing WoW with them (None of them ever cancelled their wow accounts). So a lot of the time I was playing solo. I had joined a guild but a lot of those folks left after one month or two, so when my 6 month sub was up I cancelled. Did I enjoy the game? Yes Would I have stayed if I'd managed to find an active guild I enjoyed being in? Yes So that was my issue, needing an active guild that could handle a casual player.
  2. Actually the game doesn't need to butcher physics. http://www.cracked.com/article_19668_6-scientific-discoveries-that-laugh-in-face-physics.html
  3. My guess is it is your rig. You do know that hardware is not the end all be all of your system right? You have a ton of crap running in the background it can do it, you have certain AV software or firewalls running it can do it, if you run through a router and your router is goofy it can do it. A perfect example was a post in another thread on this. The guy worked for a company that provides PCs for events. Out of 16 identical pcs, IE all had the exact same brand/model video card, ram, mobo/cpu, OS version, two of them ran SWTOR sucky and the rest ran it fine. What did he finally realise? The two that ran it sucky were the two the owner used as his personal pcs between jobs. So SOMETHING the owner had installed on those PCs didn't get along with SWTOR.
  4. You posted this AFTER the servers came back up so why you are crying is beyond me but if you are what you claim then you very well know there are sometimes things called EMERGENCY maintenance. I worked in the gaming industry years ago...guess what we sometimes had hardware start showing signs of failing during the day. We'd see if we couldn't let it go until the fewest numbers were in game. Then boom server is down for emergency maintenance. In some cases that maintenance took almost a full day becaue we had to restore the server HD from a ghost image, replace other items that were also faulty or appeared to be faulty etc. EDIT: And also let me point out if we discovered a dupe bug etc the servers went down the MINUTE the patch was done wether it was prime time for anyone or not. At least BW seems to still be rolling out dupe/exploit fixes when the FEWEST number are effected.
  5. While the end may be the same, the story in the middle changes, different titles may be gained, etc etc. I'll give you an example of how things are different. A friend of mine was playing a sith as was the person he was playing with, they were in the same room and one of them talked to a quest person before the other. In one case one had khem val or whatever the "monster" looking companion is out and the npc says something along the lines of "who's the monster?", my friend didn't have his out and the npc says something like "Where's your companion?" I've done quest dialouge where I've had Kaliyo out and she comments on the conversation, if she's not out the dialouge is a bit different.
  6. Actually you have a good point, which is why it's stressed in programming classes now days to notate your work, comment your code blocks as to what they are for, etc. I recall back in the day there being a problem with an mmo where the main coders left/were fired. They had some major issues when the new coders added new features with it breaking things. It was well know in the industry and I doubt any dev allows that to happen any more. The programmer actually said I'm the only one that knows my code you can't afford to fire me. But most companies now see that as not a team player, fire them, and have someone figure out and comment the code.
  7. OMG how hard is it for you EU players to understand that the times chosen are when the LEAST amount of customers BOTH EU AND US are affected?!?! It doesn't matter if you are a student, wealthy with no responsibilities, work nights etc etc. There are US customers that work nights so their "days" off are ones where they get up around 8pm then after doing what they need to do they sit down to play at around 11pm and they get bumped on the maintenance. Right now there's 55 STANDARD population, 35 HEAVY and 1 VERY HEAVY EU servers. This is on a WEEKEND so at ~2:30 pm CET on a weekend there's less heavy servers. That means during the work week the numbers WILL be lower. So I'd say this just proves that during the day during the week IS a low population time for the EU.
  8. Not to mention that 7:30AM CST means it's only 8:30AM EST and 5:30AM PST so most of the US players will still be asleep. And it's hmm 2:30 PM in CET so maybe we can use this thread as proof for all the EU whaaa whaa you do maintenance during the day that it's not a heavy population during the day
  9. Actually it would take longer than 15 seconds because A) Mods are not fonts of knowledge of all things game change related and B) they'd need an official oked response, which would mean finding out what department would handle it, then finding out who removed it and why, then getting a public statement written to express here. Now with that said I think you probably just misclicked. I know there are two options on HUTTA either fleet or the HUTTA Oribtal Station, click on HOS and you get that same message.
  10. Stop spreading BS I see anywhere between 40 and 80 in most of the places I go that are instanced, my friend on his sith has seen around 300, I've seen over 100 when I rolled a sith, and I've seen instances so full I couldn't enter them Also keep in mind for the game to continue and to be profitable most MMOs only NEED between 350k to 500k subs. If they sold over a million copies that means they need between a 35 to 50% retention rate, again a figure well within the norm for most MMOs.
  11. You will pay MORE for a "F2P" microtransaction game than you ever will with a sub based game. Don't believe me? Just think about it..oh look here's a new armor item that's really good but umm dang they want 5 bucks for it...ok well it's five bucks, three days later a new 5 dollar weapon is out, a few days later a 10 dollar content pack, a few days later maybe a new faster mount etc etc
  12. IMO YES I'm having fun no I haven't been rushing my main is lvl 30 I have an alt level 13 (yes yes I know all about the missing out on legacy xp thing)... They are fixing bugs one of the most complained about they found the problem with and are putting back in in 1.1 and that's AA. They've already fixed FPS issues for some people, is it everyone? No but they found one cause and fixed it which did fix it for some. That's the problem with bugs and the diversity of PC hardware sometimes multiple things can cause it and you think it's fixed then find it's only fixed for some. They are adding 4 new raid bosses and other content with 1.1 and the game hasn't been out a month yet. I am having fun with the game, think it's worth it, and warn you to not rush to 50 because people that did that are the ones complaining the most they can't find groups because the majority of players are in the low 40s atm I'd guess since they said a couple of weeks ago most were just getting into the 30s.
  13. The main thing I think people aren't following is MOST mmos have not done a simple LFG tool they've done a CROSS-SERVER LFG tool. The CROSS-SERVER LFG is what ruins communities. Before you say bull consider this, I played MMOs from early on and usually you'd TALK to the people around you, talk in group, if someone in the group wasn't doing so good and you had a character that class or someone in your guild was that class you'd ask them in tells if they'd like some pointers. Normally if asked nicely they'd say sure and you'd either give them some tips or get your guildie to talk to them for 5 minutes or so and normally would see some improvement. Often if the people you grouped with were competent or rough but willing to learn and nice not jerks they went on your friends list, or perhaps even get invites to guilds that way. Then along comes the 800 pound gorilla. No one really gets to know who they invite to guilds they just do mass invites to handle the large # of bodies needed content and continually invite to try and do the zerg the boss thing. LFG comes along cross-server and everyone rolls need on everything because what's it matter if someone on a different server thinks you're a ninjaing jerk? In fact right before I left wow I literally ended up doing 3 pugs where NO ONE said anything other than hi or go go go go. Because they all had the mentality of get it done as fast as possible! Gone are the days of learning a dungeon, having fun and just relaxing. Before Cross-Server LFG, back in EQ, you ninjaed or were a jerk and it got around to all the guilds and you COULDN'T do end game because no one would take you on the raids and no one would have you in their guild. A LFG tool for just your server I wouldn't have an issue with, but I do not want to ever see a cross-server LFG tool. I want people to realise even in a game there are consequences for being a jerk and acting like a spoiled brat.
  14. Ok in an attempt to get the correct information out there the number in the TOP LEFT of the UI IS NOT ALL THE PLAYERS TOTAL on a planet if there are instances. In other words if you are on HUTTA and look at your map and it says you are on HUTTA 2 the number in the top left is all the player ON HUTTA 2. Not all the players on HUTTA 1 and 2 but JUST Hutta 2. Also do you know if DnD effects that number? Because I don't. Finally if you don't believe me check for yourself. If you look at the number and are in a "Zone" 2 and you switch zones, assuming you can and the "Zone" 1 isn't full, the number WILL BE DIFFERENT. I know for a fact I couldn't even switch because Zone 1 was full the other night in the Sith starting area.
  15. You have no freedom of speech on private forums
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