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Share your greatest PVP victory stories


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This happened just the other night on ToFN, so hopefully some imps will see......:cool:


We started the CW match fairly well - capping grass and snow and holding our own at mid until they took it. Then they reinforced snow and just blew us away. I mean, they went through the 4 or so that were there like a hot knife through butter. The battle was over at that point, though the match had barely begun.


What came next was a slaughter, on top of a massacre. Soon they had us trapped on the spawn and it was instant death to jump down, even in numbers. Unless, like me, you're a stealthy shadow:D


I slipped into invisibility and crept past the battle line towards midpoint. No one noticed, so intent were they on the bloodletting. I could barely believe it when I reached the node unopposed. Neither could the imps when they saw the node switch colour.


From that point on I barely drew my sabre. It was a constant battle just to stay alive, leaping in and out of stealth to interrupt and mez, stun, nudge or do anything I could to interrupt them while my teamates threw themselves into the meatgrinder at mid. I was a true Shadow .. never engaging directly, always slipping into the action from the unexpected angle to stop our foe progressing.


And somehow - through my constant harassment and my team's selfless, repeated, bloody-minded sacrifices -we made it. We had held mid and grass despite overwhelming odds! Then the counter ticked over that magic halfway point. We could win with one node!


We fell back, leaving them to capture mid as we mounted a last stand at Grass against the full might of the imps. But something had changed. Their attack, so unremitting at the start of the match, was disjointed and patchy. We held firm. Their will had been broken. Before the round was over, they had been defeated.


Never had victory been so sweet. :rak_03:

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This happened just the other night on ToFN, so hopefully some imps will see......:cool:


We started the CW match fairly well - capping grass and snow and holding our own at mid until they took it. Then they reinforced snow and just blew us away. I mean, they went through the 4 or so that were there like a hot knife through butter. The battle was over at that point, though the match had barely begun.


What came next was a slaughter, on top of a massacre. Soon they had us trapped on the spawn and it was instant death to jump down, even in numbers. Unless, like me, you're a stealthy shadow:D


I slipped into invisibility and crept past the battle line towards midpoint. No one noticed, so intent were they on the bloodletting. I could barely believe it when I reached the node unopposed. Neither could the imps when they saw the node switch colour.


From that point on I barely drew my sabre. It was a constant battle just to stay alive, leaping in and out of stealth to interrupt and mez, stun, nudge or do anything I could to interrupt them while my teamates threw themselves into the meatgrinder at mid. I was a true Shadow .. never engaging directly, always slipping into the action from the unexpected angle to stop our foe progressing.


And somehow - through my constant harassment and my team's selfless, repeated, bloody-minded sacrifices -we made it. We had held mid and grass despite overwhelming odds! Then the counter ticked over that magic halfway point. We could win with one node!


We fell back, leaving them to capture mid as we mounted a last stand at Grass against the full might of the imps. But something had changed. Their attack, so unremitting at the start of the match, was disjointed and patchy. We held firm. Their will had been broken. Before the round was over, they had been defeated.


Never had victory been so sweet. :rak_03:



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Just yesterday, I had an unexpected match.


I was playing on my alt marauder, who hit 55 like few days ago. So he isn't all that well geared. I got Voidstar warzone and started off as defenders. The first min, they planted a bomb. Luckily, I managed to disarm it. A minute later, they managed to plant a bomb and break through. We were dying a lot and fast. On the second area, I was able to stop few bomb arming at the last second. My fight was basically like this, go down, stop whatever I could, bruise the healer with whatever health left, then die. Rinse and repeat. We managed to hold them off like that till the time ended.


When we were attackers. Someone was able to plant a bomb on the other side at the second minute, and I rushed in with speed buff to open the bridge. We focused the right side, while someone sneaked to the otherside and planted before more people showed up. Giving us an unexpected fast win. They had at least 30 kills each, while we had barely 15 at max.

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Maybe this one


We got destroyed, but once I denied them capping their node solo for at least a minute till some of my teammates arrived and no could cap their node. And in the second last cycle I solo capped their node against one defender and I could defend it with the help of some of my team. The last cycle we were just guarding our note and would probably still have lost but few of them tried to zerg us and we got a few kills. We won only with five points despite the fact we once held 1-0 nodes and one time double capped them.

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maybe this one


we got destroyed, but once i denied them capping their node solo for at least a minute till some of my teammates arrived and no could cap their node. And in the second last cycle i solo capped their node against one defender and i could defend it with the help of some of my team. The last cycle we were just guarding our note and would probably still have lost but few of them tried to zerg us and we got a few kills. We won only with five points despite the fact we once held 1-0 nodes and one time double capped them.


holy!!! Never seen it so close before!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a couple the past 2 days. CW where we got the 2nd turret again with 2% left with a zerg click on the console and they had 12%. Won by 2%


Today, was in AH where my team was down and getting their *** kicked the first round by death feeding. Slowly started making a come back at some point but needed both nodes. I had a nice sin vs shadow fight (stall) defending our "home" when I finally saw we captured the other turret. Thought I was going down after I got stunned and was unable to stun him again yet from my sap stalling, then the alarm started going off and we won right at that last second.



Was actually having fun again.

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Totally forgot to subscribe to this thread, but found it again thanks to Sangrar. I love these kinds of threads as well, since it's nice to hear something positive once in a while.


So... sorry for a retelling of the same story (I shared it on another thread, but one of my favorites would have to be the one I was in yesterday. All week long, the groups I've been in have been getting stomped repeatedly, and my plans to level a combat sentinel purely through PvP has turned out to be rather painful. I haven't kept track, but I'd guess my record from Tuesday through Thursday was likely around 2-16 or thereabouts. The worst part, though, was the constant negativity in the WZ chats. People complaining about how much everyone sucked, profanity-laden insults, etc. I finally lost it on my last match Thursday night and told the main offender (who coincidentally didn't do squat during the match himself) that screaming at everyone wasn't helping and maybe he might try offering some help instead of the "YOU GUYS ALL SUCK! LEARN TO PLAY!" treatment.


Friday night rolls around, I'm starting up my daily, and it occurs to me that maybe I ought to put my money where my mouth is. So... NC opens and I go guard east (I'm paranoid, and don't trust others to do it). Three other pubs come with me, and I mentioned we don't need four guards. Took a while, but they eventually got the point (by which time we were down 100-70), but then they headed south. Someone made a comment that "we're spread out all over the place, like usual" a short while later, and I open the map to see three guys heading east and everyone else south. I made the comment that splitting up was a guaranteed loss, and one of the three headed south. Shortly after that, I notice we're down 100-50, and I asked everyone to please zerg south.


And they did. We took south down 100-26, and as I see a couple people start to peel off to go west, I asked the group to forget west, to defend south and east. Mentioned I was a squishy 15, and one guy came to help.


Shortly after, east was attacked (no suprise) on three separate occasions, with the last one a zerg, and each time, when I called for help, I got it, and what's more, I got an appropriate amount. To the call of "1 e" and "2," I got three helpers who immediately headed back south after the threat was gone. When the zerg rush came, someone else called out, "everyone east, 2 stay south," and we held them off for quite some time (I actually died twice and we fought them off as I was getting to the node the third time.


Overall, I didn't do too terribly well (although I got the #1 spot on objectives, I was 4th from the bottom on damage), but it was an amazing feeling to realize that we were able to work together and pull out a win from what easily could have been a 100-0 stomping.


Coincidentally, although I only played three matches last night, I tried the same thing on the next two matches, with a very similar result, and went 3-0. Ran into a couple PUGs who got really upset that someone was trying to direct, but the way I figure it, they're easy enough to ignore and we won anyway.


Oh, and on a personal note, I am just now remembering another awesome (for me) PvP story. On Belsavis last week, playing my 47 watchman sent (with no augments - I just realized today why they're important) gets ganked by a level 50 shortly after finishing a mob encounter. I'm down to about 80% health, thinking I'm done for, and irritated that the guy couldn't give me a sporting chance and wait for me to get to 100%. One advantage for me, though; PvE content pre-Makeb is so laughably easy for me with Doc that I never used my defensive CDs. Ended up stomping the guy. Wasn't even close.


For a guy who just started PvP two months ago and who got stomped in Age of Conan by a guy five levels below me, as I was standing still trying to target him with my mouse, this particular encounter was amazingly awesome.

Edited by georgemattson
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Not sure about greatest victory but I recently got to 1 vs 1 a sin for the victory in an Arena. 1 vs 1'es in Arena are IMO not particulary common because it usually ends with 4 VS 1. Actually, this game was initially me VS 3 but the other two were so low that they both died in a deathfield.


Anyhow, we were both on full or almost full health and thank God it was ranked because I'm usually not specced madness when I get Arena in normals. I think i would have been screwed on my normal hybrid but with madness he never had a chance to catch up to me so I still had full health when he went down. My team mates carried me on their shoulders around the fleet afterwards, as it should be. Ok, that last part was a lie.


Another funny Arena was when I was playing on lowbie operative (concealment) and I ended up 1 vs 4. The other team consisted of new players though so they didn't realize that they should avoid the acid it at the end and I won. One of the opponents was actually greatful that I clarified it to him afterwards.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Greatest victory was my greatest defeat. After terrible start I gave up and went to grass. Someone managed to ninja snow, and even though it was lost mins later these moments were just enough to capture mid, then hold it against great odds to win the game. So not only I was wrong in judgement, but had no fun and it was not because I was on a node.


There are good moments. They might not be extraordinary in description but playing through them is exciting. Bridge (boss), timed cc, knocking enemy into own goal line, being healed and protected at the last moment, getting owned from stealth, suicidal run after enemy healer .. stuff that happens perhaps in every in good match.

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On of my best PvP wins is when my team completed Voidstar as the attackers in less than four minutes. In round two as defenders the other team couldn't even make a dent in our defences. P.S: While I was using my sniper, Chisscheese, a Jedi shadow was circling around my back a few feet away, so I used ambush and right before it was about to fire she ran around to the front of my gun barrel and BAM the beam went right into her face point black lol. It looked hilarious!:D
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There were so many of them that i cannot even remember them all... from the last 2v4 solo ranked arena. 1 guy dced other decided to quit. So me and other random shadow were left alone even before match started. so we went in vs op heal +3 smashers, cced 2 smashers and nuked healer. smashers used their ccbreakers and rushed on us, Healer was struggling and we had to use all cd to survive, to finish him we even had to use cloak (although i was realising by doing that i leave no chance to escape) to refresh our burst and finish him. But suddenly idea comes to my mind and somehow his and we both with like 5-10% hp we simultaneously used marks and were losing until got out of combat (orbital station). then heal up > wait for cd > double cc > focus dmg on 1guy, again they used cc breakers, 1 guy goes down > mark out > refresh and finish last 2.

It was very awesome performance but most awesome of it was that we were doing everything exactly the same as 1 mind ^_^ i have never seen that guy before or after... ever... i guess it was a shadow of my Shadow sent by devs to win :D

Edited by Assillius
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This is not a victory as such, but it's one of the funniest I remember.


Pre: We have a player on my server who is a bit disappointed people don't know how to use maps.


Node guard: "Grass 1"

Pro-Map Player: "Which grass are you referring to?"


<Whereupon he starts a 5-minute long immensely funny chat session about different types of grass that might be on the map. Types of grass that thrives in permafrost too, winking at east turret. All in the name of hard science>


Whole ops team can't but laugh at his antics.


And then he ends the whole session with: "Oh, you meant WEST 1?"


We lost, but damn that was funny match.

Edited by vennian
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Had a couple the past 2 days. CW where we got the 2nd turret again with 2% left with a zerg click on the console and they had 12%. Won by 2%


Today, was in AH where my team was down and getting their *** kicked the first round by death feeding. Slowly started making a come back at some point but needed both nodes. I had a nice sin vs shadow fight (stall) defending our "home" when I finally saw we captured the other turret. Thought I was going down after I got stunned and was unable to stun him again yet from my sap stalling, then the alarm started going off and we won right at that last second.



Was actually having fun again.


yeah I always love the close matches, more exciting and more medals :D

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I wouldn't really call it a victory because I don't remember if we won or not. I already have my sniper Chisscheese, so I was trying to get to level 11 in PvP with my new operative so the Que put me into civil war. We were all trying to attack and cap mid when I saw three enemies standing in a triangle formation, so I threw a frag grenade into the midst of them and when it exploded, it took out all three of them at once lol. Not bad for a level 11.:D
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Here is one: on my assassin I was in the lowbie pvp bracket playing huttball. It had been a surprisingly good match, unlike many lowbie matches, both teams knew what they were doing and were good enough to the point that time was almost up and NO ONE HAD SCORED! One minute left, I kill the enemy ball carrier. In a rush of adrenaline I rush through the ramps, 45 seconds a gunslinger goes my way, but before she enters cover I use overload and throw her off the ramps. 30 seconds left I am getting hit, now by several ranged players, but I get to the bottom of the ramp, force speed, and score with 22 seconds to spare! The whole team is wowed by what I did and I get most of the MVP votes that match, and I and breathing heavy myself because I could not believe I had just done that! It was my greatest Huttball moment yet
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Not that there's a lot to share, but I did have a recent Huttball match where I scored a goal (baby steps, after all). I was playing a lvl 15 combat sentinel, which was my fourth sentinel character (a 55 & 54 pub along with a 23 annihilation mara came first, before someone convinced me to try another spec). I don't recall if we won or lost (I think we won), but the high point for me was finding myself on one of the ramps close to the goal line, with the ball carrier down in the pit. I could see a group of opponents in the queue, waiting to re-spawn when the ball came to me. Three of them jumped and slowed me, my health was going down like crazy, and I figured I had about 2-3 GCDs before I'd die 10m away from the goal line. Previously, I'd used GBTF to make it in a similar situation, along with my CC breaker, but Resolute was still on CD and I didn't have GBTF yet.


Luckily, there was one guy who dropped down right into the goal line, and I force leaped onto him and got the goal. What made it even more awesome was that the other three stopped hitting me for some reason, I popped a medpac, and I managed to take out the one guy I leaped on before his buddies killed me.


Par for the course for a lot of the better PvP-ers out there, I know, but I was pretty impressed with myself as it was a big improvement in my gameplay.

Edited by georgemattson
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On defense

We had made it to the final room on attack but couldnt get the door to the datacron

So it came to our turn to hold, we did terrible on first door but some how manged to hold then before the bridge long enough, then the 3rd door we held them too

We got to the fence with the three seperate terminals. if they got a term it was game over and they win

The team fought hard and we dropped, then I was the only one left and time was ticking

They had the advantage, and one guy went for the closest terminal I managed to block, and down the end the team seemed to be heading towards the far terminal

They had enough time to get it, and i was in combat with the Powertech at the closest term, while the rest of the team was locked out. I managed to slowly break free and head for the group, and force jumped into the group breaking their plant.

Their whole group then killed me but I stopped them from getting the gate, and giving us the win!

Heroic Sacrifice

Looking back, i felt that i needed to say something epic in the air as i jumped to them to solidify my match winning moment

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After almost 2 years of playing this game, I joined a Voidstar match last weekend as a backfill right at the END. I managed to complete my daily, my weekly and grab 140 coms for doing sweet FA.


It;s taken me 2 years but the wait was finally over for joining a winning/won match.

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Not really a great match overall, was pretty one sided but was fun nonetheless.


PUGing regular warzones on my sin. Got NC. Imp vs Imp. I always try to figure out just what my team might be thinking. Right away I notice we have 3 at the door to head west and 4 at the door to head south. So, I decide I will go south and hurry around to see if I can sap their healer before they even get to the melee.


Gates drop and I hightail it around the back of the south bunker, and as I do, I notice there is no enemy heading easy and one lone jug realizes this half way to south and breaks away to head east. I change my plan and pursue expecting 2 of my teammates to be heading that way and east looks like it might be a gimme.


Catch up to him and sap. Couple seconds in and my team starts to cap and the Jug must have started to panic and uses his CC break, so I sap him again and head up to east to defend any other possible approachers. Sure enough, we then have east and west.


Now; it's not easy to defend the far node in NC, but the plan then becomes to just hold out as long as you can as a distraction and eventually they have to send enough away from south to where south is then possibly vulnerable. I set up for this by placing phasewalk behind the hutt. Here comes the enemy, at least 5 of them and hard.


They took out all but me and an operative healer and they start trying to spam cap. I then start running around using the much maligned and hilarious lacerate coupled with overload to interrupt as many as possible and throwing out taunts whenever they are off cooldown and hitting all my DCDs whenever I could Got close once; hit phase walk, but ran right back in knowing my healer is still there, but it gave just enough of a break to where I could get a heal in.


Wasn't long into that my team had south so now we control all 3 nodes. I could have abandoned and ran off to defend but we were doing good. The other team either failed to focus the healer that was with me, or found it less effective as I taunted, or maybe I was just plain annoying with my interrupts so they just focused on me, but we lasted the entire match. The node was about 3/4 of the way turned but never capped (Can't lacerate forever, have to get force back up at times)


It was comical, I guess. But it was fun.

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After almost 2 years of playing this game, I joined a Voidstar match last weekend as a backfill right at the END. I managed to complete my daily, my weekly and grab 140 coms for doing sweet FA.


It;s taken me 2 years but the wait was finally over for joining a winning/won match.


yeah got to love it when someone mistakenly thinks the team is going to lose the match, leaves, and in the end the team wins instead, every time that I am backfilled into a match because someone left mistakenly thinking we would lose and instead we end up winning, I laugh.

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A recent one that I would put up there (not certain I have an all time favorite) that happened last week on Voidstar. Im running with a guildmate (yes just 1) and I do the sniper roll past the defenders at east and they dont notice me. I plant and drop orbital. Door pops and we run to the bridge and the PT Im running with gets the bridge,so I roll and run across (since the opposing side is still playing in the hallway) and plant. After the door pop it auto ended because they all rage quit. It was 8v8. I had never seen 8 people rage quit in a WZ before.It was also the first round. Edited by Ravenschild
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