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I Leave Warzones


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If Bioware is too lazy to match teams better, I am too lazy to put up with the **** they call pvp unless it's in my favor. Because if it's not in my favor, it's generally a steamroll ... also known as a complete waste of time.


It's honestly boring as hell when you are the buzzsaw too.


quality > quantity.

Edited by azmundai
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I try not to leave Wz's. I have if it has been a long day of getting steam rolled while playing with people who don't understand basic WZ strategy. But that is more for my own blood pressure. I have on numerous occasions joined losing wz's that we end up winning. It is a free country and there is no penalty so do what you will. Some of the maps are not my favorite but again, I will do them.
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Some people are followers and others are leaders. Office workers always complain about what the company does for them with out really going out on a limb to do anything past the in out box on their desk. Try working on giving good advice in a way that people use it. A leaders does not blame others for not listening they blame themselves for not setting an example others will follow. If you feel that they are all %&*$#, you are entitled to your opinion, but you are not a leader. Remember metaphor for followers is sheep.
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If Bioware is too lazy to match teams better, I am too lazy to put up with the **** they call pvp unless it's in my favor. Because if it's not in my favor, it's generally a steamroll ... also known as a complete waste of time.


It's honestly boring as hell when you are the buzzsaw too.


quality > quantity.


you can match your own team yourself, tailored to your own particular tastes. it's called GROUPING WITH FRIENDS


oh wait, people who start these kinds of threads dont have any friends

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I wasted the best part of 2 hours jumping in and out of Arena Qs (I refuse to play them but that's all that seemed to pop for me last night) then in one lvl 55 pvp match, came across a Mara with a LEVEL SEVEN green Lightsaber......


Their valour rank was low, which clearly says that they don't pvp much or have the brain capacity to pvp because the bomb was planted behind them within 45 seconds on voidstar. And people wonder why other quit warzones? You can't teach common sense.

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I test out warzones. After a minute or two you can usually tell whether it will be an interesting and even warzone or a steamroll. I tend to leave steamrolls as they are usually a waste of time. Edited by vennian
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I test out warzones. After a minute or two you can usually tell whether it will be an interesting and even warzone or a steamroll. I tend to leave steamrolls as they are usually a waste of time.


steamroll = lose fast and get loser comms


put up half a fight = lose slow and get loser comms


put up a good fight = win and get winner comms


so you leave unless you're certain you'll win i take it? you must leave more than you finish, and that to me seems like the biggest waste of warzone time of all.

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steamroll = lose fast and get loser comms


Steamroll = utterly mindnumblingly boring and a WASTE OF TIME! It has nothing to do with comms. I don't care about comms. I play to have fun. Steamroll has everything to do with that I feel like WASTING MY TIME. So I leave.


And stop using strawman arguments.

Edited by vennian
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steamroll = lose fast and get loser comms


put up half a fight = lose slow and get loser comms


put up a good fight = win and get winner comms


so you leave unless you're certain you'll win i take it? you must leave more than you finish, and that to me seems like the biggest waste of warzone time of all.

There;s a difference between losing through stupidity and losing because the better team won. And the guy you quoted is right. You can get a feeling how a warzone will pan out 90% of the time because a good side, will ALWAYS mark healers and focus them, a good side will always call inc, watch doors etc etc.


Bads never do this and if you hear 'an enemy is unbeatable' x8 inside 1 minute, you know that your team havent the brain capacity to mark/take down a healer.

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I dont like quitters, but I would rather have quitters that leave, than quitters that stay. Makes no sense to me why someone would give up and not do anything. Giving up, and not playing objectives I can understand, giving up and just sitting at a node/endzone/spawn is boring as hell.


But I agree smash needs moar crit, 100% just aint cutting it.

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I keep trying till the end, giving out suggestions to the team to see if we progress. If we still fail, then so be it. I don't expect much from pugs, but I try to make the most out of it. I don't like quitters.


Moreover, if you want something done right, try to do it yourself. Such as node guarding. If you are good at it, don't leave someone with low gear/experience do it. You CAN make a difference :).





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It does tend to get a bit tedious.


1 - only I can sit on the node


2 - only I can guard the healer


3 - only I can solo that sniper


4 - only i can grab the huttball, but also


5 - only i can PASS the huttball, which leads to a paradox, because


6 - only I can catch the huttball


etc etc. Just gotta pick something and do your best at whatever it is. If the team fails at least you know it wasn't your own fault.

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It does tend to get a bit tedious.


1 - only I can sit on the node


2 - only I can guard the healer


3 - only I can solo that sniper


4 - only i can grab the huttball, but also


5 - only i can PASS the huttball, which leads to a paradox, because


6 - only I can catch the huttball


etc etc. Just gotta pick something and do your best at whatever it is. If the team fails at least you know it wasn't your own fault.


What if I were to tell you that you can both pass and catch the ball as leaping class, or by getting saged pull.

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last week end, in a pug pop, i asked in opps channel any healer, no reply and there was a group of 4 from same guild they all left basically saying they not wasting there time. got 4 replacements and it was one of the best pvp games i ever had, no winnder decided till last seconds, my team faught hard, and the enermy gave as good as we gave. we won it in end, but to be honest if i have a game like that it dont matter to me if its a win or loss as long as its a good close fight. i hate games where we steamroll and i hate games where i get steamrolled but u wont ever know which way a game will go just by examining ya team in waiting area.


i always give any team benifit of doubt and do my absolute best sometimes yeah its a nightmare but alot of times im plensently surprised by some pugs i thought on inspection wud be aweful.


stay, leave i dont care what anyone does, but what i hate is when all 8 of u standing in waiting area, gets to 5,4,3,2 and bamm people start leaving, thats what i hate coz that happens at that point will normally guarentee that will be a aweful game coz at start ya people down, just wish those that leave just leave instead of waiting for start of game and ruining mine and others fun with next to zero chance of winning.

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I'm glad that people like you quit, because I'd rather take the chance of someone with more skill backfilling than just having players like you sit on our one node and QQ for 15 min. Because, let's face it - players that constantly bail at the first time of trouble are almost always scrubs. A lot of times, once the tools looking for easy wins quits, the team ends up getting better players and pulling out a win. Even if we lose, I'd still rather have the defeatest players get the hell out so that the people who want to play can actually, you know, play.


So players like you quitting? Win/Win really. Keep it up, champ. I hope they never give a deserter debuff.

Edited by Prisoner
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Just this morning (or last night for US) I was against a premade that had a healer and a bunch of sorcs, with no healers on ours all random and in awful gear, even my merc was sporting a new set of shells that I had yet to augment. and yet we dominated them, don't get me wrong we were getting butchered but determination was our ally. The moral of the story is don't count your bodies before they're dead.
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