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How old is your account?


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I don't remember clearly but I think it was early 2010. I had been following since 2008 or so but didn't decide to actually get an account until then.


In hindsight, considering how much good getting an account before the game launched did me (I didn't get into beta... oh sorry... game testing... until it became available to pretty much everyone), I probably should have waited much longer.

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I had an account on Day 1 the site went live...unfortunately I hated my screen name, and there was no way to change it (you know, like you can on every single other forum on the internet) so I created this account a couple years later. :mad:
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You really want to see how old/new someone is? Click on their avatar and then click the link in your address bar. That number at the end of the link, is the number in line they were when they signed up.


This account of mine was number 2536 to sign up for the website. Meaning I was the 2,536th person to sign up when it went live. My other account is even earlier than that!

Edited by Holocron
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