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Sqaure-Enix did it....


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Galaxy Reborn : Star Wars - The Old Republic


Pls make this happen :[


Current state of the game seriously makes u wonder what the massive budget (beaten only by GTA V?) was spent on.


It was spent on the paychecks of Bioware Austin. They raked in the money, the Doctors said "we are out of here", EA bought the company, did an assessment, fired the majority of the incompetent and highly overpayed developers, managers, etc. Brought in a new inexperienced crew, led by the guy that brought you WarHammer Online, they failed. Moved to Free-to-Play to disguise the other problems, and to try and quiet the rising boo's of their investors -- raked in a boatload of cash --- and here we are. Questions?

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SE cares about their customers.


On a side note, people have spent a lot of money on this game and they'd be pissed off if their accounts were shut down. I'd gladly pay more money for a better version of this game but i'm not sure how other people would feel.


Except when it teleports players into space as punishment for protesting their actions....




Made it wasn't the CU/NGE that upset people but actions like this from CS reps.

Edited by StarMagus
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Final Fantasy XIV got horrible reviews.


TOR got reviews with a low end of 8/10, and a high of a perfect score.


Final Fantasy ARR got reviews hovering around an 8.


Doesn't seem like TOR has much space on the review side to improve, nor are its circumstances analogous to the ones of FF XIV.



So lets say TOR did a complete reboot.

Do we keep the combat system? Yeah the combat system is fine.


Do we keep voice acting and questing and the storylines? Yeah, people love the storylines and that's one of its primary differentiators.


Do we keep the achievement and rep systems? Yeah, people don't feel obliged to grind for them if they dislike the system, and there are people who enjoy the system.


Do we keep our current warzones and arenas? Yeah, there are people who enjoy each.



Now there are plenty of minor changes that can be made to improve what we have, but I'm struggling to see a change major enough to warrant rebuilding the game.


This right here sums it up.


And also because EA just simply wont put forth the money to do it.

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I have to agree with this. As long as people keep throwing money at them, there is no need for a rebuild.


I have to agree with you here. That's why I'm not renewing my subscription. However, it isn't because of content. I live in the country and have to use satellite internet. My latency runs about 700ms. So I do lag a lot as a result of this. However, a friend got me to try out Final Fantasy XIV and something amazing happened. I don't lag. You don't suppose it's because they use a better engine do you? Or maybe, just maybe, they know how to code better? I just hope SWTOR gets around to doing whatever it is that reduces the lag, I really like the new PvP zones/arenas.

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I have to agree with you here. That's why I'm not renewing my subscription. However, it isn't because of content. I live in the country and have to use satellite internet. My latency runs about 700ms. So I do lag a lot as a result of this. However, a friend got me to try out Final Fantasy XIV and something amazing happened. I don't lag. You don't suppose it's because they use a better engine do you? Or maybe, just maybe, they know how to code better? I just hope SWTOR gets around to doing whatever it is that reduces the lag, I really like the new PvP zones/arenas.


I have to say , game is not enjoyable at 250 ms lag or more .

Game is not enjoyable if fps is 20 or less .


But game looks awesome tough graphic wise everything on high .. And don't blaim you for not enjoying the game at 700 ms , where stuff just kills you even in PVE , before half your client side responses get trough .

Could be FFXIV has beter client server handling , instead of real time handling like swtor has now .

(anyway some patches they break it in swtor to have it refix later patch , to break it again >.< )

So your reason to dislike this game definetly holds true .

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I have to agree with you here. That's why I'm not renewing my subscription. However, it isn't because of content. I live in the country and have to use satellite internet. My latency runs about 700ms. So I do lag a lot as a result of this. However, a friend got me to try out Final Fantasy XIV and something amazing happened. I don't lag. You don't suppose it's because they use a better engine do you? Or maybe, just maybe, they know how to code better? I just hope SWTOR gets around to doing whatever it is that reduces the lag, I really like the new PvP zones/arenas.


I'm going to call ******** on your no lag in FFXIV because that game has worse lag than any other online game in existence.

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This **** again, seriously?


SE shut down FF becuase it was diabolical and most importantly because it is their ONLY IP, if they lost the FF crowd they are done as a company becuase they literally have nothing else to offer.


It was do or die for SE in every sense of the term.

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Anyone who thinks SWTOR needs a remake even close to as much as FF did obviously didn't play it at launch...FF was straight trash when it launched, SWTOR was a good game that largely didn't succeed because it's lack of innovation and failed expectations. It was MUCH MUCH better than FF originally, and there is not anywhere near the incentive to remake the game that square enix had.
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I have to agree with you here. That's why I'm not renewing my subscription. However, it isn't because of content. I live in the country and have to use satellite internet. My latency runs about 700ms. So I do lag a lot as a result of this. However, a friend got me to try out Final Fantasy XIV and something amazing happened. I don't lag. You don't suppose it's because they use a better engine do you? Or maybe, just maybe, they know how to code better? I just hope SWTOR gets around to doing whatever it is that reduces the lag, I really like the new PvP zones/arenas.


SWTOR has more front loaded information due to full scale voice acting. True on a sub-par computer and/or with poor ISP speeds you will not be able to handle what SWTOR has to offer. FF14 on the otherhand has a lot of reactionary packet transfers. You will feel the lag when you get into a even moderately populated area, where everyone is fighting. I will pity you in FF when you try to PvP, or raid. I would honestly kick my ISP to the curb if they didnt offer any high speed connections. Totally worth not having the frustration of lag, and high ping for 80 dollars monthly

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SWTOR has more front loaded information due to full scale voice acting. True on a sub-par computer and/or with poor ISP speeds you will not be able to handle what SWTOR has to offer. FF14 on the otherhand has a lot of reactionary packet transfers. You will feel the lag when you get into a even moderately populated area, where everyone is fighting. I will pity you in FF when you try to PvP, or raid. I would honestly kick my ISP to the curb if they didnt offer any high speed connections. Totally worth not having the frustration of lag, and high ping for 80 dollars monthly


Are you suggesting that they stream the voice acting in SWTOR? If so I have no idea what to say to that, if not then what does your first sentence mean.


If he is running 700ms at all times he is going to lag on any game there is. FFXIV might be better at hiding the issue, but he's getting over half a second of delay between everything he does. IMO, anything consistently over 100ms is painful.

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Are you suggesting that they stream the voice acting in SWTOR? If so I have no idea what to say to that, if not then what does your first sentence mean.


If he is running 700ms at all times he is going to lag on any game there is. FFXIV might be better at hiding the issue, but he's getting over half a second of delay between everything he does. IMO, anything consistently over 100ms is painful.


Negative. I am merely injecting that multiple sound files have to told to be opened via internet trafficked packets. Sound files, including foot steps on different terrain, ambient noise, music, and voices. This is just another factor.


I guess the point stated by myself was very unclear and specified. Apology extended.


My point was that SWTOR pushes in more packets of information per segment than FF14. I monitor my internet traffic on my modem, and this is consistent across the board. I feel that the extra sound files are a key contribution since turning off sounds seems to lower the packet send/receive traffic greatly.

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Negative. I am merely injecting that multiple sound files have to told to be opened via internet trafficked packets. Sound files, including foot steps on different terrain, ambient noise, music, and voices. This is just another factor.


I guess the point stated by myself was very unclear and specified. Apology extended.


My point was that SWTOR pushes in more packets of information per segment than FF14. I monitor my internet traffic on my modem, and this is consistent across the board. I feel that the extra sound files are a key contribution since turning off sounds seems to lower the packet send/receive traffic greatly.


If the trigger for most sound files are on the Server end that it sends to the client that would be about the worst way of doing it that I could imagine. There is no reason for that not to be done 100% on the client side.

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If the trigger for most sound files are on the Server end that it sends to the client that would be about the worst way of doing it that I could imagine. There is no reason for that not to be done 100% on the client side.


I admit this is speculation. I have coded sound bites with packet detection, streamed sound, and collision detection. Although Collision detection seems the best by far it would not align with the testing done on my own end of throughput monitoring over my ethernet port. As said once I turned off certain sounds the packet amount dropped by 2-6% depending on the setting. Seems like a small amount but all together it can equate to approx 15% of packets

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Here is my answer to the op


Squire-Enix 100% DEPENDS on its FF franchise. If it fails, the company goes under. That is not true when it coms to BW/SWTOR




For them.. it was fold shop.. OR take the shop down for a time and try one last time and hope for the best. They have a loyal franchise of players that would give them some time to make good on a disaster. So they went for it. The vote is still out though if they survive as a company.


The FF franchise is their biggest business strength AND their biggest business weakness. They as a company will not survive in the long run in the MMO space with only a single business offering. That said.. they are also a holding company and have a core business in arcade games and other game labels.. so they will survive if they collapse in the MMO space.

Edited by Andryah
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Honestly, I love this game. I've been subbed to FF14:ARR for about a week (my free 30 days expired about a week ago) but I came back to the game when I learned my sister was playing it. I have to say, I'm back into the game. As long as BW keeps adding to the end game, and continues with the stories they say they are going to do, then I will probably keep subbed up. I do not really have the machine to run FF14, it's just barely able to run it. Although I do like FF14:ARR, the end game there is just as repetitive as every other mmo, including Swtor.


At the moment, I love Swtor so I'll continue to play it. The main reason I left for so long, is because many beta testers who tested the game, had told BW of the exact same things that people still complain about today. At the time, we were told that these issues were being looked into but nothing ever came of that, and they shipped the game, even after all of us told them they were going to get negative responses from the issues we had tested and told them about long before launch.


At any rate, I still see a few of those issues we had tested still in the game. The Hero Engine one being the biggest one we all had told them about. I guess that issue is too big for them to fix, otherwise they'd have fixed it long ago. I do like seeing the large amount of players in the game, and I plan to sub for a second month after this one falls off.


I just hope they continue with expanding the game, and adding more to it.

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For them.. it was fold shop.. OR take the shop down for a time and try one last time and hope for the best. They have a loyal franchise of players that would give them some time to make good on a disaster. So they went for it. The vote is still out though if they survive as a company.


The FF franchise is their biggest business strength AND their biggest business weakness. They as a company will not survive in the long run with only a single business offering.


Considering they absorbed Enix, The Dragon Quest series is still a strong fallback #2 offering. I'm pretty sure they have an MMO version of that in the works, but it's being targetted for consoles.

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EAware can't afford it. They'd rather have that extra $ to go into their pockets.


Sure buddy.

It has nothing to do with it being a pointless endeavor that also has no reasonable ROI.


Where do you guys come up with this stuff?

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Financially it doesnt really make any sense to do it. I mean there are either two way they could do it.


1) Take the game completely offline. Lose the revenue for probably 2 years to convert to a new engine.


2) Have a dev team work independantly on the project which would require hiring alot more staff to either work on the engine and conversion or transfer the current devs to the engine project and have the newer devs maintain the current game.


If the game was broken i could see this being a viable alternative but right now the game isnt broken although the engine is preventing them from doing certain things in the game and the game lags pretty bad when i play

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Financially it doesnt really make any sense to do it. I mean there are either two way they could do it.


1) Take the game completely offline. Lose the revenue for probably 2 years to convert to a new engine.


2) Have a dev team work independantly on the project which would require hiring alot more staff to either work on the engine and conversion or transfer the current devs to the engine project and have the newer devs maintain the current game.


If the game was broken i could see this being a viable alternative but right now the game isnt broken although the engine is preventing them from doing certain things in the game and the game lags pretty bad when i play


The problem is that people do not understand the nuances of coding a game as big as this. They figure you can just port information from 1 platform to another. I know people have had complaints about the HeroEngine since closed Beta. The problem lies in that if they took that critically, and went in for a platform switch the game would most likely be launching sometime this year instead of 2 years ago.

There are very few game engines with 100% synchronization to allow for direct porting.


Take into consideration multi console released titles. Usually if that game is to launch for PS, Xbox, and PC. It is programmed with a single engine that must be compatible with all 3 consoles ( 4 if it wants to be Apple usable). They usually have a finished game 1-2 years before launch if they do a simultaneous launch. This is because they finish the game on a single console and then have to port and re-code different areas. Keep in mind this is the same exact engine across all platforms, and it is still needing code re-writes just to suite the hardware on the machine.


The only exception to this is when you deal with "NextGen" games. These are almost always coded for all platforms at the same time. Even then most "NextGen" games are only launched on a single platform, or for 1 stand alone console, and PC.

Edited by EmperorLupey
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That's not true however.


Really I'd like to see proof of this whole 500k subs a month thing. I don't see anything that shows it's true, rather I see player after player leaving due to how the gameplay and engine are. And I see more and more people screaming for a return to the sandbox goodness of SWG.


I bet if BioWare or Disney came out tomorrow and said TOR is getting shut down and it will relaunch as a Pre-CU game or a SWG 2 with a Pre-CU like system is talked about the MMO Community would lose it. I already know I have 250k friends from SWG who would be all for that.


It is true, for starters player after player is one by one, that's nothing in the grand scheme, they also pick up players at a relatively similar rate. And btw SWG's playerbase at its peak was still less than SWTOR's at its lowest point.


Also bear in mind that in the majority of cases, the best MMO a person has ever played is the first one they played, regardless. For a lot of people SWG was their first MMO, and since SWTOR is nothing like SWG, then SWTOR for them will never be as good as SWG was.

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