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Powertechs over buffed


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Automated Defenses in the upper tier of the pyro tree gives 30%DR while kolto overload is active. Also getting attacked reduces its cooldown by 6 secs every 1.5 secs.


So your telling me that Kolto overload is like actually ..actually...useful now?

Imo there shouldnt be a talent for reducing its cooldown in any tree, it should just have a lower base cooldown period.

Edited by Zoom_VI
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So your telling me that Kolto overload is like actually ..actually...useful now?

Imo there shouldnt be a talent for reducing its cooldown in any tree, it should just have a lower base cooldown period.


Kolto overload a good skill now for pyro, they also get the Degauss/flare ability that adds 25% defense. That helps.


If KO had a lower cooldown, it would make tanks and AP invincible. The lower CD works on pyro because they don't have much else in the way of defense, just the Degauss thing for a few seconds, and a shield on a two minute CD.

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So your telling me that Kolto overload is like actually ..actually...useful now?

Imo there shouldnt be a talent for reducing its cooldown in any tree, it should just have a lower base cooldown period.


Drilling the mosquito while swallowing the camel. Pyro has so low survivability. Focus on some other classes.

Edited by Aetideus
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Actually it is not for every playstyle which is a lack of spec knowledge. I play this only in Arenas when is not suitable for any competitive 8x8. If we gonna to be fair the PFT should be bound to HEGC, but not before reducing Rage survivability, Op healer output and sniper stuns. If balance and fairness is the quest.


Everything that needed to be said has been said here.

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Loving playing FULL Pyro in Huttball...

Switch to tank stance = 49.59% damage reduction +

Energy Shield 25% DR +

Kolto Overload 30% DR +

Chaff Flare 25% defense chance +

Adrenal 15% DR

= 119.59% Damage Reduction + 30% defense chance (5 pattern + 25 chaff flare) = 12secs IMORTAL.


I scored 6x using the same things, the cd's are very low.


People crying to nerf Undying Rage :D

Do you think I'm saying BS? Go see the Pyro talent tree.


im going to have to try this

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Loving playing FULL Pyro in Huttball...

Switch to tank stance = 49.59% damage reduction +

Energy Shield 25% DR +

Kolto Overload 30% DR +

Chaff Flare 25% defense chance +

Adrenal 15% DR

= 119.59% Damage Reduction + 30% defense chance (5 pattern + 25 chaff flare) = 12secs IMORTAL.


I scored 6x using the same things, the cd's are very low.


People crying to nerf Undying Rage :D

Do you think I'm saying BS? Go see the Pyro talent tree.


wow 119.59% damage reduction.... does that me i hurt myself if i attack vg/pt. :p

just trolling

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This is the typical load of rubbish that bioware has to sort through.


1. Juggs can smash in tank stance or reset ravage in tank stance so both Jugg trees are hybrid-viable and do the same amount of damage AP tanks do, it's a L2P issue. The diferrence here is that a jugg has better control and is sturdier so can do 500k damage+500k protection while an AP has more damage but less control and survivability so can do 700k damage and 200k protection.

No, you see *this* is the sort of rubbish that BW have to sort through. This guy is saying that not only is tank smash, and vengeance tank hybrid VIABLE, it's actually *better* because tanks are sturdier! Who do you think you are kidding seriously?


No Jugg in his right mind would ever try to Smash in tank stance. And those numbers quoted are pulled from a rather dark and unpleasant place...


In tank stance Enrage doesn't build stacks of Shockwave, so the only way to get them is by Force Crush which means a full Rage spec. And what would you wear it with? Dps gear or tank? I'll let you work out how far up the tank tree you can get with a full Rage spec...


This is a complete and utter load of drivel. I don't mean to be personal but what were you thinking when you said all this? The only time I've gotten close to the 500 dmg & 500 protection numbers you mentioned would be a very long Voidstar with field respec, or maybe a Novare Coast - or not against great players. And even then only by re-skilling and changing gear - NEVER with the same spec in the same warzone wtih the same gear, *without* stance-dancing. Your entire "counter argument" is contradictory because Jugg's important tree abilities *ARE* bound to those stances! Which is why Jugg dps/tank hybrids don't really exist in game anymore, and certainly not in ranked WZ or rated arenas.


Jugg hybrid is nowhere near as viable as AP, not even in the same league. Vengeance has problems all of its own which are covered in many threads on these forums. Even if Vengeance was buffed and got everything it needed and more, you have to get Shatter to get the most out of the tree, but you will lose a c/d in Immortal and A LOT of crowd control. In short, you will be a *nice* (but not brilliant) sustained dps but an average tank at best. The best pure tanky Jugg spec in game has pathetic dps - which is fine because it's the best CC guard bot. AP hybrid exchanges these extra cc-abilities for dps, and the trade-off is too high. (And don't even try to compare Ravage to Flamethrower...)


Could you try and gimp yourself by doing an ok job of tank and/or dps? Maybe. But your statement fails because you said the Jugg hybrid options are "viable" and they simply aren't. No one is going to take a gimped Jugg tank instead of a proper one. And no one is going to take a gimped Jugg dps (or even a full Rage jugg) over smash Mara. When there are always better alternatives than your spec, your spec is, by definition, *not* viable.


The facts of reality simply disprove you: no one plays Soresu smash. Soresu Vengeance is possible I suppose but you will be rage-starved and lose two CCs and a cooldown, and there are much better ACs and builds for dpsing with a guard up (like, errr, AP). Soresu Immortal/Vengeance tank is great for protecting and p*ssing off the opposition, but does no damage. Most pure tanks play this. By contrast, and I'll say it again: AP hybrid can out-dps damage classes and protect just as effectively as any tank. This is clearly wrong and people like you on forums are the only ones I've encountered who actually deny this. Put your money where you mouth is, let's take a straw poll: what would you rather take to an arena: hybrid AP or immortal/vengeance dps jugg? Yeah, thought so...


I'll say it again: no one is asking for a nerf. Bind the trees to stances and this problem goes away.

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Binding stances doesn't fix anything, all it does is return tank VG back to being the crappy tank that nobody wants on their team. Fix the tank so it's actually effective in PvP and this all goes away


Seriously? VG tank is awesome. Haven't noticed bigger numbers from jugs in Arenas and definitely not in WZs.

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Seriously? VG tank is awesome. Haven't noticed bigger numbers from jugs in Arenas and definitely not in WZs.


Full 36pt shield tech lol

The only thing full ST is better at compared to jugg is at putting out AoE fluff numbers. The vast majority of ST mitigation is from lol armor and absorb rating. Except ST also has the least shield from tree of all the specs

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Full 36pt shield tech lol

The only thing full ST is better at compared to jugg is at putting out AoE fluff numbers. The vast majority of ST mitigation is from lol armor and absorb rating. Except ST also has the least shield from tree of all the specs


Numbers talking.

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I really don't feel that it is OP... it makes it viable to bring a hybrid VG/PT as a tank where as before it made no sense to bring a VG when you can just bring a Guard/Jugg... now both options are fantastic in their own ways which is exactly how it should be. If they nerf this then imo they need to buff VG/PT tank tree to on par with Jugg because believe it or not it is NOT fair for one tank class to have a monopoly as the alpha tank class. Really you lose a lot from AP/tactics when you go into tank stance... I often double (or more) the hybrids in damage as a full tactics.
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You just failed so hard at math.


Also kolto overload isn't DR and its a self heal on a 3 minute cooldown.

Enegery shield is a 2 minute cooldown for pyro and full tank

I've also scored 6x in full tank, in scoring 6x is way easier in full tank than it is in hybrid.


Switching to tank stance doesn't give you 50% DR either


Adrenals are available to everyone.

Saber Ward is twice as potent as Reactive shield will ever be.


Also Undying rage and camo are 45 second cooldowns, which means you could pop them four times in the time it takes kolto overload to come off cooldown


Just proving what I said: http://i44.tinypic.com/2enc5yf.jpg

PVP Adrenal don't show on your stats, 103.81% + 15% (adrenal) = 118.81% Damage reduction. I reached 119+ because I had a Resurgence on me.

So, 12secs imortal.

When you take damage the cd is reduced by 6sec every 1.5sec. I can use this combo every minute minus the Adrenal (3min cd).


Even not using the tank stance I have 33.95% DR from armor, using Combustile Gas Cylinder.

+ 25% Energy Shield

+30% Kolto Overload

+15% Adrenal

= 103.95% DR using a DPS stance/spec.

Edited by NogueiraA
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By contrast, and I'll say it again: AP hybrid can out-dps damage classes and protect just as effectively as any tank.

I'll say it again: no one is asking for a nerf. Bind the trees to stances and this problem goes away.


If an AP tank outDPSes your pure DPS sniper, mara, sorc, DPS jugg, DPS PT, then you need to L2P.

If an AP tank tank to you is sturdier than a full tank of any class in tank gear then you need to L2P.

As for DPS/protection numbers , I do an average 500-700k damage, 200k protection on my AP while my friend guardian does an average of 300-500k damage and 300-500k protection.

Edited by SajPl
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Just proving what I said: http://i44.tinypic.com/2enc5yf.jpg

PVP Adrenal don't show on your stats, 103.81% + 15% (adrenal) = 118.81% Damage reduction. I reached 119+ because I had a Resurgence on me.

So, 12secs imortal.

When you take damage the cd is reduced by 6sec every 1.5sec. I can use this combo every minute minus the Adrenal (3min cd).


Even not using the tank stance I have 33.95% DR from armor, using Combustile Gas Cylinder.

+ 25% Energy Shield

+30% Kolto Overload

+15% Adrenal

= 103.95% DR using a DPS stance/spec.


And the second those end you now have zero defenses left and are easy meat

Also half those are 2 min plus cool downs compared to a marader's 45 sec dcd's

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I don't get it.


You guys realise that a regular AP with HEGC will destroy some idiot running ion cell right?


Please take a few moments to learn a few things about armor, damage types, and what an AP loses with ion cell before you respond otherwise. You'll have a moment of clarity if you do.

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You just failed so hard at math.


Also kolto overload isn't DR and its a self heal on a 3 minute cooldown.

Enegery shield is a 2 minute cooldown for pyro and full tank

I've also scored 6x in full tank, in scoring 6x is way easier in full tank than it is in hybrid.


Switching to tank stance doesn't give you 50% DR either


Adrenals are available to everyone.

Saber Ward is twice as potent as Reactive shield will ever be.


Also Undying rage and camo are 45 second cooldowns, which means you could pop them four times in the time it takes kolto overload to come off cooldown



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Sounds like some peeps are b*tthurt because PTs are actually dangerous again.




Take your average warrior class player. They are used to seeing heavy armor PT's, and burning them down in a couple of smashes, throws, and a choke.


After a while, they fool themselves into thinking that they are better players. Hey! I can destroy these PT 's. I must be GREAT!


The truth is, now when faced with a viable PT opponent, they lose the fight.


Why? I don't get it! PT's must be OP! What are these maras and sents doing wrong?

* They don't time their CC's to coincide with heavy cleave moves.

* They waste their DCD's at bad times.

* They don't interrupt or taunt.

Thus they are average players who thought they were better than they actually are, and it hurts. So they come here and have a good cry.

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And the second those end you now have zero defenses left and are easy meat

Also half those are 2 min plus cool downs compared to a marader's 45 sec dcd's


If I'm doing 1v1 my target will be dead when my 12secs finish, I still have Medpack, Carbonize and Electro Dart to keep pushing damage.

In 2v1, 3v1... You're not intended to last longer than that.

As I said, the talent reduce the cd by 6secs every 1.5sec while taking damage. So it's possible to use Energy Shield + Kolto every 1~1:15 min.

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...and I would wreck that guy in under a minute with an HEGC AP. Guaranteed. Every single time.


Your DPS is gimped, with no heat management, PPA rail shot refresh procs, or CGC DOT. There's nothing you can do to seriously hurt me with your 1k DPS here.


That armor is all you have for two minutes after you blow shield, and that won't help you a bit.


Think before you post something like this. Understand hit roll mechanics and damage types. You are completely unqualified to complain about this.

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...and I would wreck that guy in under a minute with an HEGC AP. Guaranteed. Every single time.


Your DPS is gimped, with no heat management, PPA rail shot refresh procs, or CGC DOT. There's nothing you can do to seriously hurt me with your 1k DPS here.


That armor is all you have for two minutes after you blow shield, and that won't help you a bit.


Think before you post something like this. Understand hit roll mechanics and damage types. You are completely unqualified to complain about this.


I'm using it for Huttball, works like a charm :D

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Sounds like some peeps are b*tthurt because PTs are actually dangerous again.




From my experience any class can be dangerous with the right person at the helm but they just buffed them since the majority of the PT's sucked.


Personally I am fine with the changes. No more PT/VG complaining that thee class sucks.

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