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we went too far to ensure that guilds would bring Marauders/Sentinels and Snipers/Gunslingers into operations. We did this because, while the other classes have an opportunity to fulfill one of two different roles in an operation, Marauders/Sentinels and Snipers/Gunslingers can only fulfill the damage dealing role in operations. So we made sure they dealt plenty of damage, and then we gave them utility to boot – probably too much damage, and probably too much utility,



With that said, some classes have utilities that are just too strong and/or cooldown durations that are quite possibly too short – the Marauder/Sentinel is a good example of a class like this. So while some classes may pine to be given cooldowns that will make them as strong as Sentinels/Marauders, we would rather reduce the effectiveness of Marauder/Sentinel cooldowns to make them more like the other classes when it comes to survivability.


So, the Combat Team finally admits to screwing the pooch and has "plans" to rectify this.





Since no one apparently reads the DevTracker, HERE YOU GO

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So, the Combat Team finally admits to screwing the pooch and has "plans" to rectify this.


If you haven't played MMO's in past, this is status quo. You buff certain classes for a time, then nerf them and buff another class to uber status .. eveyones time comes at one point or another ..

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They have too much survivability, and the combat team just admitted as much. It's not the damage, it's the carelessness with which the class can be played that is the problem.


True enough. If I have a healer with me, i Never. Ever. Have to worry about jumping in. I can waste my gap closer, DCDs, and the moment I hit 10% health, I use GBTF > Force Camp and Heal2full (yes. I just used the old joke. Sue me :p )


If they give a healing reduction on GBTF, Sentinel DCDs should be somewhat balanced.

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Wow it only took these 2 classes as being the optimal DPS in RWZs and massive qq for their metrics to catch something that was blatantly obvious. Then knowing this they launch arena anyway where more then likely the top teams will run with at least 1 Mara in a DPS slot and likely 2 after the success teams had in the PTS with that combo. Eureka!!


What will their metrics tell them next? Dun dun dun.,.

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Isn't that the idea? Right now the class is too hard to kill.


womp womp

With a healer, yeah. Without a healer, you need every single cooldown, I'd be entertained to see how you'll be able to contribute.


When I run regs in Carnage spec, I'm often forced to play chicken "hit and run". I usually don't top damage charts, but I'm very high on kills and killing blows, and very low on deaths. And, while in the thick of the fight, I need pretty much every little cooldown I have not to fall on my face 5 seconds after charging in, riddled with blaster bolts, spells, vibroswords and lightsabers.


I don't find myself needing a lot of cooldowns when I run my Infiltration Shadow, or AP Powertech.

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Enjoy it while it lasts sents/maras When bioware "Fixs" a class they pretty much kill it. Though it will be nice to see a reduce in sents if the nerf kills the class :D. Still all that needs done is to just nerf smash in to the ground make it useless maybe bring watchmen back up a bit ;) and MAAAYBE tweak a few DCDS.
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If you haven't played MMO's in past, this is status quo. You buff certain classes for a time, then nerf them and buff another class to uber status .. eveyones time comes at one point or another ..


The difference in this case being that for bioware, the marauder time has been a year and a half.


This also doesn't say anything about op heals, jugg tanks, and a whole host of other massive balance problems this game has including madness sins and concealment operatives.


Don't get your hopes up that any real balance is coming any time soon.

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Only issue I can see is that GBTF doesn't have a 99% reduction on incoming heals. This allows a sent, if backed by a competent healer, a second life. Also, maybe, active time for rebuke should be reduced from 30s to 20s.


Camo pretty much offers a third life. How often do you see maras die during camo? I've seen it before but it's so few and far between that it might as well not happen at all.

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Camo pretty much offers a third life. How often do you see maras die during camo? I've seen it before but it's so few and far between that it might as well not happen at all.


You can die during camo if opposition is quick enough to dump an AoE on you and of course you are low enough on life. Plus when camo comes up you can switch to healer and interrupt or stun. Nerfing camo will leave the class w/o an ex-filtration option and will leave sent/mara's relying only on saber ward's 3 minute CD which I think it's a bit too much.

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