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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warzones/Arena please let the player decide!


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Different teams.


I would hope the server teams, design teams, coding teams, art teams etc .. were all separate.


If it's all one team we're in trouble.


As for it "being really hard" as they themselves said .... that's their lack of experience. Other companies manage it perfectly well, even smaller companies.


There is no excuse other than they have no idea what they are doing in that regard.


New content requires coding, and so does cross-server queues.. That means they would not have been able to implement the content they did in the past 2 years and also do cross-server queues at the same time. They've basically said this themselves.


I don't know about the other companies that have cross-server queues, but I played SWG for many years and we went through the same debate and the devs also did not implement cross-server queues, due to difficulty/time.


Don't get me wrong, I agree with everyone saying they'd like cross-server queues... I just don't agree with the implication some are giving that BioWare is somehow maliciously depriving us of this feature on purpose.

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Don't get me wrong, I agree with everyone saying they'd like cross-server queues... I just don't agree with the implication some are giving that BioWare is somehow maliciously depriving us of this feature on purpose.


I'm not saying they are doing it purely for the sake of not wanting to.


Quite the opposite.


And they said it themselves. They don't have the know how.


They have made great games over the years but we all know the BioWare of today is a different beast than the BioWare of several years ago. Still good games but with regards to MMO's they are but infants with a hell of a lot to learn. Even the bigger children make mistakes so it's not just a BioWare problem however they do still have a long way to go.


Just reminds me of the surprise I felt upon first hearing BioWare were making an MMO. I think they were a bit out of their depth.


Don't get me wrong, it's a good game ..... but it could have been great.


The issues with coding is just one area they need to improve.

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Regarding Bioware and cross server queues.


..........................And they said it themselves. They don't have the know how..............



They should get out of this game genre now, and go back to creating great games like Baldurs Gate, the reputation of which, they are still thriving on today.


Their imposition of this queue system on the player base is the single most ridiculous and downright nasty thing I have seen them do to date. It utterly stinks of them knowing what I want better than I do, and I will not continue to support this game, I want to queue separately, now.


They have broken pvp overnight for a considerable proportion of the pvp community, and frankly my dear, they don't give a damn.


No more cartel coins for me until this crap is put back in order.

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People, you keep beating a dead horse. The population sizes on all servers DOES NOT support different ques. The que times will get insanely long. When we have cross servers, this should be implemented. Other than that, we are stuck with what we have.


That is so true. I was shocked seeing population trends for last 2 months. Havent checked for a while. Its overall long huge decline and reason they cant separate arenas from WZ queues. They also cant say that for obvious reason.

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That is so true. I was shocked seeing population trends for last 2 months. Havent checked for a while. Its overall long huge decline and reason they cant separate arenas from WZ queues. They also cant say that for obvious reason.


Of course they can. two days ago, we had no arenas. In the light of the patch, some players have returned as they want to play arenas. Let them, but do not force me to do so.


The proper warzone queues in the main will pop no slower than they did 2 days ago, roughly 5 mins on my server.


If I have to wait 10 mins instead even due to avoiding arenas, so be it.


The real issue here is that they do not want to see their arenas empty.


If, on the other hand, they are convinced everyone wants arenas, and they are correct in that assumption, then the arena queue will not suffer as it will be full of players wanting to duel it out.


Giving us a choice how to queue, will not hurt their precious arenas, if people actually want to play them.

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I am annoyed I am even looking at this thread. PvP just grew up a little bit, if you cant fight in the arena you dont belong in pvp.


Im kind of the same opinion. In my opinion 4v4s are by default more balanced than 8v8 and strategizing is easier due to lower amount of targets. Im confused what people are complaining about really. Maybe it was easier to hide lack of skill when theres 8 players in your team.

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Im kind of the same opinion. In my opinion 4v4s are by default more balanced than 8v8 and strategizing is easier due to lower amount of targets. Im confused what people are complaining about really. Maybe it was easier to hide lack of skill when theres 8 players in your team.


I will take that bite.


If by lack of skill, you are referring to not enjoying duelling, then yes, you are bang on the nail.


If takes far less skill to defend strategic objectives, or capture a well defended one etc, than it does hammering away on my keybinds to kill someone in a 4man duel. *sarcasm off*

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Im kind of the same opinion. In my opinion 4v4s are by default more balanced than 8v8 and strategizing is easier due to lower amount of targets. Im confused what people are complaining about really. Maybe it was easier to hide lack of skill when theres 8 players in your team.


its not about skill its about haveing fun and i dont haveing in kill people in dueling mode its ZzZz

i like to have things to do in pvp

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Im kind of the same opinion. In my opinion 4v4s are by default more balanced than 8v8 and strategizing is easier due to lower amount of targets. Im confused what people are complaining about really. Maybe it was easier to hide lack of skill when theres 8 players in your team.


Or maybe, just maybe, we enjoy objective-based maps and not deathmatch maps.


PVP in the game was designed with a full 8-man group in mind, where there are healers, tanks and DPS. Arenas are a new addition and therefore, by default, they are not balanced. At all.

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Im kind of the same opinion. In my opinion 4v4s are by default more balanced than 8v8 and strategizing is easier due to lower amount of targets. Im confused what people are complaining about really. Maybe it was easier to hide lack of skill when theres 8 players in your team.


So formulating strategy is easier in 4v4 but this reflects a greater level of skill?



Hahahahahahaha logicfail.


Seriously, eff deathmatches.



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Long queue is just excuse of not solving the problems.


Easy solve for long queue is counters, you choosing options and if there are no players in queue you can decide to change options or wait. Isnt its easy? It can solve problem of long queue for PvE too. Why Bioware cant do that?

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I didn't read the whole thread, so I'm not sure if this has been suggested or not.


How about changing the PvP queue into a format similar to the group finder queue? That is, you can select what maps/game types you are willing to play, and then let matchmaking go to work. The infrastructure is already there, so it would just need to be tweaked for PvP and those maps.


You could even add some sort of incentive for people to select all available options (as in the group finder's commendations), to allow certain queues to fill faster than they would otherwise.


Just like in the PvE group finder, the more options you select, the faster your queue will pop. You can still select a single map to play if you choose, but it will likely increase the time you have to wait in queue.


This would have a number of benefits:


1) Most importantly, it would allow players to play game types that they find fun, and not force them to play things don't. Having fun is what playing games are about, so this should always be priority number one.


2) Similar to number one, but I feel like it deserves it's own mention. Sometimes players want to play a certain game type. I'm mainly a PvE player, and I can't explain to you how annoying it would be to have to join a general queue to get placed in a group where I might end up in Scum and Villiany, Eternity Vault, or Cadamimu, depending on how the Group Finder Gods were feeling.


There's similar frustration in playing warzones. Personally, I don't like Huttball. I think it's a very well designed warzone, it's just not my cup of tea. Whenever I get it popped, I'm faced with a dilemma: do I quit, putting my team at a disadvantage they shouldn't have to endure (not to mention giving myself a 15-minute penalty for leaving something I never even wanted to play in the first place), or do I keep playing something that feels closer to "work" than "fun" for me?


3) It would prevent (or decrease the amount of) players selecting ranked play just because they want to play Arenas. I'm actually guilty of doing this myself. Arenas are out, and of course I want to try them out. I don't want to play random warzone after random warzone just hoping to maybe, if I'm lucky, get a single arena. I played more than 10 unranked warzones yesterday, and not a single arena. Eventually, I queued for ranked because I wanted to play Arena. More competitive PvPers probably don't appreciate this (and for good reason), and it lowers the quality of play in ranked arenas.


4) It would probably increase quality of play (or at least effort put forth by players) for all warzones. If you put a player in a situation they don't want to be in, they are less likely to put forth 100% effort.



Anyway, sorry if this was covered earlier.

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the best option for the player is cross server PvP for a greater pool of players.


Then they could split up the warzones and Arenas.


until they offer cross server interaction (which is a huge undertaking) it has to stay as it is.

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I have been ambivalent about the addition of arenas because I'm just not interested in arena-style deathmatch PvP. However, my ambivalence has vanished since I am now forced to enter an arena warzone.


Like others have said in this thread, if I am put into an arena, I will leave. I apologize in advance to those left behind, it's just not my cup of tea.


Separate the queues!

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I'm a bit confused why you think I think they are different. As I stated in the part you did not quote, I would love to see the exact same system used for both as soon as there is enough demand to support it. All I'm saying is that apparently Bioware doesn't see enough people queuing to support split queues.


I just don't support it to the point of screwing over my fellow PvPers by dropping out of the queue because I don't want to play what pops.


The point I was trying to make was that right now, the population (demand) isn't there to support the PvE options we have either, your argument, from what I'm reading is that 'as soon as PvPers have the demand to support it, then it'd be ok to implement' - which doesn't make sense to me since it's easier to fill a PvP queue than it is a PvE queue. PvEers currently can queue for hours or DAYS and not have their selected little segment pop. Your argument is nullified by the existence of the current PvE GF options.


And don't blame your fellow gamer for quitting - this mess is on Bioware, not someone who chooses not to waste their time doing something they have no desire to do.

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Some of you that talk about quitting any arena need to at least just TRY one. Solo queing last night, ended up in a 4 dps vs 2dps/2heals and my team, the one with 4 dps, won two VERY close matches. So close, that both times, the survivors were under 5% hp. It was a blast. One of the other guys on my team whispered me afterwards, saying he hadn't planned on staying in the match, since it was an arena, but saw me giving directions and talking strategy in chat, so he decided to give it a go.


He's now a fan of arenas. So please, just TRY one. If you still don't like it, QQ to your hearts content. But at least give it a shot.


(I feel like I'm talking to my children here, trying to get them to try something new I KNOW they're going to like, but they just won't do it....)

Edited by Jimvinny
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Some of you that talk about quitting any arena need to at least just TRY one. Solo queing last night, ended up in a 4 dps vs 2dps/2heals and my team, the one with 4 dps, won two VERY close matches. So close, that both times, the survivors were under 5% hp. It was a blast. One of the other guys on my team whispered me afterwards, saying he hadn't planned on staying in the match, since it was an arena, but saw me giving directions and talking strategy in chat, so he decided to give it a go.


He's now a fan of arenas. So please, just TRY one. If you still don't like it, QQ to your hearts content. But at least give it a shot.


(I feel like I'm talking to my children here, trying to get them to try something new I KNOW they're going to like, but they just won't do it....)


The thing most of you guys that keep saying "just try them you might win" don't get is that it's not about winning or losing. At least not more so than it was for normal Warzones. It's about the fact that we like objective-based PVP instead of Arenas. It's really not that hard and I can assure you that I'm not a child :)

Edited by TheNahash
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The thing most of you guys that keep saying "just try them you might win" don't get is that it's not about winning or losing. At least not more so than it was for normal Warzones. It's about the fact that we like objective-based PVP instead of Arenas. It's really not that hard and I can assure you that I'm not a child :)


This ^


I have no problem trying them, I'll take whatever is given to me, but not everyone feels that way and they shouldn't be made to do a type they don't want to do.

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The point I was trying to make was that right now, the population (demand) isn't there to support the PvE options we have either, your argument, from what I'm reading is that 'as soon as PvPers have the demand to support it, then it'd be ok to implement' - which doesn't make sense to me since it's easier to fill a PvP queue than it is a PvE queue. PvEers currently can queue for hours or DAYS and not have their selected little segment pop. Your argument is nullified by the existence of the current PvE GF options.


And don't blame your fellow gamer for quitting - this mess is on Bioware, not someone who chooses not to waste their time doing something they have no desire to do.


This is a good point. PvP queues are not long enough that there should be major concerns about splitting up the queues to allow people to queue for a single match mode.

Assuming that the system is modeled after Groupfinder queue times would probably be the same(if not faster) for people who choose all options, and save time for those who would otherwise simply leave the warzone.


However, this probably isn't exactly a minor undertaking since the game wasn't built to support this in the start. While I feel this is a high priority issue for the PvP community, we should acknowledge that it will take some time(from the point that Bioware decides to go through with such a thing) for anything to be implemented.




Also it'd be necessary to somehow prove or at least indicate to Bioware that the PvP community would accept longer queue times should they be brought about by the implementation of such a feature.

Edited by Vandicus
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This is a good point. PvP queues are not long enough that there should be major concerns about splitting up the queues to allow people to queue for a single match mode.

Assuming that the system is modeled after Groupfinder queue times would probably be the same(if not faster) for people who choose all options, and save time for those who would otherwise simply leave the warzone.


However, this probably isn't exactly a minor undertaking since the game wasn't built to support this in the start. While I feel this is a high priority issue for the PvP community, we should acknowledge that it will take some time(from the point that Bioware decides to go through with such a thing) for anything to be implemented.


You honestly think this is about queue times?

Because to me it seems quite clear that this is a prestige issue.


If Bioware's new toy is not as shiny as they'd like it to be they've failed and if there's anything that would prove its failure or success, it's a group finder type of PVP queue that would clearly show which type of maps people enjoy most. And how would they look if it turned out people weren't exactly falling in love with Arenas?


So, yeah... I don't think they'll add any kind of group finder type queue for PVP anytime soon. They could have done it already if they wanted to - it's not like people didn't ASK for it on PTS.

Just like they could've let 8v8 RWZ co-exist with Ranked Arenas.

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You honestly think this is about queue times?

Because to me it seems quite clear that this is a prestige issue.


If Bioware's new toy is not as shiny as they'd like it to be they've failed and if there's anything that would prove its failure or success, it's a group finder type of PVP queue that would clearly show which type of maps people enjoy most. And how would they look if it turned out people weren't exactly falling in love with Arenas?


So, yeah... I don't think they'll add any kind of group finder type queue for PVP anytime soon. They could have done it already if they wanted to - it's not like people didn't ASK for it on PTS.

Just like they could've let 8v8 RWZ co-exist with Ranked Arenas.


I disagree with your assertion that it is office politics that has kept such a feature from appearing. Your claim that "They could have done it already if they wanted to" conveniently forgets to mention opportunity cost. Implementation of this feature means something else will not be implemented. Because Bioware is uncertain whether or not the implementation of this feature would result in much positive response from the player base, they're hesitant to spend resources on it. For example the length of this thread when compared to the length of the thread talking about spaceship parts on the Cartel Market(and we know how people assume very few people play the game's space combat) makes separate pvp queues seem like a less than significant topic to players. For this kind of thing to happen, it has to appear to be more popular than other things Bioware could do with those same resources.

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