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Attacked for looking for a like minded social guild?


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Today I was trying to find a social guild for my alts on the republic side on my server.

I was simply looking for a gay friendly social guild.

As soon as I said it I was attacked. Partially by people who are obviously homophobic.

But there were also people who based on what they were saying I don't think they were homophobic but didnt understand why I would actively seek this out.


When I explained that I didnt want to say the "wrong thing" and get kicked by a homphobic guild leader things got worse.


I know people generally don't see why sexuality and gaming need to be together. But this is a social guild that I am looking for and the idea that the conversation may never go to a point that I mention my husband or something is unlikely.

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You have to understand that the internet is basically a hunting grounds for people like you. Take this as a lesson for future posts/etc etc on the internet - DO NOT say anything about your sexual orientation unless you are ready to handle being attacked.


And trust me, even a straight person would get attacked for saying they are straight on the internet.

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And trust me, even a straight person would get attacked for saying they are straight on the internet.

Not really. I've never once been seriously attacked for talking about my husband on the internet. That's the same thing as saying I'm straight.


Don't try to say that straight people are persecuted for being straight like gay people are persecuted for being gay. That's just flat-out dishonest. You could talk about your girlfriend/wife all day long in any guild without ever getting flack for it unless you were obnoxious.

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Sorry to hear about you being "attacked". You may need to watch what you say in GENERAL chat, as so many people like to rile or troll people. First of all, even in this day and age, you need to know to steer clear of 3 subjects of discussion, unless you want a load of bantha poo "dumped" on you. In no certain order, they are...



Any topics of chat that have subject matter or expressed beliefs of:




Any topics of chat that have subject matter or expressed beliefs of:

RELIGIOUS TALK or RELIGIOUS AFFILIATIONS, (from atheism to christianity & all points in between)



Any topics of chat that have subject matter or expressed beliefs of:

"ANY" POLITICAL parties or government entities.


IN life, these 3 main topic areas have created much debate, disagreements, fights, and even some deaths. My advice is to tread carefully when discussing these subjects as some people will go off the deep end.


Now, as far as trying to find a guild, I would suggest you go to the Server Forums to find a guild on your server, and check for one that is L.G.B.T. or G.L.B.T. friendly. I do understand finding quality people in a guild that share your same interests is what the majority of people desire their guild to be. A guild of like minded people that love playing the game together, chatting with friends they have made ingame, and battling the forces of evil (or good) is what it is all about.


I hope this helps. May the force be with you.

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Sorry to hear about you being "attacked". You may need to watch what you say in GENERAL chat, as so many people like to rile or troll people. First of all, even in this day and age, you need to know to steer clear of 3 subjects of discussion, unless you want a load of bantha poo "dumped" on you.


you gave some good advice about finding guilds but I disagree with the above part


He has every right to be himself wherever he wants.

Bigots are everywhere and you shouldn't avoid them, keep being yourself and never hide it.


The majority of Americans are a lot more accepting of each other then they were even thirty years ago and the more exposed to it then more they will conform to acceptance


Denial or avoidance is never a good thing to do, most of these racist people are the minority these days

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General chat is consistently vile. Most guilds don't have such a reaction so even if you joined one without checking their reactions its unlikely you'd have something to worry about. If you definitely want to be sure, the easiest way to go about this would be to simply ask in gen chat for social guilds(assuming you don't have some network of friends or ex-guildmates) and then talking with the guilds' respective officers/guildmasters to check their reaction before joining. If it needs to be a pre-dominantly gay or gay oriented guild(something with an exclusive policy against verbal abuse or the like) you might try the individual server forums or need to rely on networking in the server.
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I'm willing to bet that the main reason to why you were "attacked" is because you pointed out that you were gay or looking for a gay group. Believe it or not but most people don't give a rats *** about sexual preferences. BUT the second you make a deal of it there are those who feel urged to say something, regardless of whether or not they actually mean it.


The same thing applies to girls. I mean, whenever a chick is posting something and happen to mention that she is indeed female you have 10 people blowing it out of proportion. I'm pretty sure that the majority of those posters are straight male teens, they're in other words interested in girls, yet they have to say some crap....you know....just because.


Now, if you're on the other hand is looking for a MLP group it doesnt matter if you're gay, straight, latino. white black, muslim, christian etc. You need to go because that stuff is just wrong if you're older than 10.:p


Also, I'm pro-gay marriage because I think gay people should have to suffer too. :)

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Sorry you got attacked :(


It's a F2P game. Announcing your sexuality in General chat is like announcing it on any part of the Internet where people go for free to let off steam. There are just a lot of idiots around. I know it sucks, but try not to lose faith in humanity! It's just the vocal minority who try to bring you down.


Try asking on the forums instead - we're all subscribers here, meaning we care more about the game and take it more seriously. Far less likely to run into ignorant trolls :)

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don't worry about it first it was the black then the yellow then women now gay


People just want to attack anything that is different then them to feel superior , and some still are persistant .

So keep asking for it , or else create your own guild .

Just as long you don't go on discriminating hetero ... If so then you are the same as the rest .

and should swallow your own medicine .

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I will never understand why people care so much what others do with their lives.

It's sad, really. They're taught to believe in something and never even bother to question whether what they've been taught is right or wrong.


Personally, I'm against segregation of any kind. A "gay guild", imho, is about as dumb as a Christian guild.

Why can't we co-exist without labels, by respecting each other and understanding the fact that we don't HAVE to agree on everything to be friends? This is a game. It shouldn't matter what you are or what God you believe in.

Most of my real life friends are not 100% like me. We share some common principles but we don't agree on everything. And I find that healthy. What can you learn or how interesting can it be to discuss with someone who always agrees with you? I don't know, it might just be me that sees it that way.


That been said, I'm sorry you were treated like that but you must already know that there are bigots and idiots in the world. And both groups are always eager to let you know how they feel about your life. Not all of us are bigots,homophobes and idiots but a big part of us still clings on to idiotic ideas of the past. So I don't know why their reaction surprised you.


My advice to you would be to find a guild with normal, respectful people in it. "Gay friendly guild" is just another way of saying just that, but most people are cool with it and you don't have to specifically look for a guild that says it's gay friendly.

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Sorry you got attacked :(


It's a F2P game. Announcing your sexuality in General chat is like announcing it on any part of the Internet where people go for free to let off steam. There are just a lot of idiots around. I know it sucks, but try not to lose faith in humanity! It's just the vocal minority who try to bring you down.


Try asking on the forums instead - we're all subscribers here, meaning we care more about the game and take it more seriously. Far less likely to run into ignorant trolls :)


^This. Don't let what some ignoramuses on general chat said turn you off of the game. I'm sure you can find what you're looking for on the forums.

And I turn general chat off, most of the time. I don't need to know what the nitwit teens in the cheap seats are up to.

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I think a lot of you missed the point of the OP's post. He was looking for a social guild that would be friendly to gays. Not a gay guild in and of itself.


This would just be a place where the f-bomb that involves piles of sticks isn't thrown about, or a place that makes fun of gays, etc. He's looking for a guild where the GM and the rest of the officer staff moderate their green-chat so it is a tolerant place.


I assure you, OP, these guilds do exist, but looking for them in general chat is the absolute worst place to look. General chat is a wretched hive of scum and villainy. I would check your server's forum for recruiting guilds to see if there are any there.


Also, get the names of those who were extremely intolerant and put up a blanket report on them. That behavior isn't tolerated, and the CSRs are pretty quick to give out infractions for it.

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^This. Don't let what some ignoramuses on general chat said turn you off of the game. I'm sure you can find what you're looking for on the forums.

And I turn general chat off, most of the time. I don't need to know what the nitwit teens in the cheap seats are up to.


Sad thing is, most of them are adult men. Not teens.

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Today I was trying to find a social guild for my alts on the republic side on my server.

I was simply looking for a gay friendly social guild.

As soon as I said it I was attacked. Partially by people who are obviously homophobic.

But there were also people who based on what they were saying I don't think they were homophobic but didnt understand why I would actively seek this out.


When I explained that I didnt want to say the "wrong thing" and get kicked by a homphobic guild leader things got worse.


I know people generally don't see why sexuality and gaming need to be together. But this is a social guild that I am looking for and the idea that the conversation may never go to a point that I mention my husband or something is unlikely.


I'm sorry you have to deal with such jerks. Having anything different about yourself these days is like holding a neon sign saying "Treat Me Like Crap and then Blame Me For It" to certain folks and then there are the people who aren't horrible or nasty, they just don't understand how hard it is- nor how often you have to deal with the first type. So, I understand wanting to spend some time with folks where you don't have to worry about any of that because they're in the same boat.


That being said, I've noticed that, at least on my server, the general "tone" or "feel" on the "Sides" has seemed to be..... solidifying (?) lately. Now, I don't know if it's true for your server, or maybe it's just been the experiences of myself and my friends but lately the Imperial Side seems to be filled with a far nicer crowd these days. Now, I know that it's not a solution but, it is a thought that I hope might be helpful to you later on down the line.


In the meantime, however, like some have already said: Nil Illigitimus Carborundum. Just keep trying and don't let these bozos ruin any more minutes of your life then they already have. Hang in there, sweetie and I hope you find a really nice guild that you can be happy with. :D

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I am sorry you were attacked because of your sexuality,but let me give you an advice, don't give your personal information to strangers, there is no reason a bunch of strangers (general chat/guild chat) should know your sexual orientation, I think you should get to know people and trust them before you reveal any personal information, people like to use your personal information to hurt you, at least that is one rule of thumb I follow and it has worked for me just fine.
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Not really. I've never once been seriously attacked for talking about my husband on the internet. That's the same thing as saying I'm straight.


Don't try to say that straight people are persecuted for being straight like gay people are persecuted for being gay. That's just flat-out dishonest. You could talk about your girlfriend/wife all day long in any guild without ever getting flack for it unless you were obnoxious.


you dont know it, but every time you talk about your hubby i mentally roll my eyes. like anyone cares.

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Not really. I've never once been seriously attacked for talking about my husband on the internet. That's the same thing as saying I'm straight.


Don't try to say that straight people are persecuted for being straight like gay people are persecuted for being gay. That's just flat-out dishonest. You could talk about your girlfriend/wife all day long in any guild without ever getting flack for it unless you were obnoxious.


The point he was trying to make is people will find anything to give people flak over. If all they have is "oh yeah well you're straight" SOMEONE out there is going find it and say it.

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Today I was trying to find a social guild for my alts on the republic side on my server.

I was simply looking for a gay friendly social guild.

As soon as I said it I was attacked. Partially by people who are obviously homophobic.

But there were also people who based on what they were saying I don't think they were homophobic but didnt understand why I would actively seek this out.


When I explained that I didnt want to say the "wrong thing" and get kicked by a homphobic guild leader things got worse.


I know people generally don't see why sexuality and gaming need to be together. But this is a social guild that I am looking for and the idea that the conversation may never go to a point that I mention my husband or something is unlikely.


Yeah, general chat can be a real cesspool.


I don't know what server you're on, but these guys are still on The Harbinger, I don't think they're terribly active but I see them around every now and then. As far as just general guilds that are not homophobic, I'm sure there are plenty if you look through the server forums, the guilds I am in would never harass or boot people for their sexuality. AIE on JC is a pretty big multi-gaming social guild and they do not tolerate any hate.

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I think a lot of you missed the point of the OP's post. He was looking for a social guild that would be friendly to gays. Not a gay guild in and of itself.


This would just be a place where the f-bomb that involves piles of sticks isn't thrown about, or a place that makes fun of gays, etc. He's looking for a guild where the GM and the rest of the officer staff moderate their green-chat so it is a tolerant place.


I assume you're talking about my post, so let me explain what I said.

Again, this might be just me but when I hear stuff like "friendly to gays" I roll my eyes and facepalm.

Not because what you're saying doesn't kinda make sense in this weird world, but because to me it sounds like "friendly to women", "friendly to people of color" or "friendly to people who like dogs".

Why WOULDN'T any guild be friendly to gay people?

Why is there a need to label yourself "gay friendly" when it's no longer the exception but the rule?


All I'm saying is that there are a lot of guilds out there with cool people who don't label themselves as "gay friendly", but they are. When someone's asking for a gay/gay friendly guild, it seems like you're excluding all those guilds from the get-go. And it's a shame.


As for moderation, I disagree. I wouldn't want to be in a guild where the GM and officers moderate what people say. I'd like to be in a guild where people are free to say whatever they want to say and they CHOOSE to not say the most idiotic things because... you know... they are not idiots. And if someone proved to be an idiot, then they would be removed from that guild.


And everyone's happy again.

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Sorry to hear about you being "attacked". You may need to watch what you say in GENERAL chat, as so many people like to rile or troll people. First of all, even in this day and age, you need to know to steer clear of 3 subjects of discussion, unless you want a load of bantha poo "dumped" on you. In no certain order, they are...



Any topics of chat that have subject matter or expressed beliefs of:




Any topics of chat that have subject matter or expressed beliefs of:

RELIGIOUS TALK or RELIGIOUS AFFILIATIONS, (from atheism to christianity & all points in between)



Any topics of chat that have subject matter or expressed beliefs of:

"ANY" POLITICAL parties or government entities.


As simple as it gets.


If you want a pugnacious debate to ensue, one of these three topics will almost always get it going.

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Today I was trying to find a social guild for my alts on the republic side on my server.

I was simply looking for a gay friendly social guild.


How do you want this "gay friendly social guild" to work?


My advice to you is to look for a social guild with common sense, the rest usually follows with that.


Unless you want the gay part to matter in the guild, if so I have no clue how you will find what you are looking for.

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yeah, if you mention the server you are on, we might be able to help ya (and yeah, general chat is an HORRIBLE place to ask for a LGBT friendly guild, even asking for an hispanic-spanish talking guild might get you on some nasty comments there). The better thing is to ask directly or search here on forums.


At least on my server, The harbinger, I know two LGBT guilds on pub side: One is Rough Trade (mentioned by a poster before), good guys, I belonged to that guild past year, but I had to quit the game some months afterwards, and Stonewall council, wich is the guild I have my merc and mando healer, but currently is mostly deserted (I think it was most of our members went to FF XIV).


On Imp side, you can look for Rogh Trade's guild version, Taint (or tainted, I can't remember).

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You have to understand that the internet is basically a hunting grounds for people like you. Take this as a lesson for future posts/etc etc on the internet - DO NOT say anything about your sexual orientation unless you are ready to handle being attacked.


And trust me, even a straight person would get attacked for saying they are straight on the internet.


I'd expand this even to an :


Don't say anything about your personal life or risk being attacked or stalked !

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