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Stop rewarding them for mediocrity


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EA, and by extension, Bioware, has be *********** up for too long. Most of their mainstream games are incomplete at launch, and have been full of faults with every update bringing more damage than good. In my one month of experiencing this game, it has been no different. I feel sorry that I subscribed for three months and bought coins for card packs. (Another horribly designed money milling machine.) This game is notorious for 'nickle and diming' the ever living **** out of its customers. And for what? Glitched armor, bugged quests and missions, Errors in cutscenes, and poor PVP dynamics. So why do we pay money to them every month? Yeah, the games foundation is great, but with all the constant flaws within the game? Why do we honor them with money, for cracked eggs? Would you buy a cracked egg? I wouldn't trust it. The same way I don't trust this game. It is a broken egg. Fundamentally flawed. I am done burning holes in my pocket book.


Learn from Final Fantasy 14. They saw they made a tragically flawed game, they game back to their customers, scrapped the game and fixed it for 2 and a half years. Maybe it's time to do the same Bioware. Please. someone with millions of dollars, buy out Bioware from EA and fix this once "Golden" mmo.

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So why do we pay money to them every month?


Those of us that enjoy the game have been asking you this question for almost two years now.

Why DO you pay them, then?

The answer is always something that ranges from irrelevant to idiotic.


Go find another MMO, that doesn't have glitched armor sets or bugs.

Edited by TheNahash
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I figure I will play out my subscription and decide from there. I enjoy many aspects of the game, but from what I've seen, it is damaged goods. I am hoping in the next two months, some form of saving grace pops up. I loved Kotor 1 and 2. And the storyline is great, but dear God there is so much wrong here in this game.
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I figure I will play out my subscription and decide from there. I enjoy many aspects of the game, but from what I've seen, it is damaged goods. I am hoping in the next two months, some form of saving grace pops up. I loved Kotor 1 and 2. And the storyline is great, but dear God there is so much wrong here in this game.


If you are paying and playing a game until you no longer enjoy doing that, that's perfectly fine.

If you are paying and playing a game, hoping that one day it will be what you want it to be, you're doing it wrong.


A game is supposed to entertain you. if it's not working out then you might need to consider that just because you enjoyed a certain game that is related to this one, doesn't mean that you have to (or even, should) necessarily enjoy this one.

Edited by TheNahash
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Let me ask you, how many people are being entertained by the game right now then?


We have no idea.

Only Bioware knows that. But, since the game is still up and running, I'm guessing the numbers are good.


And why does that even matter to you? My enjoyment of the game is not dependent on how many million people play it. As long as it stays up and new content is added to it - and since I'm not an EA stockholder - I don't care at all.

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Being at work right now not withstanding, if I was at home right now I would be able to log in and play. So that's 1 right there.


I will be playing in an hour as well :p


My enjoyment of the game is not dependent on how many million people play it.


Only a little, because I need other people to run group content (those dark days before server consolidation when there were <25 people on the fleet at primetime :() but that's not the point you were making :D

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This is what I dont get. People raging on how ****** this game is and how every aspect of the game and the company sucks...YET STILL PLAY AND TAKE THE TIME TO COMPLAIN ON FORUMS? lol. If you dont like it,strip your toon, give away your stuff...and leave.

OK fine, there are parts of this game that could be improved, but thats every game. NOT ONE GAME IS PERFECT.And about 90% of the time, I do not experience issues that most people do. To date my issues were: the czerka thing (resolved), A glitch that made my head piece vanish (resolved in 24 hrs), and a FPS glitch ( ended up being an issue on my end, resolved)

I would like to see a few changes in pvp, but I am not about to call the whole game bad just because of a part of it. So this leave the OP with 3 options...Suck it up and be a big boy and make calm (non insulting) SUGGESTIONS to what they would like this game to look like. Or shut it and deal with the fact you will never be 100% happy with the game. Or 3...leave.

Make your choice.

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You are entitled to your opinion.


You are not, however, entitled to determine what others do with their money or tell others what their opinions should be.


I, for one, am perfectly capable of making up my own mind. You have made up yours....and there it is.


You should not require others to agree with you to validate your own views IMO. Your views do not require validation.


Neither do mine. That is how it works.

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Let me ask you, how many people are being entertained by the game right now then?


So... since I'm in game right now waiting for a couple of peeps to get back from a quick break as we finish off TFB, I'll take the bait.


Me! *raised hand*


I look forward to your point, however once we jump the Terror my response will be delayed somewhat.

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Let me ask you, how many people are being entertained by the game right now then?


Well, if they're on here posting ....

Anyway, if Bioware is so notoriously bad, and the Cartel Packs are so obviously cash grabs, and this game is so nickel and dimey ... why would you start paying for it in the first place. I mean, it's not like there isn't a free to play option to try it out, or almost 2 years worth of reviews, opinions and news from other gamers.

It's kind of hard to sympathize with someone who buys a product without knowing what it does and then complains that it doesn't do what he wanted.

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Ya know Op even if i had 10's of billions of dollars and if this game were for sale i wouldn't buy it. Not becouse i don't find the game enjoyable ( i wouldn't be here if that was the case ) but becouse of LA ( LucasArts ). Everything here has to be approved by LA and how does one be creative with that kind of yoke around your neck ? As for rewarding them for mediocrity , I'm not . i pay a monthly sub to play the game thats it , 15.00 a month thats the extent of it , its not a reward, i'm paying for a service. Yes i could drop and play as preferred , but then i'd be taking a service and that doesn't feel right to me. So its either pay or walk. I pay (Choice is a wonderful thing )
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there was a time people could make up there own mind , and decided that something is worth the price of entertainement or not , not a bunch of trolls thinking they should dictate what people should find FUN


If you are not having fun , by all means take a break , but since most people who moan and complain .

How just or unjust don't dare to set a example , how about start fixing that issue yourself OP .

Talk is cheap and just proof it , show us screenshots of how are your toons are gone .

How all your equipment is shreded , how you refuse to be part of this !


Make a youtube movie , then we can all have some entertainement , and maybe be amazed !

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People can mostly enjoy the game, yet see the glaring issues and expect them to be corrected. The idea that someone can't complain if their paying is stupid. Yeah, we have the choice to leave, all of us do, we know that...but just because someone points out gaping flaws with the game, doesn't mean they would prefer to play something else...if that were the case, they'd be playing that other game already.
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there was a time people could make up there own mind , and decided that something is worth the price of entertainement or not , not a bunch of trolls thinking they should dictate what people should find FUN


If you are not having fun , by all means take a break , but since most people who moan and complain .

How just or unjust don't dare to set a example , how about start fixing that issue yourself OP .

Talk is cheap and just proof it , show us screenshots of how are your toons are gone .

How all your equipment is shreded , how you refuse to be part of this !


Make a youtube movie , then we can all have some entertainement , and maybe be amazed !


Exactly, I now only log in to help guildies and raid. PvP is a joke now and I'll see about arenas but I think I'll keep my sub going even though I rarely log in anymore. I've got into other MMOs that have better class mechanics and different skill point allocation as well as better tailored group content.

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This is what I dont get. People raging on how ****** this game is and how every aspect of the game and the company sucks...YET STILL PLAY AND TAKE THE TIME TO COMPLAIN ON FORUMS? lol. If you dont like it,strip your toon, give away your stuff...and leave.

OK fine, there are parts of this game that could be improved, but thats every game. NOT ONE GAME IS PERFECT.And about 90% of the time, I do not experience issues that most people do. To date my issues were: the czerka thing (resolved), A glitch that made my head piece vanish (resolved in 24 hrs), and a FPS glitch ( ended up being an issue on my end, resolved)

I would like to see a few changes in pvp, but I am not about to call the whole game bad just because of a part of it. So this leave the OP with 3 options...Suck it up and be a big boy and make calm (non insulting) SUGGESTIONS to what they would like this game to look like. Or shut it and deal with the fact you will never be 100% happy with the game. Or 3...leave.

Make your choice.


I never understood that either.


It's crazy to me to see constant complaints...when you can just as easily walk away from the game...and solve your problem.


It's like in the bioware forums...people are still complaining about mass effect 3...more than a year after it has been released.


I just do not understand how they do not have anything better to do.

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People can mostly enjoy the game, yet see the glaring issues and expect them to be corrected. The idea that someone can't complain if their paying is stupid. Yeah, we have the choice to leave, all of us do, we know that...but just because someone points out gaping flaws with the game, doesn't mean they would prefer to play something else...if that were the case, they'd be playing that other game already.


complaining is fine , you don't see me berate or agree with all issue , but how can you reward them for the mediocre !

Is a statement , why does the OP reward them for the mediocre , why doesn't he entertain us with some youtube movie ?


I know we want the beter for a product , that I do not deny , but some people just want chaos !

That is a big difference , no matter what all things has been explained by now !

they can't fix certain issues , they still need to make "Profit" , they are trying to communicate .

But instead of winning sympathy by now , you are only alienating those who also want change .

So in the end think for yourself is the product worth the money ? Then by all means play on and ask for improvements.

If you think the product by now is not FUN , nothing can be done , everything about engine , dev team , budget and support has already been laid out to the bone .

They can never confirm or deny it , cause they would be fired , we have enough corporate analyst in this game .

That can give you the run down of the current state , yelling and causing hate will not change anything !

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TFB turned into a wipe fest and now I'm feeling a little disgruntled.


I'd like to add my complaints regarding mediocrity but unfortunately, it was all ours. But, I will blame BW anyway as it seems to be in vogue.


EDIT: I demand an apology for our wipes in TFB. (That was odd to write to be honest... for a number of different reasons.)

Edited by Rafaman
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We need to demand an apology, and then make laws forbidding this kind of treatment by a company.


Yes just what we need, yet ANOTHER law on the books. No thanks I'll pass and stick with knowing that there is.no obligation for me to purchase any service provided by EA and Bioware. So instead of expdcting everyone else to protect you, pull up your big boy pants and realize that you can make decisions for yourself. No more nanny state BS please.

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Yes just what we need, yet ANOTHER law on the books. No thanks I'll pass and stick with knowing that there is.no obligation for me to purchase any service provided by EA and Bioware. So instead of expdcting everyone else to protect you, pull up your big boy pants and realize that you can make decisions for yourself. No more nanny state BS please.


sorry forgot my /sarcasm tags, was in a pure trolling mood and found at least a nibble :D

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