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Are you a fanboy, a hater, or a rational thinker?


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  1. Stories (even the little ones for side quests)
  2. Groupfinder and Flashpoints
  3. Free to Play Star Wars game that is actually good (not perfect, but good)



  1. Getting stuck, especially jumping puzzles (/stuck command cooldown, /stuck not always working, having to use /stuck often)
  2. Hard to find groups for older content (Heroics, Black Hole, Level 50 Operations, Macrobinocular and Seeker droid missions, HK parts, ect.)
  3. Idiots that you group with that are undergeared, won't listen, need on everything, just do deathmatches away from objectives, yell and swear at you, and make you wonder how they got this far in SWTOR let alone life.

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I have always considered myself to be a rational thinker when it comes to analyzing this game, even if I am one who enjoys it very much. So here are my four (why not?) opinions which hopefully prove this...


The Good


1. The Story: If you want me to play a game, then you must add a good, well-written and engaging level of storytelling. Luckily, SWTOR has, by far, the best storytelling I have ever played in a MMO. I love how our characters do not feel like mindless avatars, but actual characters who have an impact on the world around them. I like how they balance the Republic/Imperial sides too, how they show the gray areas between the factions. To be honest, I probably wouldn't be as big a fan of the game if it was set in the film era. There is something about exploring this ancient Old Republic era that I find really interesting, and it gives the writers more room to work and explore the lore.


2. Companions: The Companion feature in this game works for two reasons. Firstly it adds a bit more to the story and your characters personal journey, be via an nice one-liner doing a story mission, a chat exploring there backstory or a romance. Secondly, going in to battle with a companion by your side really helps make the game fun. This way you can choose whatever spec you want to level, as long as you have a companion to compensate your spec.


3. Same-Sex Romance: Some of your will see this as a non-issue, but a s a member of the LGBT community and a stern supporter of equality in all of its forms, the fact that SSR have even been added in to the game, despite the fact that a lot of the gaming community is made up of homophobic kids, is fantastic in my mind. True, it should have been implemented from the start, and I am still waiting for an actual romanceable SSR companion, but better late then never!


4. Customization: I may not be an RPer in the traditional sense of the word, but I do enjoy giving each of my character there own unique identity and feel. SWTOR, via in-game and CM gear, helps do this wonderfully in the amount of adaptive armor available, and how much of it is non-class specific (i.e. my Jedi Knight can dress as a mandalorian if she wants to be.) Also, they have pink lightsabers . . . all of my Jedi/Sith have that crystal, and I will forever be grateful to them because of that!


Other positives: Fun space missions, enjoyable combat, non-intimidating PVP, nice graphics, Collections.


The Bad


1. Gambling Packs: Now, don't get me wrong, I do not hate the idea of the CM. It has saved the game and is dose a good job at offering some diversity when it comes to amour and the like. What I do detest, however, is the Gambling Packs. I can only justify punting most of the content made for the shop in to these random packs as greedy. I do not see why they should not all just be put up on sale for individual prices, allowing us to choose just what we spend our money on rather the n spend a fortune trying to find it.


2. Dye System: As I said before, I love the customization of the game and how you can give every character a unique identity. Dye should help in this respect, but the actual system in which you get and use Dye is atrocious. You spend a fortune on the packs, or saving credits, and when you finally get that color you want you can only use it once. Found of piece of gear you like better? Well tough, because you cannot move the dye once it has been installed. If you could unlock it via Collections then that would be different, but at the moment this is a horrid way to capitalize on those of us who wish to customize our characters.


3. Lack of Diverse Endgame Content: Now, I like daily quests and I do think they are great fun and a nice way to spend an hour or so, but they are rather bland and story-less, and sometimes you just want to get in to your starship and go out exploring this wonderful galaxy, or experience some more story content with this character. Such content however is just not available in a satisfactory amount. The actual time waiting between the patches is fine I think, but it doesn't help that we have to wait until the next expansion for proper (Non-operation/flashpoint stuff) advancements to the story. The Bounty Contract week has helped in these respects, but more can be done to improve the endgame experience for those who do not necessarily want to constantly play Flashpoints or Operations, such as adding mini-games which do not revolve around fighting, would be nice to, such as implementing Pazaak.


4. Lack of Starship Customization: I really do like the idea round personal starships, that it is the home for our heroes and villains, but it is a shame there is no customization features at all. It would be fantastic if we could decorate the interiors, make it feel more personal and perhaps even choose what ship we have. I mean, I do like how each class has a ship that feels right for them, but how wonderful would it be if we could have a collection of starships? Some in-game, some in the CM? Find one which we really love instead of being stuck with something we may hate? It would make space missions that more interesting too. Also, I detest how the Knight/Consular and the Inquisitor/Warrior share the same ships.


Other negatives: The attitude of some members of the community (Although this is found in every MMO!), lack of duel talent system, leveling alts can become a little repetitive over time, fully equipping companions.

Edited by Cyberwoman
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Purely about the game and independent of the many players' personalities and playstyles,


I like:

- voice acting of female smuggler, trooper, warrior and bounty hunter

- agent storyline

- tauntaun mounts


I dislike:

- lack of in-game guild features (communication, housing, representation, taxation etc.)

- visual/graphical bugs on PCs and their companions (because they are literally at the center of my experience wherever I go)

- the way the dye system works

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I like:

- the stories (with the voice acting, even though I admit, that I skip the planetary missions after doing them twice)

- the theme (always been a huge starwars fan)

- the gameplay (yes, I actually like that I got more things to do, than I usually can do on a normal game day, given that I got a 40h/week job)


I dislike:

- the abundance of small bugs (I haven't encountered any gamebreaking bugs since open beta, but I saw a lot of small ones, some of which are getting real old)

- the space combat (as the rail shooter is hardly worth being called that)

- the inability to do basic roleplay stuff like sitting down, lying down, freestyle emotes being seen by the other faction...

- the lack of minigames like pazaak, swwop racing, wookiee-airlocking...

- the lack of any kind of "naming standard" even on RP-servers

- all objects, that animate my character against my will (party bomb and all similar stuff, Cathar-Roar)

- wookiee


Funny... I named a lot more specifics as dislikes as I can for likes (I tend to more generally like the game in total without being able to point fingers at the actual specifics) and still I am widely called a fanboy :)

Edited by JPryde
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No matter what video game forum you go to, you run into fanboys and haters. Fanboys are the people who will defend a game and its developers to the death, and wont acknowledge any valid criticism of the game. On the other end of the fanatical spectrum are the haters who will bash everything about the game and its devs, and wont acknowledge anything good about the game.


But there is a third group; the rational thinker. These people understand that every game has both its positive and negative aspects, even if they think that one outweighs the other. But the key point is, they can at least acknowledge the existence of both. So here is my "challenge" to you:


A) Name 3 things that you like about this game.


B) Name 3 things that you dont like about this game.


If you can do both of the above, then congrats; you are a rational thinker! :D


1. It's easy to get into.

2. Some of the class stories are rather enjoyable

3.Reasonably fun pvp


1. It's deceptively easy to get into leading to much derp in pvp.

2. Pve to me is completely lacking in attractiveness beyond single player questing.

3. Pvp is woefully underdeveloped resulting in an experience not worthy of my hard earned $

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No matter what video game forum you go to, you run into fanboys and haters. Fanboys are the people who will defend a game and its developers to the death, and wont acknowledge any valid criticism of the game. On the other end of the fanatical spectrum are the haters who will bash everything about the game and its devs, and wont acknowledge anything good about the game.


But there is a third group; the rational thinker. These people understand that every game has both its positive and negative aspects, even if they think that one outweighs the other. But the key point is, they can at least acknowledge the existence of both. So here is my "challenge" to you:


A) Name 3 things that you like about this game.


B) Name 3 things that you dont like about this game.


If you can do both of the above, then congrats; you are a rational thinker! :D


I'm sitting here eagerly rubbing my hands together. Because, you know, I wanna be called a "rational thinker" by everyone here! ... On second thought, I really don't care what everyone here thinks. I'm pretty good regardless of what anyone else thinks of me, actually.


That being said, nothing wrong with sharing my thoughts, here. So the things I like include:

-- Story. Hands down, SWTOR offers a story that really engages and gets you involved. Probably the voice acting, now that I think on it. Hard to ignore a story that speaks to you, hehe. (In that other-game, I always clicked the "accept" button without really considering anything plot-related. Made it very boring.)

-- Companions. What I appreciate is how each companion has a unique story of their own. Encourages you to really "get to know them". You end up enjoying your "favorite" companions. And leaving your not-so-favorite companions languishing on board your ship, and good riddance to them (I'm sniffing towards Kaliyo and Skadge, here).

-- End game. I am a nut for PVE gameplay. I like the stories that flow through each one of the Operations and add to the overall story of the game. I like the challenge of the Boss fights, the teamwork it encourages in those of us throwing ourselves at the fights, etc. It's fun.


And everyone has things they don't like, of course. Me, too:

-- Splash Screen. I hate the splash screen. Hate it! Hate ... hate ... hate it! Even if it is my own little toaster of a rig, bottom line is I hate the dang splash screen.

-- The GTN. Difficult to search for things, to quickly put your own items up in comparison to other like items for sale, check and verify your staying on par with other sellers, etc. Just not overly user-friendly.

-- The cargo hold. Seriously, I played another MMO that linked storage space through all your characters, so that your account shared a storage system across various alts. It even divided storage space up by type of items (i.e. cooking materials; crafting materials; junk; etc.). It was absolutely awesome, hands down my favorite aspect of playing in that MMO. I sooo wish SWTOR had something similar to that, because logging out to jump on a different character every time I want to check on a single material bugs me to no end!

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[quote=A) Name 3 things that you like about this game.


B) Name 3 things that you dont like about this game.


If you can do both of the above, then congrats; you are a rational thinker! :D


Name 3 things that you like about this game:


1- It is my first MMO, so I like that there is a big environment, between fleets, big cities and interesting locations and planets. There are places and planets that I love. Its fun to explore the game (at least when you are still new to the game).


2- I love FPs. Small groups are more fun. I wish the game had some end game FPs, instead of 148 difficulty, that you can do while sleeping in 69/72 gear.


3- PvP. I like how PvP works overall. It was more balanced pre 2.0, but still is what keeps me subbed.


Name 3 things that you dont like about this game:


1- Endgame PvE content. The content is so static. You play and replay the same ops 100+ times on different difficulties. The problem is once you play a dozen of times it becomes really staggering. Playing it on a higher difficulty to avoid one additional circle the boss puts, or to pull 10-15% more dps, is not exactly "fun."


2- Game balance. I believe that every spec of every class should be optimal for end game PvP and PvE. Nope. Not even close. Top dps classes are given top utility for PvE, which nullifies the point of bringing other dps classes. Same for tanks (not so much for healers). PvP follows similar ideology. Very few specs are optimal with a couple of other viable, with about half the specs are left in the dust.


3- Devs do not have strong knowledge of the game. This was demonstrated in some of the responses to class questions, like sorc, ops and PTs. Add to that, the devs mentioned multiple times that they use incorrect methods to monitor end game. PvP RWZ were not monitored, thus any input that devs had regarding class balance was kind of laughable, (like sorc break LOS and heal), indicating that they are using mistakes avg. Joe faces in a WZ to respond regarding class balance and competitive PvP questions. For PvE, devs mentioned a couple of times parsing on dummies and FPs. Who cares about dummies? You know we can tell what classes and specs pulled how much from TORparse, which kind of indicate as well HM and NiM ops were not closely monitored to ensure that classes are on even ground.


I have been subbed for 14 month. I found the first 7-8 to be more fun, because there is much to explore, between classes, stories and locations. After I tried every aspect of the game, and no longer willing to roll new classes, the end game issues become more apparent, and the game less fun. There is still fun to be had in the game, that's why I am still here, but the experience is no longer the same as it was when I just started.

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I'm a rational thinker, so of course, people probably think I'm a Hater. lol


That said...I've been subbed to this game since EGA. I still play 4-5 times a week. With 2.4 I'll probably be playing everyday until Arenas get tired.


Year One of SWTOR was a strange experience of peaks and valleys like I've never seen in an MMO before. But I'm still here, mainly because there isn't another Sci-Fi-style MMO worth a cr*p out there.


Sorry, but I'm just burnt on fantasy. I bought the LOTRO xpac, but more to help Turbine out. I personally have no desire to even play it. I could play GW2 if I want to, but never login. Used to love Rift, but again, no desire to login to that game even with all the recent new stuff. WH just shut down. WoW just sux.


This game has a lot of positives. It also has a lot of negatives. Things just sort of balance out. Until something better comes along, I'll still be here. Although I will be taking a significant break for BF4.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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the good: the story, companions, legacy system

the bad: many bugs (example: getting stuck in like every rough texture), several very grindy quests (like HK), customer support.


there's many things left to improve in this game, i hope at least some will be implemented before EA will decide to close this game due to lack of subscribers.


and well.. the endgame. its content is simply non-existent compared to amount of leveling story. looks like someone rushed BW to release it before it was complete. Makeb does not add much.

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No matter what video game forum you go to, you run into fanboys and haters. Fanboys are the people who will defend a game and its developers to the death, and wont acknowledge any valid criticism of the game. On the other end of the fanatical spectrum are the haters who will bash everything about the game and its devs, and wont acknowledge anything good about the game.


But there is a third group; the rational thinker. These people understand that every game has both its positive and negative aspects, even if they think that one outweighs the other. But the key point is, they can at least acknowledge the existence of both. So here is my "challenge" to you:


A) Name 3 things that you like about this game.

B) Name 3 things that you dont like about this game.

If you can do both of the above, then congrats; you are a rational thinker! :D


Not sure how this proves anything, since it's the overall balance of your view that determines rationality not individual aspects, but


A) 1) Jedi and Sith, got to love a lightsaber wielding character. 2) Speeders 3) the game is actually fun to play.

B) 1) Getting trapped when you explore 2) Heroic 4's I understand why they should be fun, But I hate most of them. 3) the Bugs, man I hate the Collicoids and Killiks.

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1 Right , classes done right , having fun with classes

The sprites and graphics , keep getting beter and beter , I love the SWTOR setting .

Operations and flash points are quite fun , so is the pvp .

new attunement of daily is dead on , small area quick to do , no need to travel around much .


2 wrong

freaking ability delays , combat logs and display (don't give me the lies they are correct )

wrong mob balancing again and again , hire some noobs as testers , and hire some pro and come someplace in between . (no I do not have any issue , but I can already tell it is overtuned for majority of the people)

rewards vs time is wrongly invested , learn that from blizzard atleast !


They have almost perfected reward versus time invested ! Here it is like why waste time !

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Genuine "haters" have long since left these forums. People labeled as haters these days are typically people with a differing opinion to a fanboy and/or fail to provide constructive criticism. Fanboys typically label people as "haters" when they express any criticism, or have a dissenting opinion to said fanboy. The Fanboy typically receives these perceived slights as personal insults and reacts accordingly.


The paid-to-be-shills (or fanboy). Those that will never be able to put fault on the game, the developers, or parent company for any issue, or shortcomings and insist nothing is ever wrong. If there is something wrong, it is probably your fault, and you should just uninstall the game and never show yourself on the swtor forums ever again.


Then we have those passionate about the game, and may or may not provide what can be considered constructive criticism. These people are often mistakenly labeled as "haters" depending on what side of any particular "debate" you find yourself on.


Then of course we have the trolls. People that pose as "haters" but don't really care and just want to piss you off.

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A) Name 3 things that you like about this game.


1. Story

2. Companions

3. Adaptable Gear


B) Name 3 things that you dont like about this game.

If you can do both of the above, then congrats; you are a rational thinker! :D


1. pvpers who hide on RP PVE servers and then whine that the pvp is crap.. I mean DUH thats what PVP servers are for.

2. people whining about RP'ers RPing on RP servers as If they are the ones who are in the wrong place and not the whiners I mean DUH dopn't like RP don't role on an RP server!

3. people who pay no attention to server TYPES (see 1 and 2 above) because they are lazy tards who don't read what the server types are or mean and then play somewhere entirely unsuited for them and then whine about it. I mean DUH the relevant info is there before you choose READ IT!!!


yay I'm a rational thinker, do I win a prize :p

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