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Would you accept no voiceovers if it meant more frequent content?


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As in fully voiced class content. It did not. Acknowledgement voices is hardly a voiceover. Either way 10 text quests are better than two voiced ones


There were fully voiced quests in a full storyline where your character spoke with other characters and you made decisions. I don't even know what "acknowledgement voices" are.

Nobody is talking about class quests, that's an entirely different subject.

Edited by chuixupu
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They have already cut back dramatically on voiced content. They only place left they can cut it out of is FP and OPs since no one seems to want to watch what little is there anyway (that's my grumpy story loving voice that is tired of being told to space bar in story mode FP even after announcing I hadn't done the content before and wanted to see it.) If they remove it from planet arcs you might as well just buy some choose your own adventure books.
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Games has had voiceovers since the 90s. Theres a reason no mmos do it. Its too laborious and content is more important. Until they get over uncanny valley voiceovers are pointless. Its the worst touted selling point i could imagine in a game instead of real innovation. Stop paying voice actors and maybee they could afford to hire competent devs
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I'd like to mention that the content likely gets a majority of its voice acting done months before it gets inputted in the game. If the VO is somehow affecting content cycles, there's something wrong. Now the coding for cutscenes and lip-sync? Sure, that might add to some time, but since all content that's been delayed so far has been because of game-mechanics, not voice acting, I have my doubts. I don't think voiceovers are a problem.
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Story/VO is the only positive differentiation this game has going for itself.


If it starts churning out content on par with other mmos why wouldn't I go play those other mmos that do pretty much everything better? Story and SW are the 2 main things keeping this ship afloat. Ditching one would be shooting yourself in your kneecap.

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Low cost? Any cost is too much when it takes resources that could be allocated for important things. If its the only difference and reason behind why you play then that just makes the game sound like crap. Id play star wars with or without it. But them touting it as some super feature is laughabe. I guess thays what you have to do when you can actually tout real features of distinction
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After playing WoW for years, if this was a democracy and I had a vote, I would vote to keep the voice acting. After all those years of click-click-click through all the text then go do the kill and carry tasks with no one paying attention to the story, which makes the quests unimportant except for the XP and level advancement, coming to SWTOR and getting voice acting was a total shift in outlook and gameplay and I love it. I just feel that text questing makes the story unimportant. And then, what's the point? It would be just another grinding game.
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I just feel that text questing makes the story unimportant. And then, what's the point? It would be just another grinding game.


Considering quite a lot of folk just space bar through the cutscenes (me included on planet quests i've seen several times before .... they got old real fast) then it is just like text based questing.


I don't mind if they keep them or lose them, that's entirely up to BioWare but it won't ruin anything for me if they switched to text based questing.

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Spacing is good when you do same content for 10th time... but for major parts I prefer VO.

So if they stick with mission terminals for repeatable content (most of side quests included) I am OK, but if it mean that there will be no more VO interactions over story lines (class/planetary/story related FPs & OPS) - no, no, no.

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Spacing is good when you do same content for 10th time... but for major parts I prefer VO.

So if they stick with mission terminals for repeatable content (most of side quests included) I am OK, but if it mean that there will be no more VO interactions over story lines (class/planetary/story related FPs & OPS) - no, no, no.


Actually I concede that point.


Story missions wouldn't be the same without the voice acting and scenes so they would probably need to stay.


But for side and repeat quests ... I can live with text based quests.

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sigh... i dont know why people keep thinking the voiceovers are the biggest impediment to developing new content for this game...


There is supposed to be a ton of unused voiceovers for pre-planned future content. Its not like EAware goes out to hire the VAs every time they launch something new. The rate of release of new content has little to do with voiceovers. Its more likely due to the time and resources needed to develop new content which EA would rather not dump money into since it is so much cheaper and more profitable to just cash grab with cartel crap.


Moving forward however I feel voiceovers are an integral part of the game and should be retained to the max. it gives the game an important depth and is certainly a unique plus point against other MMOs

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I wouldn't accept it. Reading text without any sound doesn't create the feeling of story as much as voice overs. And I expect this game to have story throughout. Sure, use the Huttese more frequently if it saves you money. But I expect cinematics.


And to be honest, I feel there are frequent content updates. I mean... a new planet just 5 months after Makeb launched? Two flashpoints, a new daily area, a new event, a new operation and soon to be another one, 3 arena maps... it looks like Bioware is doing fine with this game's budget.

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The 'amount' in that PC gamer article you briefly posted (before deleting) refers to all the voice acting that was included not only in the vanilla 1-50 game but also content that came afterwards (Makeb, for example, contains already-recorded dialogue, which is how characters like Tanno Vik have voice acting despite (unfortunately, RIP) his voice actor passing away in 2012).


You just reminded me how the only reason Reboot was cancelled was because the voice actor for megabyte died :(

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I would not.


Playing this game for too long slowly kills immersion. Having new NPC's with new voices/texts rekindles some of that immersion, which I really appreciate. Plus it increases the bond with your character imo as well.

Edited by Gokkus
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Well stated. Having leveled a Jugg, Marauder, BH, Sentinel & Guardian to 55, I have a difficult time questing in any game that does NOT have a voice acted / player quest decision system. Which is all other MMOs that I have played. This game has completely changed my expectations for PvE now. Completely.


I keep coming back to SWTOR for the VO and the cutscenes. The text-quests in Rift, Wildstar, and WoW bore me now. I wouldn't mind a "Help Wanted" board in all hubs for filler quests, but the main story or class line in each hub should have VO and animation.

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