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"Join the Battle" trailer


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Has anyone else noticed that this cosplay trailer just happens to completely misrepresent the game, given that PvP will soon consist mostly of 4v4 warzones? There are no massive battles like the one depicted going on anywhere in the game, and there probably won't ever be.
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Has anyone else noticed that this cosplay trailer just happens to completely misrepresent the game, given that PvP will soon consist mostly of 4v4 warzones? There are no massive battles like the one depicted going on anywhere in the game, and there probably won't ever be.


That is actually a funny observation.

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is every one of these crapy live action trailers made by the same people and same director?


every single one is the same thing, people running around on the streets, glimpses of weapons and powers then ends with big mass of people and has nothing to do with the game lol


I'm sure a bunch of out of shape people sitting in chairs and swilling Red Bull would have worked much better. :rolleyes:

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This one seems desperate though. It screams "Please, we need subs !"


How? Seriously, how is there anything desperate about this?


And hell if you want to go the "normal" advertising route, I have not seen a single mention / advert anywhere of TOR other than the the first few months prior to launch and maybe a month after that.


And I see it advertized all the time on the banners at the expat forum I hang out on. So much for that point.


But to answer the OP on opinion: -5/10 . "Live action" tends to be stupid, silly, and cheesy..which is what this was. Couldn't take it seriously at all.


If you're going to take a pretending to be a Jedi or Sith seriously in any way a look at one's life priorities is in order. :rolleyes:

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I don't think so. Link?


At least one year - I remember seeing it on a couple of Internet game sites way back when. One in particular I remember is Gamebreaker TV's The Republic show.


WOW, that trailer was SO bad I can barely believe it. Looked more like a promo for Revenge of the Angry Nerds! Nothing epic or inspiring about that piece of trash.


I personally found it better than GW2's live action trailer. Probably because I like this game better than GW2.

Edited by TravelersWay
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This video needs to get air time on REAL TV. you cant just show the video at your website and youtube and expect lots of new sub's to generate from it. If EA has any brains at all they will buy TV Air-Time (Commercial Slots) and show all the people that never even knew their was a Starwars MMO out on the market, how great this game is (yes, their are people who don't know this awesome game exists).


Do it right or don't do it at all.

Edited by GalaxyStrong
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How? Seriously, how is there anything desperate about this?




And I see it advertized all the time on the banners at the expat forum I hang out on. So much for that point.


But to answer the OP on opinion: -5/10 . "Live action" tends to be stupid, silly, and cheesy..which is what this was. Couldn't take it seriously at all.


If you're going to take a pretending to be a Jedi or Sith seriously in any way a look at one's life priorities is in order. :rolleyes:



That must be it exactly! :rolleyes: B/c the "look how cool I am!" gimmick works wonders...I couldn't take the commercial seriously...guess something is wrong with that in your world.

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And what about that video felt epic to you? If you thought it was good better sack up and say why so we can tell you why your wrong!


I wouldn't say if felt epic to me, it was a fun little trailer. After watching it again, I realized why I like it - and like it better than GW2s. It harkens back to my youth when my brother and I and all our friends would basically do just that - pretend to be Jedi and Sith fighting it out in our backyard. How cool would it have been to actually have been able to do that with real sabers and blasters ... ahh the good ole days.

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I thought it was pretty cool. I also liked that unlike some other trailers (hope), they don't have a person who doesn't really exist ability wise in the game. I would still LOVE to have a double bladed saber on my jedi knight lol, or a jedi shadow that can actually use the force like Satele Shan did.
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