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So Excited...and then so Disappointed!!! **Jedi Guardian Story Spoilers**


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The Jedi Guardian story was so great, I was digging the whole thing, really making me love the game, etc. I really like how much personality the companions have, I like Kira Carsen's spunk in particular, and even though I'm all about efficiency, I decided to keep her as my companion even after I maxed her affection out.


So now that the forum preview won't show this, the story was seriously great...Angral, Fulminiss, all these different weird Sith I was tracking down and occasionally redeeming. Raiding the Emperor's Fortress with almost the entire Jedi Council in Chapter 2 was FREAKING AWESOME and it was so fitting that he was so incredibly powerful with the Force there he basically just Force Smacked us and was like..."nice try."


So I spend all of Corellia getting ready to take on Master Braga, and there was some decent buildup there with clearing the different weapons in each of those buildings.


But then after Braga the whole thing falls apart! The following conversation takes place:

You: Master Braga is defeated!

Satele Shan: Excellent! Now go take on the Emperor yourself.

You: Ok...umm...right. Umm....what about landing there?

Satele Shan: We'll send the whole fleet at them. [but you'll be the only one landing. This is the equivalent of Osama Bin Laden trying to land a 747 painted with a bulls-eye on the White House lawn. If the White House lawn was equipped with ICBMs.]


You then proceed to storm through the capital by yourself (with no sign of orbital combat in the background), which is about as likely to be covert as Jennifer Aniston walking around ComicCon naked. Satele says "you'll have to fight your way through" or something, but it's just so absurd. Remember that opening scene from Die Hard where Bruce Willis wears that sign before Samuel Jackson saves him? Yah, our characters storming the Emperor on his turf is basically the equivalent of wearing that sign during a rally in Washington D.C. and trying to walk from the Capitol building to the White House unscathed. If the citizens of Washington D.C. could sense your presence with the Force...and if every citizen was also a veteran.


So then the dude who was so powerful at the end of chapter 2 that basically defeated the entire Council with a wave of his hand basically rolls over and dies to you and T7. Because apparently T7 is more powerful than the Jedi Council, and the Emperor is tired because you .... killed his minions or something on other planets?


Then he collapses the Temple or some madness, and this is part my fault, but since no timer or graphics or anything indicate that the Temple is collapsing I spent a bunch of time in the "collapsing" temple solving the Imperial Logo puzzle.


I gotta go to bed, but it should have been like this:

There should have been a MASSIVE buildup to assaulting the emperor like all of chapter 2 was, and much more covert or...believable.

The fight itself should have been more dynamic.

But most importantly, there should have been a MASSIVE SENSE OF URGENCY in the final encounter. Like as soon as you land waves and waves of Sith spawn behind you so you absolutely have to try to get to the Emperor as soon as possible or get overrun. Not a stupid puzzle on the ground that you can sit and look at and try to figure out.


Urg...I was digging the story so much but I think they just paced it wrong and by the time all the Jedi Masters were freed they figured you'd be 50 already. Urg.

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You know, there is a dedicated spoiler section where you probably should have posted this.



your supposed "almost the entire Jedi Council" is a misperception. You attack together with Tol Braga of the Jedi Council, and a bunch of weaker Jedi who aren't even Jedi Masters. I think there are no more than 5 Jedi in total partaking in that "assault".


I also didn't like the entirety of Jedi Knight act 3. Well, Belsavis was OK and Corellia was... decent, but beyond that? They ruined Sel-Makor and the Emperor as credible villains in very little time.


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The Jedi Guardian story was so great, I was digging the whole thing, really making me love the game, etc. I really like how much personality the companions have, I like Kira Carsen's spunk in particular, and even though I'm all about efficiency, I decided to keep her as my companion even after I maxed her affection out.


So now that the forum preview won't show this, the story was seriously great...Angral, Fulminiss, all these different weird Sith I was tracking down and occasionally redeeming. Raiding the Emperor's Fortress with almost the entire Jedi Council in Chapter 2 was FREAKING AWESOME and it was so fitting that he was so incredibly powerful with the Force there he basically just Force Smacked us and was like..."nice try."


So I spend all of Corellia getting ready to take on Master Braga, and there was some decent buildup there with clearing the different weapons in each of those buildings.


But then after Braga the whole thing falls apart! The following conversation takes place:

You: Master Braga is defeated!

Satele Shan: Excellent! Now go take on the Emperor yourself.

You: Ok...umm...right. Umm....what about landing there?

Satele Shan: We'll send the whole fleet at them. [but you'll be the only one landing. This is the equivalent of Osama Bin Laden trying to land a 747 painted with a bulls-eye on the White House lawn. If the White House lawn was equipped with ICBMs.]


You then proceed to storm through the capital by yourself (with no sign of orbital combat in the background), which is about as likely to be covert as Jennifer Aniston walking around ComicCon naked. Satele says "you'll have to fight your way through" or something, but it's just so absurd. Remember that opening scene from Die Hard where Bruce Willis wears that sign before Samuel Jackson saves him? Yah, our characters storming the Emperor on his turf is basically the equivalent of wearing that sign during a rally in Washington D.C. and trying to walk from the Capitol building to the White House unscathed. If the citizens of Washington D.C. could sense your presence with the Force...and if every citizen was also a veteran.


So then the dude who was so powerful at the end of chapter 2 that basically defeated the entire Council with a wave of his hand basically rolls over and dies to you and T7. Because apparently T7 is more powerful than the Jedi Council, and the Emperor is tired because you .... killed his minions or something on other planets?


Then he collapses the Temple or some madness, and this is part my fault, but since no timer or graphics or anything indicate that the Temple is collapsing I spent a bunch of time in the "collapsing" temple solving the Imperial Logo puzzle.


I gotta go to bed, but it should have been like this:

There should have been a MASSIVE buildup to assaulting the emperor like all of chapter 2 was, and much more covert or...believable.

The fight itself should have been more dynamic.

But most importantly, there should have been a MASSIVE SENSE OF URGENCY in the final encounter. Like as soon as you land waves and waves of Sith spawn behind you so you absolutely have to try to get to the Emperor as soon as possible or get overrun. Not a stupid puzzle on the ground that you can sit and look at and try to figure out.


Urg...I was digging the story so much but I think they just paced it wrong and by the time all the Jedi Masters were freed they figured you'd be 50 already. Urg.


I thought the emperor fight was too simple as well. It should have been way harder and had more complicated mechanics.

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And don't get me wrong, it's a great story that just chokes at the bery end. Like that one Patriots season where they lost to the Giants.


And giving T7 gear is appropriate, but could have been done in a different place to help keep the sense of urgency.


It makes sense to not make it so hard that people needed to bring friends, when the story is basically that only you could do it. Still the fight should have had some more interesting mechanics while still being easy enough for children to beat (after dying a bunch of times).

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Have you played through the Sith Warrior story yet?



The Emperor's Voice has only recently been released from a trap set by Darth Baras, on the planet of Voss. The Warrior travels there, as a newly appointed Wrath, to free the Voice. Mind you, the Warrior frees the Voice by successfully slaughtering the Voss body that the Emperor had been using to house his Voice. So the character my Knight battled on Dromund Kaas was, in fact, only a very recent incarnation of the Voice. I looked into it enough to know the process by which the Emperor fully incorporates into a new body takes some bit of time. It's likely the figure the Knight battled was weaker than it might have been, otherwise.


This also throws into question the entire notion you've actually defeated the Emperor, mind you. In killing the Voice, you've just managed to hinder him for a time. That being said, two heady blows in such a short time could prove even more detrimental in the long run. It's enough for several members of the Council, including Darth Marr, to assert to Imperial characters heading to Makeb, that the Emperor is, in fact, dead. I get the feeling, personally, that we're going to be seeing the guy making another reappearance at some point in the future. But that's just me.


Regardless, no. Your Knight didn't truly defeat the Emperor himself. Close, mind you. But not the real guy, sorry.


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If you're upset because the fight was too easy, well, in addition to any of the lore reasons mentioned, your problem is that you reached this point about a yer and a half too late. Go back in the forums (probably best in the Jedi Knight forum) to the month or two after launch, and see all of the posts and threads complaining about how impossibly hard the fight was. (it didn't help that the puzzle wasn't working well either, so most people didn't have T7 at any decent level).


So, as is the way of things in MMOs, it got nerfed. Honestly, in modern MMOs, I don't think you should expect storyline type quests to ever be particularly difficult, if you're reasonably well-geared and reasonably well-experienced. if you want tough fights, than that's what optional (usually group) content is for, or you can fight him naked or something.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just finished Chapter 2.


They really messed up the whole being under sith control part.


The little montage was hilarious.


For one, they should have made you wear sith clothing during this time...to make it more believble...and I also think it should have focus more of meditating on the dark side. Your combat skills should not be in question by that point.


Also...one thing that will always bug me...is that Orgus mentions all the horrible things you did while under sith control. That almost ruined my character for me. It's just a mention...but there is no doubt that he means you probably murdered a bunch of innocent people while under sith control. (is this ever brought up later in chapter 3?)


Granted, I'm excited for chapter 3...because of what happened in chatper 2...but I think the end of chapter 2 just wasn't executed well enough.

Edited by VitalityPrime
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My Guardian was a Miraluka.


I thought it was hilarious when they

tried to show me his dark side eyes



It was also hilarious when that one knight

said he had a vision where I had sith eyes.

Let's do everything we can to make Miraluka players know they can't be canon in any class.


That said...When they told me I had been evil I wasn't particularly disappointed, though I did feel a strange disconnect. I've been torturing these people for...how long exactly? And once we leave the station we pick right back up where we left off? I would have thought Kira, or especially Doc would have some residual anger issues...


And when you fight the Emperor...I remember that fight being hard. When I made a Cathar Guardian, I was very disappointed to simply roll over him. By rights, he should be the most difficult boss you fight, even in his weakened state. Now, as long as you

interrupt his one hit kill the one time he tries to fire it off

, you're fine.


And yes, yes, Stih players get a big kick out of saying

"It's not the Emperor, it's his voice," but in the Knight story you are told "This is the Emperor," and despite Baras' lies, being the voice means "The Emperor lives in this body," essentially, This is the Emperor.


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That was pretty fun to read. :)


However i feel i should tell you that this was not the Emperor,but his Voice. A physical body he enters to present himself before the public to issue orders and defend himself.His consciousness is in a million places and is controlling tons of minions and doing tons of stuff.

That's why he wasn't so powerful,so you could defeat him with T7 and yourself.The Emperor is Sith Pureblood ,not human.

But yes the Voice is the vessel he transfers his consciousness the most to,that's why his spirit is injured after the fight and is recuperating at the moment.

Edited by Kaedusz
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That was pretty fun to read. :)


However i feel i should tell you that this was not the Emperor,but his Voice. A physical body he enters to present himself before the public to issue orders and defend himself.His consciousness is in a million places and is controlling tons of minions and doing tons of stuff.

That's why he wasn't so powerful,so you could defeat him with T7 and yourself.The Emperor is Sith Pureblood ,not human.

But yes the Voice is the vessel he transfers his consciousness the most to,that's why his spirit is injured after the fight and is recuperating at the moment.


Lord Scourge disagrees. And no, the Emperor is NO LONGER a Pureblood. Also, the reason the Emperor is weakened is because you disrupted his rituals to destroy all life on Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia, giving you an opportunity to strike.

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Lord Scourge disagrees. And no, the Emperor is NO LONGER a Pureblood. Also, the reason the Emperor is weakened is because you disrupted his rituals to destroy all life on Belsavis, Voss, and Corellia, giving you an opportunity to strike.


I have seen all Scourge dialoges,haven't seen any part where he disagrees,also in the book.Yes he is no longer,but that is his original race,the main thing is that human body/vessel you fought at the end of the knight story was wasn't Born 1300 ago on Nathema.

The reasons of being weakened that you mentioned are clearly visible in the jedi knight story,so they are agreed upon by default and are of different category,that's they were not included in the point i was trying to make.

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My favorite part of the players who claim the Jedi Knight story is wrong, the Sith Warrior story has the True Version of What Happened...


...look at the source.


It's laughable.


I've played both stories through to the end, and what I love about it is that, IMO, we don't know which version is true. Or as a wise man once said, that the truth might be something in between.

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My favorite part of the players who claim the Jedi Knight story is wrong, the Sith Warrior story has the True Version of What Happened...


...look at the source.


It's laughable.


I've played both stories through to the end, and what I love about it is that, IMO, we don't know which version is true. Or as a wise man once said, that the truth might be something in between.

There are no more than 1 ''version''.

The Jedi Story is not wrong,the Republic and the Jedi are just wrong about the emperor being dead.Being wrong is a part of a lore plot imo.Later they should find out that he is alive/half alive/in a coma/whatever.The mails you get after you finish the warrior storyline are the truth.

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I also just want to say how I didn't like the fact that some random Jedi that you never meet until this point in the story is the only one who saw a vision of you "turning to the darkside".


It would have been so much better if one of the other Masters...or even Kira...had this vision instead.

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A few things need to be accounted for in regards to fight difficulty:

1. As was mentioned earlier, the Emperor was still getting accustomed to his new body, after the Emperor's Wrath killed his old one.

2. He was only able to curbstomp three skilled and powerful Jedi because he was using a Voss body, one already strong in the Force. His presence in that form served to amplify it.

3. The Hero of Tython had become enraged when

the Emperor had his men attempt to kill one of the Knight's companions, or after seeing what he had done to the noble Jedi such as Braga

and fought harder/darker(?) for these reasons.

4. The Hero of Tython's skill had increased greatly since the encounter on the station/he was prepared this time/

his newfound Sith training

increased his skills.

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4. The Hero of Tython's skill had increased greatly since the encounter on the station/he was prepared this time/

his newfound Sith training

increased his skills.



I wouldn't say the Sith training made the Hero of Tython stronger.


It was the whole situation and experience of falling under Sith control...and subsequently breaking through said control...that made the Hero of Tython stronger.


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