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Smash IS overpowered


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edit: and no. I don't main a smasher. I have one. they're easy to play. I main a VG & mando. I've been playing scrapper a lot recently. I'd like to play more watchman, but the ramp up and rampant cleansing makes it frustrating.


I miss playing watchmen back in 1.1.5 when the self healing was worth the ramp up time. They were also hands down one of the best counters to sage healers as if played correctly you would never get a cast off.

Edited by Raansu
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Well, one the one hand, smasher AOE is quite useful.


And by the way, 8k with a full T5 equiped Guardian is normal standard against ppl with full expertise.

Best hits are like 10,5k, depending on your opponent.


If there is now some ppl complaining, what do you say about the Sith Sorcerers, who's Dots tick with 1,5-2k ?

Thermal Granates of the Scoundrel : like 7-8k.


I think there is enough other examples to show, that Smasher Damage is not THAT overpowered, compared

to other classes abilites.


Its just , for example the great survivability of the Jedi sentinel, with its shields, possibility of getting out of the

fight, if needed.


I think if we talk about such a topic, there should be not seen only what the smasher can do, but also, what other

classes do compared to them, and what the great disadvantages of an Melee Fighter are.


Has anyone yet been constantly killed by 2-3 Range DD'S, when coming from respawn, trying to get in range ?:D



Its the absurd DCD of marauders and sentinels that makes rage/focus spec overpowered in PVP. They have higher survivability than a jugg/guardian dps which is ridiculous

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With the way healing is in this game they don't need the defenses. They should have to rely on healing and team work like everyone else. Their ability to just charge into groups of 3 or sometimes even more especially if their isn't a warrior in the bunch and do major damage is ridiculous. Much of the time they do this they don't even die in the end and just vanish and run. Are they a dps class, tank class or stealth? All? W T F


I think it could help make healers work harder if they had to treat warriors like every one else and heal them just as much.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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With the way healing is in this game they don't need the defenses. They should have to rely on healing and team work like everyone else. Their ability to just charge into groups of 3 or sometimes even more especially if their isn't a warrior in the bunch and do major damage is ridiculous. Much of the time they do this they don't even die in the end and just vanish and run. Are they a dps class, tank class or stealth? All? W T F


I think it could help make healers work harder if they had to treat warriors like every one else and heal them just as much.

They are the ONLY class with no 4sec stun. See the trade off here? They have no stun so they have more defensive cooldowns.

"4sec stun it's not that much", ok play a marauder lvl 55 pvp then come back here.

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They are the ONLY class with no 4sec stun. See the trade off here? They have no stun so they have more defensive cooldowns.

"4sec stun it's not that much", ok play a marauder lvl 55 pvp then come back here.


So my 4 second stun is equal to a high damage AOE auto crit, a stealth escape, and 2 defensive cooldowns? I only counted 2 because of my pathetic 25% shield that they automatically get through with their smash since it auto-crits. Do crits go through their defenses? I am thinking they don't/ Wow too bad they can break my stun and then interrupt my concussion shot if I choose to dare to use it. I probably won't dare though because I can't waste the 1.5 seconds and the heat because they are hitting me with multiple attacks in that time that do a very high amount of damage. They also have various ways to interrupt also btw.


You are also suggesting that force choke counts for nothing, even though it does good damage and does not build up that much resolve? Who cares if you are immobile while you are doing it. I can't hurt you and you are hurting me. Isn't that what you want to accomplish with a stun? It's not like you need to run away, you have those defenses.


Leaning on not having a "stun" does not cut it in this argument. A stun does not equal what you have. Not by a long shot.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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They are the ONLY class with no 4sec stun. See the trade off here? They have no stun so they have more defensive cooldowns.

"4sec stun it's not that much", ok play a marauder lvl 55 pvp then come back here.


They are NOT the only ones without it.


DPS Guardians don't have a 4 second stun..


Sentinel Defenses are better than Shadow tank defenses, and certainly better than any other DPS.


Please, know your classes before you talk about them.



At least when Pyro was stupidsimple, OP, and easymode they were a "glass cannon". Maras are like Mack Trucks, and that's a slap in the face to class balance (and the tradeoff that you speak of)


Their tradeoff SHOULD be:


Oh damn, our damage is incredibly high but we die if we aren't careful (we're squishy) so it's balanced.

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Jedi shadow tank has stronger defensive CDs than sentinel does. Jedi shadow tank has deflection, resilience, combat readiness (25% damage taken reduction, and +15% health regeneration), +15% chance to shield increase from kinetic ward, and the ability to stealth out (force camouflage only lasts for 4 seconds). My jedi shadow has a passive damage taken reduction of around 33%.
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Sentinel Defenses are better than Shadow tank defenses, and certainly better than any other DPS.


Put the crack pipe down. Mercs get 10 secs of 0 kbs/snares/roots + speed every 30 secs, snipers get 20 secs of "try to cc me I dare you" every 60. Give either of those to sentinels and your brain would pop like a ripe zit. Even enure is better than gbtf unless you're being focused by more than 1 dps.. Better dcds than shadow tanks? ... My deception sin dies less than my sentinel in just about every game. Spec'd tank there's no comparison.

Edited by Savej
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Laughed my *** off. Not because of the joke, but because I would actually see bioware do this.


They have done it in the past with warhammer online and the class Bright Wizzard. They tried to nerf an aoe caster bomb class but instead they turned it into a melee insane criting killing machine, that was 2 times more OP.

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So my 4 second stun is equal to a high damage AOE auto crit, a stealth escape, and 2 defensive cooldowns? I only counted 2 because of my pathetic 25% shield that they automatically get through with their smash since it auto-crits. Do crits go through their defenses? I am thinking they don't/ Wow too bad they can break my stun and then interrupt my concussion shot if I choose to dare to use it. I probably won't dare though because I can't waste the 1.5 seconds and the heat because they are hitting me with multiple attacks in that time that do a very high amount of damage. They also have various ways to interrupt also btw.


You are also suggesting that force choke counts for nothing, even though it does good damage and does not build up that much resolve? Who cares if you are immobile while you are doing it. I can't hurt you and you are hurting me. Isn't that what you want to accomplish with a stun? It's not like you need to run away, you have those defenses.


Leaning on not having a "stun" does not cut it in this argument. A stun does not equal what you have. Not by a long shot.

As I said, go play a marauder pvp 55 then come back here.

You don't know how much stun/slow/snare/mezz this game have until you play a marauder or Rage Jugg/guardian.

You play a commando, warrior job is to kill your healer and do as much as possible damage between so much stuns.

A 4 sec stun can't be interrupted, if you stun your target it can't be interrupted. Force Choke/stasis can be interrupted just pressing interrupt, I care about I have to root myself while choking you praying to no one knockback or interrupt my choke.

Yes, not having a 4sec stun is the explanation to aoe crits + dcd's. As I said, try it.

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They are NOT the only ones without it.


DPS Guardians don't have a 4 second stun..


Sentinel Defenses are better than Shadow tank defenses, and certainly better than any other DPS.


Please, know your classes before you talk about them.



At least when Pyro was stupidsimple, OP, and easymode they were a "glass cannon". Maras are like Mack Trucks, and that's a slap in the face to class balance (and the tradeoff that you speak of)


Their tradeoff SHOULD be:


Oh damn, our damage is incredibly high but we die if we aren't careful (we're squishy) so it's balanced.

Ok DPS jugg/guardian do not have 4sec stun but your tank tree have, your AC has stuns, can't deny it. Marauder AC has no acces of any kind of stun. This is my point.

Also force push is a 2sec stun.

Pyro was OP because of the burst + stun. People hate stealthers because burst + stun.. People hate marauder because auto-crit + dcd's... Though snipers has more dcd's than marauders and an insane burst.

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Pyro was nerfed because of burst and stun?! Man, are you playing any other class besides your kiddie-smasher, or are you just trolling?!


And Marauder has no stuns? Oh gosh, Force Choke (best short-time stun in game; builds resources, stuns and does damage) isn't a stun?! And you're complaining that it can be interrupted by other players?! And an AOE-Mezz isn't a thing?! And you're comparing a tank-spec with an dd-specc?!


Troll-Factor 1/10

Edited by JaborAnDubhar
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Pyro was nerfed because of burst and stun?! Man, are you playing any other class besides your kiddie-smasher, or are you just trolling?!

Look at my sig.

I love Pyro, when I played mine before the nerfs full EWH min/max, Flame burst + Explosive Dart + stun + Thermal Detonator + Rail shot = target is dead... 5GCD = 7.5sec, my target could do something in 3.5sec because 4sec he was stunned. It's A LOT of damage and your target can't do nothing because of the stun. Imagine if marauders could stun + ravage, sage/sorcs would quit the game.

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As I said, go play a marauder pvp 55 then come back here.

You don't know how much stun/slow/snare/mezz this game have until you play a marauder or Rage Jugg/guardian.

You play a commando, warrior job is to kill your healer and do as much as possible damage between so much stuns.

A 4 sec stun can't be interrupted, if you stun your target it can't be interrupted. Force Choke/stasis can be interrupted just pressing interrupt, I care about I have to root myself while choking you praying to no one knockback or interrupt my choke.

Yes, not having a 4sec stun is the explanation to aoe crits + dcd's. As I said, try it.


No you're right even though it is the most played class and the majority seem to do great, even though it really seems like they are button mashing. But that's all just a coincidence. Then 99% of people that pick most of the other classes are bad, you have a hand full of glowing individuals that stand out in those other classes (not counting healing operatives, or specific assassin builds) that are good is also just a coincidence. Then the fact that the public has been complaining about them for a year is also a coincidence. You poor misunderstood unusually good player that just happens to be a certain class.

Edited by NathanielStarr
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They are the ONLY class with no 4sec stun. See the trade off here? They have no stun so they have more defensive cooldowns.

"4sec stun it's not that much", ok play a marauder lvl 55 pvp then come back here.


DPS guardians have no 4 second stuns either. You guys have force camo. That alone is better than practically all of guardians DCD.

It's also borderline mental to say that if tank spec has two stuns, that makes up for other guardian dps not having any. That is up there with heal to full sorcs. If you spec into guardian DPS you dont get any of the benefits of the tank spec. Your argument is invalid

Edited by AchillesStark
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DPS guardians have no 4 second stuns either. You guys have force camo. That alone is better than practically all of guardians DCD.

It's also borderline mental to say that if tank spec has two stuns, that makes up for other guardian dps not having any. That is up there with heal to full sorcs. If you spec into guardian DPS you dont get any of the benefits of the tank spec. Your argument is invalid


The AC Juggernaut has 4sec stun. AC marauder hasn't, this is my argument at my first post.

Ok, you can only access the stun through tank tree, IMO this is another unbalanced thing.. All the other AC's (not mara) has the 4sec stun regardless of the tree, why DPS jugg is "penalized"? Less dcd than marauder, no 4sec stun. Would be OP? Smash + 4sec stun, but they have less dcd than marauders.


I'm talking about smash in a smash thread and I play Carnage 99% of the time.

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No you're right even though it is the most played class and ....


That is as far as I got... while smash might be the most played pvp spec, sage/sorc (and cons/inq) are the most played classes at 55 most of the times that I have checked /who on POT5 and JM. What's your source?

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No you're right even though it is the most played class and the majority seem to do great, even though it really seems like they are button mashing. But that's all just a coincidence. Then 99% of people that pick most of the other classes are bad, you have a hand full of glowing individuals that stand out in those other classes (not counting healing operatives, or specific assassin builds) that are good is also just a coincidence. Then the fact that the public has been complaining about them for a year is also a coincidence. You poor misunderstood unusually good player that just happens to be a certain class.


Awesome post.


Some of the posts of the "dont nerf me bro" variety are freaking great reads people will stoop to off the wall arguments to defend their preferred class. Keep the responses rolling.

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So, i am in fully min/maxed gear and getting killed by 2 coordinated smashers before i can get up from the push. no way that is OP...


2 scrappers/sins would do that to you as well. but I feel you on the smasher thing. they could do that to you with just a cleave in a WZ. prolly not in arena though.

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2 scrappers/sins would do that to you as well. but I feel you on the smasher thing. they could do that to you with just a cleave in a WZ. prolly not in arena though.


considering the compositions that i have seen running arenas, that doesnt seem to be true. heck, people are running smash spec in tank stance just for the added dps lol.


also, scrapper/sin hits arent AoE.

Edited by ForsakenKing
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