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Everything posted by JaborAnDubhar

  1. SC is a Lvl. 51 ability... Other classes have, for example: -escape blocker+ strong dot -teleport -total immunity "you shall not pass!" mode -defensive cd to cheese most pve and pvp big hitting attacks (on top of an ***ful of defensive cds) VGs/PTs have: -strong offensive cd (currently bugged) Seems fair to me... If you want Lvl. 51 abilities to be nerfed to oblivion: -make electro net a normal dot -make teleport only 10m range and consume all force -make sorc god-mode a second static barrier, but with it's current cd -etc. etc. Nothing wrong with SC, except it is bugged...
  2. Ich hab mir jetzt mal das Missvergnügen gegeben, den ganzen Thread zu lesen, und möchte dir höflichst mitteilen, dass du die wohl größte Hohlbirne bist, die ich bisher in einem MMO erlebt habe. MfG, Aurek (Angehöriger der viel besprochenen 5%, der sich schon sehr auf 3.0 freut)
  3. Yeah, confirmation would be great. I have this ultra-rare world-drop sniper rifle I used for my HK on my main, but decided, I would like the look for my new sniper... Will I be able to send it with the new Legacy storage?
  4. Einbildung ist auch ne Bildung... Bis zur neuen Rechtschreibreform war die einzig richtige Schreibweise "Alptraum". Heutzutage ist, aufgrund gleicher etymologischer Herkunft, beides erlaubt. Und beides hat nur peripher mit deutschen Mittel- bzw. Hochgebirgen zu tun, sondern mit den verkappten Spitzohren. Die Schreibweisen sind auch mit Leichtigkeit regional eingrenzbar: Auf der Schwäbischen Alb hat man Angst vorm Alp, in den bayrischen Alpen graut es einem vorm Alben. (Wurde mir zumindest so von meinem schwäbischen Grundschullehrer eingetrichtert...^^)
  5. I understand why children want to see and play "clones" (bad joke, I know...) of known characters in all sorts of games. But for those of you, who don't know: The Great Army of the Republic (The Clone Wars) is based upon mandalorian weaponary and fighting techniques, because the whole army is build by clones of a known Mandalorian and also trained by various Mandalorians. The Republican Armed Forces (The Old Republic, thousands of years before the movies) is not. The similarities of the armors is a design choice made by Bioware to please those who only know the movies (obviously those who only know The Clone Wars and Episode 2 /3). If you want Jetpacks, play Bounty Hunter / Mandalorian. This game is "The Old Republic", and not "The (childish roxxor) Clone (imba) Wars Online".
  6. They didn't fix it. Just writing "We fixed it!" means nothing, because the bug is still in place.
  7. ...and that's what scrapper is all about, isn't it?
  8. Große Worte für einen, der gerade mal so bei 1/5 steht...
  9. The-Force (1. Raidgruppe): Asation 8er NiM clear (+Time-Run) A+V 8er NiM clear (ohne Überspring-Geschummel oder verbuggte Kartell-Kriegsherren-Kodexeinträge) S.-Festung 8er HC clear S.-Palast 8er HC clear S.-Festung 8er NiM 4/5 (aktuell Brontes in der letzten Phase)
  10. First of all: My English is far from being perfect, and I don't want to risk to be misunderstood, so instead of posting walls of text, I'm giving you some "patch notes" of changes, together with a very short explanation. If you think, they are something that is good, feel free to convert them into real questions. * Calculated Frenzy changes to: Backstab and Hidden Strike have a (33/66/100%) chance to trigger Calaculated Frenzy, which increases ranged and tech critical chance by (2/4/6%) for 15 seconds; Calculated Frenzy allows you to activate your Backstab while face-to-face with your enemy target. Thoughts: Increases quality of life, mostly in PvE. * Jarring Strike changes to: Hidden Strike has a (50/100%) chance to immobilize the target for 3 seconds and triggers Killers Instinct, granting immunity from knockdowns and physics for 3 seconds. Thoughts: With the changes above, there is no need of the old face-to-face "Backstab". "Killers Instinct" explains itself (cut-down "Hydraulic Overrides"; a cutted down version of "Unstoppable" would be better, but possibly OP). If the loss of a stun is the price for our class to be competitive, I will accept it; but above changes should solve a few problems of our current opener.
  11. You got raped by ops/scoundrels. So you decided to be an a**hole and justify class-breaking nerfs, that's OK. But get your "facts" right, before you start posting. A removal of a hardstun is just offensive towards a stealth-based class. Rogues with less hard stuns than Powertechs, Tank-Juggs and Sins? Come on... If they would have nerfed our knockdown to a 1.5 sec stun like they did it with the sins; if they nerfed our flash bang like they did it with snipingers; and if they brought in the other 2.7 changes, too, I would have said "good work, class is perfectly fine". But 2.7 was so heavy handed, it is not even funny any more. EDIT: Just found out, cs_zoltan is playing shadow. Lost faith in humanity, stupidity and ignorance of people like him is just too much...
  12. LoL, I don't even play Powertech.^^ Have another try, troll-boy.
  13. Would break some PvE Encounters, so: No.
  14. Yeah, we did it yesterday with a Pug-Group, too. Was pretty fun! ^^ VOTE 4 MECHANICS 2 STAY!
  15. Why are failbobs like you and SupaCoopa (aka Dura-I don't know how to L2P-andel) even allowed to post anything about class balancing? Neither you, nor SupaCoopa (aka Dura-I'm a 18 year old virgin and veeeery special-andel) have any clue or knowledge about class balancing. You are a typical "I only play shadow cause Darth Maul rocks and I'm number one rocker!!11elf" Player; a miserable beeing not able to see beyond your own nose. You suck at playing against competent Players; but you would never admit, that it is the Player who beats you; it's always the class of the superior Player, so this class has to be nerfed, right? SupaCoopa (aka Dura-SirTalksALotOfNonsense-andel) sucks at gaming and keeps on spamming pointless "ideas" about classes, he 1) doesn't know how to play, or 2) he propably hasn't played yet. So, both of you: Stop posting and L2P. Hint: You should start playing multiple classes and, most important, you should try to understand them. You are simply not able to give constructive critique about class balancing, if you don't know how the different classes work.
  16. I would like to see another rifle like this: red-blade-carbine Preferably colored black or dark-metallic, with the original red glowing, without the flashlights or laser sights common to some of the cartel weapons. This rifle reminds me of the light to medium repeater blasters of kotor, and it's a shame, there are not more blaster rifles using this look.
  17. This one makes me sad... 78's are not rare at all. On some servers 75 is rare (because they are obtained from NM/Progress operations). 78 is obtained from simple HM operations, so every average/mediocre raiding group has access to it. 69 is S+V SM, Asa SM, Tobo SM (random), DF SM and DP SM 72 is S+V HM, Asa HM, Tobo HM (random), DF SM and DP SM ( random at last two bosses) 75 is S+V NM, Asa NM 78 is DF HM and DP HM S+V= Scum and Villany Asa= Asation/Terror from Beyond Tobo= Toborros Courtyard DF= Dread Fortress DP= Dread Palace SM= Story Mode HM= Hard Mode NM= Nightmare Mode There are also two special operations, linked with two Events; both of them having SM and HM difficulties.
  18. *Kopf->Tisch* Was hast du in der Hand? Mit was reflektierst du Blasterschüsse und Blitze? Oder vielleicht verständlicher: Hast du in den Filmen jemals gesehen, dass ein Jedi/Sith einen Lichtschwertschlag von seiner Klinge abprallen lässt und die abgeprallte Klinge dem Angreifer zurück ins Gesicht springt? Schwertreflexion wurde aufgrund des typischen Bildes eines Lichtschwertkämpfers entworfen, der auf ihn abgefeuerte Schüsse und Blitze auf den Gegner zurücklenkt. Zur Abwehr von Lichtschwertschlägen gibt es den Verteidigungswert. Wenn du Lichtschwerter oder Blaster abwehren willst (Blocken und Parieren), benutzt du Schwertschutz (du blockst/parierst Angriffe mit deinem Schwert), wenn du Blaster und Blitze auf den Gegner zurückwerfen willst (Reflektieren), benutzt du Schwertreflexion (du reflektierst mit deinem Schwert). Wenn etwas an der Fähigkeit inkonsistent ist, dann, dass Messerangriffe von Sabos reflektiert werden. Verständlich, da das Spiel nicht zwischen Tech-Nahkampfangriffen und Tech-Fernkampfangriffen unterscheidet, aber nichtsdestotrotz merkwürdig.
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