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Dye Hard With a Vengeance


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I know a few people have said "But no one is forcing you to buy it" etc etc. But the fact they have listed this single use "fluff" with a cost that is almost twice as high as the monthly sub...


Usually when you look for more bang for your buck you go to alternative companies, not within the same one. The fact that their pricing is nothing to do with content value and almost solely based on "cool" value is... odd.


For example, they have done this since it's implementation with things like character perks. The GTN on your ship would cost 5 mill or a cartel cost of, say, 350 (not the actual price, but used as an example). Where as the priority travel to Section X would cost 500k or a cartel cost of 400 (Again, not actual prices, but used as an example of conversion rate... of which there is none)


So to me, it's not a matter of "You're not forced to buy it" but that I can't even trust them to price things properly, sensibly and without trying to cash in.

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I know a few people have said "But no one is forcing you to buy it" etc etc. But the fact they have listed this single use "fluff" with a cost that is almost twice as high as the monthly sub...


Usually when you look for more bang for your buck you go to alternative companies, not within the same one. The fact that their pricing is nothing to do with content value and almost solely based on "cool" value is... odd.


Well you're right there, just in the opposite direction from what you think. It's actually less coins than other items as far as their credit worth (should be ~3000cc for the white and 5000cc for the black).

Edited by hadoken
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Well you're right there, just in the opposite direction from what you think. It's actually less coins than other items as far as their credit worth (should be ~3000cc for the white and 5000cc for the black).


This is part of the whole "it's a free market" myth.


Once real cash is converted to CC's they have NO actual value.


The can only be exchanged for virtual goods that are made, sold, priced, and marketed by a single source. A single source in a captive market as actually the exact opposite of a free market.

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This is part of the whole "it's a free market" myth.


Once real cash is converted to CC's they have NO actual value.


The can only be exchanged for virtual goods that are made, sold, priced, and marketed by a single source. A single source in a captive market as actually the exact opposite of a free market.


What makes it a "free" market is that no one is forced to convert their real money into CC's. Anyone who does, does so because they CHOOSE to do so.


Anyone is free to avoid buying CC's with real money if they choose, and anyone is free to spend their money on CC's, hence the term FREE market.

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One question needs to be answer, has the amount of CC one needs to spend to acquire the black/black and white/white dyes gone down? From what I gather the answer to this question is yes and as such I do not understand what the problem is.

Are you unhappy with the cost of acquiring the black/black and white/white dye being reduced?


Though perhaps they took a tad wrong approach. Personally I would have offered a 10x dye pack bundle + black/black dye and a 5x dye pack bundle + white/white dye... as a reward for buying in bulk.

Edited by GuruVII
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What makes it a "free" market is that no one is forced to convert their real money into CC's. Anyone who does, does so because they CHOOSE to do so.


Anyone is free to avoid buying CC's with real money if they choose, and anyone is free to spend their money on CC's, hence the term FREE market.


Don't disagree with your points, but that is not what a free market is.


A free market is when Company A is open to competitive pressures in their supply and pricing of goods. Neither is the case as players can't make these and no other company (obviously) can sell them in TOR.

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One question needs to be answer, has the amount of CC one needs to spend to acquire the black/black and white/white dyes gone down? From what I gather the answer to this question is yes and as such I do not understand what the problem is.

Are you unhappy with the cost of acquiring the black/black and white/white dye being reduced?


Though perhaps they took a tad wrong approach. Personally I would have offered a 10x dye pack bundle + black/black dye and a 5x dye pack bundle + white/white dye... as a reward for buying in bulk.


Don't you get dizzy by spinning that much?

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No, I am putting things in a perspective you failed to mention in your first post.

The fact that with this, Bioware has made acquiring black/black and white/white dyes cheaper and easier. Or am I mistaken and in average you'll get 1 b/b dye every 10 dye pack and 1 w/w dye every 5 dye packs?

Edited by GuruVII
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It is truely said where this game is heading or has been heading since F2P.


I have been playing FFXIV and I can craft black and white dye on my carpenter.


Odd that so many other MMOs have more customization options from the start and aren't trying to milk every additional cent from it's players.

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The bottom line is all coloring should have been free to start with. It should have been a option from a color pallet or, maybe just let your crafters make ALL colors. the most popular ones like w/w or b/b could be rare schem drops. But there is a 'GREED' factor with BW/EA, and they already know that they can get away with this kinda stuff because, there are all kinds of idiots out there that like to spend real money for vanity items.


The best thing to do is to stop buying CC, let them see the drop and maybe they will refigure and lower stuff.

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Please post a list of all these not-for-profit MMOs so I can try them, too.


Almost every MMO is a not for profit enterprise, though not intentionally.


But seriously, most successful companies know that sacrificing a little profit today for a lot tomorrow is smart business.

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Almost every MMO is a not for profit enterprise, though not intentionally.


But seriously, most successful companies know that sacrificing a little profit today for a lot tomorrow is smart business.


Every one that falls under that has been summarily shut down. There's actually a much shorter list of closed MMOs vs still running ones. Don't think for a second that companies would keep them running if they weren't turning a profit. None of these MMO developers is a charity.

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Every one that falls under that has been summarily shut down. There's actually a much shorter list of closed MMOs vs still running ones. Don't think for a second that companies would keep them running if they weren't turning a profit. None of these MMO developers is a charity.


Well relatively speaking, very few have been monster successes. EQ and WoW are pretty much it, with a handful of also-rans in the "license to print money" category.


But yes, you are correct. I was exaggerating the fact that most are just middling successes.

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Oh Bioware. You kooky nuts, you.


Just when the MMO world thought you had reached the lowest of possible depths by finally introducing a sit emote... and then charging for it, you go and prove everyone wrong by charging $10 and $20 for single use items.


Let's start out this rant with some facts for the graphically illiterate:

- A White/White dye involves the highly complicated procedure of one of your minions moving the RGB sliders to max... twice, since it is 2 dyes in one. Egads! What wizardry!

- A Black/Black dye is much more complicated. It requires that minion to move those RGB sliders all the way to zero!

- That's it. There is no more labor involved.


Now let's look at some of the facts of why White/White and Black/Black dyes are popular:

- Most of your Dye color combos look like they were picked by Stevie Wonder.

- Most of your armors come in bizarre and/or just plain ugly colors, but can be made to look good with muted colors, like white or black.

- Because they are rare. Of course, they are not rare like gold, oil, or even a McRib is rare... they are rare because you intentionally make them rare, apparently because they are popular and pleasing your customers is a concept that is entirely foreign to your company.


Now let's look at the message charging your paying customers an exorbitant price for something that literally costs you nothing sends to the consumers out there:

- You have set a price for a service that, if extrapolated to another feature you may add, based on similar rates of cost to the consumer vs. your investment of resources, will set the price of the mythical SSSP at roughly... $43 trillion dollars.


Thank you very much for finally breaking my stubborn hope that one day this game might amount to something. The 60 day time card I just bought will be the last money EA/Bioware ever receives from me. I don't care if your SSSP turns out to be the greatest thing of all time, I'm done with your ridiculous disdain for your customers. I would call you pond scum but that would be a terrible injustice to pond scum. :rolleyes::cool::)


P.S. As you can see, I added smiley faces, which I have learned from rhymeswithPariah, excuses all insults and any belittling comments.



1.) Stevie Wonder is awesome. One of my all time favorites. I mean, how can you listen to Sir Duke without moovin and groovin a little bit? Everyone loves those horns at the beginning.


2.) Never... I repeat NEVER eat a rare McRib. Scratch that. Never eat a McRib.


3.) Dyes were introduced in 2.1. They took the most simple concept and intentionally over complicated it so that they could lure people into more gambling packs... and people keep buying them. I all but quit after 2.1. The gambling packs are a steaming pile of dog crap.

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Just wondering if people realize that Bioware is the developer and EA is the publisher and owner of Bioware . EA always gets final say since they are the boss and in fact probably the richest video game publisher out there but don't quote me on that because I know its between Activision and EA for the top 2 spots and both of those publishers are very successful and good at what they do and its the reason they have been around forever and continue to take over or buyout developers like Bioware which now only has like 10 percent of its original devs and group since most of them quit, retired, or god knows when EA took over them since they got a lot of money.


Now in gaming there's very few devs that publish and develop their own games like Capcom, Nintendo, and some others did then and still do and have the power to do what they want with their games. I worry that even those companies will end up getting bought out by the bigger fish if they don't keep profiting all except Nintendo since they have enough money in banks to where they can fail multiple times before that would happen heck they are one of the few companies can even develop and release a console without any third party support and with only their games and still do good but that's besides the point.


I brought this up because I heard quite a few people on this topic keep saying bioware this bioware that but without realizing that Bioware has a boss and collects a paycheck like anyone else so they may have some say but in the end they have a Boss that has and makes the final decision. Unless they had a contract that gives them total control and power with everything involving SWTOR which I doubt then EA is still the boss and major part of all decisions made on this game.


Regardless of everything I said it was only to point out things to the people blaming just Bioware and wondered if they knew how things work and whats What. Im not against Bioware or EA since they are a business and don't blame either of them since developing and publishing games is their job and how they to make money and a living and not for fun. i blame us the consumers since alot of times things don't change because most people love to talk but in the end wont back it up. Think of it this way if they continue making money why change anything but if people take stands and back up what they preach and they start to lose money and customers then we see changes get done.


Now I don't care what any Dev or Publisher saids its always about the numbers and that's the only reason any business would listen to their customers which I understand since its part of the life we live in and just like on the flip side being a customer the only thing I care about is getting a quality game and when I pay for a game is getting what I paid for and basically my money's worth and am always willing to pay for just that its worth nothing more. As matter of fact I don't even want it for free and rather pay for it and know that i own it because i know if its free it might not be truly yours and nothing is ever free there's always a cost and someone always has to pay or more like ends up paying. If you don't believe me then a good example to see what I'm talking about is Americas Debt and how people are now realizing how getting anything free from our government is never really free and it not only hurts us further and even if it doesn't bankrupt American in the end our children and next generation will still have to pay for it all. That's free for ya it never that simple or just free.

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This complaint isn't even a case of beating a dead horse... It's like slipping and falling in a enormous puddle of rotted dead horse paté and then complaining EAware didn't put up a "caution wet floor" sign.


my 2 credits anywho... :rolleyes:

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This complaint isn't even a case of beating a dead horse... It's like slipping and falling in a enormous puddle of rotted dead horse paté and then complaining EAware didn't put up a "caution wet floor" sign.


my 2 credits anywho... :rolleyes:


This so hard lol


And it's not like they are forcing you to buy it.


Next you are going to complain because they give too many credits during missions.

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I got this dye I quite liked, and could even preview it on the item my character was wearing. Then, after I bound it, it didn't show up. Said it couldn't because the item was non-dyeable, even though it had given me the preview. Then I couldn't take it off, because that destroys it. T___T wrryyyy, SWTOR. It's not fair that they get destroyed, I don't think.
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