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Today's Maintenance and In-Game Cartel Coin Purchasing


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The worst among them was an issue which could have affected a significant number of our players where even though they made a prior purchase, it was not being recognized towards their 50% off.


I'm one of those players. Do you know if we will have a refund or anything to compensate?


Thanks a lot for explaining the issues to us eric, hope it will be fixed soon.


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Being entirely transparent about what is going on is simply the way to go Bioware. You say a vague response is not well received...well, no response is much worse. And just taking down the site on and off for 9 hours is just unprofessional.
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This is a lot like the NFL preseason: overreaction theater!


Boohoo they don't have to tell us ****. The fact this post is here is good enough and those ************ its related to something you don't care about, umm the CM helps keep the game running and clearly by the suicidal responses you want the game running. So suck it up butter cup!


Done of us work in IT we understand **** happens and regardless if you deploy it 10 times on a cloned test server there is always a chance that once you apply it to prod crap goes wrong its the nature if software and hardware. Nothing is bug free.

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Hey folks,


I know we had quite a bit of down time today and now that we are back up you will notice our in-game Cartel Coin purchase feature is not live. I wanted to explain a bit about what happened now that the dust has settled, thank you all for your patience today!


During our maintenance when we were releasing Game Update 2.3.2, we discovered a couple of bugs related to the in-game purchasing system. The worst among them was an issue which could have affected a significant number of our players where even though they made a prior purchase, it was not being recognized towards their 50% off. Meaning that many of our subscribers who should have been able to jump right in and grab their next purchase in game for 50% off, couldn't.


We worked to try to resolve that issue, among others, as fast as we could. Unfortunately, it became clear that there was no quick fix we could put in place and the system would need to be disabled. However, disabling a system is not a fast process either. It is the discovery of some issues, the attempt to fix it, and then the decision to disable the feature which made our maintenance take as long as it did.


Along with that, and I know this is the last thing anyone wants to hear right now, we will be having another maintenance early tomorrow morning. The reason for this maintenance is in part to remove the banner from the Cartel Market which announces in-game Cartel Coin purchase is available. Unfortunately, that is a change which will require us to patch the game.


The last thing of note that I have is that in very, very rare circumstances, some of you may actually still be able to use the in-game Cartel Coin purchase feature. If the feature is working, it will be fully disabled for you as well after our maintenance tomorrow. If you happen to be one of those players who discovered this and used it, don’t worry. It shouldn't mess anything up.


I thank all of you again for your extreme patience today while we worked through these issues. Hopefully this post explains a bit about what happened today.




So two questions not really answered in the above statement is,

1. "Are you going to implement In-Game Cartel Coin purchases with the first purchase being 50% Off, or not??"

2. "When will that option and the ability to purchase at 50% off going to be available and for how long?"

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So two questions not really answered in the above statement is,

1. "Are you going to implement In-Game Cartel Coin purchases with the first purchase being 50% Off, or not??"

2. "When will that option and the ability to purchase at 50% off going to be available and for how long?"



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While I don't use the market much it is much appreciated being told exactly what went wrong, there are those who are already mocking this but hey you can't please everyone.


On a side note, tell me who decided to lower the CD on quick travel and fleet passes, I wanna thank 'em :3

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Tell me : Why is it that after every single patch in recent weeks/months does it glitch something? EVERY SINGLE PATCH!!! You guys are doing an absolutely HORRIBLE job breaking and fixing your game.


Exaggerate much? 99.99% of the game works just fine, which is amazing knowing that every change has potential unforeseen consequences.


There are no mole hills in your life are there, just mountains.

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So, since there is apparently another patch, and we just got commitment on earlier notice for such things, can we please have the patch window for tonight?


If it's going to be another 9 hours, I'll let my guildies and raiders know and we'll take tonight (and tomorrow night) off.

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Exaggerate much? 99.99% of the game works just fine, which is amazing knowing that every change has potential unforeseen consequences.


There are no mole hills in your life are there, just mountains.


Its NOT an exaggeration sir. All the patches in quite some time now have either broken something, glitched something, or needed an emergency patch. For example, I played Guild Wars for years and never had these issues and patch problems. Bioware get too much money to keep this lack of QUALITY up.


And no, 99 % of the game doesn't work fine. More like 85%. I could list bugs and problems for 10 min straight. Some of which appear right when you load the game.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Thanks for your hard work on this, dude. At my prior job, I had to work alot with computer codes and programming. I'm not a big programmer, so I had to learn a bit fairly quicky. I still think that SQL is the devil (and that was the easy part). I completely understand about patching something, then once it's running realizing it's affecting other systems it's not even supposed to. It's a real pain in the *** trying to figure out why it's doing and how, and from what string of code it's doing it from. I also sympathize with the bureaucracy that comes with it. Management wants to see if you do a quick fix or narrow it down before you completely take it offline. The average person doesn't understand how time consuming it is to troubleshoot something like that and just how many hours it takes, even with a team of people working on the problem. The problem we had at my job was that at the same time, we would have data coming in that we couldn't afford to lose, so the hours that it took to decide to shut it down, we were losing information needed to complete our mission.


Overall, I think you guys have done a really decent job. The game has quirks, but every game does, I don't care what other people say. Even the longest running MMO games still around didn't start out perfect. So, to everyone ************ about the long downtime for maintenance, suck it up. Now you actually have to go outside and do something. Go see a movie. Say hi to a family member who's actually living in the same house as you. And before you gripe about how this is how you de-stress from a long busy day, what did you do before this game came out? What will you do after it's gone? I know all about how quickly this game sucks you in and before you realize it, you've spent hours on here playing. It ain't going to kill you to do something different for one day. The game will still be here when you get back. Just chill and let the programmers do their job and fix this thing so that we have a better quality game after it's done. If you've already spent some money for Cartel Coins, yeah that sucks. But lets be honest, more than likely it's not the first time you've bought Cartel Coins and it'll probably not be the last. I mean, be real here. There's nothing in the game you actually "need" to purchase cartel coins for. It's just a quick and easy way to unlock some things and to get some cool looking items, is all.


Be nice to each other. It's just a game.

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Yup I couldn't play today because of the maintenance, usually I arrive from work a good few mins after maintenance finish but today I had a day of sub taken away from me because of their error. A few hundred CCs or a token to unlock an account wide cartel item wouldn't. Go amiss, would love to stick Revan gear on all my toons instead of it gathering dust on my abandoned pub toons
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Thanks for the info Eric.


Problem is , downtime was from 12:00 - 22:00h during prime time in Europe (central european time - cet).


I understand reason for downtime but I really hope you give something to European players , US players may not be affected much but EU lost the whole day, basically one day of sub time.


Australians usually lose 1-2 days of sub time every patch because they are always scheduled for our primetime, and often have an emergency patch the next day as well. Sorry if we don't have any sympathy for your single day of downtime this entire year.

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Thanks for the info Eric.




Australians usually lose 1-2 days of sub time every patch because they are always scheduled for our primetime, and often have an emergency patch the next day as well. Sorry if we don't have any sympathy for your single day of downtime this entire year.


I find it disgusting you guys don't get any recompense for lost play time

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Problem is , downtime was from 12:00 - 22:00h during prime time in Europe (central european time - cet).


I understand reason for downtime but I really hope you give something to European players , US players may not be affected much but EU lost the whole day, basically one day of sub time.


Lol, and what about the APAC players whom have had maintenance in their prime time since launch they get nothing why should you get anything because one maintenance has gone through your prime time lmfao pathetic.


The Cartel Market has been more trouble than its worth since being added into the game in 1.5 countless patches for new packs for re-coloured trash gear how about doing something useful Bioware?

Edited by Skinnychalk
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Lol, and what about the APAC players whom have had maintenance in their prime time since launch they get nothing why should you get anything because one maintenance has gone through your prime time lmfao pathetic.


The Cartel Market has been more trouble than its worth since being added into the game in 1.5 countless patches for new packs for re-coloured trash gear how about doing something useful Bioware?


How about you get your facts right and learn EA is the one behind the mass "money grab" crap in the game? Bioware just writes and makes it... if you want to point a finger, point it at EA

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