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Keybinds vs clicking


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May I ask a somewhat of a noob question?


I click a little bit and key board turn as well. I am willing to make the switch if someone explains to me how they actually move. I mean as default your forward key is your w and your backward is s how do you still move while key bound. I know it sounds silly but I think it is time I made the switch even though I am fairly good at pvp I want to be better.

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I think to be casual means not to care about trying to be the "best". Not everyone plays with an agenda to have something to prove. As strange as it sounds a lot of people play because they enjoy the game. Why is it so difficult to comprehend that enjoyment is just a valid reason to play video games than to try to be the best at it?


Efficiency depends on the person now does it? Everybody's hands are built differently, everyone's dexterity is different. Hence what is efficient for you, might not be efficient for some one else. For example if I was born with three fingers, am I going to be a key binder. Probably not.


1) That is really an ignorant thing to say. A clicker can memorize where things are on the screen just as easily as keybinder can memorize where the buttons are on his board. There is no difference. It's called sense memory.


2) You know to say it's not true, doesn't make your opinion true. You can argue on a hypothetical, but at the end of the day it's what actually happens in wz that matter.


Any new player is going to lose. It doesn't matter if you are a keybinder, clicker. At the very beginning, everyone will lose until they learn to play their class.


Thirdly it has become apparent to me, that keybinder behave as members of a religion. If you decide to not agree with their world view, then there is something wrong with you for wanting to remain different. If one chooses to remain a clicker than the keybinder can become defensive and resort to adhominems to destroy the clicker's self esteem.


I think maybe it's out of principle but I will never want to be a keybinder because I find this elitist culture bizarre. I personally as a clicker have never felt my skill inferior to anyone else in rank or regular. But if the day comes where I feel like I can no longer keep up, than I will make the change. But I WON'T make the change for the sake of making a change to appease some ignoramus who believes I should lose because I click instead of hit.


If you want me to see the "truth", you are going to have to beat me in a wz. If you can't beat me in a wz or open world pvp than **** off about how I need to change the way I play.


There is no other way to put this other than you are talking absolute tripe. Clicking is just as good as keybinding? Really? So why then do people bother to keybind?


Because clicking is slow, inefficient and not up to the task that's why.


If your clicking that is entirely up to you but I guarantee you all you will be is fodder to a competent pvper who keybinds and uses muscle memory, there is absolutely no way on earth that you could click through abilities twitch style, simply using your mouse. It's not even a debate, its the stone cold truth. You will get your *** handed to you.


What you are saying is akin to saying you can play the piano with one finger as well as someone who use all of his/her fingers.


And no it is not "elitist" to figure out that using more of your digits to activate abilities is preferable to using a mouse cursor (especially if it's pvp) - it's called having a brain and using common sense.


Of course you are welcome to play the game however you like and if you are happy being cannon fodder continue with your approach.

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I'm a pro clicker in PvP and if I do use keybinds its just 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 basically well for my jedi guardian its 2, 3, F3, 4, 5, 6 but i find mouse clicking faster as I have 9 chars I don't remember all their rotations so I can see the pics and click. doesnt affect in the slightest since im already clicking while the previous skill is still going on.


moving with a mouse i can the advantages like when moving and fighting a target at the same time but i got snares and stuns to stop/help if it is really bad


not to mention in pvp i beat most people 1v1 and even sometimes 3v1

Edited by xAZUREx
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May I ask a somewhat of a noob question?


I click a little bit and key board turn as well. I am willing to make the switch if someone explains to me how they actually move. I mean as default your forward key is your w and your backward is s how do you still move while key bound. I know it sounds silly but I think it is time I made the switch even though I am fairly good at pvp I want to be better.


I keybind autorun to my middle mouse. my fingers rest on Q W E R my thumb rests on V so i bound that to strafe


left and bound B to strafe right.This gives me access to 1 2 3 4 5 Q W E R T A S D F G Z X C V B without having to


shift my hand on keyboard ever. thats just how i do it, i suggest experimenting the size of your hand and even your


keyboard can have an impact on what feels comfortable.:D

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I'm a pro clicker in PvP and if I do use keybinds its just 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 basically well for my jedi guardian its 2, 3, F3, 4, 5, 6 but i find mouse clicking faster as I have 9 chars I don't remember all their rotations so I can see the pics and click. doesnt affect in the slightest since im already clicking while the previous skill is still going on.


moving with a mouse i can the advantages like when moving and fighting a target at the same time but i got snares and stuns to stop/help if it is really bad


not to mention in pvp i beat most people 1v1 and even sometimes 3v1


L33t pro 1v1 clicker...watch out.

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I keybind autorun to my middle mouse. my fingers rest on Q W E R my thumb rests on V so i bound that to strafe


left and bound B to strafe right.This gives me access to 1 2 3 4 5 Q W E R T A S D F G Z X C V B without having to


shift my hand on keyboard ever. thats just how i do it, i suggest experimenting the size of your hand and even your


keyboard can have an impact on what feels comfortable.:D


You can even start getting fancy by binding shift modifiers like shhift 1 2 3 4 ... may the force be with you.

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As a long time mmo player I have to say that binding is simply more efficient. I've never seen an argument or any proof that would have me reconsider this.


When I played WoW I was known in my guild and circle of friends as the person who knew macro's inside out. And I could see the difference in performance after I taught somebody to bind and macro their spells efficiently.


Btw I find it annoying that I cant bind modifier key like shift as a focus or self-cast modifier. Also could use some simple macros to filter out and clean my ui.

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May I ask a somewhat of a noob question?


I click a little bit and key board turn as well. I am willing to make the switch if someone explains to me how they actually move. I mean as default your forward key is your w and your backward is s how do you still move while key bound. I know it sounds silly but I think it is time I made the switch even though I am fairly good at pvp I want to be better.


Usually when you shift from clicking to binds you bind strafing to the a and d keys, and don't have keyboard turn keys at all. After this you turn your character by pressing the right mouse button and then shift your character's view by moving the mouse and then release the mouse button. This frees quick binds in q and e for important ability binds. (some people also unbind move backwards key, but I tend to find that useful when I play tank classes)


I would start with only binding a few abilities at start and after getting somewhat used to them binding more. I usually bind 'rotational abilities' around the 1-6 keys and then cooldowns to other keys and side keys on mouse.

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Lol are you serious?


Last time I checked the mouse doesn't have a set position for the cursor to be when your mouse is at a certain place.


It's physically imposseble to memorize exactly where to click without knowing where your cursor is. Talk nonsense.


Because it would be the first time in human history that some one has done something that another person thought to be impossible. :rolleyes:


I can only speak from my own experiences. I think every clicker as their own methodology what they do. Here is what I do.


I design my quick bar a certain way to make every ability close together. Like you would do if you were keybinding.


The only difference is, I am using a cursor instead of ten fingers to hit those ability tabs.


Now you could make a valid argument that ten fingers is a lot more efficient than one cursor and yes you would be correct. However repetition wires the brain to improve any weaknesses you have regarding coordination.


And since I am always using the cursor. There isn't a time when I lose track of where the cursor is on the screen. In the event I do. A simple glance at the screen will familiarize it's location. The speed of eye movement is a lot faster than the speed of your finger.


I use the cursor all the time it's second nature to me. If that is suppose to be impossible, then that's your opinion and you have a right to it.

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It's imposseble. You can't use your mouse just by memory and that is a fact.


At the very best you can look at where the cursor is and remember that for a few clicks in a row, then you will have to check again.


The thing is, you will NEVER be able to use multiple abilities in sequence as fast as me. Never.


If you have to click your breaker and then your force shroud.. you're going to be too slow, for example.

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It's imposseble. You can't use your mouse just by memory and that is a fact.


At the very best you can look at where the cursor is and remember that for a few clicks in a row, then you will have to check again.


The thing is, you will NEVER be able to use multiple abilities in sequence as fast as me. Never.


If you have to click your breaker and then your force shroud.. you're going to be too slow, for example.


First off, it's spelt impossible not imposseble.


Secondly are you suggesting that it's impossible for the brain to memorize a simple thing like a quick bar tab?


Think of the time it takes for you to open your eyes and for your brain to process information. It appears almost instantaneous. It is no time wasted to look at where your cursor is and react to what an opponent is doing.


Thirdly the speed in which your ability finishes is limited by the limiting rate called animation time. You can't trigger another ability until that animation is done even if your que is 0.0 seconds.


Consequently you have virtually no advantage over a clicker since we are both limited by the same animation delay.

Edited by Targarion
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First off, it's spelt impossible not imposseble.


Secondly are you suggesting that it's impossible for the brain to memorize a simple thing like a quick bar tab?


Think of the time it takes for you to open your eyes and for your brain to process information. It appears almost instantaneous. It is no time wasted to look at where your cursor is and react to what an opponent is doing.


Thirdly the speed in which your ability finishes is limited by the limiting rate called animation time. You can't trigger another ability until that animation is done even if your que is 0.0 seconds.


Consequently you have virtually no advantage over a clicker since we are both limited by the same animation delay.


Blam Pow SMACK.


My point stands.



the issue here is that keybinders view themselves as superior to clickers. They would be remiss to think for a second that they have not been beaten by clickers, however many of them are too arrogant to admit that their way is not the only way.

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First off, it's spelt impossible not imposseble.


Secondly are you suggesting that it's impossible for the brain to memorize a simple thing like a quick bar tab?


Think of the time it takes for you to open your eyes and for your brain to process information. It appears almost instantaneous. It is no time wasted to look at where your cursor is and react to what an opponent is doing.


Thirdly the speed in which your ability finishes is limited by the limiting rate called animation time. You can't trigger another ability until that animation is done even if your que is 0.0 seconds.


Consequently you have virtually no advantage over a clicker since we are both limited by the same animation delay.


Sigh, really.. just keep clicking and stay bad.


Wow the igorance is FLOODING your veins.

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Sigh, really.. just keep clicking and stay bad.


Wow the igorance is FLOODING your veins.


Please, remember those of us who have seen your play before you call anyone here "bad".






In no way am I saying that you are "bad", I'm saying that if pressed, someone could likely come up with footage of you being very... ignorant.


Remember this.

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It's not that keybinding makes a player better per se, it's just that better players tend to keybind. This does not mean that keybinders are better players!


The argument that "I click, and beat a keybinder therefore keybinders are not leet!" is a strawman argument.


We're not saying that keybinding makes you leet, but it's definitely observable that the better players tend to keybind.




Activating multiple abilities is a problem with clicking. GL clicking two sides of your screen with great precision or I can press shift + 1 + shift + 2.


Clicking also requires the mouse, so keybinds vs clicking is the same argument as keyboard turning vs mouse turning -


Keyboard turning is slower, unless you set your sensitivity very high. Then, you need extremely good reaction time and are unable to control the speed at which you turn. In contrast, using a mouse may require good reaction time, but the fact that you can control your turn speed is godsend. It's easier to learn how to turn exactly 43 degrees on a mouse than using a high sensitivity keyboard. Once it's mastered, though, it doesn't really matter that much.


Setting A and D to strafe makes little difference - because you need a way to turn, and by eliminating keyboard turning, you're forced to mouse turn, which is terrible when you also need to click abilities. With that, it's impossible to pan the camera AND activate an ability.

Edited by Zunayson
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Blam Pow SMACK.


My point stands.



the issue here is that keybinders view themselves as superior to clickers. They would be remiss to think for a second that they have not been beaten by clickers, however many of them are too arrogant to admit that their way is not the only way.


Its not the only way, but it is the best way. Its not really up for debate; keybinding is faster and more accurate than clicking

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Its not the only way, but it is the best way. Its not really up for debate; keybinding is faster and more accurate than clicking


And I say again..


Manual Transmissions are the best way. They allow more accurate control of RPM, which allows more accurate control of fuel economy, power, etc..


Which is the more popular transmission? Automatic.





Because learning to drive stick is difficult for many people. It's more engaging as it requires the use of all 4 limbs, and many people just aren't comfortable trying to learn it.


The same goes for keybinding.

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And I say again..


Manual Transmissions are the best way. They allow more accurate control of RPM, which allows more accurate control of fuel economy, power, etc..


Which is the more popular transmission? Automatic.





Because learning to drive stick is difficult for many people. It's more engaging as it requires the use of all 4 limbs, and many people just aren't comfortable trying to learn it.


The same goes for keybinding.


Most popular transmission automatic? Definitely not in The Netherlands..

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And I say again..


Manual Transmissions are the best way. They allow more accurate control of RPM, which allows more accurate control of fuel economy, power, etc..


Which is the more popular transmission? Automatic.





Because learning to drive stick is difficult for many people. It's more engaging as it requires the use of all 4 limbs, and many people just aren't comfortable trying to learn it.


The same goes for keybinding.


It doesnt matter if its more difficult..... *its is better*. I dont know how many times I can say it: Keybinds are faster and more accurate than clicking.


My skills are always, always, always in the same place. I could do them with my eyes closed.

You are *never* going to have the same cursor-to-ability movement length when clicking. Never.



This is the same exact thing as the stupid backpedal thread. It doesnt matter what is better, easier, which you enjoy more, etc. *Keybind is faster and more accurate*. It is not open for interpretation.

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