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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

after opening 54 packs: NO VARACTYL


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A lot of people LIKE random packs. Let's not discount that and disparage Bioware just because you do not.


I don't like them and I don't buy them.. but I understand some people do.. and I don't begrudge them or the company for providing them.


I have no problem that they're there - my problem is that they're the only route to so much on the CM that is desirable.

If that varactyl (since we're on the subject) were sold a la carte at say, 1600 CC, IN ADDITION to showing up in the packs, I think everyone would be fine. Want a guaranteed shot at it? It's gonna cost you. Want it for less? Try your luck. When YOU MUST GAMBLE to give BW your money for something like this, it's bound to leave a sour taste in many mouths.


Now, they're obviously making money off of this. There are fools and their money (as evidenced so beautifully by the OP) that just can't wait to be parted. I just can't believe the metrics say they make more money that way than the other way around. If that varactyl was on the CM a la carte with a 15-20$ price tag, I'd go out and buy CC (because my monthly allotment almost always goes to unlocks for my many alts,) and enjoy my new mount. Since it's not, I will spend 0 additional dollars on the game this month. If it's out of my price range on the GTN, well, I'll do like any responsible adult and just not buy it.


This is bad. Carrots only work as long as the stick isn't a mile long. If the day comes that I feel there's just too much cool stuff I don't have access to because of my unwillingness to gamble, that's the day I hang up my sub. At this point they not only lose the option of extra money on top of my sub, but they'll lose my sub, and since my wife only ever plays with me, hers as well.


If BW metrics say that it makes more financial sense to let us cancel to keep those gambling addicts pushing that hypercrate button, well, that's their business. It bears considering how many people are like me, and what the breaking point is.

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I have no problem that they're there - my problem is that they're the only route to so much on the CM that is desirable.

If that varactyl (since we're on the subject) were sold a la carte at say, 1600 CC, IN ADDITION to showing up in the packs, I think everyone would be fine. Want a guaranteed shot at it? It's gonna cost you. Want it for less? Try your luck. When YOU MUST GAMBLE to give BW your money for something like this, it's bound to leave a sour taste in many mouths.


true, im used to go to expensive places, like diferent restaurants, or parties etc, but i know what im buying when i pay for it.

im not a very rich person or something like that, i dont have a lamborghini or other high expensive car. But even if i had i would know that i was paying a high price for a car. And not buying lotery ticket. I think they should have post the armor on the pack AND on CM to sell. Its a bad idea do this "only random" things.

Ive stoped playing Champions Online due to so many many random packs flooding the new income of items.

I realy dont care to spend good real money, but i want at least the item i wanted in exange.

Edited by CarlosTrevisan
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RNG is a ***** sometimes, OP.


And I don't know if it's a bug or not, but just before logging out I bought one pack with my free 500ccs and got two varactyls!

Here's a picture of the pack contents, just so that you don't think I'm making this up.


Regardless of whether it's bugged or not, I still would've found at least one varactyl and I'm honestly not trying to make the OP feel worse but I just wanted to show that RNG can be wonderful or awful.


It's a risk that you take, which in your case you shouldn't have taken because you were looking for a very specific and rare item and since you were willing to spend enough money for two hypercrates +, you could've sold them in 1.5 days and bought the varactyl with that money.

Edited by TheNahash
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so ive just buyed 2x the 24x hipercrate. and more 6 of the other pac (the simplier one) and havent got any varactyl.

also have 4 pieces of complete 505 sieries armor (2 of them equal).

ive receive so many many many many many many [Rotworm Practice Jersey]

ive also got about 3 or 4 speeders on allthat. but no varactyl.

ok they are randon. but how much low is the chance??

im feeling playing Diablo 3 here...




LO fricking L you people crack me up. Mo money than sense.

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Even though I knew better ......I had some saved up cc so I bought 5 or 6 packs looking for the primordial AC Besh it was mostly crap. So much crap in fact that all of it combined could not net me enough on the GTN to fork out the 400k for the primordial AC Besh from the GTN............so no more gambling packs for me and yes I know RNG is RNG my issue is the astronomically greater chance of finding worthless crap in those gambling packs than something of utility or value......


Like the Vegas casinos they are designed for the house to win.......


I would happily fork out 1400+ cc to outright buy the primordial AC Besh off the CM or 2800+(3200+ even plus up to 75% of the cost for an unlock ) for the varactyl but the deal is only if its the item in question I want


2800-3200+ cc for a pack that is the super rare you want plus their random junk and how much would that be for an entire armor set if each piece is sold in an individual pack at that price point...........

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And I don't know if it's a bug or not, but just before logging out I bought one pack with my free 500ccs and got two varactyls!

Here's a picture of the pack contents, just so that you don't think I'm making this up.

HAHAHA...Oh wow. That so isn't rubbing it in, it it? LOL




To the OP,


If you're having gambling problems, I feel bad for you son

I've got 99 problems but a varactyl ain't one


I got the sith patrol on the scat patrol

Foes that wanna make sure my casket's closed

Jedis that say he "stealth ganked some hoes"

I'm from the temple stupid, what type of facts are those


If you grew up with holes in ya jedi robes

You'd be celebrating the minute you was havin' dough

I'm like hit my crits and drop you in a hole

If you don't like my style I don't care how you roll


I got beef with PvPers if i don't play their show

They don't play with me - I don't give a s**t SO...

Youtube tries and use my Shadow's a**

So advertisers can give 'em more cash for ads


I don't know what you take me as,

Or understand the intelligence that PifferPuff has

I'm from rags to ritches playas; I ain't dumb

I got 99 problems but a mount ain't one

Edited by PifferPuff
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I didn't find a Varactyl either, nor the Unfettered Trench Coat, which was what I really wanted. I am not a hater of the CM, but I do think these Gambling Packs are silly. Why not just put each piece up for individual sell? Still, I got some nice stuff anyway, and hopefully I will be able to by the Coat off the GTN soon! :i_angel: Edited by Cyberwoman
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I get that you want the mount with legs, but after 54 packs you're probably swimming in awesome gear, because this is the best pack to date. I opened my one for the month, got the cybernetic hand, and considered it a win. I HAVE A ROBOT HAND.
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I'm guessing 25 million and your 1st born child.


Maybe for the first week or so. Then they will slide to about 3-4M IMO. They will be rare.. but not Crate-O-Matic style rare. There are simply too many packs being binged on and not everyone is into the Varactyl. So be a little patient and pick one up after the fresh pack gouge fest is over and people start cutting each others throats on GTN pricing to unload stuff. :)

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so ive just buyed 2x the 24x hipercrate. And more 6 of the other pac (the simplier one) and havent got any varactyl.

Also have 4 pieces of complete 505 sieries armor (2 of them equal).

Ive receive so many many many many many many [rotworm practice jersey]

ive also got about 3 or 4 speeders on allthat. But no varactyl.

Ok they are randon. But how much low is the chance??

Im feeling playing diablo 3 here...


how random and rare are these drops????


hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha that sucks

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Wow.. Isn't there some sort of gambling authority in America who would have an issue with someone spending $150 on nothing tangible, not getting what they wanted, and the only course to get what they wanted was to gamble some more? Bioware should know what they're offering and enforce responsible gambling on their stuff, no more than one hyper crate every 7 days or something, or a free months sub with every 2. Real world gambling venues have to do stuff like that in my country..


Such mixed feelings..

- I feel so sorry for you op.

- bioware are still slime of business practice IMO

- at the same time I really wish you are on my server, as I can't wait to raid the gtn myself to get the spares that people like the op dont need from their 50x $3 gambles.


It was funny watching people insanely open their hyper rates earlier today, and linking the things they got in general chat. Yeah, it seems they're not kidding when they flag drops as super rare.

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so ive just buyed 2x the 24x hipercrate. and more 6 of the other pac (the simplier one) and havent got any varactyl.

also have 4 pieces of complete 505 sieries armor (2 of them equal).

ive receive so many many many many many many [Rotworm Practice Jersey]

ive also got about 3 or 4 speeders on allthat. but no varactyl.

ok they are randon. but how much low is the chance??

im feeling playing Diablo 3 here...




I feel sorry for your. I really do...

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Wow.. Isn't there some sort of gambling authority in America who would have an issue with someone spending $150 on nothing tangible, not getting what they wanted, and the only course to get what they wanted was to gamble some more? Bioware should know what they're offering and enforce responsible gambling on their stuff, no more than one hyper crate every 7 days or something, or a free months sub with every 2. Real world gambling venues have to do stuff like that in my country..



In the UK there is currently a Governmental investigation into the way people (particularly <18s) can spend money within computer games.

A lot of this investigation is focusing on exactly the situation we have here, how companies lead people into chasing the pixels they want with real life cash, the ease with which real money can be spent and the effect this has.

As the Uk government (as with almost all governments) seems to be about 20 years behind technological advances, particularly regarding anything online, the outcome will probably be some sweeping measure (inline with other recent measures, just look atthe government pressures on ISP to block pirate sites)

Even before the report has been compiled (let alone published) the UK Gov. is already preparing legislation, the good money is it will involve the banning of any gamble-type financial transactions in anything but strictly 18 rated games. Strict controls on the amount of money which can be spent wil probably be suggested also (TOR already has limits, but I believe they will not be set high enough).

How this will be policed is anyones guess (IF it can be policed), whatever the outcome you can guess it will be half-arssed.


In my opinion, as long as its adults spending cash, then they only have themselves to blame for any money they waste. And any adult who allows their children unfettered access to an MMO, especially one with a cash shop is a fool at best.

Any adult that allows a child access to the ability to spend real money online needs serious help.

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so ive just buyed 2x the 24x hipercrate. and more 6 of the other pac (the simplier one) and havent got any varactyl.

also have 4 pieces of complete 505 sieries armor (2 of them equal).

ive receive so many many many many many many [Rotworm Practice Jersey]

ive also got about 3 or 4 speeders on allthat. but no varactyl.

ok they are randon. but how much low is the chance??

im feeling playing Diablo 3 here...




Its called a gambling pack for a reason. If you dont like the stupid low drop rate dont buy them. You just make yourself look like a fool to continue to do something and then gripe about it. The whole idea of buying something that is random is a waste of money and obvious cash grab if you dont like it dont suspport it by participating By doing so you have no room to complain.

By participating you are conding it and by conding it and griping about a implimentation that isnt a forceful participatioj makes you look moronic. Its your choice but dont gripe when you waste money hav some accountibility

Edited by mmjarec
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In my opinion, as long as its adults spending cash, then they only have themselves to blame for any money they waste. And any adult who allows their children unfettered access to an MMO, especially one with a cash shop is a fool at best.

Any adult that allows a child access to the ability to spend real money online needs serious help.


^ This. I don't understand why people keep saying they feel sorry for OP. What tragedy has befallen OP? They bought a bunch of packs and didn't get what they wanted?


- Did BW tell you how much the pack cost? - YES

- Did BW tell you what mix of items was in the pack? - YES

- Did BW tell you that you might get any combo of items, within the rarities they specified? - YES

- Did you spend your money and get exactly what BW promised you? - YES

- Were you lied to or deceived in ANY way? - NO NO NO


So what is the complaint? If you only wanted the varactyl, you could have bought that one specific item from the GTN. You bought the packs. You understood the packs. Now you are whining about it. And people are sympathising.


I'm not trolling or trying to be mean, I just genuinely don't understand what you think you have to complain about. Why did you think the varactyl was guaranteed in 54 packs? Or 100 packs? Or 1000 packs? If you can tell me what made you think that, I can explain why you were wrong.


And as for people talking about BW limiting the number of packs you can buy... I am an adult. I have a job. I earn money. If I choose to spend that money on 100 hypercrates a day, that is no one's business. I do not need other posters, BW or any government telling me that I cannot carry out a legal purchase with money that I legally earned. What kind of insane nanny state do you want to live in? Should BW also start introducing mandatory toilet breaks?

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