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7 days early and 5 waves, bravo


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You seriously think they only managed to get 100k people in today?


Have you even done the maths based on people per server?


There are over 100 servers for todays launch, many of them are full.


100k/100 = 1k players per server... thats not even close to filling an mmo server. Thats the numbers DaoC used to have back in the day.


The biggest pre-order cluster was during the first few days, there was a million pre-orders accounted for in the US only. They have opened the servers for both US and EU pre-orders today. Thats alot more than 100k during today. I'm suprised if its not more than even 500k. That would atleast mean 5k players per server, some more, some less.


Remember that during the last betas there werent even close too 100 servers but millions playing, all servers were full. How would 100k fill more servers than millions did with fewer servers? :confused:


I'm thinking that wave 6-x tomorrow will bring most if not all that are left into early access, maybe leaving the end of nov and the dec orders for the 15th.


You are making one brutal miscalculation how ever, the server status page is quite bugged.. It does not reflect the ingame servers like it should.. Infact according to people who did get in, most servers are still on low/standard population.. that puts a big hole in your math..

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I'm not griping about getting in yet. I just worry about the servers filling up. It is unclear if the servers were set at a lower capacity. The server I wanted to get into is full. I am sure there will be more servers. I am concerned that my friend who waited to redeem his pre-order code will get locked out of the server I choose.
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actually I will be pissed for awhile as will ALOT of other people. Bioware going to be walking on eggshells for a few monthes for this... I guarantee it.

I think they will be walking on air for quite a while. You just need to read these forums today to tell how desperate people are to play this game. I'm sure they are exhausted and ecstatic at BW right now!

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Do you even know the size of each wave, or did you just hear "wave" and decide to suck up to Bioware?


Did you know that they haven't even gotten all of the July pre-orders in yet? It went July 21st codes to July 27th.


They should not be congratulated for moving at a snail's pace.



Amen. This staggering of early access should have/could have been avoided. What was the point of having weekend stress tests if it wasn't used to calibrate the servers for early access?


I, along with others, pre ordered the game specifically for early access. If I didn't want to get a head start I would have waited till the 20th.

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As far as I'm concerned, they're two days ahead of schedule.


My only complain is not being told when I'm getting in, so I can plan accordingly.


My guess is that, however, they will use the first day or two to assess where their servers are at, and (hopefully) open up the flood gates if they are getting good data feedback.

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Do you even know the size of each wave, or did you just hear "wave" and decide to suck up to Bioware?


Did you know that they haven't even gotten all of the July pre-orders in yet? It went July 21st codes to July 27th.


They should not be congratulated for moving at a snail's pace.


I could be wrong, but I would think the amount of preorders in that week could be equal to the amount of preorders in a longer time span from later on, just because that was when it was first announced and people were excited.

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Amen. This staggering of early access should have/could have been avoided. What was the point of having weekend stress tests if it wasn't used to calibrate the servers for early access?


I, along with others, pre ordered the game specifically for early access. If I didn't want to get a head start I would have waited till the 20th.


Because it has nothing to do with server stress, it has to do with distributing the player base on the server and population among all realms

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This isn't a troll, and isn't exactly QQ although there is some of that involved.


I just want to put it down for the record that the way this early access program has been implemented is truly one of the most poorly conceived ideas that I've ever personally encountered in over 25 years of playing video games. I've personally participated in launches of 6 other MMO games, and there is nothing in those experiences that compares to how ridiculous this process is.


When you are dealing with a pre-launch even that is only for pre-order customers, after an extensive and massive beta testing period that was a huge success according to nearly all sources involved - it begs the huge question as to what is the limiting factor in the way you have chosen to roll out this game. I personally participated in the beta in a very limited way (not by choice, mind you, I just wasn't lucky enough to get a key) and was only online during the big Thanksgiving weekend test. That test was wonderful - there were a huge number of servers, and a huge population of testers. The game performance was amazing.


So, EA/BW - what exactly are you afraid of?


The ONLY way this should have been done is to have given ALL pre-orders (perhaps separated only by level of game purchased - i.e. CE customers get 7 days, SE get 5, e.g.) access at exactly the same time. Of course it will overload the servers and queues would ensue and all that - but that's what we all expect. Making your customers wait unknowingly with no idea how long it will be or when to expect an email is just adding insult to injury. A poor alternative would have been to send out emails with a set time and day that your access would be available.


I read in the top post how you are monitoring the server performance and are rolling waves based on server performance. Are you seriously saying you have to wonder at this point if your servers can perform up to the task - when you probably still have 90% of the launch day players yet to even be able to play? That is not at all a good message to be sending at the beginning of an MMO franchise.


At any rate, I love this game. I love BW. But I truly despise and am sickened by the way you chose to put your customers through so much stress for absolutely no good or justifiable reason.


I truly hope you improve, because this is a very very poor way to start out.

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I could be wrong, but I would think the amount of preorders in that week could be equal to the amount of preorders in a longer time span from later on, just because that was when it was first announced and people were excited.


About 119k pre-orders in July. ~900k more pre-orders to go.


So, nope!

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Do you even know the size of each wave, or did you just hear "wave" and decide to suck up to Bioware?


Did you know that they haven't even gotten all of the July pre-orders in yet? It went July 21st codes to July 27th.


They should not be congratulated for moving at a snail's pace.



Do you know the numbers that pre ordered on what dates?


Its already been stated that the first few days of pre order sales they had a massive influx that then tailed off. My bets are that they will get the rest of july, aug and early oct in tomorrow, maybe more... who knows what their plan is.


I do admit the staggered launch does seem a bit strange, but if that then means that I can play the game hassle free, lag free and not sat waiting all day for spawns then I know my in game enjoyment will increase 10 fold.

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Do you know the numbers that pre ordered on what dates?


Its already been stated that the first few days of pre order sales they had a massive influx that then tailed off. My bets are that they will get the rest of july, aug and early oct in tomorrow, maybe more... who knows what their plan is.


I do admit the staggered launch does seem a bit strange, but if that then means that I can play the game hassle free, lag free and not sat waiting all day for spawns then I know my in game enjoyment will increase 10 fold.


Read the entire thread.

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I figured I would post something that is logical and stuff. Not only did Bioware up the invite date 2 days, they got 5 waves in on the first day. That's a lot more than i was expecting. Keep it up guys!


what is with these gloating threads

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Shouldnt all people who preordered get to play on 15th? I mean, what i understood is like 15th is a deadline that from this day everyone can play, and only those 2days, are like 'really early'. i ask cause it would suck I got access like on 19th..
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Do you know the numbers that pre ordered on what dates?


Its already been stated that the first few days of pre order sales they had a massive influx that then tailed off. My bets are that they will get the rest of july, aug and early oct in tomorrow, maybe more... who knows what their plan is.


I do admit the staggered launch does seem a bit strange, but if that then means that I can play the game hassle free, lag free and not sat waiting all day for spawns then I know my in game enjoyment will increase 10 fold.




Would sound about right if they forgot September like you did...cause the rest of this launch has been fail

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