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7 days early and 5 waves, bravo


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Now I just have to hope they let us super late pre-orders in early ^^




Pre-ordered 04/12, well I suppose doing it that late it was basically just ordering there is hardly any pre about it! Off work on the 19th so would love to get in the evening of the 18th. Fingers crossed.

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what is with these gloating threads


Because , this is a smooth launch, usually you get threads like the dang server crashed again, man the lag here is crazy, etc...


Bioware is doing a wonderful job and others should take note and do the same for future MMO's

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About 119k pre-orders in July. ~900k more pre-orders to go.


So, nope!


119K goes into about 900K about 7.5 times.


So if they let the same amount of people in every day, early access would cover 8.5 days.


But it also makes sense that they let less people on the first day than every other day, because the first day is when they're the most nervous about something going wrong. I imagine as days go by, they'll be letting more people on per day.


So it seems pretty fair to me.

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I think Bio is doing a pretty good job after all they being bio/EA didn't have to let anyone on early. They said 5 days and are letting peeps in a full 7 days early. So i VOTE that all you whinners out there get early access revoked and u get to get in on the 20th like what was the original planned. So be grateful gang that this team is ahead of schedule. Keep up the good work bio/ea looking forward to me prelaunch date no matter what day that may be as long as its before the 20th lol. And for all of you that posted a good reply may the force be with you no matter what side your playing hehe. I have found that no matter how perfect the game may be there is ALWAYS someone out there that will whine and complain about something.


Peace out and have fun after all that is what playing this game is all about just haveing fun.

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Read the entire thread.


Can you say anything else? Matter of fact I have been following this thread since it started and when I comment all you can tell me is to read the entire thread.


Just because people don't agree with your opinion doesn't mean they didn't read your stupid posts

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I'm a little concerned about the server list. I'm on the west coast and I saw that all west coast servers were full. I know they are adding servers as they go but it would suck to not be able to get on a WC server. And as slow as the first day went I see that trying to speed level a character to 30 to get my legacy name locked is just a dream now.
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You know whats really bad is tomorrow night when people dont get invited alot of people are going to be even more irriate than tonight. I ordered mid August so I doubt I will even get in tomorrow. If they cant handle it now they cant handle it on the 20th. They may already know this and thats why they got rid of Grace Period cause no one can log in if no one has the the game =) Oh bioware you are slippery one.
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119K goes into about 900K about 7.5 times.


So if they let the same amount of people in every day, early access would cover 8.5 days.


But it also makes sense that they let less people on the first day than every other day, because the first day is when they're the most nervous about something going wrong. I imagine as days go by, they'll be letting more people on per day.


So it seems pretty fair to me.


It is supposed to be around 20% of all pre orders a day...nobody knows the actual numbers it is all speculation.

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Can you say anything else? Matter of fact I have been following this thread since it started and when I comment all you can tell me is to read the entire thread.


Just because people don't agree with your opinion doesn't mean they didn't read your stupid posts


I don't grace you with the response you want because nothing I've said has anything to do with my own opinion. They're facts.


~100k invites out today. There's nothing else to be said.


But by all means, continue posting in an attempt to argue with me.

Edited by AkilZodiac
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Five waves might be more impressive if we actually knew how many people that included, or what percentage of the players getting early access were included in that. I'll guarantee the waves were not as big as the ones from the large beta weekend.


I actually expected them to get more people in today, and that was back when it was still only five days of access. I think they are being overly cautious so they can boast about having the smoothest MMO launch ever, etc.


I still think they are going to try to get most people in by the end of the day on the 15th, so they can say they still managed to give everyone the original 5 days of access (since there was so much debate over this). I'll be really surprised, and disappointed, if they tacked on the extra two days entirely so they could be even more conservative with the early access waves.

Edited by Legendari
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I figured I would post something that is logical and stuff. Not only did Bioware up the invite date 2 days, they got 5 waves in on the first day. That's a lot more than i was expecting. Keep it up guys!


So what you were expecting five people to get in instead of 10?

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Because it has nothing to do with server stress, it has to do with distributing the player base on the server and population among all realms


Then they are distributing the player base to prevent server stress. They should have figured out a better way to do this with the data from the weekend stress tests. Given this is an extra 2 days for the "up to 5 days" early access.


I'm not bugging out about it. It's just a game. I think we all realize that. Still, something doesn't sit right with me about this. If I'm not in game on the 15th I will cancel my pre order. Call it an exaggerated sense of entitlement or whatever you want. The only reason I pre ordered was for a few days of early access.

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Then they are distributing the player base to prevent server stress. They should have figured out a better way to do this with the data from the weekend stress tests. Given this is an extra 2 days for the "up to 5 days" early access.


I'm not bugging out about it. It's just a game. I think we all realize that. Still, something doesn't sit right with me about this. If I'm not in game on the 15th I will cancel my pre order. Call it an exaggerated sense of entitlement or whatever you want. The only reason I pre ordered was for a few days of early access.


Really no point in cancelling. Your copy is reserved, why cancel it now only to pay for it again later?

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Then they are distributing the player base to prevent server stress. They should have figured out a better way to do this with the data from the weekend stress tests. Given this is an extra 2 days for the "up to 5 days" early access.


I'm not bugging out about it. It's just a game. I think we all realize that. Still, something doesn't sit right with me about this. If I'm not in game on the 15th I will cancel my pre order. Call it an exaggerated sense of entitlement or whatever you want. The only reason I pre ordered was for a few days of early access.


That's exactly what I would call it. No they are distributing the player base and reducing the load of each server so that people don't pile on certain servers. And to get people out of the starting zones so each server isn't flooded constantly, even with the instancing of the starting zones there are technical reasons as to why they don't exactly want 10k people hitting the same zones all at once. The beta Stress test was staggered for this same reason.

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