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Ever wonder why...


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I've always wondered why the dark side vender on the Republic Fleet is a pig sty? There are papers and crap everywhere, yet on the Imperial fleet both light and dark side vendor rooms are neat and very nice looking.


I'm curious why this was done...If the empire can embrace the light enough to keep their space clean, can't the republic tolerate their darker fellows by keeping their spot clean too? I suppose they're trying to say that they have a lot of disdain towards the darkside, or there are so few darkside that the spot is filthy, cause no one cares or cleans it.


This seems a bit odd to me. Thoughts? Any other things that you 'ever wonder why' about? :p

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I've always wondered why the dark side vender on the Republic Fleet is a pig sty?

That's what you get, if you allow Wookiee to walk the streets as if they were equals to sentient humanoids, instead of chaining them up or rather shooting them right on sight.

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The entire Republic fleet station seems a bit "run down" and temporary...so maybe facilities maintenance doesn't have the time to see to the DS vendor area.


Or maybe business is so bad that he just stopped caring and he's just putting in his time until his pension and that retirement bungalow on Korriban?

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I just recently 'returned' to the Pub Fleet after a few months of absence (meaning working for the Empire) and I never even realized how run down the Rep Fleet looks in comparison to the Imp one. I was a little shocked... seems like the Imps invest a little more money in maintenance. Or they're cleanlier in the first place.
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Well, you see, what happened was he submitted his application to the academy but his uncle didn't let him go. So he ran off and was going to Toshis station and wound up on the fleet instead when an imperial troop blew up his farm on Tattoine and killed his aunt and uncle. Or something like that.
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To be honest, I never realised it. But I always wondered why there is a dark side vendor on the republic fleet in the first place?! This sounds like the worst business idea to me. Who would ever want to buy dark side stuff in the Republic? We are the good guys.



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The entire Republic fleet station seems a bit "run down" and temporary...so maybe facilities maintenance doesn't have the time to see to the DS vendor area.


Think about it... The Republic fleet has to pay salaries to its cleaning crew, and likely either recreational facilities or transport between the fleet and at least Coruscant for them to be able to spend time away from their jobs. The Imperial fleet just has to provide its cleaning crew with food and a barracks to be locked up in when they're off shift.

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I've always wondered why the dark side vender on the Republic Fleet is a pig sty? There are papers and crap everywhere, yet on the Imperial fleet both light and dark side vendor rooms are neat and very nice looking.

Isn't there papers and crap everyone on the republic fleet anyway?

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The fact that they are named Light/Dark side vendors and have separate kiosks irks the hell out of me, really. Can you think about that for a second? Why would they have kiosks?


Why is a very obvious Sith Lord allowed on the republic space dock, to sell dark side artifacts of all things? Who runs that bucket of bolts, are they that desperate for credits to let that happen?

Edited by sofakingzoe
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The fact that they are named Light/Dark side vendors and have separate kiosks irks the hell out of me, really. Can you think about that for a second? Why would they have kiosks?


Why is a very obvious Sith Lord allowed on the republic space dock, to sell dark side artifacts of all things? Who runs that bucket of bolts, are they that desperate for credits to let that happen?


Yeah it is kind of a waste of space. No reason both can't be in the same kiosk, the nicer one preferably lol. I guess by allowing a Sith Lord into their mall, suggests Republic Tolerance (aw, he's just selling his crap, he's not doing anything wrong...or killing anyone)

I just want the dark side pubs to clean their kiosk lol.

Edited by Lunafox
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You want to know what I wonder?


I wonder why we never get to actually fight a Hutt. I mean really fight one. You either fight him in a giant robot or get to watch yourself kill one in a cut scene...but you never get to actually, really, button-clicky kill a Hutt.


It takes some of the satisfaction out of it.

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You want to know what I wonder?


I wonder why we never get to actually fight a Hutt. I mean really fight one. You either fight him in a giant robot or get to watch yourself kill one in a cut scene...but you never get to actually, really, button-clicky kill a Hutt.


It takes some of the satisfaction out of it.


It'd be kinda funny I think. I know I enjoyed when Leia chocked the crap out of Jabba (zomg! spoilerz!) :) That was rather satisfying...I think it would be in game as well, but I suppose the devs think it's like shooting fish in a barrel...we'd beat the tar out of them..cause they can't move very fast and have squawgly little arms lol.


Even still, I'd like to play a Hutt. That'd be fun too...but in a game that needs you to earn xp through fighting...well it might prove tough. Now if they could make it so you xp doing crafty deals or sales, or betting....that might be fun too :D


Edit: They could give Hutts the ability to shoot poison venom out their mouths for battling for xp lol

Edited by Lunafox
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First: Lightside Vendor Imp side looks rather Grey.

Second: Darkside rep side looks like a smuggler, he has to stay Inconspicuous.

Third: Imperials tolerate lightside, because even if its LS it's power... Jedi/Republic don't feel so freely.

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The fact that they are named Light/Dark side vendors and have separate kiosks irks the hell out of me, really. Can you think about that for a second? Why would they have kiosks?


Why is a very obvious Sith Lord allowed on the republic space dock, to sell dark side artifacts of all things? Who runs that bucket of bolts, are they that desperate for credits to let that happen?


"You were smuggling Sith artifacts, Captain." - Return trailer


Why in the world was a merchant selling anything Sith-related allowed on the fleet? Let alone just down the street from the guy selling Jedi artifacts? It's like having a Home Depot and a Kohl's in the same parking lot, or a McDonald's and a Burger King across the street. It's stupid. And imagine now that Home Depot is selling drugs...why don't the police go shut them down? Why don't the Jedi go shut down that dark side vendor? I vote that when patch 2.3 comes, they move the dark side vendor to the new section of the fleet, where the bounty hunters stay. That seems like the one part of the Fleet that the Republic wouldn't have jurisdiction over, so it would be the smart thing to do. I'm telling you, that dark side vendor is one day soon going to get a visit from a very ticked Jedi Master who was busy fighting a war and just realize there's been a guy selling Sith artifacts, possibly corrupting Padawans, on the Fleet.

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"You were smuggling Sith artifacts, Captain." - Return trailer


Why in the world was a merchant selling anything Sith-related allowed on the fleet? Let alone just down the street from the guy selling Jedi artifacts? It's like having a Home Depot and a Kohl's in the same parking lot, or a McDonald's and a Burger King across the street. It's stupid. And imagine now that Home Depot is selling drugs...why don't the police go shut them down? Why don't the Jedi go shut down that dark side vendor? I vote that when patch 2.3 comes, they move the dark side vendor to the new section of the fleet, where the bounty hunters stay. That seems like the one part of the Fleet that the Republic wouldn't have jurisdiction over, so it would be the smart thing to do. I'm telling you, that dark side vendor is one day soon going to get a visit from a very ticked Jedi Master who was busy fighting a war and just realize there's been a guy selling Sith artifacts, possibly corrupting Padawans, on the Fleet.


Call me when the brawl is about to start, I'm soooo much going to see that darksider getting his *** whooped by a jedi :rak_01:

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Call me when the brawl is about to start, I'm soooo much going to see that darksider getting his *** whooped by a jedi :rak_01:


I'm betting the dark side vendor has some buddies waiting for a signal in case of emergencies. The Jedi Master would do well to bring some backup...some player backup, if ya know what I mean. ;)

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I always assumed it was vandalism. The republic fleet looks like it's run by hutts--which it very well might be. Having played empire first, I noticed it straight away. I presume that's because committing vandalism or littering in a place where the penalties are likely severe and soldiers are everywhere is an unattractive proposition. In the republic it's only a slap on the wrist, no doubt. They did quite a good job of having there be both positives and negatives to both systems.
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I always assumed it was vandalism. The republic fleet looks like it's run by hutts--which it very well might be. Having played empire first, I noticed it straight away. I presume that's because committing vandalism or littering in a place where the penalties are likely severe and soldiers are everywhere is an unattractive proposition. In the republic it's only a slap on the wrist, no doubt. They did quite a good job of having there be both positives and negatives to both systems.


It's a striking difference isn't it, when you play Imperials first. I wouldn't be surprised if its run by Hutts tbh. The pub fleet actually reminds me a lot of some of the seedier sections of Nar Shadaa, like Shadow Town.


I reckon you're probably right...if you could get executed for littering, you're probably less likely to do it lol. :D

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