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Unresponsive Controls Due to Rapid Keypresses


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BioWare and other large MMO designers are simply not concerned with PvP. Clearly SWTOR is a one player RPG with the ability to get help on your story from real people, or play against others.


I am enjoying the story. I am losing my attention for the PvP although it has potential (too bad Bioware doen't care), and will prob be another 1 month long subscriver like I was for Rift.


This ability delay is affecting both pve and pvp, though in warzones it is significantly worse.

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untill the fix is put in your going to have to just learn your gcd timing better, honestly its made me a better player to a dgree since i dont get into the whole rotation tunnel vision. Still needs to be fixed but there is a work around if you dont spam your keys.
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The only times that my abilities don't seem to go off is when they're on cool down. I constantly move while doing damage since there are positional requirements to some of my abilities (playing concealment spec op).


True, due to warzone lag, there are times when it says I'm too far away or not behind the target when it looks fine on my screen.


It doesn't really bother me. The game has been out for only a couple of days. These things will get patched eventually.


I really don't buy the whole "I can just mouse click my way through a warzone." I'd be toast if I didn't have all my abilities bound.


I feel like the pvp is pretty balanced in this game. Maybe Warriors/Knights could use a little buff. At low levels they are lacking, although they may wreck face at 50. I don't get all of the posts complaining about BHs. I down them all the time and their aoe is avoidable (a bright red graphic appears on the ground before the shots land, there are plenty of times where I see people just walk into it for some reason).


When snipers and gun slinger's cast snipe on you a graphic appears on your character. It's pretty clear and means that you better figure out where they are, break LOS, and heal up. Crowd control will break their cover unless they pop entrench.


Edit: Also for player's who spam 1 ability it's really easy to shut them down. Just use your interupt ability (which also prevents them from casting that ability for a time). It's a great ability to use, especially on healers.

Edited by Shast
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Pressing a hotkey repeatedly often causes abilities to stutter, or simply not work. This is more noticeable with melee classes, especially jedi knight or sith warrior. The animation will replay itself a few times, then stop altogether or continue through. It happens most often in pvp where things are hectic and keys are pressed more rapidly.


This bug makes playing a melee character extremely annoying.


Relax, breath normally, concentrate on what is happening.....


and stop smashing the *********** keys?

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Impressive... Some people actually genuinely believe that this is some kind of intended feature.


I'm speechless. I guess this is why our world is as it is, because there are always people who praise and worship whatever **** that is thrown in their faces.



On the topic: sorry guys, but I guess the "pros" are right, either adapt or go away, there is no way this thing will get fixed anytime soon. TBH, lately I feel that this game is really trying my patience... it's almost like a huge MMO experiment, how much **** a person can take before he starts packing. I am not packing yet, but I really feel that it is just a matter of time.

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Impressive... Some people actually genuinely believe that this is some kind of intended feature.


Yeah, makes you wonder. rofl



Imagine trying to do something like focus shear a fear or sw:death a poly if ability lag existed like this in the "other" game. :eek:

Edited by Rasstavad
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This is a very serious problem. Anyone wonder why World of Warcraft still has over 10 million subscribers after 7 years? It's the gameplay. Quite frankly, no game has even come CLOSE to replicating its responsiveness and fluidity. This game doesn't either. I just don't understand how it's so hard to make it feel clean. This game feels like a mess sometimes, ESPECIALLY in PvP.


If they do nothing to rectify this, I will quit. I can't stand games that don't feel fully fleshed out in the controls department.

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This is a very serious problem. Anyone wonder why World of Warcraft still has over 10 million subscribers after 7 years? It's the gameplay. Quite frankly, no game has even come CLOSE to replicating its responsiveness and fluidity. This game doesn't either. I just don't understand how it's so hard to make it feel clean. This game feels like a mess sometimes, ESPECIALLY in PvP.


If they do nothing to rectify this, I will quit. I can't stand games that don't feel fully fleshed out in the controls department.


Exactly, Bioware think people will stick around for voice quests and other content, wow has millions of subscribers yet most of them skip the quest dialogue to get right into the combat. Can you imagine what swtor would be like without VO? it would be warhammer online with star wars skin.

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Works as intended. We have been spoiled by other mmo's allowing us to spam keys like crazy. Maybe now you will adjust to have better control of yourself and the character. As a Jedi knight I noticed this issue and moved past it. Do the same scrubs. :)


Nobody should ever have to adjust for lousy gameplay. Actions not triggering is inexcusable for a game this expensive to manufacture.

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100% Agree with this post. As a Gunslinger (Smuggler) its a hassle just to enter cover in pvp.. Takes almost one second to get into that phase let alone queue up an attack. Most of the time I cant even enter cover, it just gives me a stupid error like "required effect not present". The attack system feels soo sluggish right now, far worse than any MMO I have played. C'mon BW! Even Korean MMOs with 1% of your budget succeed at this!
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The game is tied to the server, not to your client, you will not see the ability being used until the server has recognized it, it is actually a step in the right direction as far as competitive purposes go.


Try this, go to a friends house, use an ability, and see when goes off on yours and his screen. It will be at exactly the same time. (in wow you would see about a 1.5 second delay based on latency)


It takes a bit getting used too, but the end result is actually more synchronization with the server.

Edited by Nykes
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Unfortunately this is simply not something they are going to be able to patch or fix within any sort of reasonable timeframe. I will not be subscribing to this game, the PvP system is simply bad.


A game that came out in 2011 should not be worse than a certain game that was released in 2004. WoW's PvP, however unbalanced and "grinding" it was, it had one thing going for it: fluidity of controls. They got it right in WoW. When i push a button in wow, that action happens. In SW:tor, it takes a couple seconds, or the animation doesn't happen, or i get an error message saying that i am not behind them or i am out of range.


Also, super long GCD, ***? Come on bioware.


THIS and thats why so many ppls love to play WoW. Dont get me wrong there are many things which I dont like in WoW and thats why it became such a boredoom but 1 damn thing makes this game so outstanding between all MMOS Ive tried and that is the camera, hitboxes, models and effects on proccs etc T_T.


You always can perfectly tell what the enemy is doing, is he healing ? Is he casting a dmg. spell ? Or even such a simple thing like "Who do I have in target right now ?" .. maybe this sound stupid but in SWTOR I often cant tell who I have targeted. What kind of debuffs do I have right now ? In SWTOR I really dont get much information from the UI, maybe its there somwhere but you really cant see it well ...


Then the goddamn small hitboxes around players, if you want to mouseclick on someone cause TAB doesnt work again in this game :/ then good luck not hitting between a finger or so cause you wont target your enemy then. Also the models are so damn small in this game :/ Make big invisible hitboxes around the players so you can target them better like in WoW ...


The camera is a story for itself, how the hell could you put camera snapback into a game with PvP and not let us turn it off ? *** ... thats horrible.


Yea and last but not least, combat feels so clunky at times and especially in PvP when I hit my cover spell and it takes 2-4 seconds ...


You know why Iam so mad ? I like this game but I really dont understand how developers make such false priorities in their development decisions. It would have been better not release the game with so much content but with fluid combat controls, UI and no Lag in PvP. After that you should have concentrated about more content, meh ..


Now you will sadly loose alot of subs ...

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You know why Iam so mad ? I like this game but I really dont understand how developers make such false priorities in their development decisions. It would have been better not release the game with so much content but with fluid combat controls, UI and no Lag in PvP. After that you should have concentrated about more content, meh ..


Now you will sadly loose alot of subs ...




Why did you make a theme park PVE MMO instead of a sandbox PVP MMO?

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The game is tied to the server, not to your client, you will not see the ability being used until the server has recognized it, it is actually a step in the right direction as far as competitive purposes go.


Try this, go to a friends house, use an ability, and see when goes off on yours and his screen. It will be at exactly the same time. (in wow you would see about a 1.5 second delay based on latency)


It takes a bit getting used too, but the end result is actually more synchronization with the server.


WoW combat is still determined by the server, the difference being that the client is allowed to make "estimations" to preserve the combat flow. WTB.

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1000% agree with OP. Combat is not fluid in the slightest. Have to stand still for every single attack sometimes a cast will run its full length and nothing will happen Ill just be staring at the guy. Animations for attacks also seems to increase the time it takes to use an ability.


GCD and CC are too long.


Pvp is more about having those fast reaction times to adapt to other players actions and with the way combat in this game is right now that is just not possible.


Could care less about voice acting and more about actual game play.

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