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Unresponsive Controls Due to Rapid Keypresses


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I have noticed this alot and it annoys the crap out of me. After some testing it seems like differences in terrain height and standing real close to an opponent gives me this stuttering effect.



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This is one of the biggest pains I have with the game, it's one reason why ranged can be so much trouble for melee classes, nothing works. About to finish someone off? OH well, never mind I'll just stand here and stutter for 3 GCD's instead, OH I'm dead.


Honestly thought it was my keyboard for awhile.

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I had not played beta. I bought the game on launch day. I rolled a smuggler. The ui responsiveness or lack there of with animation casting lag and bugs before between and after were glaringly obvious before I got to level 2. The interaction with terrain, npcs, and the world in general seems highly unrefined also. All in all if the abilities and ui can be smoothed out to match animations and rid the casting bugs the game will literally be 100% better. I was actually rather bummed . . . If they can fix this with in 3 months I will be satisfied
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Happens with the scoundrel's melee abilities. There have been many times in warzones where I'm in position to do a back blast, pistol whip, kick, or punch and it just doesn't happen.


I get this on my Scoundrel as well... I put him on hold for now and play my Sage.

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This is easily noticeable when i try to play my sorc to it's full potential. Keybinds allow more APM but most of the time when i need to CC + ABS/Heal + DPS i end up with one of my spells not firing.. very frustrating.

Edited by Revsx
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This isn't really a bug, there is no ability queue system in this game, and mashing buttons will only screw you over.


If you start an attack before the animation is finished of your last one, your character will either stutter with the attack or won't go through with the whole thing, causing you to lose a lot of damage.


Animation based ability usage was meant to make the game feel more cinematic, get used to it.

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This isn't really a bug, there is no ability queue system in this game, and mashing buttons will only screw you over.


If you start an attack before the animation is finished of your last one, your character will either stutter with the attack or won't go through with the whole thing, causing you to lose a lot of damage.


Animation based ability usage was meant to make the game feel more cinematic, get used to it.


Terrible post. It makes the game extremely unresponsive and awful to play. This is a great game if this gets fixed.

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I set up a keyboard macro to fire 2 abilites one after another. The only way it works if there's a 50ms delay between key presses. If less, abilities wont fire at all.


I think you figured out the culprit. The game cant handle button presses faster then 50ms apart, it causes the game to stutter and abilities to cancel or bug out.

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So familiar.....they had the same issue when Warhammer was released.....and kinda still have it....though it's alot better now.


I can't remember what they did to alleviate the issue, if I remember right it was a display bug with the castbar or something.

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So familiar.....they had the same issue when Warhammer was released.....and kinda still have it....though it's alot better now.


I can't remember what they did to alleviate the issue, if I remember right it was a display bug with the castbar or something.


This isnt just a display issue though, because the ability often does not activate until after several stutters and sometimes just fails to activate at all even though you have pressed the key 20 times. Thats not a display bug, it is non responsive controls.

Edited by sabresandiego
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I 100% agree with this post, it's so true...

I have been healing in MMO's for 7 years now. I never roll anything else unless I've completely ran out of Healer classes to play.

I'm going to be quitting the game if this isn't fixed soon. I am not having fun and refuse to re-roll something else because of a pile of bugs that aren't getting fixed.

I played 3 beta's and posted every single time there was an issue... Made tickets and gave the appropriate feedback when necessary. Not only did I do that, my RL friend's as well did it, and Guild member's... Plus, there are SO many forum posts about this issue! Why isn't this getting resolved or noticed/mentioned by Bioware?... :mad:


I love venting on the forums. Good times.


Anyways, completely AGREE. :p

Edited by BlackCock
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Terrible post. It makes the game extremely unresponsive and awful to play. This is a great game if this gets fixed.



Actually, in my opinion, it's your post that's the terrible one. The guy you quoted is correct. The game bases combat off of ability animations, try not spamming your abilities, and learn some timing. This ultimately means that you have to have more skill to play this game, and noobs can't stand that. Likely it'll be dumbed down so everyone can just smash buttons, just like you've been doing for years in WoW.



TL;DR: Go back to WoW if you wanna button smash.

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