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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Your one Swtor Pet Peve.


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That one thing that happens to you in the game, either by another player, or ability or boss mechanic that just makes you go fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.



I always shout gosh darnit (lol at the profanity changer) when I log in to see players undercut the new color crystals by near 30% from other players. From seeing the Cyan Crystals going from 90k down to 40k and staying there. Hard to make a honest credit as an Artifice without endgame hilts or enhancements to make people drool.



There that little something that happens after you log in the game that just grinds your gears at its inconvenience? Rolplayers being griefed with music therapy droids prehaps? or that Juggernaught in pvp just times that saber reflect just right your series of shots makes you kill yourself.

Edited by Magnusheart
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Mission obejectives need to be made "permanent" in heroic or open areas, there is nothing that makes me angrier than to have to fight the mobs that are serving as bodyguards to a mission objective and have a player casually walk past me as I am fighting and standing atop of the mission objective and help himself to it and leave. Its even more insulting that in many instances, I can't click on the mission objective because I am in combat! Thus the game designers are making sure that the objective can be easily ninja'd...



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Mission obejectives need to be made "permanent" in heroic or open areas, there is nothing that makes me angrier than to have to fight the mobs that are serving as bodyguards to a mission objective and have a player casually walk past me as I am fighting and standing atop of the mission objective and help himself to it and leave. Its even more insulting that in many instances, I can't click on the mission objective because I am in combat! Thus the game designers are making sure that the objective can be easily ninja'd...




Not sure where this happens. I've never had the incombat trouble in a shared instance. As for outside, that's why you click the objective first, kill second.


As for my pet peeve, GCD bug, bad performance now (20 fps in an ops? last time I was that low I had a 24 man DT going) and crappy combat logs.

Edited by Hockaday
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My personal pet peeve is that I (as a republic player) cannot kill the wookiee investation on Corellia. In many places on my beautiful home world, there are wookiee standing openly on the street, yet the game mechanic doesn't allow me to remove them, displaying them in green color as "friends". This seems illogical, as no wump rat or rancor or other wild animal was ever displayed as "friend" to me... only the wookiee are.


This mistake luckily is not affecting Karaggas Palace (the guard right near the entrace can be rightfully removed from the gene pool), Cademimu (the wookiee with the flamethrower can be rightfully put out of its misery) and in the consular companion story of Quzen, where you can rightfully slaughter a bunch of wild wookiee, who attemt to ambush the honorable scaley warrior.


(Yes, my pet peeve is actually an innate wookiee hatred - I know there are more serious problems with the game, but this is my pet peeve)

Edited by JPryde
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I always shout gosh darnit (lol at the profanity changer) when I log in to see players undercut the new color crystals by near 30% from other players. From seeing the Cyan Crystals going from 90k down to 40k and staying there. Hard to make a honest credit as an Artifice without endgame hilts or enhancements to make people drool.




People whining when someone busts up their cosy price-fixing cartel is mine. Be they Unilver, Glaxo, or our local server Artficer.

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The bug that makes parts of the UI disappear when changing areas, and, more frustratingly, the fact that the devs ignore it as it continues to get worse.


Oh, that is so annoying. :mad:


It's even more annoying than people who write their forum posts in colorized text.

Edited by Never_Hesitate
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Hmm. I actually have three big pet peeves right now. That doesn't mean I expect them to get fixed, only that they bug me and I hope to see them changed in the future.


1) Class and level gates on Orange armor


This is a relic from the "we want you to look the way we want you to look" days of SWTOR. This is especially prevalent in crafting. I would like to see ALL Orange armor be converted to level 1 adaptive armor....if it is crafted with mods, once the mods are removed the level would drop back to level 1.


2) Time it takes to craft and crit chance.


Neither one of these things can be changed, except slightly with affection or companion traits. I think that there should be a legacy line that you can invest in that would improve crafting times and crit chance, ESPECIALLY if an item is grey (not worth any crew skill advancement points)


3) Lack of dedicated legacy bank, mail and cargo


All three are needed IMO. Should be legacy unlocks, shared mail (characters in legacy in a drop down menu), shared cargo bay in your quarters on each ship with a connected bank in which you can make EC deposits.


4) No ctrl-click items into GTN search box


This is a small pet peeve...I would like to be able to ctrl-click items into the search box in the GTN to make it easier to find them and research prices.

5) Affection system for alternate companions does not work the same as primary companion.

6) No multiplayer capability with current space combat feature

7) No chat bubbles, even if it was just restricted to in-group use


Those are my biggest pet peeves right now, in order of importance. My number one peeve is the state of Orange armor in the game.

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I always shout gosh darnit (lol at the profanity changer) when I log in to see players undercut the new color crystals by near 30% from other players. From seeing the Cyan Crystals going from 90k down to 40k and staying there. Hard to make a honest credit as an Artifice without endgame hilts or enhancements to make people drool.

Seriously? Your pet peeve is something other players do which is entirely within the context of legitimate game play? Buy them and re-sell them if they are so overly under-priced.


I go with lack of features on the GTN, features others games have, like sorting by unit price and drag-and-drop or shift-click an item to populate the GTN seach box.

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Mine is that mother &^@#!^$ ticket notification that has been blinking at me for nearly a flipping year!!!! I have a ticket in my log that ALWAYS resets as new when I log in or switch toons. It's INFURIATING to me that it's been like this for so freaking long! Every ticket I've sent gets "escalated" to their recycling bins. It's seriously a huge frustration to me that I can't clear out a %@&*!*#$% year old ticket.
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