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I am disgruntled.


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I played WoW from launch until a few months before cataclysm. I remember this feeling. It was shortly after arenas were released during TBC.


I hate arenas. I hate everything about them. I hate the small size, the focus on team composition, the total lack of objectives. I hate the idea that for some reason we're moving backwards in PvP game design. How is it we're going BACK to team deathmatch? I mean, even Blizzard said that arenas were the biggest mistake they've made in the entire development history of the most popular and successful MMO of all time! Why repeat that mistake here?!


I hate that out of the 8 advanced classes this game boasts (16 if you count mirrors as separate classes) maybe 4 of them will be viable, and only maybe 2 of them will be viable in more than one spec. And only 1 will be viable in more than one role.


Arenas, for anyone that've never experienced them are soul grinding, friendship destroying, rabid a**hole creating clusterf*cks. In Season 1 of arenas in WoW, I got to Rival rank. I think my best team score was in 5v5 and was something like 1950. I played a resto shaman. Yes, that's right, a resto shaman. (Everyone that knows me knows I'd rather drill holes in my feet with an old rusty hand-drill than heal) I leveled enhancement, I pvp'd in regular BG's as elemental and enhancement, but there's no way in hell I could do arenas as either of those specs. Just not possible. So *I* Medin, was stuck friggin' healing. I wasn't horrible at it, honestly, I just hated it soooo much I swore to never do it again.


At the time, my fiance was playing with me, and she and I formed a 2v2 team with her priest and my rogue. We were quite successful (Because that was an OP comp) but every single match we ended up screaming at one another. Either she'd make a newb move and I'd yell, or I'd make a newb move, and she'd yell, or both of us would make a move that wasn't really newb, but just didn't make sense with what the other was doing and we'd yell at each other.


I hate arenas, and to be quite honest, I have quite a bit of experience with them.


I'm disgruntled, and it's because of arenas. I've lost almost all the enjoyment I got out of the game as little as a month ago.


To use a metaphor, for the pve'ers, if BW had been promising for over a year now new pve content, and recently made comments along the lines of how stoked the hardcore raiders would be, then they announced that all new content, all high level content, and the entire focus of their development time was now on 4-man hardmode flashpoints.... How would you feel?

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Nothing's forcing you to participate in the up and coming arenas

If you don't like them don't do them

I loved wow arenas they were the main factor in keeping me subbed to that game for so long

Edited by Ren_simp
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Nothing's forcing you to participate in the up and coming arenas

If you don't like them don't do them

I loved wow arenas they were the main factor in keeping me subbed to that game for so long


While you're right, there's nothing forcing me to participate, and I probably won't, the idea that this game that I enjoy so much is basically sucking all that enjoyment out by funneling all the development time for the best aspect of it into an area that I despise forced me to say something.


I might not play arenas, probably won't because I don't have a single class I enjoy that I think is going to be viable, but BW needs to know that there's a sizable portion of their playerbase that thinks this is the wrong direction for the game to take.

Edited by MedinHolliday
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To use a metaphor, for the pve'ers, if BW had been promising for over a year now new pve content, and recently made comments along the lines of how stoked the hardcore raiders would be, then they announced that all new content, all high level content, and the entire focus of their development time was now on 4-man hardmode flashpoints.... How would you feel?


It's easier to put together a 4m than an 8m. team composition is already highly restricted in rated. the restrictions in 4m will be tighter for the grps but also different (emphasis on stealth). rated died on most servers for a few reasons, but finding 7 other souls with proper gear, role, and skill was significantly more challenging than 3. the level of competition, meanwhile, will be high as any great pvper will also run 4m. your analogy is based on numbers alone and I think, invalid unless your point was 4 < 8.

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It's easier to put together a 4m than an 8m. team composition is already highly restricted in rated. the restrictions in 4m will be tighter for the grps but also different (emphasis on stealth). rated died on most servers for a few reasons, but finding 7 other souls with proper gear, role, and skill was significantly more challenging than 3. the level of competition, meanwhile, will be high as any great pvper will also run 4m. your analogy is based on numbers alone and I think, invalid unless your point was 4 < 8.


No, the point is that they've announced that they're focusing dev time and resources on something that sucks.

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I have never played an arena, so i dont know what they're all about .. but it seems like the majority of people here have been calling for them .. or calling just for PvP content in general ..


It's a foregone conclusion that they're going to happen, and that they'll break what's left of the pvp in this game. (Which has become more and more imbalanced with every patch)


Just because people are calling for something doesn't make it a good idea. Most of the people talking about how much they loved arenas in WoW are the same people who trolled the WoW boards for hours on end, complaining about imbalances in pvp.


Oh, and god help us if BW goes the route of Blizzard and makes the BIS pvp gear only available through arenas.

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The problem is demand,


People cry that they want pvp content, so Bioware gives them Arenas.


it's like a child crying for milk, but just gets a dummy.



All they are doing is keeping people quiet just that extra while longer.

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it all depends on implementation. and we have no idea about how that will work right now, except speculation.


This is also true. I may be totally off base. Mainly my fear is that they'll tie arenas to gear and without doing them, you're screwed to always be behind the curve gear-wise. Also, they HAVE to rebalance the friggin' game. Leaving almost 3 classes to be meat for the grinder in arenas is bad implementation.

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I've never played arenas, I think I will enjoy them thoroughly.


I am a tad dissapointed that none of the arenas have any objective in them. King of Hill/Capture the Flag/Oddball or something of that nature really would have been cool. TDM every game might bore me after a few months; regardless, I am still patiently awaiting for the arrival of 2.4.

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it all depends on implementation. and we have no idea about how that will work right now, except speculation.

I agree.


But I can't escape the nagging feeling that Arenas (and PvP in general) could be made to work beautifully if the developer's would just balance around 1v1.


Of course, every time I say that, people lose their collective $h!t, as if I just kicked a baby across the street.


But I don't think you'd get crazy comp balancing issues if you started every class out on a level playing field. Of course, you'd have to ditch the "healers should always win a 1v1" idiocy that seems to plague MMORPGs these days. But anyway.


NOTE: I am NOT advocating class homogenization. Repeat: AM NOT ADVOCATING HOMOGENIZATION OF CLASSES. OKRRR?

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As long as there is no special gear for winning them then its not really an issue for me but the Arenas effect everyone esp those whom don't pvp. All of the nerfing that will take place due to Arenas will likely be the cornerstone to most PVErs complaints.


the OP also has a very good point about class comp, at the moment here is what I see as being the team comps.


1, Op healer, Jug, mara, merc

2. Op healer, PT, mara merc

3. op healer, assin, mara merc

I really don't personally think the classes are balanced enough to even attempt arena, the smash monkeys are the most predominant class in the game, they have just too much abilities for group fighting.

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As long as there is no special gear for winning them then its not really an issue for me but the Arenas effect everyone esp those whom don't pvp. All of the nerfing that will take place due to Arenas will likely be the cornerstone to most PVErs complaints.


the OP also has a very good point about class comp, at the moment here is what I see as being the team comps.


1, Op healer, Jug, mara, merc

2. Op healer, PT, mara merc

3. op healer, assin, mara merc

I really don't personally think the classes are balanced enough to even attempt arena, the smash monkeys are the most predominant class in the game, they have just too much abilities for group fighting.


Replace all those mercs with another mara, or maybe a jugg for the taunts and peels and I'd agree with you. Mercs get shut down too easily by focus-fire. They'll be the very first target in every arena, and unlike WoW mages, don't have a mobile/control spec.

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Replace all those mercs with another mara, or maybe a jugg for the taunts and peels and I'd agree with you. Mercs get shut down too easily by focus-fire. They'll be the very first target in every arena, and unlike WoW mages, don't have a mobile/control spec.


Mer I agree with you but with a good team for peals I think the merc would be a much better ranged class to have in there. I certainly would never bring my snipper in arena. I would be easy pickings.


but yeah I do agree that the double mara jug op team would be the team of choice for arena, its sad that BW put so much effort into smash monkeys over most other classes.

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If there is more than 2 4-man teams in any given arena.... THAT would make it interesting! KOTH with 3-4 4-man teams!! Oddball same way! Or Multi-team CTF!! This could be one helluva update for PvP wise if they didn't something original like this!
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As long as they don't give out better gear with whom arena guys can come and stomp me in my *** bg hero *** environment, I don't have anything against them


you like lolarenas, you play them.


Should they give an advantage ?








BW has one person keeping track of pvp balance if I am not wrong.

Poor bastard...

Edited by ciccussettetre
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"healers should always win a 1v1"

(this is not against you)

Healers should not win a 1v1 fight with a dps or a tank, a tank should not win a 1v1 fight against a dps. The only place where a healer should prove useful is in group fights and with a tank.

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Who thinks they will roll out balance updates in a reasonable time frame? FOTM is really FOTY. Arenas will simply exacerbate a problem and frustrated players more than appease them IMO. The lack of resources or competency....perhaps both will become painfully obvious to the PvP base.


I'm still hoping for the best however!

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Aside from complete class balance restructure arenas will be nothing but a joke. It will be limited into 2-3 classes. Not to mention that they will add to the problems that we already have like lack of match making system. I would love to see arenas that are objective based. TDM forget it. It does not work with the current class balance in this game.
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