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How many of you listen/read the whole story dialogues in quest fp etc?


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I am actually in the same boat. I tried Guild Wars 2. My husband was in the beta for FFXIV. And neither interest me enough to keep me interested because of the story. Right now no other MMO has really stepped up to what Bioware did with story and that is keeping me here right now (the story is really good). I can't bring myself to go to any other MMO becuase of that.


The only MMO I have ever found that comes anywhere close to the storytelling and immersion level of SWTOR is The Secret World, but even then it comes up short against SWTOR. I feel GW2 had potential, but again it failed in many ares and seriously lacked in some. To give WoW some credit, they are getting a little better in implementing their lore, but most of it is still very weak.

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I always watch them the first time through.

I'll watch them again on subsequent plays if I intend to see how different options play out.


However, I usually read the subtitles faster than the dialog plays out so I'll often spacebar to make it skip ahead unless there's some sort of action to be watched.


Story is a significant reason I play this game as opposed to others.

There are plenty of other games I could be playing if I just wanted to click accept on a dialog box and head off into the wilderness.

Edited by Rankyn
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Since bioware seems to care too much about story and dialogues as you can see in their upcoming PVE update 2.4 i was wondering how many people do listen and pay attention to them,i personally skip them all and know many peope that do the same, so lets see how many care about them and maybe make bioware change their policy of story its the most important part of the game so they can stop it and invest resources and time in pvp and other abandoned areas of the game etc....of course i mean the first time you watch them.




This is hardly the place to gauge any kind of average on this.

First of all, only subscribers can post on the forums.

Secondly, only a small portion of them visit the forums.

Thirdly, the nature of the thread (and question) means that people that dont watch dialgogues are more likely to post than people who do.


Personally tho, i never ever skip. And most of the people i know dont skip either, at least not the first time.

I cant speak for everyone of course, but i do feel that i can speak for my guild consisting of around 100 members, of whom i know of none that skip the first time.


But all of that is moot, since SW:TOR is marketed as a story-centric game, designed as a story-centric game and constantly being developed as a story-centric game.

You asking them to change the most advertised feature of their game to concentrate on a part of the game which is (admitted even by PvP players) a smaller part of the game is like asking Rockstar to remove the parts of GTA where you shoot guns and run around outside vehicles, to instead concentrate on turning the game into a proper streetracing game.


This game is, and always has been, centered around the story aspect.

That will not change.

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I do it first time and repeat when I feel I don't quite remember what this is all about. Story is number 1 reason I play this game. That's also why I support idea of replaying all non repeatable cutscenes without need of playing new character.
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Some people said that ive choosen the wrong mmo,whats the multiplayer component on this story stuff? if you play mainly for the story why do you pay at month for it instead of playing a single player game? mmos are about playing with other people


You are aware that its perfectly possible to play the entire storyline with up to thee other people right?

And for all the non-class specific storylines they can even be part of the dialogue if you are grouped.

Thats the multiplayer component of it.

Its not up to you to dictate how others should play the game. Especially not if they are playing it the way the designers intended.


(also if you are wondering what the actual game mechanic benefits of playing with a group during leveling is, you get loads more xp if you do, you also get social points for social outfits and generally you get more cash from drops)

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I play Bioware games for the story and nothing else, there really is no other company that do them like bioware just like there is no other company that does companions like bioware imo


That said i understand why ppl wish to skip the story and if they ask nice i will oblige

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If it was not for the story part of the game, I would not be playing. Not to say I don't enjoy other aspects of the game, because I do, but the interactive story aspect is what sets TOR apart from other games for me. I only space bar past dialogue if it's something I've done repeatedly (such as basic non-class missions on low-level planets), and that's not even always the case because I'm doing them with new characters (thus the dialogue always has new quirks).


When it comes to dialogue in FPs, I am perfectly okay with a group wanting to space bar through if it's something a group has done before, but if it's anyone's first time through (especially mine) I want them to be able to experience that element of the game without the other members of the group getting huffy about it.


Personally, I was very disappointed when it was announced the Makeb did not include new class story content, as the class story is to me the most in-depth and engrossing content in the game. I understand the financial ramifications of adding new class story for all 8 classes as opposed to just one story for all classes, and that the former just wasn't feasible in the financial shape the game was in at the time, but with the success of the CM I'm hoping the book isn't closed (so to speak) on any future class-specific story archs.

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I listen to all story, class and regular quests but sometimes I skip if iv'e done it before.


My favourite is when they flirt for some reason maybe im naughty :w_embarrass:



Couldn't care less about eventual neglected areas like PvP or raiding becasue thats only fun once a month.

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First time around, always listen to all of it. I've even rolled the same class over and still listened to all of it. I spacebar through repetitive content like dailies, flashpoints, and some of the world arcs that I've done 8 times now.
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not only do i listen, when soloing I've been known to escape multiple times, just to see all the options and get the conversation JUST the way I want it.


times when I spacebar:

1. when its alien language. I hated how long that gibberish took in KOTOR and I still dislike it in SWTOR.

2. when picking up dailies on Illum.

3. when I have already seen the flashpoint and group I'm pugging with would rather spacebar.


that's it. conversations and story is one of the main reasons I play bioware games in a first place. if emphasis on that is removed even more, then I personaly would be playing less and less, and even then mainly coming back to level another alt through class story.


I think the alien gibberish in this game sounds pretty well done, though I do skip most of it :) It's one of the reasons I like playing Empire side more- less alien NPCs means more dialogue in Basic.


Though it's pretty cool how they had to go to the trouble of creating unique gibberish even if it's just for 1 companion like Khem Val or for a small set of NPCs like the Drall.

Edited by Projawa
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I play Bioware games for the story and nothing else, there really is no other company that do them like bioware just like there is no other company that does companions like bioware imo
Lemme help ya


Anyway. I listen to everything. Except the Ops. It's usually too much of a 'hurry hurry' when going into Ops to get through cutscenes.

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The story dialogues are extremely important to me. I solely play this game because it's Star Wars. If I wouldn't listen to/read the story dialogues this game was worthless to me.

I personally don't need PVP and more end-level-grind. Give me more playable story content that keeps me fascinated!

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I think the alien gibberish in this game sounds pretty well done, though I do skip most of it :) It's one of the reasons I like playing Empire side more- less alien NPCs means more dialogue in Basic.


Though it's pretty cool how they had to go to the trouble of creating unique gibberish even if it's just for 1 companion like Khem Val or for a small set of NPCs like the Drall.


some of it is ok. but a lot of it is just reused dialogue bit you hear from every single alien of that species in a game. it's especially amusing in case of female twi'leks where they sometimes sound the same in quest dialogue as that announcement you have running through Nar Shadaa. and its also extremely slow for me, because they want you to read the subtitles for the actual story, but they extend them so that people with varying reading speeds had time to get through them. so I usually read that sentence 2-3 times before it actually switches to new on on its own :p the only one that I don't space bar through is Blizz... because he kinda sounds really adorable O_O


I do like it that they at least attempted to add differing sound bites into the game :)


I do the same, although for a sightly different reason. Whenever I create a character, I have to give them a detailed personality and there will be times when I 'escape' and try different dialogue options in order to find what is right.


I should have added - for that particular character :p because sometimes the paraphrase sounds like it would fit, but what the character actually says makes me facepalm - escape, try again :p damn you bioware, and your paraphrases :/

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I think the OP has the answer he needs (although not the one he wanted).


It seems that the overwhelming majority of the forum goers like to listen to the story dialogues.


I cant speak for the rest of the games population, but i doubt it differs much since the game is advertised as a story-focused game.

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I actually got booted from a group yesterday for not spacebarring through the FP dialogue since it was my first time in there and wanted to read it. .


That just sucks, really. Guess you should say upfront, "I don't spacebar" since there seem to be so many of that ilk. I always listen first time through, but for planetary quests where I've done them a few times? Unless I'm going to take a different route this time. (Giving Revan's mask to the sith gets you darkside points; giving it to the other guy gets you lightside points) I'll spacebar through a convo I've basically memorized anyway.

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That just sucks, really. Guess you should say upfront, "I don't spacebar" since there seem to be so many of that ilk. I always listen first time through, but for planetary quests where I've done them a few times? Unless I'm going to take a different route this time. (Giving Revan's mask to the sith gets you darkside points; giving it to the other guy gets you lightside points) I'll spacebar through a convo I've basically memorized anyway.


Yeah, alot of people seem to do flashpoints over and over to level up... those folks dont like it when you dont spacebar.

And since they tend to play flashpoints ALOT, you tend to run into them frequently.

I usually just turn off chat and sit through the dialogue anyway :)

Sometimes they boot me, sometimes they give up and listen to the dialogue.

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I play this game for story and also fell in love in PvP. Those things are keeping me here: lore, Star Wars setting and fun in warzones. So yes, I listen to all the dialogues, even if I'm playing them again with my alts. Voice over is great and they put some great stories and dialogues into this game, it's worth it! Edited by Apophis_
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If it wasn't for the story, I wouldn't be here. So keep up the story BW. We need even more of it. Especially continuations of the class stories.


Yep same here, The class stories are the main reason i play. And yes i listen to all of them the first time through. To say that no one cares about them is just incorrect, I would say the majority of people not only do it for the class quests but want more of them in the future.

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Poor OP, got completely and utterly demolished. Maybe this thread will be used as reference the next time some yaahoo declares no one cares about story.


It was the number one selling point of the game, and still is. Get over it.

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