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Summer of SWTOR Update


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Will the "PVP Patch" bring much-needed rebalancing to some of the classes who were knocked way down by 2.0? If not, I don't see much future here. I'm not interested in a PVP environment where each class is shoehorned into a specific role, like Powertechs and Vanguards are now relegated to tanking.
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Will the "PVP Patch" bring much-needed rebalancing to some of the classes who were knocked way down by 2.0? If not, I don't see much future here. I'm not interested in a PVP environment where each class is shoehorned into a specific role, like Powertechs and Vanguards are now relegated to tanking.


While shadows are relegated to DPS. I used to shadow tank, not anymore, Swings and roundabouts

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So... they're working to make things better and this is the thanks they get from you? :t_confused:


Look, he stated that there's more to it than what they've announced so far. Why don't you just chill out and see what they come up with? The who point of what they're doing is to make things better. Yes, they "hear" you. Whining about what happened before isn't very constructive at this point.


Working on making things better for people doing OPs. PvPers don't get **** compared to the updates they do. They made it so PvEer do better in PvP because of their broken Bolster. Compare the top PvP gear to PvE.

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So... they're working to make things better and this is the thanks they get from you? :t_confused:


Look, he stated that there's more to it than what they've announced so far. Why don't you just chill out and see what they come up with? The who point of what they're doing is to make things better. Yes, they "hear" you. Whining about what happened before isn't very constructive at this point.


Check the PvP forums for ideas of large scale combat and new WZs. Look at how many posts talk about bolster and balance. How many ask for a queue system that will balance PvP play?


It's not that we are ungrateful for updates and improvements but PvPers have been waiting and asking and suggesting and when the development team suggests that a LARGE PVP PATCH is in the works and are SHOWN PvE content it's a kick to the boys slap in the face and dare I say spitting on us for our patients and ideas.


Devs RARELY if ever comment on PvP suggestive posts but talking about the CM or an Ewok they can chime right up.


It really isn't the content of the thread that is brushing the PvPers the wrong way it is the tease and delivery in which we received the content of this thread.


If there is more in the works then the list they MUST spill some more about what PvPers can expect from 2.4 and beyond cause as I have alluded to in previous posts it's not just the playerbase taking the hit it is the fandom of those players that is in jeopardy.

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MrJurgens just has a jones for me. But he cannot possess me and it drives him a bit nutzo.


Bro, or whatever you are, Nobody wants to possess you.





oh my god the irony!


For shizzle! lol



Not true at all.


My Vanguard concurs with this.

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Will the "PVP Patch" bring much-needed rebalancing to some of the classes who were knocked way down by 2.0? If not, I don't see much future here. I'm not interested in a PVP environment where each class is shoehorned into a specific role, like Powertechs and Vanguards are now relegated to tanking.


They are a tanking class, and still very formidable dps wise. I think your "re-balancing" is just a way for you to want your class to go back to being as grossly OP as it was towards the end of vanilla SWTOR. TBH, class balance is good enough for arena now. every class (except maybe mercenary which could use some luv) is viable, competetive and able to beat anyone else in the right hands. I got hit with a 10.5k railshot the other day by a PT, in full conq gear, and you are asking for a buff to them?!

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It's typical the PvP community, they get something and they are not happy about it ... seriously chill out.


Yeah, something we didn't necessarily want, or expect, with our "major update". I know the idea of "arenas" has been floated around on the PvP forums before, and with much support, but very few players wanted smaller PvP encounters over larger ones. Smaller scale WZ's wasn't on many players top 5 lists. They're fine, as additional content, and I'm glad it's something...but I hope to God it's not ALL we have to look forward to. Players ask for more WZ's exponentially more than they ask for 4v4 arenas.


Who knows, maybe 4v4 is the right idea going forward. God knows that if this is all there is, the PvP population will drop even lower...next they can do 2v2 and 1v1 right?!

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They didn't tell anyone about Treek cuz he is non - canon blasphemy that makes no sense regardless of their stupid explanation. Just wanted to put an Ewok in the game for girls and children.


The primary focus of the PVP update is again PVE. The games done for me, Ill never see that update anywhoo.


And this comes from someone with the handle smuglebunny? Your complaining about happy fluff for girls/children, yet your posting on a girls/childs account...



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PvP has LESS content now than we did at launch. We had weekly WZ missions, daily WZ missions, daily Ilum missions and a weekly Ilum mission, not to even mention the battleground of Ilum that we had for OW PvP, which lagged, yes, but it beats what we have now which is nothing.


We still have daily and weekly warzone missions. Illum was a waste land, and hardly anyone ever went ttheir to do anything but daily's for credits.


We have had 2 extra warzone maps since launch, and we have had 2 extra operations, and illum got re-worked into an event with pvp specific area's- which i might add some of the PVP community still complained about.. We got 1 operation in a paid content patch.


Why would bioware spend time on PVP content when all the PVP community does is complain when they give them content.


4v4 arenas, while a great addition for those times when PvP is slow, are not what I wanted. I want reasons to go kill players on other planets (daily kill 10 mission maybe?), reasons to join a larger group, planetary objectives that keep us traveling, I miss the open Ops of 24 players we had when Ilum first came out - when is the last time you joined an open Ops group? Hell, when was the last time (if ever) you were in a 24 person group?


"I don't want a chocolate ice cream, I want a chocolate double dip, double chocolate triple sprinkle 3 scoop chocolate ice cream..." That is what the complainers in this thread sound like to me..... An unreasonable three year old.


Face it, you got the ice cream, enjoy it.

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No I'm not bro.


And I'm terribly sorry if you feel I'm being "rude" - that's not my intent. Tone is hard to covey over the interweb, so however you're reading my replies, dismiss any hostility or anger - there's none intended. You can read frustration, shock and perseverance if you like, I'm determined to make my feelings of utter disgust with the lack of more for PvP known...but there is no "anger".


My "case" is that there has never been an update where there was "more" than they advertised. You claim they have a history of not showing "everything", but I believe you're mistaken. I don't recall any update that under hyped and over delivered. Since you think there are some, please present your case. When has there EVER been any update with regards to PvP (or even throw in a PvE example) where they gave you MORE than they promoted?


I'm not debating the Ops - I'm thrilled they're coming! I mix things up in-game as much as I can (PvP and PvE). I'd prefer to be a majority PvP player, but the nauseating thought of just running WZ's turns me off.


PvP has LESS content now than we did at launch. We had weekly WZ missions, daily WZ missions, daily Ilum missions and a weekly Ilum mission, not to even mention the battleground of Ilum that we had for OW PvP, which lagged, yes, but it beats what we have now which is nothing.


4v4 arenas, while a great addition for those times when PvP is slow, are not what I wanted. I want reasons to go kill players on other planets (daily kill 10 mission maybe?), reasons to join a larger group, planetary objectives that keep us traveling, I miss the open Ops of 24 players we had when Ilum first came out - when is the last time you joined an open Ops group? Hell, when was the last time (if ever) you were in a 24 person group? I enjoy cat and mouse PvP, not objective based PvP. I like fighting other players, not standing by a flipping node where the most important thing I can do is type "incoming". 4v4 is a step BACKWARDS! In beta, we had 12v12 CW's (maybe even 16v16). I want MORE people involved in PvP - arenas promote fewer.


So wait if you like. Sit by while you "hope" and "think" more is to come. I disagree with that stance, but I respect your ability to do nothing - you're in the majority tbh. I'm not. I'm not just ranting - I have offered up suggestions.


Before i present my evidence allow me to respond to the Ilum point. Yes you did however it was the pvpers who were yelling at the problems ilum was having and lag was not the major one. It was the fact that people were not going about the rules set in the OW area and avoiding pvp all together. Part of that is Bioware's fault absolutely. They should have made more limitations to the OW area. However part of the debackle of Ilum falls on the players as well because they allowed players to those who abuse the system run a muck and not try to contain it. Sometimes players need to learn to police themselves.


Now having said all that you say show you times when Bioware hasn't more content than they originally advertise. Here are a few


Treek - she was never mentioned as being apart of 2.3 nor was even in the patch notes when they released them. Yet she is still a new companion people can get that is part of the content that was not revealed when 2.3 was announced.


Role Neutral Flashpoints - again when first details (when the original summer update was posted on 2.3) no where was this stated it wasn't until the patch notes were released that majority of people knew that these were coming with 2.3


The Dreadful Entity - When the HK-51 patch was released, it was not revealed that this bonus boss in Terror From Beyond would be added if you downed Dreadtooth in Section X at 10 stacks. Matter of fact nobody new of this bonus boss until a Guild downed Dreadtooth and posted the easter egg on the web.


Macrobinoculars and Seeker Droids - When RotHC was first announced. the Macrobinocuclars and seeker droids were left out. Matter of fact they weren't even revealed until about 2-3 weeks from RotHC's launch which was about 4 months after RotHC was announced. And these quest lines are arguably one of the best aspects of RotHC expansion, including a new world boss on Corellia.



Edit: One more thing. I hear you on the OWPvP but I do not believe what you want you will get. Just being honest. Also bioware stated in one of the Cantina Tours that if you are expecting some type of DAoC type of OWPvP (large scale open world pvp) its not gonna happen in this game. Basically they said they will focus more on smaller forms of pvp

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As a matter of fact in over a year and a half the large majority of whiners ive met were complaining that the biggest problem in this game is that there are no arenas. Now they add that and people want something else.

I think they are doing amazing and there's a lot coming, this game has come a long way since the start I am more than happy with the content they are bringing since 2.0

Arenas arent the only thing in 2.4, they are not announcing anything yet, that was just one detail so chill out children.

There will always be people whining no matter what, and hopefully bioware wont be moved by that, its the best way for a company to fail by trying to please everyone


I'm afraid that if this is all there is, 4v4 will be the best they could hope for. What a freaking disappointment Bruce...seriously...do you guys pay ANY attention to your customers?! Who asked for 4v4???
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Hey guys,


I am getting that some of you are frustrated that there are also Operations coming in 2.4 as a PvP player. This is in no way taking away from the content you are getting. It just means that on top of being an update with PvP content, it also has PvE content in it as well. It is just a bigger update for everyone!


To please the PvP players, there should be one Update/Patch be exclusively filled with PvP content.


This can easily be achieved by letting everything else out. And push it ( = the non-PvP part) into an later Update/Patch.

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Who asked for 4v4???


Whose who are argueing - for 400+ pages now - that Premades are ruining random War Zones play.


Are you really THAT blind that you aren't able to see it ?


It's so obvious that it is obvious of so obvious that the Arena thing is a direct result of the 400+ pages of complaining ... I'm actually a bit baffled that you are not able to see it ? Because it couldn't be more obvious ...

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Hello everyone!


October 1 is our target for Game Update 2.4! This update is shaping up to be very big:

  • The Planet Oricon, a short story arc that will bring you face-to-face with the Dread Masters.
  • New Operation: Dread Fortress
  • New Operation: Dread Palace
  • New 4v4 Warzone Arenas
  • New Elder Game PvE and PvP Gear


This isn’t an exhaustive list, and we are also working on several longer term initiatives. As we get closer we’ll have a lot more juicy details on these and on what’s above. Keep your eyes peeled to the forums and SWTOR.com for more information!




so let me get this right 2.4 was supsoed to be when the pvp side of things got anything at all, and alongside the supsoed pvp patch of 2.4 the stupid devs are bringign out even MORE PVE CONTENT!?!?!?!?! 2.0-2.3 has all been PVE in 2.0 you gave us scum and villany plus courtyard plus makeb. 2.1 S&V hard mode and TFB HM.... 2.2 TFB S&V NiM mode 2.3 even more pve content including soem stupid ewok then theirs 2.4 where the PVP community was kind enough to wait for the DEDICATED PVP PATCH!!!!! only to find out YOUR BRINGING OUT TWO MROE F*KING OPERATIONS AND A NEW DAILIY AREA, 2.4 WAS SUPSOED TO BE A DEDICATED PVP PATCH THE PVE COMMUNITY GETS ENOUGH STUFF SO SCREW THEM AND LISTEN TO YOUR PVP COMMUNITY FOR ONCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You getting our frustration? You really do?


(4/9) So you get that 2.0 bought a new OP and a broken bolster system and new gear grind which was made pointless by your broken bolsters which you never fixed. Which you have tried to fix and failed at each time.

(5/14) 2.1 Cartel Market

(6/12) 2.2 Nightmare Mode of OP and WZ that would never get the full 8 players. Getting 1 medal for joining a fail WZ group; 1 medal so worth my time to stay in fail WZ group. The only good thing you did here is the not backfilling into a lost WZ; which is funny since I still get put into a WZ and don’t have time to even get out of the gate before it’s over. But the bright side I got a medal. It’s so worth my time in queue.

~(8/13) 2.3 Amazing nothing relate to OP. Changes to 1 WZ

~(10/1) OMG I CAN’T WAIT PVP PATCHES THAT YOU GUYS WILL BE AMAZED WITH!!!! With 2 new OP because you PvPers are always getting something and we don’t want to people that do OP to feel left out.

So within 6 months after the release of 2.0 there 3 NEW OPs. For us PvPers 4v4 areas and more bugs then an ant farm.

You really do understand our frustration? Over a year to see something new in PvP other than a gear grind that is pointless. Over a 1.5 years to do ANYTHING with ranked WZ. I’m sorry but you don’t understand or even care about PvP in this game.


Just wanted to quote this, its deserving.

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You getting our frustration? You really do?


(4/9) So you get that 2.0 bought a new OP and a broken bolster system and new gear grind which was made pointless by your broken bolsters which you never fixed. Which you have tried to fix and failed at each time.

(5/14) 2.1 Cartel Market

(6/12) 2.2 Nightmare Mode of OP and WZ that would never get the full 8 players. Getting 1 medal for joining a fail WZ group; 1 medal so worth my time to stay in fail WZ group. The only good thing you did here is the not backfilling into a lost WZ; which is funny since I still get put into a WZ and don’t have time to even get out of the gate before it’s over. But the bright side I got a medal. It’s so worth my time in queue.

~(8/13) 2.3 Amazing nothing relate to OP. Changes to 1 WZ

~(10/1) OMG I CAN’T WAIT PVP PATCHES THAT YOU GUYS WILL BE AMAZED WITH!!!! With 2 new OP because you PvPers are always getting something and we don’t want to people that do OP to feel left out.

So within 6 months after the release of 2.0 there 3 NEW OPs. For us PvPers 4v4 areas and more bugs then an ant farm.

You really do understand our frustration? Over a year to see something new in PvP other than a gear grind that is pointless. Over a 1.5 years to do ANYTHING with ranked WZ. I’m sorry but you don’t understand or even care about PvP in this game.


QFT. It's sad to hear the selfishness of the PVE warriors claiming "deal with it" or "unsub" and not being compassionate about the PVP community that BW is killing through neglect. We go an entire expansion without PVP content, promised that 2.4 would be devoted to PVP... and PVP is an afterthought to the PVE in 2.4. Arena's are great, and i'll enjoy them, but they are only enjoyed by a MINORITY of the pvp crowd. In WOW, less than 15% of the pvpers did arena's and it will be no different here. We needed ALOT more pvp content, not just to have arena's tacked in on top of PVE content. We needed MULTIPLE new warzones, arena's, new gear, new valor, new world pvp, sssp, new rewards, new pvp titles, etc.... and all we got was arena's. Hire more than one guy to work on PVP BW ffs

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QQ more. I personally cannot stand PvP so the more PVE stuff I get the happier I get.


And some of us can't stand PvE, so whats your *********** point? There are two sides to this game and the developers are blatantly ignoring one side of the game. Just because you do not like PvP doesn't make it right that we get practically zero updates. You have more than enough *********** content to do, let us have ONE *********** patch for ourselves. Those two operations should be held off until 2.5

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We still have daily and weekly warzone missions. Illum was a waste land, and hardly anyone ever went ttheir to do anything but daily's for credits.


Why would bioware spend time on PVP content when all the PVP community does is complain when they give them content.


Maybe on your server - Ilum wasn't that way on mine. People I knew, that have long since quit, stayed on Ilum, not Fleet.


Bioware should spend time on PvP because it brings them revenue...you seriously don't get that? They need to learn to LISTEN though! Be happy all you like, enjoy all the content they add. I'm a customer too, and I am not happy. Unlike you, I enjoy PvP and this isn't what I wanted. 2-3 new freaking smaller boxes to fight in, and you seem to think I should be grateful?! pfft...um...no.


Whose who are argueing - for 400+ pages now - that Premades are ruining random War Zones play.


Are you really THAT blind that you aren't able to see it ?


It's so obvious that it is obvious of so obvious that the Arena thing is a direct result of the 400+ pages of complaining ... I'm actually a bit baffled that you are not able to see it ? Because it couldn't be more obvious ...

What the...huh?! Premades will presumably still be an issue in 4v4 arenas...what point are you trying to make here? In fact, I'll speculate that 4v4 premades will be the vast MAJORITY of all arenas.

As a matter of fact in over a year and a half the large majority of whiners ive met were complaining that the biggest problem in this game is that there are no arenas. Now they add that and people want something else.

I think they are doing amazing and there's a lot coming, this game has come a long way since the start I am more than happy with the content they are bringing since 2.0

Arenas arent the only thing in 2.4, they are not announcing anything yet, that was just one detail so chill out children.

There will always be people whining no matter what, and hopefully bioware wont be moved by that, its the best way for a company to fail by trying to please everyone


Name calling huh...whiners and children?! Just like you, I'm also a customer...you have no right to call me names for not sharing your opinion or your glee.


You pretend there's "more" - obviously you're new to the forums because, as I've already pointed out, there's never a secret rabbit they pull out of their hat.


You wanna know the best way for a company to fail?! It's NOT listening to their customers.

Now having said all that you say show you times when Bioware hasn't more content than they originally advertise. Here are a few




Role Neutral Flashpoints


The Dreadful Entit


Macrobinoculars and Seeker Droids



Edit: One more thing. I hear you on the OWPvP but I do not believe what you want you will get. Just being honest. Also bioware stated in one of the Cantina Tours that if you are expecting some type of DAoC type of OWPvP (large scale open world pvp) its not gonna happen in this game. Basically they said they will focus more on smaller forms of pvp

All of those things were mentioned prior to release. ALL of them!


And yes, I realize this games engine sucks and they can't fix it - they stated they were going to focus on more "organic" PvP and more of what they have (presumably WZ's), I get that...but we need more than 5 freaking boxes to PvP in. 5 is pathetic for this game. We need a match making system similar to what PvE has. We need more missions than what we have. We don't need another gear grind or smaller boxes to fight in.

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And some of us can't stand PvE, so whats your *********** point? There are two sides to this game and the developers are blatantly ignoring one side of the game. Just because you do not like PvP doesn't make it right that we get practically zero updates. You have more than enough *********** content to do, let us have ONE *********** patch for ourselves. Those two operations should be held off until 2.5


I really don't even want them to hold off the ops until 2.5, PvEers don't have a whole plethora of content either. The amount of spite some players have (like the guy you quoted) is shocking to me. Talk about taking a game too seriously...geezus! Imagine if anyone said anything like that about RPers...it's pure and complete ignorance.

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All of those things were mentioned prior to release. ALL of them!


IMO, you are deflecting for convenience here TUXs.


1) HIs point was that they have in fact announced some patch content in this game, and rather consistently, LATE.. as in shortly before patch goes live.


2) 2.4 is 3 months away. That's an eternity in terms of game patch discussion time windows.


3) They have stated multiple times in this thread (in gold posts) that there is more coming that they have not revealed yet.


IF we were 5 days from patch and all we see is what was told to us this week.. I would agree with you and endorse your frustrations. But this simply is not the case.


I encourage you to step back and chill a bit. It's not like you to be this bitter, much less jumping on other players for expressing their views and opinions.


You know.. lots of people beat on Bioware for not communicating. Over the last 6-8 months they have been doing more communications about future content and beginning the process earlier in terms of patch date plans. Anyone in software development knows that what comes with that approach is the ability to communicate some things and not others (until closer to a release window). IMO you attitude and behavior in this thread (as it appears in text, since we cannot read your body language or look into your eyes (and that of some others), is in effect encouraging Bioware to communicate less, not more.


A simple, objective discussion of what has been released to us.. coupled with a wait for more details (that they have said are coming) is a lot more productive IMO then all this bitterness and complaining and dooms day stuff. Of course I know you will disagree with me... and that's you choice. But can't you see the harm in such a negative approach being taken in some of the discussion (in the absence of all the facts)??

Edited by Andryah
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