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PVP healing needs to be nerfed to pre 2.0


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A helpful start would be limiting scouperative hot heals to no more than one stack of 2. And self heals should take a dive. Give bh/vang/guard/jugg outgoing heal debuff. It would be weaker.than sent/marauder version which nerfs all incoming heals.
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Energy management is probably the most broken thing. Fix that first then take time to evaluate. Don't try to fix multiple things at once. That's generally a recipe for misunderstanding the effects of your "fixes".


I agree. I never run out of focus on my smasher sent. Its funny actually. Smashing every 7-9 seconds and between its just spamming slash for anything between 2.5-5k damage. Definietly needs a nerf.

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I think they should give operatives and assassins a skill that reduces heals cast by 20%, which would sort of cement them as the classes that cc healers, and it would stack with the marauder debuff to lower healing across the board.
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Something is broken in the system if I'm outnumbering with my healing (sage healer) any dps in my or my opponents team on a regular basis. It's not fun and it's even less fun when 90% of my healing comes from 4 core abilities. Add to it guarding, tauting and cross-healing. Killing healer is sometimes impossible.


I know 'fixing' pvp will hit pve, but at least something could be done with trauma (rise it to 50%) and making taunt to be working on healers too. Coz now there is no point in thinking how to survive when you can go LoS, kite any dps, heal yourself in 2-3 sec to 60-70% and you're fine and dandy. Year ago (or even pre 2.0) healing was a job, now it's a joke.

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I never take any word seriously from healers whining about ranged DPS. Why do you insist on sitting in RDPS line of sight eating all that damage? It's one of the most easiest things in the game to avoid tons of damage.


Are you implying that healers were underpoewred in 1.7?


Yes, because as a healer you should always los ranged and let the enemy kill the rest of your team, and you're immune to stuns, roots, and slows.


Get real NoTomorrow, with the massive amount of CC in this game it is impossible to avoid all ranged dps, and if you run away from the action the minute you start taking damage you might as well be dead...

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I think they should give operatives and assassins a skill that reduces heals cast by 20%, which would sort of cement them as the classes that cc healers, and it would stack with the marauder debuff to lower healing across the board.


assassins have enough utility. Conceal op (high up in the tree so op healer can get it) would be nice to get this, and a PT (pyro perhaps).


But the real issue is the self heals and the healer+guard combos. IT would be nice to give the conceal op, as a high tiered skill to keep away from the op healer, the ability to remove guard from a target. Force tanks to monitor whose guarded and reapply as necessary.

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assassins have enough utility. Conceal op (high up in the tree so op healer can get it) would be nice to get this, and a PT (pyro perhaps).


But the real issue is the self heals and the healer+guard combos. IT would be nice to give the conceal op, as a high tiered skill to keep away from the op healer, the ability to remove guard from a target. Force tanks to monitor whose guarded and reapply as necessary.


I suggested something similar for op concealment, a 50% guard damage bypass, and people said it was Overpowered as hell.

Edited by NoTomorrow
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  • 4 months later...
Something is broken in the system if I'm outnumbering with my healing (sage healer) any dps in my or my opponents team on a regular basis. It's not fun and it's even less fun when 90% of my healing comes from 4 core abilities. Add to it guarding, tauting and cross-healing. Killing healer is sometimes impossible.


I know 'fixing' pvp will hit pve, but at least something could be done with trauma (rise it to 50%) and making taunt to be working on healers too. Coz now there is no point in thinking how to survive when you can go LoS, kite any dps, heal yourself in 2-3 sec to 60-70% and you're fine and dandy. Year ago (or even pre 2.0) healing was a job, now it's a joke.


This man is spot on. Too many Warzones is plain boring due to cross-healing + guard + unlimited energy for the Operatives/scoundrels. Needs to be toned down a tad.

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Healing in PVP definitely needs a nerf to some extent. Healers, especially sages, are absurdly difficult to kill now. It takes two people, two strong ones, to shift that healer's focus away from party healing even a wee bit and it usually takes 3+ actually ganging up on the healer in order to bring the healer down. Healers have always been the most valuable players in a warzone, typically dishing out much more heals than the highest dps and if playing as part of a tank/pockethealer duo but they're much harder to bring down than they used to be. That's why EZmode-wanting team queuers for pvp always have a skilled healer as their most important party member, and is yet another reason why team queuers imbalance PVP.
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Sages are the worst healing class in the game. If you're having trouble killing one, it's because you are a bad player.


Oh noes! A (presumably) sage or sorc has called me bad in order to preserve her class's near immortality in WZs currently. How shocking.


Me bad.


My God, that's a convincing argument. :p

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Without healers, people die too quickly. With to many healers, no one ever dies. The problem is with taunting and the guard mechanic. IMO taunts should be restricted to tank stance. I also believe that in closed pvp environments, like warzones, everyone should get an endurance boost, and the trauma effect should be increased. This way, it helps keep people alive longer in the absence of healers, but with the presence of them, the heals and endurance boost don't become super OP.
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u know this is much harder to achive than simply put a guard, use taunts and cross heals, right? ;)


dps kills peeps

healz counter dps

focus fire counters healer

guard and taunts + cross healing counters focus fire

and there is no hard counter for guard


There was a hard counter for the guard.


It existed a long long time ago. Its name was Madness Sorcerers. Back in the very very distant pass they had this 30 meter instant 8 second mez called whirlwind. They also had this 30 meter 4 second hard stun.


But guess what? They got the nerfhammer applied to it and now you have a guard/heal combo that doesn't have a hard counter. Now to combat guard you need to have good teamwork (1) to keep the healer busy and everyone else piling onto the tank.


In the very very distant past, you would have the madness sorcerer keep the guarded healer busy for a total of 13 amazing seconds of no healing awesomeness thanks to the instant whirlwind (with 1 second stun that applied even if you used your breaker). Alternatively you could have had the sorcerer keep the tank busy for those 13 seconds too. Either way one person died.


Today's problems are not a result of healers being overly powerful. Today's problems are the result of nerfing a class that played a part in the rock-paper-scissors of healer, tanks and DPS. The counter to the tank+heals is CC. Bioware nerfed the CC-spec.

Edited by Yeochins
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Oh noes! A (presumably) sage or sorc has called me bad in order to preserve her class's near immortality in WZs currently. How shocking.


Me bad.


My God, that's a convincing argument. :p


What? Sage's aren't exactly the hard to kill, especially if you use your interrupt or cc appropriately.


Force armor isn't terribly hard to blast through and if he force speeds away if you have a leap or pull just wait till the end of it and you're back on him. Simple stuff.


Oh. And light armor.


Am I missing the mighty sage "I win" button or something....

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Oh noes! A (presumably) sage or sorc has called me bad in order to preserve her class's near immortality in WZs currently. How shocking.


Me bad.


My God, that's a convincing argument. :p


Sorry, you're clueless. Sage heals is way behind scoundrel heals, and honestly just not very good. I don't know why I'm bothering to say this- everyone else knows.

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Oh noes! A (presumably) sage or sorc has called me bad in order to preserve her class's near immortality in WZs currently. How shocking.


Me bad.


My God, that's a convincing argument. :p


He right i can kill a sage/sorc with no trouble at all they bubble i wait till there bubble goes down and stun them and then kill them. It Cross healing that a pain in the butt sages/sorc are fine they do not need a nerf. That's coming from a sin point of veiw i do not play a sage or sorc class take my word your bad if you cant kill one.

Edited by Neoforcer
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Yes, I agree healing needs to be nerfed to pre 2.0.


Because nerfing healing to pre-2.0 involves reverting a whole bunch of changes to sorcerers. And then we get the big, bad bubblestun hybrid back. At last we could heal to full and make them pay for trying to kill us! (And our teammates.) :D


Be careful what you wish for...



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What? Sage's aren't exactly the hard to kill, especially if you use your interrupt or cc appropriately.


Force armor isn't terribly hard to blast through and if he force speeds away if you have a leap or pull just wait till the end of it and you're back on him. Simple stuff.


Oh. And light armor.


Am I missing the mighty sage "I win" button or something....


I'm a deception assassin. I have no leaps, that's Madness Spec. I have no Force Pull, that's a Tank Tree Exclusive for 'sins. One on one, sage healers are no problem but if you're in a Warzone and a sage healer's running around without some combination of tank guard or an offhealer then you've likely already won just because of the other team's poor choices about where to send whom.

Edited by Jarvus
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I'm a deception assassin. I have no leaps, that's Madness Spec. I have no Force Pull, that's a Tank Tree Exclusive for 'sins. One on one, sage healers are no problem but if you're in a Warzone and a sage healer's running around without some combination of tank guard or an offhealer then you've likely already won just because of the other team's poor choices about where to send whom.


Focus fire, interupts, cc. Fight team play with team play.

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And that is precisely why team queuers need to be in a separate queue from solo queuers.




I hope you realise that the majority of "pre-mades" aren't actually using voice-chat at all. Their only advantage over your PUG is perhaps a slightly better team composition. But since they can only queue in groups of 4, it doesn't really make much difference. Most PvP groups are just players who like PvPing together, or grouped up so they could fill their team with better players. Very few are actually PvP guilds using voice-chat.


Focus-firing a healer does not require voice-chat. Interrupts do not require voice-chat. Well-timed CCs do not require voice-chat.


If you can't kill a Sage/Sorc healer you're just bad. It's as simple as that. They are so squishy, that even my poorly geared Scoundrel in healing gear could tear them apart when specced into Scrapper. You're playing a Deception Sin. You are MADE to kill squishy healers. This is a L2P issue.

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I hope you realise that the majority of "pre-mades" aren't actually using voice-chat at all. Their only advantage over your PUG is perhaps a slightly better team composition. But since they can only queue in groups of 4, it doesn't really make much difference. Most PvP groups are just players who like PvPing together, or grouped up so they could fill their team with better players. Very few are actually PvP guilds using voice-chat.


Focus-firing a healer does not require voice-chat. Interrupts do not require voice-chat. Well-timed CCs do not require voice-chat.


If you can't kill a Sage/Sorc healer you're just bad. It's as simple as that. They are so squishy, that even my poorly geared Scoundrel in healing gear could tear them apart when specced into Scrapper. You're playing a Deception Sin. You are MADE to kill squishy healers. This is a L2P issue.


This passive aggressive, L2P, "you a bad", that sort of behavior brings no value to the thread. It's a defensive mechanism that some people employ when they wish to terminate a debate instead of resolving it.


You say the only advantage premades have is maybe a slight boost in party composition. Well that's a huge boost. Every premade party will want to have a good healer at its core because they know that's going to help team the most, and them personally. Sometimes there's no healer on the other side. Same thing with tanks that use guard. Maybe other side has a healer, but no tank. Only premade has tank. So, the PUG side's healer is much less effective at healing because it's much squishier.


Try to bring a bit of thought and reflection to the issue instead of just threadbombing ad hominems.

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