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PVP healing needs to be nerfed to pre 2.0


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That's the problem guard makes it so you don't need to worry about healing yourself ever 55% reduced dmg? that *********** retarded high and OP.

Get caught hightail 30 times in a row throw 2 heals in and don't worry about it. but as much as you complain about heals not being OP I consistently see healers healing for more then 1 mil in WZs where as a person breaking 1mil in DMG is very rare because OP/scoundrel have so many escapes its retarded and the simple fact is you should not be able to heal for more then what another person can DPS. If you don't understand why feel free to ask.


You realize that you can make a healer's output 0 via interrupts and CC, right? Locking a healer down is not dropping your full burst combo on them right away. If they are near the tank, get some AOE on them so the tank takes 1.5x damage, then get them separated and kill the tank while the healer is CC'd. Then kill the healer. I apologize for the inconvenience of having to do something other than tunnel damage.

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My Blade Storm with precision strike and OS ticking is only critting for 5K at best. It's definitely a gear issue. PS: half my gear is old level 50 PvE stuff.

If you are stacking surge and power, non PvP gear lower than 55 can hit numbers in the 6-7k range. Even a well geared Carnie only hits for around 7.5K on average now. There was a proc glitch that skewed some numbers, and also likely the person that took a 9k scream was probably not carrying max EXP.

Scream on my Tooltip is 2.8-2.9K and my multi is around 75% in a mishmosh of Obroan/Conq. With the procs, add 10% and add 30% on a crit multi. 6.5K, a bit higher if other procs are active namely relics and Bloodthirst. There is no mathmatical way to hit a 9K scream unless the person you hit has an issue.



So what I am saying is, all things being equal on the EXP level, don't expect to hit 9K Screams, even if you are BiS..

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You do understand that this OP combo: tank jugg plus operative healer usually does together ~ 30% of the damage of one good marauder? :o


After months of hoping for a fix to the current god-mode healing in pvp, I finally gave up and cancelled my subscription.


It is not a l2p issue bth, but a Cross healing + guard + taunting issue.


A big portion of Warzones are simply no fun due to Cross healing + guard + taunting making it close to impossible to kill anyone or to take objective in a "dynamic" manner.


As a dps I can easly run into energy / heat issue if not being careful, where most operatives or scoundrels I meet never seem to drop even below 80% energy. On top they have many more stuns than I have as powertech, and HOTS.


Bioware needs to tone done Guard, and to make resource management matter for healers especially OPS/SCoundrels, like it does for most dps.


Would make pvp more fun and more dynamic, where people could actually be killed, and objectives lost or retaken.

Over and out, enjoy swtor pvp if you can, it seems bioware is never going to do anything about this.

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