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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How many titles did you buy?


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You're trying to discourage people from buying more so you can sell your supply for bigger profit!


But yeah, there will most likely be flood of them on next few days from people counting on quick profit(even selling them at 20k is better profit than buying packs) and then always page or two of them at various prices.


Bought one for sale. Tucked it in cargo hold on unused alt. Will see if it sells next year or so, if game will still be here.

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Its bugged, but you can unlock in Collections. Its listed as Archon instead of the correct name. Looks like its going to be 5cc to unlock for Legacy.


Bugged? I'll say, it says that I do not even have it in my inventory! Why am I not surprised? These people would screw up boiling water. I wish, for once, they could do something and NOT break anything. However, it would take the weather conditions in Hades to drop below absolute zero before that would ever happen. Therefore, we cannot obtain the title legacy wide. I bet they want us to spend 10CC for each character to obtain this title, which is part of their pay to play plan in milking us for our money.

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I bought titles for my most important characters...and 3 extras to sell sometime when I need cash for some toy or something. Just 3, I'm not greedy, and like the OP said, plenty of others are probably doing much more than that.


wait... so you spend a whole bunch of cartel coins to unlock them individually for your characters... instead of paying 10 coins for one title and 5 cartel coins to unlock it for ALL your characters?


well... not that I'm surprised, considering how many times i pointed out to people that they don't need to buy 2 lvl 10 cartel crystals for their sentinel/marauder/gunslinger/mercenary - they can just replicate second one from collections :/


as for bug - from personal experience - restarting the client DOES fix it.

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I bought a couple of titles since I saw that several of my good and long-time Swtor-friends have not been online today at all and since it is nearly 3 a.m. here, I doubt they will still check in today. I don't know what they were thinking, really. They all knew about it. Not even our guild founders were online. Madness taking over.


But well, being a good friend, I bought 1 title extra for each of these friends + 1 to sell on the GTN. (Hoping that they will be sellable and/or tradeable.)

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I bought four! Not to sell on the GTN, but because I didn't realize that you could unlock it via Collection until I reached the forth (of fifteen) character! :o


LOL, thanks, I just learned this now :D Oh well, its only 10 per, and hopefully the money raised will go to more stories for our toons. :)

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wait... so you spend a whole bunch of cartel coins to unlock them individually for your characters... instead of paying 10 coins for one title and 5 cartel coins to unlock it for ALL your characters?


well... not that I'm surprised, considering how many times i pointed out to people that they don't need to buy 2 lvl 10 cartel crystals for their sentinel/marauder/gunslinger/mercenary - they can just replicate second one from collections :/


as for bug - from personal experience - restarting the client DOES fix it.


Yup, I made a boo boo. I didn't even consider that the titles were available thru collections. I make good use of collections for clothes, vehicles, crystals, weps...all kinds of crap. Go figure, I didn't do it for the title. I blame the heat wave! It's like 33 degrees and with humidity feels like 40 :/ Aw well, I'm not sorry, hopefully my little contribution will help to bring new classes, more class stories or races. :p

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I bought 1 for myself (then collection unlock, note bug clears if you close client then relauch. It'll then allow you on alts to unlock title to legacy for 5CC).


I'm going to buy like 3 more and stash them for...well ever. I dont see this item gaining much value in less than year at the shortest time. Far FAR to many people buying tons of these for them to sell for much more than...20k at best.

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I bought 1 for myself (then collection unlock, note bug clears if you close client then relauch. It'll then allow you on alts to unlock title to legacy for 5CC).


I'm going to buy like 3 more and stash them for...well ever. I dont see this item gaining much value in less than year at the shortest time. Far FAR to many people buying tons of these for them to sell for much more than...20k at best.

3 because...well I didn't know about the collection thing because I am just back from nearly a year away. I guess this is one of the things I missed. But now I know so thanks!

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100k is enough to turn a huge profit on ratios.


One cartel pack sells for like 600k=360 coins.


Buy 36 titles, if they sell for 100k, which they will in a year or two, thats 3.6 mil.


Profit :D


600k? what server are you on?? Come to The Harbinger...they go from (newer ones) 200k to about 400k ( for the old ones) the newest one Supreme whatever...goes for around 300k ish...

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Bought 20 in total.

Not to sell though as I just about managed to log on last night after work as was shattered, and almost forgot, so mine are bought for guild members who may have forgotton or could not log on for various reasons incase they really wanted it

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