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Anyone else think the default breasts are just a bit too large?


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Are you talking about the mission in Grathan's compound on Dromund Kass? Yeah, it was pretty gruesome. Even when I plan on making an imp character evil, evil, EVIL I can't bring myself to not release the transplanted brain guys.


Was so long ago im not sure anymore where it is(was?..)

But most likely, that very same mission.

(me either. revan understood that well, to be the strongest in the force means embracing even some aspects of the light side)

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  • 6 months later...
Girls of all shapes and sizes are equally hot.


A girl being shunned/mocked for small breasts stops happening after high school.


Once you hit college, any girl of any shape or size can get laid in about 30 seconds to a minute if they try.


Even the most disgusting female you've ever seen can get laid in, literally, minutes of effort.


The battle of the sexes is extremely one sided when it comes to getting action.


Damn, really? Am I trying to hard? I've been looking for a bf for months. Also, disgusting is subjective, could you clarify? Are we talking about merely appearance or behavior, or a combination of both? Because I've seen some people who appeared to be physically perfect until they started talking, and they morphed from beautiful to hideous in a matter of seconds. On the other hand, I have a close friend most would consider ugly, and to me she's absolutely beautiful because of who she is inside.


My IA toon's breasts are a little unsettling, being able to shrink them a bit would be nice.

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Damn, really? Am I trying to hard? I've been looking for a bf for months. Also, disgusting is subjective, could you clarify? Are we talking about merely appearance or behavior, or a combination of both? Because I've seen some people who appeared to be physically perfect until they started talking, and they morphed from beautiful to hideous in a matter of seconds. On the other hand, I have a close friend most would consider ugly, and to me she's absolutely beautiful because of who she is inside.


My IA toon's breasts are a little unsettling, being able to shrink them a bit would be nice.


Holy necro, batman!

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Anyone else think the default 6 packs that every single male model in this game comes with, is a bit too UNREALISTIC? Ah, thought so.

Move on, OP.


You don't have to see those unless you take of your armor, though.


((Or wear some revealing armor that makes me wonder why my Mercenary wearing the same armor doesn't have similar abdominal definition.))

Edited by Khantalas
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Wow, this is an old thread.


I did notice the other day that, no matter what I put my Gunslinger in, she has a J'Lo butt. I can't get away from it, no matter what I do. I then get that old "I like big butts" song stuck in my head, and forget about it...


Oh man, whenever I get into a group for Heroics with my Sniper, someone inevitably brings up that song. I always feel like saying "yes she has curves, grow up".

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Damn, really? Am I trying to hard? I've been looking for a bf for months. Also, disgusting is subjective, could you clarify? Are we talking about merely appearance or behavior, or a combination of both? Because I've seen some people who appeared to be physically perfect until they started talking, and they morphed from beautiful to hideous in a matter of seconds. On the other hand, I have a close friend most would consider ugly, and to me she's absolutely beautiful because of who she is inside.


My IA toon's breasts are a little unsettling, being able to shrink them a bit would be nice.


The person you quoted didn't mention a bf, that is more about your restrictions on what is acceptable for you. What they were talking about, from the quoted text, was the male population having members with virtually no restrictions on what they'd accept for a much more casual encounter. An encounter in a situation where few men find themselves except the rich and famous(rockstars) who have females going after them for the intimate encounter.


I've always said that more options in character creation would be a benefit to the game for players who want more diversity and customization to personalize their characters. Adjusting breast size should be an option as should many other things like height, nose, hands, feet, etc. The pro wrestler/comicbook hero body type for males has ridiculous sized feet that make most boots/shoes look like garbage on them.

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No they seem to be about average to me. Body type 2 is a nice small to medium c cup. Women have breast get over it... Its not like they are Japanese anime **** big.


As I usually respond to cries of "get over it", I would be more willing to consider your position if there was an alternate.

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1) necro

2) There is a reason they are slightly exaggerated. Graphically its very hard to make things to scale and have them come out right. If they rendered them to more appropriate sizes body shapes for males and females would seem excessively flat due to the fact that the shaders in gaming haven't achieved photorealism yet. By exaggerating the shapes it allows the human eye to perceive them better.

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As I usually respond to cries of "get over it", I would be more willing to consider your position if there was an alternate.


Body type 1, 3 or 4? While the latter two would probably make them even bigger. However, I think the main premise of the thread might have more bearing if I knew a female was coming around the corner two minutes before she actually did because of her breasts. Since this isn't the case...

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Body type 1, 3 or 4? While the latter two would probably make them even bigger. However, I think the main premise of the thread might have more bearing if I knew a female was coming around the corner two minutes before she actually did because of her breasts. Since this isn't the case...


Body type 1 is actually worse than 3, because it has a very tiny waist and hips, without any significant reduction in the bust line, which makes them look larger than body type 2. Body type 3 is the closest to average, which has its own issues, and there is no way to go below average.


I'm not saying they should be implemented immediately (or before a lot of other, more critical issues, including non-cosmetic ones), but in a lot of cases I've seen online, dismissing people's arguments with "get over it" is less than productive, especially where inclusiveness is concerned.

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The game needs a better character creator... They force us create characters we dont like


The faces are for Asia exclusive and the bodies are too small or transformed into something abnormal. Whoever made this character creator, it was his first time and most definitely, he was not Caucasian.


I use body type 1, because 2 and 3 is like marvel heroes in steroids.

Edited by Oyranos
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The game needs a better character creator... They force us create characters we dont like


The faces are for Asia exclusive and the bodies are too small or transformed into something abnormal. Whoever made this character creator, it was his first time and most definitely, he was not Caucasian.


Umm...what? Have you looked at the faces in the creator? There are three groups that the faces generally belong to, based on race. First group is mainly Caucasian features, second is mostly African features, and third is Asian features.


The bodies are also artistically stylized. They weren't going for extreme realism with their graphics. Kind of like how those street caricatures don't exactly look like you either.

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