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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Quitting & Requeuing


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Since it seems unlikely we're going to get a deserter penalty any time soon, I'd like to see a change to the queueing system so people who quit don't join the same warzone they just left.


When someone leaves (and immediately requeues) it's fairly likely they don't want to rejoin the same warzone. They invariably quit as soon as they see which warzone they're in and it just ties up a space for upto a minute while we wait for them to load in. I appreciate if they're queueing and immediately getting a pop it means there is no one in front of them of the queue, but frankly I'd prefer to wait than get the same quitter back again.


In the warzone I was in earlier, we got the same idiot quit three times in the space of four or five minutes. Quite annoying and no doubt not what he wanted either.


Obviously this shouldn't apply to d/c's - there the person usually wants to rejoin the game (in the unlikely event the space hasn't been filled - which does happen in the mornings sometimes).

Edited by DharmaPolice
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I agree with this.


Can't tell you how annoying it is to quit out of a match for some reason, requeue and get a pop two minutes later... back into the same match I just left.


If I want to be in that match, I wouldn't quit in the first place.


A serious question, what plausible reason do you have for quitting a match and requeing straight away that you end up in the same match?

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A serious question, what plausible reason do you have for quitting a match and requeing straight away that you end up in the same match?




When I have to group with ppl that want to DM and not play objectives.

When people repeatedly dont make calls or call for support cause he "had to go do a number 2".

When people repeatedly think that beating me in damage as a healer means something.

When people want to tell me how awesome sauce they are and fail to hit over 100k in A FREAKING 55 WZ on FULL OFFENSE AS DPS!

Edited by Zhaker
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A serious question, what plausible reason do you have for quitting a match and requeing straight away that you end up in the same match?


I have left matches when it becomes obvious a couple of people are deliberately throwing games and trolling Op chat. I still want to PvP, just don't feel like wasting my time with that.

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Agree with OP.


Happened to me today. I left a Warzone (rare for me) because 4 sages on my team from the same guild were in a Huttball match ally-pulling us all into the fire "because they turned to the darkside". I quit, requeued, and got the same match.

Edited by So-low
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A serious question, what plausible reason do you have for quitting a match and requeing straight away that you end up in the same match?


I will always quit if the other team respeccs and then starts doing the turtle with several healers and tanks, no matter what people think. I play PvP for fun, not for wasting my time.

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I will always quit if the other team respeccs and then starts doing the turtle with several healers and tanks, no matter what people think. I play PvP for fun, not for wasting my time.


Thats a lame reason

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This quit button is for a reason here.


1. No personal rating and no matchmaking from one side.

2. Total inability to not let player A (which u hate) be in a same team as you from other side (now compare to PvE group finder - ignored players will be never placed in a same group with you).

Edited by BambulaGTS
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This quit button is for a reason here.


1. No personal rating and no matchmaking from one side.

2. Total inability to not let player A (which u hate) be in a same team as you from other side (now compare to PvE group finder - ignored players will be never placed in a same group with you).


3.vote kick system is flawed, can't kick players who stands on your end of huttbal making leapers jump to him and score

4.groups of 3-4 people camping node since start even if enemy has 2 (when being called out, they say 'it's our node, get your self one').

5.that sage/sorcerer 'guarding' your node while getting HP down to 10% to farm healing medals - you just know that there gonna be a stealther who one shots him and takes the node but you must stay other node as it's heavy swarmed.

6.jerks who call out that every one sucks - has 7k total damage, 0 healing 0 protection.


I could go on, but I think we made our point.

Edited by Atramar
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Thats a lame reason


It really isn't...It's not his fault the game is poorly balanced on top of allowing respecs mid warzone so I don't blame him one bit for leaving those types of games. Those situations are no different than going outside and beating your head against a cement wall for 15 minutes.

Edited by Raansu
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When I have to group with ppl that want to DM and not play objectives.

When people repeatedly dont make calls or call for support cause he "had to go do a number 2".

When people repeatedly think that beating me in damage as a healer means something.

When people want to tell me how awesome sauce they are and fail to hit over 100k in A FREAKING 55 WZ on FULL OFFENSE AS DPS!


Yes please, great idea. On the rare occasions I leave the purpose is to get away from the dingleberries listed above, not rejoin them.

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It really isn't...It's not his fault the game is poorly balanced on top of allowing respecs mid warzone so I don't blame him one bit for leaving those types of games. Those situations are no different than going outside and beating your head against a cement wall for 15 minutes.





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I suppose the issue is that there isn't anyone else to replace the player in said WZ and so the finder just puts them back into the only open WZ where one team is in need of players. Putting aside the "ugh I don't want to be in this WZ with this team again" logic, the team with less players is significantly handicapped so it makes sense that the WZ finder attempts to replace the player as a priority.


In your situation it doesn't really help, since the player keeps leaving anyhow, but some people (me included) go "sigh fine" and just stay in the WZ even if they left it prior.

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I have been playing WZ's for about 2 weeks. Queuing solo, and I can already see this is a huge problem. I can understand people getting frustrated at a lack of teamwork or even basic strategy/skills/common sense, but I also don't like people ditching matches. Yesterday, 6 people ditched our PUG team. Wow!


To date, I have never ditched (although I have been tempted for sure). I like to think that I can try to give a few humble suggestions in chat that can help turn things around. I've also joined a PVP guild, so hopefully group ranked warzones will be in my future.


I really hope the developers address this issue -- and fast. My personal suggestion: If a person ditches, then they have a lockout timer (account wide) for say 2 hours.

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I have been playing WZ's for about 2 weeks. Queuing solo, and I can already see this is a huge problem. I can understand people getting frustrated at a lack of teamwork or even basic strategy/skills/common sense, but I also don't like people ditching matches. Yesterday, 6 people ditched our PUG team. Wow!


To date, I have never ditched (although I have been tempted for sure). I like to think that I can try to give a few humble suggestions in chat that can help turn things around. I've also joined a PVP guild, so hopefully group ranked warzones will be in my future.


I really hope the developers address this issue -- and fast. My personal suggestion: If a person ditches, then they have a lockout timer (account wide) for say 2 hours.


only when, and only if you can lock out players from playing stupid.


for example, if we have 2 defenders who got ninjad by a tank jugg, we should be able to give them acount wide 'stupid lockout timer' for let's say, 12 hours.

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I really hope the developers address this issue -- and fast. My personal suggestion: If a person ditches, then they have a lockout timer (account wide) for say 2 hours.


Sure, right after they add a lockout for: AFK moochers, spamming consumption on def., DMers packing up to chase people around the map, bad stealths running spectator mode from start to finish, and non-contributors who ***** and moan in caps all match.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I like to think that I can try to give a few humble suggestions in chat that can help turn things around.


And some people may take those humble suggestions as insults or a reason to troll.

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A serious question, what plausible reason do you have for quitting a match and requeing straight away that you end up in the same match?


That's a bit of a loaded question isn't it, Plausible reason?


My primary "quit" is Hypergate when PuG'ing. I quit as soon as I load in, hopefully freeing up my spot fast enough for my team. I don't need to justify why Hypergate, I just do.


Other reasons usually involve matches that go south immediately and for obvious reasons. This isn't a diss against any one in particular, but when I can tell my team isn't playing the same game I am, I bow out.


You're welcome to decide if that's plausible or not, it's just what it is.

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Oh good yet ANOTHER one of these stupid threads on pvp quitters.


So essentially you want people to be punished if they stay - people quit because they are grouped with idiots. Great idea to let the pvp muppet be carried in ALL games without making any effort to a) learn to play b) call inc c) understand what the word objective means.


One of THE dumbest ideas since last weeks thread on the same subject. Dont like quitters - then learn to play. Its that simple

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I have been playing WZ's for about 2 weeks. Queuing solo, and I can already see this is a huge problem. I can understand people getting frustrated at a lack of teamwork or even basic strategy/skills/common sense, but I also don't like people ditching matches. Yesterday, 6 people ditched our PUG team. Wow!


To date, I have never ditched (although I have been tempted for sure). I like to think that I can try to give a few humble suggestions in chat that can help turn things around. I've also joined a PVP guild, so hopefully group ranked warzones will be in my future.


I really hope the developers address this issue -- and fast. My personal suggestion: If a person ditches, then they have a lockout timer (account wide) for say 2 hours.


How about no? I could understand a 5-10 minute lockout, but 2 hours? You wont have to worry about people quitting warzones because no one will be queuing for them anymore. I'd say the majority of pvpers would quit playing altogether. I'll take a 5-10 minute break to get away from a bad group of pugs, but I'd straight up unsubscribe if they ever put in such a long lockout and so would everyone else.

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When your wife wants to talk about nonsense, while you are in a match, so you leave the warzone. Don't want to be an AFK *******.

Trying to get away from the bads you have been grouped with the last few matches.

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One of THE dumbest ideas since last weeks thread on the same subject. Dont like quitters - then learn to play. Its that simple

Which idea? Did you actually read the starting post?


My original post has nothing to do with punishing quitters. I am trying to prevent quitters from being thrown back into a game they don't want to be in. It's a negative for both the quitter and the team they quit on.


Obviously people have used this thread to rehash the now tedious debate about the reasons people quit but that's not actually anything to do with my OP.

Edited by DharmaPolice
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