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Went back to WoW....Can't handle it?


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Has anyone tried to go back to WoW after playing this?


I quit wow shortly after cata but decided to return after this game's lack of world PvP and lack of PvP progression.


Anyway I'm playing the 10 day Mists of pandoria trial and....I'm struggling at best, The game is so painful to level through.


Was wondering if it'd worth sticking to it or not bothering.....


Is WoW's end game PvP still good?

Is the world PvP good?

Anyone else found themselves in a similar situation ?



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I also went to WoW after I wanted to quit playing this cause of EAware's constant f ups but going back only showed me how vastly superior SWTOR is to WoW. WoW is much too old and outdated for me, plus SWTOR spoiled me.. I've come to apreciate this MMO a lot more now, despite the growing farm of problems here..
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I played loremaster panda when it first was released (and then quit immediately after since its exactly the same end...)


That was before playing TSW and TOR, and playing again recently yeah sadly it starts looking quite poor to these titles. Having said.. panda is their best crack at making questing interesting by far (relative to previous wow panda is awesome), and likely endgame.. so if you haven't done a pve endgame there id probably recommend it.


The rotations and feel of mmo combat is still as tight as its always been however, much more fluid than here.. that's also another hole to look down if you're interested.

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Nope still haven't gone back , and still not interested in new mmo's .


Truth is don't think going to try any other mmo's anymore .

Cause in the end they are all the same , grind grind grind .. Atleast am happy grinding here .

The fabulous meet new people slogan , people are people , they are same some a bit beter , most a lot worst then there last incarnation ;)



So nah if I decide to play another mmo , it would be this one again .

Nothing beats running around with a trooper with a big assault cannon , killing stuff !


so can all classes have assault cannons :p

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After MoP came out, I was given 30 days game card as my b'day gift. So, I played it, but could not stand it. I had 4 fully decked toons on WoW at that time, but I gave up MoP after leveling just one toon to 85. SWTOR spoiled me :(


Anyway, I have come back to SWTOR and still enjoying it. I have a great guild and run Ops 3-4 nights a week.


When I need change, I log onto my TSW account. That game, while not the perfect game, is still a lot of fun. And it is BTP (buy for $30 and play free - get mostly fluff but cool items from in-game store if you like). Just make sure you are playing it in a dark room with headphones on (trust me on this one hehe).

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When I need change, I log onto my TSW account. That game, while not the perfect game, is still a lot of fun. And it is BTP (buy for $30 and play free - get mostly fluff but cool items from in-game store if you like). Just make sure you are playing it in a dark room with headphones on (trust me on this one hehe).


Even though I was bitterly disappointed by TSW, because I really wanted it to be something much better than what it turned out to be, I have to admit that the atmosphere in it was indeed great.

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Has anyone tried to go back to WoW after playing this?


I quit wow shortly after cata but decided to return after this game's lack of world PvP and lack of PvP progression.


Anyway I'm playing the 10 day Mists of pandoria trial and....I'm struggling at best, The game is so painful to level through.


Was wondering if it'd worth sticking to it or not bothering.....


Is WoW's end game PvP still good?

Is the world PvP good?

Anyone else found themselves in a similar situation ?




What are you doing to level? The exp curve is so easy you can blow thru 85-90 first time in about 12 hours questing and queueing. Are you still trying to get through cata content?


world pvp is mainly around the farm or Jade Forest below 90, on the Isle of Thunder at 90. Barrens is halfway decent right now too with the pre-raid event, lots of people to engage.

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Endgame WoW can still be fun, especially PvP, but this game just blows WoW out of the water in terms of leveling. The class stories and even the planet stories / side quests are fun to get in to and it really doesn't even feel like leveling when you compare it to the "Go get 5 eggs" grinding quests from WoW. I just can't seem to get into WoW after this game anymore.:rak_02:
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I dropped WoW like a bad habbit after 7 years. I am much happier with SW-TOR.


Same here, I simply love this game more than WoW to be honest. I really don't understand why there's much hate for ST:TOR, so what if it's community is small and lacking in World PvP and is a product published by EA, it's still better than WoW because WoW has all the lame nasty people.


Quality > Quantity.

Edited by RocketeerRaccoon
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Has anyone tried to go back to WoW after playing this?


I quit wow shortly after cata but decided to return after this game's lack of world PvP and lack of PvP progression.


Anyway I'm playing the 10 day Mists of pandoria trial and....I'm struggling at best, The game is so painful to level through.


Was wondering if it'd worth sticking to it or not bothering.....


Is WoW's end game PvP still good?

Is the world PvP good?

Anyone else found themselves in a similar situation ?




Both my sons tried the free trial as well.


Neither like it enough to stay for a subscription. One came back here and the other decided money for x-box live was a better deal.

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Sad thing is, if this game doesn't pan out in the next couple of patches, I have nowhere to go gaming wise. I'm completely burned out on fantasy based MMO's (WoW, LOTRO, DDO, etc), and there are no decent sci-fi MMO's out right now. My superhero MMO has gone down the crapper due to Perfect World Entertainment (you should all be thanking your lucky stars that they never got their hands on this game).


I wished I could go back to WoW, but seeing swords and boards makes my eyeballs burn.

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I am currently taking advantage of the WoW trial account. What I can't stand is the slow running because I'm used to sprinting in SWTOR and a speeder at level 10. I'll push through to level 20 (which is the max for the trial) and craft a bit and get a basic mount and see what I think. Just a bit burnt out on SWTOR at the moment.


Different games, each has their own strengths.

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Has anyone tried to go back to WoW after playing this?


I quit wow shortly after cata but decided to return after this game's lack of world PvP and lack of PvP progression.


Anyway I'm playing the 10 day Mists of pandoria trial and....I'm struggling at best, The game is so painful to level through.


Was wondering if it'd worth sticking to it or not bothering.....


Is WoW's end game PvP still good?

Is the world PvP good?

Anyone else found themselves in a similar situation ?




Why are you not there on those forums asking this? Or do you save your questions about TOR for your visits to WoW's forums?

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I actually just picked up WoW a month or so ago. So far I like it, but leveling is not really a grind because I have the triple xp from the invite a friend perk. I miss the story style of SWTOR, but I level so fast atm that it would only hold me back.
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Has anyone tried to go back to WoW after playing this?


I quit wow shortly after cata but decided to return after this game's lack of world PvP and lack of PvP progression.


Anyway I'm playing the 10 day Mists of pandoria trial and....I'm struggling at best, The game is so painful to level through.


Was wondering if it'd worth sticking to it or not bothering.....


Is WoW's end game PvP still good?

Is the world PvP good?

Anyone else found themselves in a similar situation ?




I did try going back not too long ago. I was a heavy raider in WoW, so I do miss some of the interactions I had with my old Raid team. However, I loaded I loaded up the game, walked around Org for awhile, and was completely setback on just how "dated" the graphics looked. It really is a horrible looking game compared to your modern MMO's. It is too be expected, but I just didnt see the bad graphics when I was playing WoW everyday.


The new MMO's have spoiled me for sure.

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I left when they added pandas. I'm waiting for the next WoW expansion: Fury of the My Little Ponies.


That was Diablo 3. I love the screenshots of people who die in hardcore mode in Whimsyshire, you get a permament memorial tab to dead hardcore characters and when you inspect them, they say things like "Died to Chubby Purple Unicorn." Literally!

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I did, yes. couple of times. it was nice playing my old characters again, I missed them. it was nostalgic and wistful, revisiting familiar ANd changed places. it was interesting, learning mechanics of the monk. and then I got bored. resubbed after first 10 free days they gave me - got bored after a month of playing. felt nostalgic again few months later, they gave me 7 free days again, to play around with new patch - so I did. subbed again, got bored again after a month.


for all the issues I have with SWTOR's subscription model and cash shop, I did feel like it spoiled me. many of the things I get from TOR's stock UI - I had to install addons for, in WoW. up to and including things like collecting or deleting mail in batches, selling all junk in one click or modifying appearance of my UI.


questing.... newest areas were actually much improved and I'll be honest? I saw SWTOR influence in how they framed the story and utilized voice acting. it didn't surprise me, its what BLizzard does - I saw influence from other games too (heck - pet battles being the biggest of the recent changes). they take ideas from all over the place, refine them and fill their games with them.


but pre pandaria quest areas were just... I basically ended up throwing my hands up and leveling 90% through dungeon runs.

didn't try pvp, never got around to it. but WoW is not only much more reliant on pvp gear - it doesn't have bolster, so unless you are at the top of the level range for your bracket, you'll have a more terrible time. didn't feel like crafting full set of pvp starter gear either - crafting in WoW is different from TOR. a lot more recipes require reputation and special tokens to purchase. (I dislike current TOR requirement to have rep with Makeb AND coms to buy basic weapons and certain recipes, but at least a lot of the equivalents can be crafted from recipes originally trained at the regular vendor - and usually have better itemization. and unlike WoW where I have to grind rep over and over - TOR's is legacy wide)

there are other things.


I used to love WoW. I still think its a good game. but its not TOR and even ability to fly a gorgeous dragon (eventually) couldn't make up for all the things I enjoy in TOR (which ironically are the very things that my SO doesn't like, like voice acting and conversation choices and companions - and that's fine too)


there I however, one thing that I miss from WoW and its not even blizzard created thing, but rather an outside mod.




ability to see what recipes, materials, quests, gear, etc my lts have without having to switch characters? oh baby.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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