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Next SWTOR Expansion! | What do you want to see?

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Hello! Just curious as to what everyone wants to see in the next Expansion of the SWTOR Universe.


My personal hopes for the next expansion are;

- Heightened Level Cap to at least 70 (though they will probably only go in increments of 5 each expansion.)

- Expanded Story (Class) quests to level cap, and expanded possibilities.

- Specifically for Sith Warrior story

[ I would love to see the character become the new Emperor / Empress and unify the Empire. ]


- Cross faction defections: Once a character has completed the initial story, they have the option to defect and play through the mirror class quests at Cap Level difficulty.


Let me know what you want to see, and tell me what you think about my ideas.

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Since lots of people want to play as a Voss, but lore-wise for the time frame it would not make sense, I think an expansion to allow this would be perfect.



An expansion centering around the Voss, with perhaps even a new world where one must travel to in order to fulfill a quest given to the PC by the Mystics, would then reward the player at the very end with the ability to unlock the Voss as a playable species.


THIS HOWEVER, would be the ~only way, (if I were to design the expansion) to unlock said species. Cartel Coins would be out of the question. You want to play as a Voss? Beat the awesome expansion & have fun with it & get rewarded.


& of course, when one would play as a Voss, apply the kool voice effect they have to the standard voice of each Class, much like it is done with various helmets & so forth.

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  • Fix phantom global cooldowns
  • Improve the general performance of the client
  • Reduce loading times
  • Fix the codex
  • Communicate with players
  • Look at the class forums
  • Balance the classes
  • Fix bugs
  • Make traveling around the galaxy faster and easier
  • Continue adding incentives to revisit lower level zones
  • Revamp gear and item progression for leveling 1-50
  • Improve rewards for doing heroic group missions
  • Revamp crafting from the ground up
  • Overhaul relics, remove superfluous relics, make each relic consistent across all tiers.
  • Enable all companions to choose from two effective combat roles
  • Improve tanking companions
  • Make space combat fun and relevant
  • Make legacy levels matter (overhaul the legacy system)

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What I would like to see from a future expansion:


1. No level increase at all (I want extended content, not replaced content!!)

2. More killable Wookiee

3. Ability to skin killed wookiee and craft gloves and cloaks from their fur.

4. Replacement of Bowdaar by anything more useful (like a hole in the ground for example)

5. Continuation of the class stories

6. Capped hardmode for all flashpoints and all ops.

7. Additional FPs and OPs.

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So 50 > 55 and now to 70? any particular reason you decided a 15 level increase was needed instead of 5? It actually doesnt matter if the new cap is raised by 5 or 15. They can just as easily make you burn through those 15 levels as fast as possible. On the other hand they can make the cap 60 instead and stretch the content out as long as possible. IMO just make the new cap 60 so that at least the level gains are consistent.


Some of the things i want to or dont want to see repeated:


-I dont want to be the leader of the forces on the new planet (just a pet peeve of mine from Makeb).


-Instead of a Darth, Council Member, General or Moff briefing me, and only me, on the mission i would like to see them brief me along with a group of NPCs. Some examples in game right now: the way me and the other BH are addressed as a group by the huntmaster, the way me and other sith inquisitor initiates are addressed as a group by Harkun, the way me and Thana Vesh work are addressed as a pair by Darth Whatshisface. I'm sick of being the one man army, i want to feel like i am part of a team and that my fellow NPCs are good for something other then getting themselves killed or into trouble. I dont have to actually see them out in the battlefield, but it would be nice if i could. For all i care the briefing can just be us as a group and the other NPCs can be handed out fake assignments. They can just have a bunch of Sith with body type 3 standing there looking mean with their arms crossed, i dont care. I just want to feel like there is more then me, the guy giving orders (and his team) and all the bad guys i have to go kill.


-A world that is a bit more open. I would like a battlefield that is kinda like the area leading up to the Balmorra arms factory or maybe even the Hoth ship graveyard. A huge area with sections of it built up for enemy NPC camps. In Makeb it seems like a lot of it is Gravity hook shuttle > shuttle landing > pathway leading to objective > objective area that is jam packed with mobs.


-A world that doesnt look like a piece of crap. I want more worlds that are actually scenic and nice to look at. I want planets that look like Voss or Alderaan (minus all the snow), or Kamino/Bespin. Maybe even a coastal city...where unfortunately the ocean will probably be all waist high.


-A planet where you can actually level in several different environments. I dont mind the shuttle/speeder system that they used in Makeb where you board it and it fades out and you are in the new shuttle landing. In fact they could use that fade out to their advantage. For example your main base can be..well a base. You take a shuttle to another location and it is like a grass field or something. Another location might be on the edge of a swamp, lake or coast. Yet another location could be a nearby city. Makeb landscape all looks the same, rocks, more rocks and rocks.


thats all i have for now

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1. Super Secret Space Project.

2. Pazaak

3. Swoop racing

4. Animal Mounts (GIMMEH MEH RANCOR!)


agree with this one.. adding mini games like Pazaak & Swoop racing is good..

for animal mounts i vote cockroach mount..

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I would like to see the planet kamino.

I would like my character to have the ability to swim.

This would also introduce water mounts.


with regards to kamino, there could be under water caves, but it would be cool to have platforms and such and be in a water based world.


I would like open space exploration with dynamic events and battles to be joined. once the battle is won, that faction has control of a planet, ( or moon ) that offers far greater abundance of a resource. ( this resource would be elsewhere, but in greater quantity here)

and on that planet would be an assassination target of the opposite faction. and after you kill them, the characters name changes to signify a replacement of the predecessor.


the planet would be held for a certain duration, think the abyss fortifications from aion.

the ability to change the color of your ship or some of the aesthetics of your ship.


the ability to hang lightsabers of my fallen enemies, or blasters, in a trophy room on my ship.

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what i would like to see is:

1. at least one new species

2. at least one new planet (like naboo, kashyyyk, ziost, telos, dantooine, denova, or asation)

3. minigames (like pazaak, sabacc, swoop racing, pod racing ,etc.)

4. some abandoned ships, space stations, and asteroid mining stations acrossed the galaxy to just explore along with a few empty moons and asteroids that have atmospheres

5. the level cap to go to 60

6. expand individual class

7. at least one new class or a second storyline for a existing class (if you want to know what i mean by this plz look up my thread called second storyline in the forums

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What I would like to see from a future expansion:


1. No level increase at all (I want extended content, not replaced content!!)

2. More killable Wookiee

3. Ability to skin killed wookiee and craft gloves and cloaks from their fur.

4. Replacement of Bowdaar by anything more useful (like a hole in the ground for example)

5. Continuation of the class stories

6. Capped hardmode for all flashpoints and all ops.

7. Additional FPs and OPs.


I think they should increase the level cap and class missions along with it, basically add one more chapter and interlude to each class.


I think they should replace most if not all NPCs with killable wookies


I actually do think every NPC with a few exceptions should be killable. If I'm a sith lord, and I don't like what you have to say, I'm gonna choke you with my mind, it's just the way it is. there should be a static 4th speech option to kill anyone who displeases you (even if it means failing a quest or what have you).

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If it's NOT the SSSP, I'd be shocked...


I'd like to see a planet more like Corellia/Nar Shaada/Coruscant than Makeb (cities vs grasslands). I regret that we have so little reason to return to those locations.

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1. Pazaak

2. Swoop Races

3. More planetary exploration and NPCS doing things.

4. Night and Day cycles

5. This is a big one for me: More weapon variations for classes:


Vanguard: Allow vanguards to use Shotguns. They play up close and personal. Why can't they use a shotgun? Isn't that practical?


Commando: Blaster Rifle


Powertech: Shotgun here too or a Blaster Rifle


Merc: Blaster Rifle


Scoundrel: Make the pistol more useful to the class, perhaps some way to change from smacking them with your weapon to shooting them up close? Also allow them to use concealed Techblade instead of whacking? Possibilities here.


Gunslinger: Blaster Rifle only thing that can fit without it being a sniper.


Shadow/Sin: Dual Wield is the only real possibility here as some abilities require you to use two parts of your saber.


Guardian/Juggernaut: Double Bladed Sabers. Dual Wield would feel odd here.


Sentinels/Marauders: Double Bladed Sabers. Same reason as Guardian/Juggernaut would feel out of place but it could be possible.

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Class story. Everything else would just be gravy. If they don't add class story, it's going to be really difficult for me to find a reason to buy an expansion after Rise of the Hutt Cartel. I mean, I liked Makeb, the level increase was nice, the new Operations are cool...but it lacked what makes SWTOR unique. The sooner they bring back the class stories, the better things will be.
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Due to your responses I have put some thought into my list; here is my revised list of desired things in the next SWTOR Expansion:


1.) Level Cap increase to 60.

2.) New planets (2 or 3).

3.) More open (free-roam style) space exploration and combat systems.

4.) New Classes.

5.) Expanded Class Stories. (Not only extended to level cap, but perhaps a revamp on the entire story system, allowing for choices to hold more effect on the story)

6.) More detailed Story Choices. (A perfect example is going Dark Side in alignment on the Jedi, no one really notices or cares, you just seem like a jerk to your companions.)

7.) Ship customization (aesthetics and functionality, i.e. give us a ship builder, like the character builder.)

8.) More mini-games and ways to have fun in the Star Wars Universe.

9.) Not all of us are experts on the Galactic Trade Market, give us ways to farm credits and alignment points (obviously don't make it easier, just give us more options, I don't know about you guys but I get tired of farming the Black Talon or Esseles for alignment points, and the same FPs for credits and gear.)

10. Cross Faction Defections, Yes, this is still something I want to see. I would love to be a Sith turned Jedi, or vice-versa.

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People have been saying Kamino, but I say NO WAY. Let's go to Manaan! The Selkath are cool, it's the home of Kolto. There would be so much to do on a water planet. Also there's Ahto City, with draconian police.


I second a lot of the stuff people have mentioned about:


1) Pazzak

2) Swoop Racing.

3) Fix of glaring bugs (ghost GCD, abilities misfiring)

4) Get rid of expertise.

5) Level 60.

6) Chapter Four of our class stories.

7) Additional quests for our companions that involve us instead of them doing stuff on their own (so annoying, and an utterly missed opportunity by the original devs).

8) Additional reputations: Genoharadan(SP?) and Exchange.

9) Operation: Faction leaders. Repubs go after the emp. Imps go after our Twi'lek, former Tarisian governor.

10) Revamp space combat.


It's a tall order, but some of these would be good, and would bring hundreds of folks who left the game back to it. In fact, I know 12 people that would resub tomorrow if some of these were put in place (my launch guild).

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