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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Call me greedy...entitled.. all you want..


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well let's just throw everything on the table: you'll complain about anything then say people will do anything to defend bioware when they simply just disagree with you.


If they disagree with me and explain why they disagree and give their reasons, then im ok with those people lol. But most of the time they blindly defend and call me a troll or whiner or entitled or special snowflake...

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She's like an irony machine!


You say that, but I have nothing to be ironic about. I've never dictated to anyone how they should spend their money or play the game. Theres a difference between dictation and suggestion. So there, you have no point lol

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Not true. It would have satisfied me. If EA/BW took effort to make a good looking, unique to subscribers vehicle (and NOT reskinned it for sale in the CM) it would have meant that they actually do appreciate their subscribers.


Let's just agree to disagree on that.

Especially since you said yourself that fluff doesn't mean anything to you.


A buff would have let me get things I actually need.


...for 3 hours.

That's, what? 3 Rich missions? 1 wealthy?

Again, I don't agree that that would've been enough.


Of course, there is always the option of having a subscriber only section of the CM, with items put in it that could be purchased with that monthly stipend. Add things in for the subscribers that would be useful to them, such as buffs like I mentioned. After all, there comes a point where the monthly stipend only gets used for gambling boxes to be sold.


Here's the problem with that: Subscribers have access to certain things that F2P players don't, as they well should.

A "Subscribers Only" section on the CM that would allow people to buy "buffs", even if those buffs only affected crew skill missions would've been a clearly unfair advantage over the F2P crowd AND the subscribers who don't want to use the CM for anything.


And, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't your complaint that they gave us a gift that has to do with the Cartel Market?

How would creating a section for Subscribers on the Cartel Market NOT be a Cartel Market thing?


Also, if that was to be a Subscribers Only area that would mean that anything they put there wouldn't/shouldn't be able to be purchased by F2Pers. Therefore, no GTN sales. Which would mean that you would HAVE to use Coins to have access to something that would give you an edge (no matter how small) over another subscriber who wouldn't want to pay money for any buffs from the Cartel Market.


And isn't that the definition of P2W?


Then there is the ability to get CM items through in game effort, rather than spending money on CC or saving up 3 or 4 months of stipend. Fluff, while not worth me spending real money for, is pretty much what we all collect as we run FP's and OP's or grind out dailies. Fluff earned > fluff bought in my eyes.


...and there are fluff items that you can get from FPs and OPs that are not available on the Cartel Market. The tank from Kephess, the new mount from TFB, pets, titles etc.


What would be the point in making us get the same items from a flashpoint or an operation as the ones other people could easily get from the CM, without even breaking a sweat?

Edited by TheNahash
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You say that, but I have nothing to be ironic about. I've never dictated to anyone how they should spend their money or play the game. Theres a difference between dictation and suggestion. So there, you have no point lol




I told you he didn't get it.

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You say that, but I have nothing to be ironic about. I've never dictated to anyone how they should spend their money or play the game. Theres a difference between dictation and suggestion. So there, you have no point lol


REALLY? You NEVER ONCE dictated how someone spends their money or plays the game? REALLY? Not even ONCE? Say, over a companion being sold? A companion that is about to be released in an upcoming patch?


A companion who's name rhymes with "Reek" and happens to be a mercenary from a Forest on a moon?

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REALLY? You NEVER ONCE dictated how someone spends their money or plays the game? REALLY? Not even ONCE? Say, over a companion being sold? A companion that is about to be released in an upcoming patch?


A companion who's name rhymes with "Reek" and happens to be a mercenary from a Forest on a moon?


Nope not once.


Please quote me where I dictated how people should spend their money. Get back to me when you do, then I will apologize to you and say you are right.

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Nope not once.


Please quote me where I dictated how people should spend their money. Get back to me when you do, then I will apologize to you and say you are right.


Obviously signed. They need to start making things where you actually have to spend time in the game to achieve., instead of catering to the people "who dont play this game a lot". Not everyone can blindly spend CC and I think its unfair.


Whats the reason bioware decided to make items on the cartel market tradable? Meaning you can buy stuff with cartel coins ( real money) and sell those items for in game credits.


Is that the most effective way of making credits now?


You know "The Wealthy" title? Meaningless now. Before the CM existed, I was pretty rich, I spent time into making those credits in game, and my guildies used to ask me all the time how I made those credits, I felt like I achieved something when I reached my first 10 million, now, people are richer than ever because they spent their real money to buy things off the CM and sell them.


Its selfish that I want everyone to spend an equal amount of time and effort into achieving something in game?


Petition for people to earn their rewards.



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My my, you people would do anything to defend bioware, without reading any of the original post.


It has nothing to do with BW. Sans BW, plug any company/game into your post, it reads as nothing but self-entitled QQ. Gratz on the successful troll.

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If you like the idea posed by a calm, intelligent person who constructively and positively provided feedback about a feature they would enjoy having implemented... then yes, we agree. I am prone to liking the ideas of people who present them like a responsible, and professional, adult. I'm not one for agreeing with people who present their ideas like spoiled kids.


From reading your replies to multiple threads, I've noticed you're one of those people (and there are plenty in this forum) who are okay with accepting mediocrity with this game?

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None of them state where Im supposed to have said "People should spend their money the way I want them to"


I gave suggestions to Bioware other ways for players to achieve things in game.

Edited by Ayelinna
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From reading your replies to multiple threads, I've noticed you're one of those people (and there are plenty in this forum) who are okay with accepting mediocrity with this game?


Could it be because the unrealistic expectations and "need moar nao" attitude of some other people (and there are plenty of those in this forum, too) almost killed a game that...surpise!...some of us actually enjoy, despite its faults?

Edited by TheNahash
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None of them state where Im supposed to have said "People should spend their money the way I want them to"


I gave suggestions to Bioware other ways for players to achieve things in game.


Oh that was just dictating how to play the game.


There is not enough space for the quotes of you telling people that spending their money is wrong. and yes, that is dictating how people spend their money.

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*reads thread called "Call me greedy...entitled.. all you want..."*

*sees OP "report" people for calling him/her "greedy" and "entitled"*




You know, you're entitled to your opinion, you're entitled to voice it, but you're going to get a lot more people to take you seriously if you don't come out of the gate swinging at everyone and looking for a fight.


Might it have been nice to receive a unique subscriber-only item? Sure. Would everyone have been happy with it? No, not by a long shot. Not everyone was going to be happy with what they did no matter what they did, but I'll bet you that most are pretty pleased with this direction.


You don't have to bow down to BW. That would be silly. But it is customary to say thank you when you receive a gift instead of ranting about how it's not exactly what you wanted.

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Oh that was just dictating how to play the game.


There is not enough space for the quotes of you telling people that spending their money is wrong. and yes, that is dictating how people spend their money.


No its not. Its not dictating, you should probably learn the definition.


Its suggesting other ways to achieve things in game. The fact you can't quote me on just one thing where I tell other players how to spend their money shows that you are wrong, sir.

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Wow, that's awesome. 500 extra cc's? I'ma go buy the account unlock for the Eradicator set. Was going to wait for my next batch of sub coins, but hey, I don't have to now...sweet!


Thanks Bioware! :D






Oh yeah, @OP, I sincerely hope you grow up soon. :(

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Wow, that's awesome. 500 extra cc's? I'ma go buy the account unlock for the Eradicator set. Was going to wait for my next batch of sub coins, but hey, I don't have to now...sweet!


Thanks Bioware! :D






Oh yeah, @OP, I sincerely hope you grow up soon. :(


Reported for harassment.

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I wouldn't have been half as dissapointed if they'd just stated beforehand that subs would receive this gift of 500cc on X date. Being vague about it and promoting it as something special for us made me and clearly many others think that it'd surely be an item or title that was not obtainable for F2Ps and everyone not subbed as of this date.


While the 500cc grant is still appriciated, it holds no real value for me and the other persons expressing the same opinion. If I really desired an item available via the CM I'd just buy it off the GTN or even directly from the store.


An exclusive item/title whatever on the other hand would've been worth the equivalent of tens of millions of credits to me based just on its exclusiveness.

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Do you plan or reporting the entire forum?

Because I'm afraid you will soon run out of people to disagree with :confused:


So you agree with me that the majority of these people in this thread are breaking the rules?


I'm glad someone sees this as well.

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