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Call me greedy...entitled.. all you want..


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I think the OP is a troll. He encourages people to call him greedy and entitled "all you want" and the decided to report people for harassment. That is trolling.


Look, 100% of the people will not be happy with a bonus, reward, gift, etc and the OP is entitled to his opinion. My opinion is this: THANK YOU, BIOWARE! I love free stuff and I feel valued.

Edited by Vinjar
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Whether i'm "trolling" or not is a matter of your personal opinion. However you broke the rules by calling me names, mocking me and harassing me, and I've shown evidence of that. Thanks.


No I called you a special snowflake and entitled as well as troll.


Yeah maybe name calling but certainly not mocking you. And yes in my personal opinion as you put it you are trolling. And it seems most of the people here more or less agree. Now as another poster said It is up to the staff if I broke the rules. If I have yes I will be infracted. However, Iam more inclined to think you will get into trouble for your constant spamming of the forums.

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I'd be interested to know what people are purchasing with their 500 CC.


I can't really see anything on the Market that I really want, most the stuff I can purchase looks horrible and the dyes and the boxes seldom give anything other than junk which I could purchase on the GTN for a couple thousand.


As a subscriber I can't say this really hyped me up to get in game. Hell if I just cancelled my subscription I could buy significantly more coins but sadly I haven't seen much in the cartel market that I really want. Some recoloured speeder or pet. Its not exactly going to make the non-subscribers feel like they should start subscribing.

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It doesn't matter what a company's goal is, when they come out and say, "we're going to make it worth more to be a subscriber!" and then all they do is give you a "taste" of CC to try and get you to spend even more money, it really should come as no surprise that they have no idea what to do with subscribers.


If they really do care about subscriber benefits, they need to prove it. They haven't.


I'm not even mad. I didn't expect anything from this announcement, because I know how Bioware has ran this game. I still play it for what it is, but I don't expect to ever be pleasantly surprised by an act of random generosity.


When they gave us the Jawa, I remember people saying that it's stupid, makes no sense and breaks the lore.


There is nothing and I mean nothing, they could come up with that would satisfy the entire community.


A mount would be "ugly/uglier than the CM ones", a pet would be "meh, what else is new?" and so on and so forth.


They decided to give us something that would allow us to either spend it on the CM as it is or save it, combine it with the 500-600CC we normally get as subscribers and buy something else.


I honestly don't see what's wrong with that, considering how people keep complaining that the best stuff are on the CM.

Edited by TheNahash
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When they gave us the Jawa, I remember people saying that it's stupid, makes no sense and breaks the lore.


There is nothing and I mean nothing, they could come up with that would satisfy the entire community.


A mount would be "ugly/uglier than the CM ones", a pet would be "meh, what else is new?" and so on and so forth.


They decided to give us something that would allow us to either spend it on the CM as it is or save it, combine it with the 500-600CC we normally get as subscribers and buy something else.


I honestly don't see what's wrong with that, considering how people keep complaining that the best stuff are on the CM.


The problem is that they're appreciating people who use the CM instead of subscribers :/

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Gift cards are lazy. Its like "heres some money, buy your own present"


A present you made yourself to give to someone is more thoughtful.


That's why I like giftcards. Translating them to CC in this game means I can buy what I want, NOT what BW thinks I may or may not like

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Yeah, it's a reward. It's something I didn't have before. It'll allow me to get something...what I don't yet know since nothing I can get for under 500 CC really appeals.


But it doesn't make me feel appreciated as a subscriber.


It makes me think EA/BW is trying to encourage me to spend more money on CC. It feels like they took the easy way out. Instead of taking the time to come up with something unique, they just threw CC at us.


My employers, in an effort to encourage participation in one of the many "flavor of the month" programs, randomly drew names from participators for a $10 gift card...to a florist, for flowers. Anyone who has bought flowers knows 10 bucks won't get you much. Yeah, it's free, but I could have used a 10 buck gas card or even a gift card to Wal-mart. I'm going to guess they either got a deal from the florist or one of the bosses wives runs/owns the florist.


So yeah, it's a reward but it seems to have a few strings attached.

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It makes me think EA/BW is trying to encourage me to spend more money on CC. It feels like they took the easy way out. Instead of taking the time to come up with something unique, they just threw CC at us.


Why? You as a subscriber get coins every month. If you were a subscriber prior to F2P and at F2P then you got a big pile of bonus coins. Now.. you are getting another pile of bonus coins.


In other words.. of all the people that would not be incented to buy more coins by a coin gift.. it is subscribers.


Protip: save them and spend them on unlocks (like Legacy Unlocks) in lieu of spending in game credits. There are cases where the economics suggest paying coins rather then credits, and the reverse is also true. OR spend them on Collections unlocks, since that is the only way to unlock a collection item for the rest of your account.


Personally, I never spend cartel coins on any content inside the CM....because it can all be purchased off the GTN from other players. I spend them on things like unlocks, and especially now with the Collections system.. I've spent down a lot that I had been saving since F2P went live.

Edited by Andryah
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The problem is that they're appreciating people who use the CM instead of subscribers :/


Both subscribers and F2P players have access to the CM.

Subs get a monthly stipend, F2P players don't, so they have an "edge" when it comes to purchasing stuff off the CM over F2Pers.


As a subscriber, you have access to the entire game with no restriction to the number of WZs/FPs/OPs/Convenience items etc.

F2Pers don't.


The only place you DON'T have full access to as a subscriber is the Cartel Market, because the only way you can buy an item that costs X CCs is to either save up coins or buy them using real money.


Therefore, by giving you 500 extra Cartel Coins, they are giving you a chance to get what you like from the Cartel Market (or help you get closer to the X amount of coins needed to purchase what you want).


F2Pers didn't get that 500CCs.


So, to sum up, you are being given something that they didn't have to or need to give you.

They could've painted a Tauntaun a new color and given you that. You wouldn't have been satisfied with that either. And if you were, 100 other players wouldn't.


So they give you the option to choose what you want, they are only giving those extra 500 CCs to you as a subscriber and you're still complaining that you didn't get something "special" which could've possibly been terribly disappointing to you or other subscribers, and it most certainly would've stopped being "special" the minute you logged in and saw 300 people on the fleet all using the same pet, or mount or armor.


I don't hope or aim to convince you. It's your right to be disappointed. But it's also my right to say that your disappointment makes little to no sense to me.

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The problem is that they're appreciating people who use the CM instead of subscribers :/


Except the coins are useful for a number of things in the game that have noting to do with the actual Cartel Market.

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The problem is that they're appreciating people who use the CM instead of subscribers :/


Eeeh not really... anyone that is a subscriber gets the 500cc. Whether or not you use the cartel market does not factor into it.

In fact, you dont have to spend a single of those 500cc on the cartel market. You can unlock legacy perks with them instead.

But thats not what you really mean.

What you really mean is that you wanted something with "substance". An item, pet or companion. Something that nobody who isnt a subscriber at this moment could ever get again.

You know, like the founder title or the stupid taun-taun pet... Stuff that most subscribers throw away anyway... but you would have loved that just so you could hold it up to future subscribers and say "look at this! I was a subscriber before you were! Im above you... Better than."

But thats not what you are getting... instead you are getting cash so that everyone can get what they want instead and not be ladened with another "free item" that the majority will not use...

Edited by OddballEasyEight
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Both subscribers and F2P players have access to the CM.

Subs get a monthly stipend, F2P players don't, so they have an "edge" when it comes to purchasing stuff off the CM over F2Pers.


As a subscriber, you have access to the entire game with no restriction to the number of WZs/FPs/OPs/Convenience items etc.

F2Pers don't.


The only place you DON'T have full access to as a subscriber is the Cartel Market, because the only way you can buy an item that costs X CCs is to either save up coins or buy them using real money.


Therefore, by giving you 500 extra Cartel Coins, they are giving you a chance to get what you like from the Cartel Market (or help you get closer to the X amount of coins needed to purchase what you want).


F2Pers didn't get that 500CCs.


So, to sum up, you are being given something that they didn't have to or need to give you.

They could've painted a Tauntaun a new color and given you that. You wouldn't have been satisfied with that either. And if you were, 100 other players wouldn't.


So they give you the option to choose what you want, they are only giving those extra 500 CCs to you as a subscriber and you're still complaining that you didn't get something "special" which could've possibly been terribly disappointing to you or other subscribers, and it most certainly would've stopped being "special" the minute you logged in and saw 300 people on the fleet all using the same pet, or mount or armor.


I don't hope or aim to convince you. It's your right to be disappointed. But it's also my right to say that your disappointment makes little to no sense to me.


I simply would rather have something unique to subscribers only.

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Except the coins are useful for a number of things in the game that have noting to do with the actual Cartel Market.


Like Legacy Unlocks and Appearance Kiosk and....


Sorry, that's the only two things. So the number of things you spoke of is two things. Well, I guess two is a number.


Too bad that almost no one thinks making changes on the Appearance Kiosk is worth CC in the first place, unless you got a special unlock and have to use it to change to that. And too bad almost everyone would rather unlock their Legacy stuff with credits so they can save their CC for stuff that you can't do or get with credits.



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Actually, I'm with the OP on this one. I kinda expected that the "something for subscribers" would be an in-game item ... and let's face it, they didn't go out their way to make it look like it wouldn't be.



I mean, 500 cc - it's pretty unimaginitive .... And not all of us have a use for it (I've bought the few items in the CM that interest me. I refuse to buy a gambling box. I will never gamble for colours)


And to all those jumping up and down at mine and the OP's disappointment, let me ask this: When you give your loved one a gift, do you look for something special, something you think they might value ... something, dare I say it .... unique?


Or do you just hand over a bunch of notes and say: "There ya go, honey ... go buy yourself something with that."?

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Why? You as a subscriber get coins every month. If you were a subscriber prior to F2P and at F2P then you got a big pile of bonus coins. Now.. you are getting another pile of bonus coins.


In other words.. of all the people that would not be incented to buy more coins by a coin gift.. it is subscribers.


Protip: save them and spend them on unlocks (like Legacy Unlocks) in lieu of spending in game credits. There are cases where the economics suggest paying coins rather then credits, and the reverse is also true. OR spend them on Collections unlocks, since that is the only way to unlock a collection item for the rest of your account.


Personally, I never spend cartel coins on any content inside the CM....because it can all be purchased off the GTN from other players. I spend them on things like unlocks, and especially now with the Collections system.. I've spent down a lot that I had been saving since F2P went live.


Yep, I do. So why would I feel appreciated for getting what amounts to an extra month of CC? What does that have to do with me being appreciated as a subscriber?


I have no problems earning credits. I have to spend them on something, so I buy things from the GTN that I want. I don't need any unlocks, I got the ones I needed cheap when the undercutting wars on CM items hit.


I don't collect fluff, so the collections system means nothing to me.


500 CC isn't a pile, it's just one months sub allocation extra. That and 3 months of saved allocations will get me an Incendia.


So you just go ahead and be happy with your 500 CC. I'll stick with realism and take it exactly for what it is.

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Like Legacy Unlocks and Appearance Kiosk and....


Sorry, that's the only two things.


Actually.. those are two categories.. each of which have a good number of things that are actually of use and value to many subscribers.


So please stop trivializing for bias. It's two categories of things in which each category has a laundry list of items players can choose to purchase with coins that has absolutely nothing to do with the CM directly.


And then there is a third category....the Collections system... which for many many players in game.. finally represents something to spend notable quantities of cartel coins on.

Edited by Andryah
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And then there is a third category....the Collections system... which for many many players in game.. finally represents something to spend notable quantities of cartel coins on.


Now you see where this game is headed?

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I don't collect fluff


If you think they would've given us anything but fluff, you are completely wrong.

All similar rewards were vanity items/fluff - a tauntaun, a jawa, a mount, a title etc.

What were you expecting? A new warzone just for subscribers? A new planet?


Of course it was going to be fluff and since you already said you don't care about fluff, no matter what that item was it would've been insignificant to you.


Just because you don't consider it a useful gift it doesn't mean that it's not a useful gift for a large number of players.

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I simply would rather have something unique to subscribers only.

This extra 500 CC is unique to subscribers, because only subscribers get it.


If you think they would've given us anything but fluff, you are completely wrong. All similar rewards were vanity items/fluff - a tauntaun, a jawa, a mount, a title etc.

What were you expecting? A new warzone just for subscribers? A new planet?

Biggest LOL in this thread so far. Double classic.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Actually.. those are two categories.. each of which have a good number of things that are actually of use and value to many subscribers.


So please stop trivializing for bias. It's two categories of things in which each category has a laundry list of items players can choose to purchase with coins that has absolutely nothing to do with the CM directly.


And then there is a third category....the Collections system... which for many many players in game.. finally represents something to spend notable quantities of cartel coins on.


First off, counting each unlock in the Legacy as a separate item is stupid and you know it. Legacy Unlocks are ONE THING that you can use Cartel Coins for. The Appearance Kiosk is ONE THING that you can spend Cartel Coins on.


Secondly, the Collections System is part of the Cartel Market. The only things that it can be used to unlock are Cartel Market items, Andryah. And no, the Special section does not count since those items are already unlocked for anyone that has access to them and there is no way to unlock them through Collections if you don't.


Stop trivializing my complaints out of your own bias.

Also, I am not complaining about the CC Gift. I appreciate it, I really do.

I am just pointing out that you are making it out to be more valuable than it actually is.



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Also, I am not complaining about the CC Gift. I appreciate it, I really do.

I am just pointing out that you are making it out to be more valuable than it actually is.

It's more valuable than a title or a cosmetic "thingy."


Cartel coins can be bought and used by anyone. Cartel coins are not unique to subscribers.

This particular award is. Only subscribers get it.

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