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Took my revenge on a PuG yesterday. Was I wrong?


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I was grouped with one other guy from my guild. The rest of the team were random pugs. The map is civil war. I play pub side. We drop and I go snow. One goes grass. 6 go mid.


I run into a sorc in healing spec at snow. Blow him up and take the node. They kill our guy at grass and take it. Stalemate at mid.


After a few minutes. I call out in ops chat to see if someone will watch the node so I can try for grass. To my surprise, a gunslinger comes. I go to grass. Find a solo mara there. Kill him and take the node.


I call it in ops as the node is turning, as does the slinger at snow. No one leaves mid. Several more calls follow for more defenders, but still no one leaves mid.


The gunslinger calls incoming. Still no one leaves mid. The gunlinger dies. They cap snow. This was not a lightning fast recap. There was plenty of time for a rotation.


So the mara that I took snow from comes my way. I sit there cloaked and announce in ops that I am going to let him cap. He caps. The team complains. Still the same 6 guys won't leave mid.


I sit in stealth and watch them lose 3 capped. My guildy was not happy about what I did, but I feel quite good about it. Am I wrong?

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I was grouped with one other guy from my guild. The rest of the team were random pugs. The map is civil war. I play pub side. We drop and I go snow. One goes grass. 6 go mid.


I run into a sorc in healing spec at snow. Blow him up and take the node. They kill our guy at grass and take it. Stalemate at mid.


After a few minutes. I call out in ops chat to see if someone will watch the node so I can try for grass. To my surprise, a gunslinger comes. I go to grass. Find a solo mara there. Kill him and take the node.


I call it in ops as the node is turning, as does the slinger at snow. No one leaves mid. Several more calls follow for more defenders, but still no one leaves mid.


The gunslinger calls incoming. Still no one leaves mid. The gunlinger dies. They cap snow. This was not a lightning fast recap. There was plenty of time for a rotation.


So the mara that I took snow from comes my way. I sit there cloaked and announce in ops that I am going to let him cap. He caps. The team complains. Still the same 6 guys won't leave mid.


I sit in stealth and watch them lose 3 capped. My guildy was not happy about what I did, but I feel quite good about it. Am I wrong?


Not really. It's not fair play perhaps, but you didn't interrupt him; which a lot of pugs NEVER EVER do. Nothing wrong. That'll teach 'em :D


Today I decided to only focus on DPS and not objectives... :p was fun

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Yeah, you were wrong. You may have got back at the PUGs that didn't answer your call; but at the same time, it sounds like you disrespected that gunslinger who sounds to be trying to work with you.


Also. It doesn't sound like the gunslinger was your guildie, so I wonder where he was when you were calling incoming. He may not have a right to be mad.

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Yeah, you were wrong. You may have got back at the PUGs that didn't answer your call; but at the same time, it sounds like you disrespected that gunslinger who sounds to be trying to work with you.


Also. It doesn't sound like the gunslinger was your guildie, so I wonder where he was when you were calling incoming. He may not have a right to be mad.


I agree. I did feel bad about the gunslinger. That said, he didn't seem upset with me. I think he was just as frustrated.


Maybe the guys at mid were just derping for DPS and didn't care to win. If that's the case, I don't see how my choice affected their goal.

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Pug matches can be frustrating mate, I'll give you that. It hurts to see your efforts gone to waste because people refuse to read the ops chat or they simply get tunnel vision and ignore objectives.


You certainly had an interesting way of getting back at them though, props!

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I agree. I did feel bad about the gunslinger. That said, he didn't seem upset with me. I think he was just as frustrated.


Maybe the guys at mid were just derping for DPS and didn't care to win. If that's the case, I don't see how my choice affected their goal.


it cut the match short! If they were having a good time then the fun didn't go on for long!


on the other hand the misery - as such losing normally is - also is cut short

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I'm not going to call you names or anything but:


I'd say what you did was petty. To me, I will do my job even if I've already decide the warzone is a wash. People who let emotions get in the way of playing right generally irk me.


Had an entire team throw a match once to "teach me a lesson." The joke was on them really, as I ended the match with 8 medals to their 4-5 and a clear conscience.


Beginning of a Civil War, two people run off to snow, 2 hit mid, 3 go for grass. Naturally, Mid and gets wiped quickly, and grass is soon taken by the enemy. Trying to rally, I'm ignored whenever I ask where to attack or if we can regroup. Instead we trickle into one node or the other, getting wiped 1 by 1.


Tired of this, I head to snow where someone finally says "We don't need 3 snow, Blah-Blah go Mid." I respond I'm not going to waste my time and I'll happily guard snow. The two guarding snow run off.


Eventually 4 enemies head to snow, and I call. I called 4 times, delaying all four of them for a good minute or so. We lose snow, finally taking mid about 20 seconds later.


"See ******e? You need your team, you can't guard snow by yourself!" is the triumph call of the team trying to teach me a lesson.


-.- no **** Sherlock.


Long story, while I understand the urge to teach your team a lesson, I personally think it's better to put something so small and petty aside for the good of the match. Or at least you don't look like the dick for Cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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I probably would of done the same thing. Pugs wanna act like scrubs then they can lose like scrubs. Enjoy the 3 cap where you have nowhere safe to hide to farm medals when you finally decide to "give up" on mid. Maybe next time they will pay attention to the chat and reinforce the nodes that have been captured. Edited by Raansu
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Usually I play objectives (yes, usually :D), but today I tried to be DPS huderrrrring as much as I could :p


Well, I was only sort of 1/2 joking. I mean, if you decide your team is bad and then don't do objectives, and then someone else decides the team must be bad because no one is doing objectives... it's sort of like a self fulfilling prophecy. :) But, ya, I understand the urge sometimes to just say, "oh h-e-double-toothpick with it" when it seems like the rest of the team just doesn't know or care what the point of the warzone is (especially noticeable in huttball).


Personally, I'll keep trying to at least do *something* as long as either - 1. one other person is also trying and we can team up (even if it's kinda pointless). Or 2. I feel like I can solo-survive long enough to practice something pvp-ish that I should be practicing - maybe even practicing how to stay alive a long time against multiple opponents (since I often solo guard the off-node). But if I'm the only one trying, and the other team just roflstomps me as soon as I leave the spawn area - then yeah, I'll go stand and do nothing with the rest of the crew.

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might i ask when you lost mid? from what i read it sounds like you would have had the lead regardless. since it was 1/1 then 2/0 then 1/1 then you gave them 0/2 and by the end of match 0/3


By this you threw the match just cause people didnt respond. they may had the edge in mid and thought they were going to cap while the sniper was getting hit. And since mid was still contested thought it better.


In which case even if mid didnt get capped you coulda still won the match without double capping again since you shoulda had the lead.


Now do I agree with their strategy? No, because I prefer holding the side turrets. But that strategy is going to need to change soon when the side speeders are taken away. Holding mid will be much more important, though not an absolute.


So imo, you shoulda been booted from the WZ for douchery, while the others shoulda been booted for poor game play and not responding.


Put it this way. Enemy probably had 6 bads aswell, so the other teams 2 good players beat you and the sniper in fair 2v2 manner. b/c you gave up!

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Your guildie didn't rotate either, so obviously it's the pugger's fault.


And since you seemed to be ahead, there's no point at all to try and get grass in the first place.

Edited by anwg
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I would let the bastard cap, then join with my characters from my other faction and humiliate the dps hunters at mid every time i saw them x)


Great to see another forum warrior awaken! Pistols might have been the only one for a long time... But we have returned!

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I personally think that was kind of silly. I don't care how bad my team sucks, I'm not getting 3-capped if I can help it. I'll find the least defended node....take it back, and camp for medals.


By letting them have the 3rd node, you got even with your lame team but also screwed yourself. That's the only reason why I disagree. I would be thinking "how dare you try and three cap with me right here" and proceed to use every single cooldown I have in attempt to put the greedy Mara in his place.

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might i ask when you lost mid? from what i read it sounds like you would have had the lead regardless. since it was 1/1 then 2/0 then 1/1 then you gave them 0/2 and by the end of match 0/3


By this you threw the match just cause people didnt respond. they may had the edge in mid and thought they were going to cap while the sniper was getting hit. And since mid was still contested thought it better.


In which case even if mid didnt get capped you coulda still won the match without double capping again since you shoulda had the lead.


Now do I agree with their strategy? No, because I prefer holding the side turrets. But that strategy is going to need to change soon when the side speeders are taken away. Holding mid will be much more important, though not an absolute.


So imo, you shoulda been booted from the WZ for douchery, while the others shoulda been booted for poor game play and not responding.


Put it this way. Enemy probably had 6 bads aswell, so the other teams 2 good players beat you and the sniper in fair 2v2 manner. b/c you gave up!


I didn't ask the question to be agreed with, so I am not offended by your response. I think it was a bit douchey too. I got douchey play from my team, so I gave it back to them. Petty? Yes sir.


Mid was not capped by anyone until after I gave them grass. We were ahead by a few ticks as you suggested from the period of having them 2 capped.


That said, it would have required minimal effort to keep the sides with all the healing we had. Plus side speeders are a super fast ride back.


I don't believe people were staying mid for tactical reasons. They thought the game was being won for them and decided to just pad their stats.

Edited by KamujinKravshera
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Don't think I've ever given away a win but I've ended plenty of losses with "the only good thing about this is that you people deserved to lose". If there had been a button that allowed my to turn the score in those games I wouldnt have clicked it because they really need to learn a lesson.


And the kicker here is that it doesnt just apply to inexpereinced players, the so called "pros" are doing stupid crap too. Up until yesterday I had only lost one lowbie game on my latest sage (first or second game as level 10, back when I still had some force issues). Well in comes a player from one of the top PTS teams and his three buddies from what I assume will be a decent 55 team. Instead of keeping it simple, by steamrolling the other team and taking south on novare, they're deciding to cross the entire map, without telling anyone in advance (so two of us had to face 7 at mid) , and then die there. They did this several times, even when the remaining 2-3 of us almost had mid against 5. What do you think happened when I pointed out that "east is not a good idea", I recieved a complimentary "noob".

I still don't get why people want to complicate lowbie, especially if you're in a premade you know is good. The statistical risk of getting wiped with a good premade in lowbie is literally ZERO if you stick to the rest of the group.

Edited by MidichIorian
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I didn't ask the question to be agreed with, so I am not offended by your response. I think it was a bit douchey too. I got douchey play from my team, so I gave it back to them. Petty? Yes sir.


Mid was not capped by anyone until after I gave them grass. We were ahead by a few ticks as you suggested from the period of having them 2 capped.


That said, it would have required minimal effort to keep the sides with all the healing we had. Plus side speeders are a super fast ride back.


I don't believe people were staying mid for tactical reasons. They thought the game was being won for them and decided to just pad their stats.


Didnt mean to come off offensive or get high and mighty. Lord knows we all want to slap the crap out of people for being stupid in WZs.


The other day I was playing my GS and helped take mid. Then 6 of the 7 people ran off leaving me solo at mid WHILE we were still fighting 4 people. I called for help......4 times, spent 2 mins running round in circles only interupting then hiding. Held off a long time solo. Just to finally lose it and get *****ed at for not calling inc.....like holy crap scroll up and see me begging for help. So I went and joined a group of players sitting at the side turret until match was over with.


We all get the bads, we all have bad moments ourselves. Didnt want you to feel as iff your stance was unique or arbitrarily bad. Just that I personally dont agree with throwing a winning match to teach them a lesson they will never learn. If I'm good enough to carry the team to victory (which I wasnt in my example) then to hell with the group I'll win the match on my own. If not, screw it.

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