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Removal of side speeders in Civil War - Good or Bad?


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IMO, the side speeds are backwards for this wz. It should be:


* Defenders get the advantage of holding the node and actually collecting points towards winning the game

* Attackers SHOULD get the advantage of flying directly to the node so they can really press the attack.



It's pretty silly that the defenders get the advantage of collecting points, and getting the side speeders.

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IMO, the side speeds are backwards for this wz. It should be:


* Defenders get the advantage of holding the node and actually collecting points towards winning the game

* Attackers SHOULD get the advantage of flying directly to the node so they can really press the attack.



It's pretty silly that the defenders get the advantage of collecting points, and getting the side speeders.


that logical is hilarious

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IMO, the side speeds are backwards for this wz. It should be:


* Defenders get the advantage of holding the node and actually collecting points towards winning the game

* Attackers SHOULD get the advantage of flying directly to the node so they can really press the attack.



It's pretty silly that the defenders get the advantage of collecting points, and getting the side speeders.


Bioware, please do not listen to any of this.

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I personally think this is a great change. Now players have no real incentive to /stuck out of combat, in fact that would be counterproductive to do. It makes coordination and communication that much more vital to ACW and provides the actual possibility of turning the tides of the fight.
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lol the response is so much different from the last time BW tried this that it is hilarious. PTS 1.2 or maybe a bit before it they tried the exact same thing and it only lasted like a week before they changed it from all the people saying it was impossible to defend without them, then they put a cast time on the side speeders, then later down the road they removed that as well lol.


Hopefully this time the change stays and makes ACW somewhat decent. Now if only they would fix the scoring system so even at double score the possibility of making a comback and winning is always there and make people want to keep fighting instead of waiting around for 10 minutes.

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I don't really care. I will continue to hate Civil War, regardless. It's just so boring. It's boring even if you're winning. In fact it may be MORE boring when you're winning because you're left standing around a lot waiting while the losing team is launching attacks. They could remove the map from rotation completely and I wouldn't miss it.


Huttball is king. There's no standing around waiting bored.

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I see it as a good thing for all the reasons everyone has pointed out and, honestly, I don't see any real negatives to it other than less coordinated teams will have a harder time holding their nodes (which is as it should be).
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Depends on what you use to define "good" and "bad".


The removal of the side speeders means that the initial spawn point is going to be one hell of a bottle neck.


With the speeders, and if a faction could maintain control of one of the sides, there were 2 ways to get back to the ground and possibly counter attack.


Now, an entirely plausible scenario is to take mid and the opposite factions node (i.e. Imps take grass) so that the opposite team, Pubs in this case, is totally bottle necked at the center landing.


This also, in effect, cuts the opposite team off from trying to capture the other node because they would have to cut through the defenders at mid to get there.


While this tactic might pose a few problems with reinforcing mid from grass because of the distances needing to be traveled, the opposite is not the case because of the ramps positioned in mid.


The short version of what I just wrote is this:


More QQ about getting slaughtered without even making it off the mid spawn point.

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