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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Pvp bolster not fixed. Hurry up Titan.


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this game is an open beta pistols...


its actually a pretty common thing now, for open beta to be treated as a live game in order to generate cash flow. ive been playing Mech Warrior: Online which is the same kind of thing.


LOL Im a founder over there yet I haven played for a few months. They are at least pretty open about it when you are going in.

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I have passed this on to the combat guys for investigation as it appears the bolster bug wasn't fully addressed. I apologize as I actually did this last week and thought I posted about it, but apparently I didn't!


Much thanks for your help Eric, but at this point, I'm of the decided opinion that the Bug is Bolster, not that Bolster has bugs. ;)


Anyway, cheers and thanks again. You seem to be the only BW employee that actually reads the PvP Forums and I'm very appreciative of that.



Bolster wasn't for PvP'ers...but for the carebears.



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Hey folks,


I have passed this on to the combat guys for investigation as it appears the bolster bug wasn't fully addressed. I apologize as I actually did this last week and thought I posted about it, but apparently I didn't!


Either way, it is in the combat teams hands for investigation as we speak and as soon as I have exact details I will pass them back on to you!







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Much thanks for your help Eric, but at this point, I'm of the decided opinion that the Bug is Bolster, not that Bolster has bugs. ;)


lol, that reminds me of Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines



"Skynet IS the virus!"





But yeah, =/

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LOL Im a founder over there yet I haven played for a few months. They are at least pretty open about it when you are going in.


yea im a founder too, hadnt played in like 9 months until a few days ago. its pretty fun, and isnt costing me any money which is always nice.

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The idea for fixing bolster below is not mine; I saw it in one of the original threads about bolster from 2.0 but cannot find the thread to give the original poster credit. In any case, it's an idea worth reviving. It is so beautiful in its simplicity and if it could be implemented, would be impossible to exploit.


Check to see if a piece of gear has expertise.

- If yes, do nothing.

- If no, then simply have that gear slot set to the desired bolster power level (5-10% worse than partisan). Don't try to adjust the stats already there - just override it with given stats. For example, somebody enters a warzone with a mainhand that has strength and crit. It doesn't matter what the numbers actually are - just override them and give them stats in that slot 5-10% worse than a partisan mainhand with strength meant for dps.


If the system gives back stats that aren't exactly what the player wanted...oh well. The person will still be competitive but will also have the incentive to get PvP gear.


I love the idea behind bolster - maybe it doesn't belong in rated play or the competitive arenas which are (hopefully!!) coming in the future, but it absolutely has made the unranked warzone experience better (bugs/exploits aside). I'm terrified, though, to see what is going to happen when we get a new tier of PvP gear and everything has to be rebalanced.

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its getting insulting at this point. a PvE gearing bug would not last a week, let alone 3 months.


remove if from 55, give everyone free Recruit gear mk3 that is 5-10% worse than Partisan gear. allow crafters to make a set of armor that is slightly better than Recruit mk3 gear if you want crafters to be part of the PvP gearing process. but get bolster out of 55s. it sucks.


the concept was very, very good. yet for some reason the devs have made it the most convoluted and complicated thing ive seen in an MMO. nobody knows how it really works, not even you guys. so please get rid of it.


I think a better option would he to make craftable recruit level mods/arm/enh. Then players can still keep there own look ,and theoretically eliminate the augmenting recruit gear problem... Make it like level 62 purple and have the same EXP as all the other PVP ones and nerf all the other stats maybe 2%-3% lower than Conq per slot..

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With every new set of gear, with every new piece of equipment introduced in the game there will be PVP-breaking bolster bugs and exploits. Whether its augments, enhacements, campaign hilts, crafted gear, level 54 implants....there's just too many variables to cover all bolster mechanics properly. Here we are, 3 months down the line from the 2.0 launch and Bioware still has not figured out how to fix their broken system.
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I think a better option would he to make craftable recruit level mods/arm/enh. Then players can still keep there own look ,and theoretically eliminate the augmenting recruit gear problem... Make it like level 62 purple and have the same EXP as all the other PVP ones and nerf all the other stats maybe 2%-3% lower than Partisan per slot..



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Hey folks,


I have passed this on to the combat guys for investigation as it appears the bolster bug wasn't fully addressed. I apologize as I actually did this last week and thought I posted about it, but apparently I didn't!


Either way, it is in the combat teams hands for investigation as we speak and as soon as I have exact details I will pass them back on to you!




Hmmm...this sounds so familiar...haven't you already passed this on to them in previous replies? They seem to investigate quite a bit without ever really accomplishing anything. I could have sworn that this was meant to be fixed several times now...

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The idea for fixing bolster below is not mine; I saw it in one of the original threads about bolster from 2.0 but cannot find the thread to give the original poster credit. In any case, it's an idea worth reviving. It is so beautiful in its simplicity and if it could be implemented, would be impossible to exploit.


Check to see if a piece of gear has expertise.

- If yes, do nothing.

- If no, then simply have that gear slot set to the desired bolster power level (5-10% worse than partisan). Don't try to adjust the stats already there - just override it with given stats. For example, somebody enters a warzone with a mainhand that has strength and crit. It doesn't matter what the numbers actually are - just override them and give them stats in that slot 5-10% worse than a partisan mainhand with strength meant for dps.


If the system gives back stats that aren't exactly what the player wanted...oh well. The person will still be competitive but will also have the incentive to get PvP gear.


I love the idea behind bolster - maybe it doesn't belong in rated play or the competitive arenas which are (hopefully!!) coming in the future, but it absolutely has made the unranked warzone experience better (bugs/exploits aside). I'm terrified, though, to see what is going to happen when we get a new tier of PvP gear and everything has to be rebalanced.


Every time I read any post that says something along these lines it makes me want to rip my hair out. Because its so simple, it would work, it allows for easy adjustments for new tiers of gear and BW is too stupid to do it.

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Your gonna get kicked off the premises as soon as you say "as a pvp player"


Naw, I plan on rolling into the bar with fully augmented crafted purple 54's and a matrix cube in my hand...


I got this!

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I think BioWare needs to sit down and seriously rethink SWTOR's PvP design goals.


What function does expertise serve?

What function does PvP gear serve?

How do we keep expertise and PvP gear relevant if the game continues to use bolster at 55?


The reason I post these questions is the current bolster seems to eliminate any reason to progress through PvP gear. Expertise no longer appears to be a stat exclusive to having PvP gear and it's clear bolster is being designed to keep you competitive with anyone, regardless of what gear is being used wearing. So what's the point of having a PvP stat and PvP gear set?

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I have L50 PVE gear. I put two expertise barrels +41 (or thereabouts) into my blasters. Using these my EXP went to 1890. I swapped these out for two blasters with a damage of about 170-240, low level guns.


My EXP went to the cap of 2018. Why would I bother with conq' gear when I can hit 2018 EXP with PVE gear (and zero-expertise capping me?). My kit it's all orange with commendation mods, and blues only. I'd rather stack nice PVE attributes on top of my 2018 expertise.


when you put expertiese crystals whole weapon is no longer bolstered, it's even in patch notes.

basicly, if an item has any expertiese on it, it's no longer bolstered.

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The only thing Expertise serves is to grief groups of 3+ PvE'ers in world PvP solo.


I for one can't wait until SWTOR goes gold (2.4 maybe?) I have the collectors Edition pre-ordered.


Bolster needs to go the way of old Ilum. The trashcan.


On another note: I was leveling an alt and realized that the original developers had much loftier plans for space combat etc. The rails shooter we have now I think is the result of budget cuts due to VO acting, and deadlines by papa bear (EA). The inside of the ship is remarkably similar to how SWG had their ships designed. But I imagine it is much easier to program a scripted rails shooter than to make the open space combat that we enjoyed in SWG. Maybe it was even the engine they decided to use that was a limiting factor to this. Maybe I just miss SWG space combat too much.

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