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Sith marauder unplayable in pvp


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i play a juggernaut and dont have any problems you are talking about. infact i tend to do very well in pvp and can basically live forever with a pocket healer as well as get in th top 3 in kills and dmg in most warzones.



Juggernaught isn't Marauder.

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Not only is close range PVP broken you constantly unlock from your targets and if you ever see the top pvp players are always range players it's an utter joke, you also rarely have people healing the DPS players.


Most OP is bounty hunter next is sith inquisitor you litrally don't have to worry in PVP because you can hide at range spamming stun over and over in groups of 3 and don't even bother with Huttball with the force push spammers.


I never see a maurader near top, even doing objectives does not give you awards and range players boast about how great they are despite Bounty and any other range being EASY AS HELL.


Buff or nerf for either one.


Not to mention range players are the worst Kill stealers imaginable so that means no awards for you and less points at the end of the round, it's not like range players even attack people planting the bomb or trying to capture they go for easy targets to KDR pro it up.


Even DC universe was more balanced.


Funny, I'm almost always on top as a Sentinel (your mirror), and I do objectives. Usually hit 200k damage or thereabouts, best so far was around 265k, and I'm only now L36. That best one was in a Huttball where I scored 2 out of the team's 3 points for a win, by the way.

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You can top charts as maurader. I mean, there are people who top charts as maurader. And to claim that range dps is easy is silly....this your first mmo? Each has there strengths and weaknesses.... They both have a place in the game..no need to get all upset over a few fail games. Stick with the class, work on your Keybinds, read tooltips, move with the mouse, and enjoy the game...or just keep on doin what your doin now, given me something to point and laugh at..
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Not only is close range PVP broken you constantly unlock from your targets and if you ever see the top pvp players are always range players it's an utter joke, you also rarely have people healing the DPS players.


Check your archtypes buddy im Assassin and im usually pretty close to the top of my team if im not the top.


Also, check your game and hotkeys, i dont have this unlocking issue, maybe run the repair launcher and reset your bindings.

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People, this game only just launched. Really, until the game's population reaches 50 we really should hold back on the nerf and buff cries.


We're only just scratching the surface with what these classes are truly capable of. Warriors in WoW were heavily gear dependent, as much as I hate making that comparison - I don't see why their SWTOR counterparts would not be the same.


Relax, learn your class.

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People, this game only just launched. Really, until the game's population reaches 50 we really should hold back on the nerf and buff cries.


We're only just scratching the surface with what these classes are truly capable of. Warriors in WoW were heavily gear dependent, as much as I hate making that comparison - I don't see why their SWTOR counterparts would not be the same.


Relax, learn your class.


That's because you don't know what you are talking about. I don't want to educate you but warrior in WoW is nothing like any class in SWTOR and they where gear depentant for reasons that don't apply here.

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There are truthes to the Ranged classes being overpowered


In all games, the first step to do while balancing classes for PvP, is that you look for Ranged/Melee.

-The reason for this is; Because Melee have an obvious disadvantage. This in turn is rewarded with somewhat better scaling on weapons, or higher base stats, so that when you finally do get a few hits in they will actually count for something.


The problem with SWTOR right now, as for as PvP goes, is that not only do Ranged Classes deal the same amount of damage at any given moment/situation, they actually do MORE straight up burst damage, AND sustained damage than any of the current Melee classes.


There is Currently no real reason or benefit from rolling a Melee class if you want to PvP at a high level. (look and preferences aside)


I'm not just another random QQ'er, i actually know what i'm talking about, from being a top tier player in both WoW and League of legends, along with moderating several gaming communities where i have had the pleasure of speaking with designers and what not.


Below is a picture showing how, in truth, it does not matter how well your team is playing in a game of Huttball, for example, if the enemy team has several Mercenaries.




To be frank, even I could have done a better and more thorough job of balancing the current classes in SWTOR.


Ps. It is by the way certainly not true that Melee's do not top the charts in games, in fact they often do, but currently it does not actually matter all that much how good you are at playing your class, unfortunatly.

Edited by TheSkillz
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That's because you don't know what you are talking about. I don't want to educate you but warrior in WoW is nothing like any class in SWTOR and they where gear depentant for reasons that don't apply here.


So then I don't know anything about WoW, I'm trying to bridge a gap that I'm not familiar with - this whine factor was absent in games like Darkfall. I'm learning how to communicate with your kind.

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Not only is close range PVP broken you constantly unlock from your targets and if you ever see the top pvp players are always range players it's an utter joke, you also rarely have people healing the DPS players.

Your opinion means nothing until you post your Arena Rating.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm a new player to SWTOR and chose Marauder as my first character...assuming that warriors were like the class from wow...i didn't know they were that squishy as a marauder.

I do agree about some classes being more op than others but i have to disagree about the marauder class being broken.

As a new player, it's taken me a while to learn the mechanics of the game, but...with a little patience and common sense, you can make the marauder a pretty good pvper if you choose your battles carefully.


Good luck and don't lose faith in your Marauder :)

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Did 3 warfronts today, I was healer, voted MVP all 3, but the top dps in the first and third was a Marauder, sniper was the top in second. This debate is now closed as all sided have presented anecdotal evidence contrary to the other.


Play more warfronts or learn to play, you'll see it will balance out to player skill/ those silly 3 man premades that pugstomp.


Actually, I haven't seen ANY evidence presented except for anecdotal stories.


As a Sent in full BM gear I will say it's EXTREMELY rare (less than 1:50 warzones...MAYBE once or twice a week) for me to top other BMs in most other dps classes. Melee is at a pretty big disadvantage when it comes to putting out raw dps and kills.


However, I will say I work harder at winning and disrupting than I do at just pure DPS, so as long as my team wins I don't care what my damage number or kills end up at.


I would be SUPER happy however to see some videos of Sentinels who hit 300-400-500k in warzones regularly...because that's the norm for most ranged BMs on my server...there's typically 2-3 at the top on EACH side that are in the 300s...while I usually fall between 150-250k depending on which warzone we're talking about.


ESPECIALLY Combat builds...I'm a combat build and I'd love to analyze someone hitting 400k in multiple warzones.

Edited by thanealpha
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Not only is close range PVP broken you constantly unlock from your targets and if you ever see the top pvp players are always range players it's an utter joke, you also rarely have people healing the DPS players.


Most OP is bounty hunter next is sith inquisitor you litrally don't have to worry in PVP because you can hide at range spamming stun over and over in groups of 3 and don't even bother with Huttball with the force push spammers.


I never see a maurader near top, even doing objectives does not give you awards and range players boast about how great they are despite Bounty and any other range being EASY AS HELL.


Buff or nerf for either one.


Not to mention range players are the worst Kill stealers imaginable so that means no awards for you and less points at the end of the round, it's not like range players even attack people planting the bomb or trying to capture they go for easy targets to KDR pro it up.


Even DC universe was more balanced.


Lol Manly Tears. Your tears are not very manly good sir. Now go to the corner with your violin and play a little "Im bad at my OP class" to sooth your soul

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I'm a new player to SWTOR and chose Marauder as my first character...assuming that warriors were like the class from wow


If you are comming from wow, think about a combat rogue with swords in leather armor without stealth and his cooldowns.

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Medals won't matter for much longer. Only the first four will give rewards.


Now, someone who knows the Marauder class better than I do kindly give OP a job description of what he should be doing to help his team win in warzones.


Are maras good healer killers?

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