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NMTFB and NMSV Ops Progression


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Haterade? Hardly. I would never join a guild that thinks "What kind of chicks do you like?" is an appropriate application post question.


Then I guess I am wrong, however the one thing I am sure is you aren't from APEX... And you're probably one of the conspirators

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So here's my rant about the Dread Guards.


The healing, tanks are taking ~2000 DPS during the Heirad phase. Everyone else in the raid is taking significant damage from the Lightning Field as well as random damage from Heirad. You can't get through the first phase in good shape for the second without a Sorc puddle.


Our Sorc healer's logs showed 7 ticks of 1649 damage during the Lightning Field, and 15203 damage from its explosion with no one near him. That's 26,746 damage he has no way of avoiding during the second Lightning Field. Now our Sin tank takes 4-5 ticks and Force Shrouds every explosion. Our Sniper takes all 7 ticks and avoids every explosion with a well timed roll. To get to the point, some classes are a complete liability during the Lightning Field whereas other classes take minimal damage.


Our first few pulls we were going into the first Lightning Field with Heirad at 55%. Except our Annihilation Marauder, Vengeance Jugg, and Hybrid Sniper kept killing themselves with DoTs left on Heirad when Ciphas jumps in to bubble him. So our Sniper respecced Marksman, our Marauder respecced Carnage, and our Jugg had no viable respec option. Rest of the pulls after that respec we hit the first Lightning Field at 65%. Our Sniper still died once after due to a Corrosive Dart left on Heirad.


And the hard enrage. My 72/69 Powertech can't break 2400 DPS in a pure spec, and can't break 2600 DPS in the Hybrid spec. Even if I got the rest of my gear up to 72s I'd still prefer to take my full 69s Sniper into the fight. That's how far Powertechs are behind the rest of the DPS. Then you have to consider that Snipers, Maras, and Operatives are pulling a bit more than other classes and could make the difference between a clear and an enrage.


Basically, you can **** yourself too hard with raid composition before you go into the instance. I enjoy a fight that's actually requiring more than a night of pulls to clear. I enjoy a fight where the mindless DPS have to be on top of their game with a tight enrage. I enjoy the mechanic where I'm getting slammed hard by a boss that I can't damage back. But no, I do not accept a fight where good and viable classes have to be bypassed for nothing but the most ideal raid composition.


Oh, and the fact that we're (as in the collective community) supposed to have this instance cleared before NiM S&V drops in 3.5 weeks. I believe Bioware has been silent about the fight's tuning because they simply want to see if it's doable by the best. And similar to 16 man NIM Tanks and Kephess, once the previously though impossible is downed, the fight will be nerfed to manageable levels. And I'm fine with the Dread Guards being treated that way. Except they're dropping NIM S&V on us in 3.5 weeks.

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SWTOR Illuminati? I think so.


^Wins Thread. Also, as far as Uglyworm goes. I have zero clue who he is. But I do know he's not in APEX. Going back to the NiM EC progression posts when we used the Holo Statue exploit on the Tanks on a Monday clear of them and the forums blew up (Uglyworm was the only one who kept trolling it even going to our recruitment form) and then we cleared it normally the next day after lockouts reset; he kept it going. So im pretty sure he's not APEX given the level of trolling he's gone through at our expenses.

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Haterade? Hardly. I would never join a guild that thinks "What kind of chicks do you like?" is an appropriate application post question.


The person who put this in the app hasn't been in Haterade for A LONG time, it was changed ALONG time ago.... btw new material? You've used that like 7 times now.

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The person who put this in the app hasn't been in Haterade for A LONG time, it was changed ALONG time ago.... btw new material? You've used that like 7 times now.


Because it's so shameful. Didn't you learn the Internet never forgets? **** up once and trolls have ammo forever! Also obviously that one question defines your guild completely.

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offensive material are what make things interesting, if everything was politically correct I wouldn't be able to tell my dark jokes about dead babies in garbage cans rotting away slowly or dirty old rabah and priest jokes. If you are a chick then say N/A or answer honestly if it applies. Guilds don't have to be formal, it's not a good move to get recruits, but no guild should really act formally if they choose not to, this is a game, guilds are people with real lives and I doubt many want to treat a game as a job. Edited by mastirkal
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are people not aware that it was more of a personality check...


Oh, it most certainly is a personality check, but perhaps not in the way in which the question's author(s) intended.


Asking a question like that shows the type of attitude the guild's members have towards women and how welcoming they would be to female gamers. It's so juvenile and sophomoric. "But it's just a joke," they'll say, "why do you take it so seriously?" I take it so seriously because that kind of sexist and misogynistic mentality is all-too-common amongst the gaming community. If you're a male gamer and have never had to hide your gender when playing with others online (notice that up until now everyone has assumed I'm a "he", and I've never corrected their error), you have absolutely no idea just how bad it can be. I quit playing on Xbox Live altogether because the rampant sexism was too much to take. I was the victim of all manner of insults and even threatened with sexual violence (I won't repeat the details here as it would trigger the profanity filter) solely because I'm a) a girl and b) I killed them a few times in CoD or Halo or whatever. PC gamers are slightly better than their console bretheren in that respect, but only marginally so. I've been in MMO guilds where the GM would tell me to "shut up and make me a sandwich" whenever I said anything on Vent. And this was considered funny! Thankfully the guild I belong to now is very welcoming and inclusive and would never tolerate anything like that.


I have no idea why, but nowhere else except when playing online video games have I encountered such casual and pervasive sexism. So instead of shrugging it off and saying, "it's just a joke, don't take it seriously," I've decided instead to publicly shame the mysogynistic fratboys who think this is acceptable. With any luck, I might discourage some people away from that kind of attitude and make the world just a little bit more friendly for my fellow gamer girls.


Rant over. Sorry for disrupting your thread, Denchet.

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This is what happens when Bioware breaks the progression race and therefore the progression race thread. I like it.


Ahahah agreed, everyone is ignoring Will's post, which is actually generally on topic, interesting and has very good points but instead jump right into the "ranting" and arguing. DAMN YOU BIOWARE.

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Basically, you can **** yourself too hard with raid composition before you go into the instance. I enjoy a fight that's actually requiring more than a night of pulls to clear. I enjoy a fight where the mindless DPS have to be on top of their game with a tight enrage. I enjoy the mechanic where I'm getting slammed hard by a boss that I can't damage back. But no, I do not accept a fight where good and viable classes have to be bypassed for nothing but the most ideal raid composition.


This. There's been at least 1 guild who got Kelsara to 10% before wiping, and I think they had like 40k health on Heirad (don't quote me on this) before the 3rd bubble? If you can kill Heirad before that third bubble, you'll gain some valuable time.


This would require certain dps from everyone though, and certain classes cannot achieve the numbers required. I think I read somewhere that they wanted any composition of classes to be able to beat the fights, and that doesn't seem like the case currently.


The fight is possible, I think, but you'd need the correct composition and near perfect execution from all 8 players to down it.


In the end, I'm sure bioware will tune it by lengthening the enrage, I just hope they don't make it too easy :o

Edited by KTap
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Suckafish is the guild getting it to 10%~. Has anyone been watching their streams? Are they abusing the Engineering Sniper roll glitch? Which I wouldn't consider cheating, but clearly gives a guild doing it a hefty advantage over other guilds. I don't think the fight would be intentionally designed to only be beatable by a bunch of engineering snipers rolling around.
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Suckafish is the guild getting it to 10%~. Has anyone been watching their streams? Are they abusing the Engineering Sniper roll glitch? Which I wouldn't consider cheating, but clearly gives a guild doing it a hefty advantage over other guilds. I don't think the fight would be intentionally designed to only be beatable by a bunch of engineering snipers rolling around.


Saw the video. It was a blurry mess, but it looked like it was two marauders, a merc, and a non-engineering sniper. Hard to tell, though.


Also, updated with MLP's kill.

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Our dog, you say? May I direct the attention of you fine gentlemen to the following post, which you can find at the bottom of page 14 of this very thread:


Our best attempt last night was when the last one enraged at ~50%, but that was after a few people died and we slowly started wiping at around 70%. I figure if we could have avoided those deaths we might have got to the 30-35% range. That's still not good enough, obviously, but I feel the fight might be do-able with some more practice and better execution. I'm not ready to throw in the towel and deem it unbeatable just yet.


This is by far the hardest fight since NMEC Kephess, though. I love it. :)


Now, our main raid group in The Silver Order is a weekend raiding group but we intended to give NiM TFB a shot on Tuesday. As we all know, it got delayed. Our raiders can't normally make weeknights but we did what we could to try and schedule our attempt for Wednesday from 9pm-11pm. One of our raiders had a company dinner that caused him to show up to our raid one hour late, leaving us one whole glorious hour to raid on Wednesday. This led us to only having time to clear The Writhing Horror at 10:40pm as is posted in the progression. We had ONE single attempt at the Dread Guard and got wiped before we killed Heirad, as embarassing as it is to say. At that point, one of our other raiders, who needed to work the next day, asked us to call it at 11pm as we scheduled, and we haven't touched the instance since, because weekend raid group and all.


If you care to verify my story, check out Slitch/Synara's own twitch feed from the night: http://www.twitch.tv/slitchi/b/416224704. He raids with another group from TSO before us, so fast forward to around 2:22 when we first enter the instance, 3:17 when Naeva finally shows up, and 4:06 as we miserably wipe and call it an night.


All of this to say Uglyworm is not Slitch from TSO, so stop slinging your unfounded accusations at our members and tarnishing our name (pun intended).

Edited by CommunityDroidFR
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All of this to say Uglyworm is not Slitch from TSO, so stop slinging your unfounded accusations at our members and tarnishing our name (pun intended).


I resent the insinuation that my presence in your guild would tarnish your name.

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I am proved wrong.


Process of elimination... Now we can cross TSO off the UglyWorm list and continue deducing. All part of the plan....


Uglyworm we will find your toon, no one is safe from these deductions. I'm even interrogating myself right now.

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