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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So, cartel packs are now not even worth the gamble.


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After hitting legend, the contaband packs are no longer worth the gamble because now there is a very high chance that one of the items will be worthless (the rep item). Now that the first set are being removed (even temporarily doesn't really matter in this argument).

This is a large deterrent since I don't want to be given a useless rep item the majority of the time, something needs to be done so Legends are not discouraged from buying it.

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After hitting legend, the contaband packs are no longer worth the gamble because now there is a very high chance that one of the items will be worthless (the rep item). Now that the first set are being removed (even temporarily doesn't really matter in this argument).

This is a large deterrent since I don't want to be given a useless rep item the majority of the time, something needs to be done so Legends are not discouraged from buying it.


I've hit legend status with my account and I still quite enjoy the cartel packs. It's like buying the booster packs for TCGs as a kid. Even though I had the perfect deck, I was still excited to see what the random cards in the pack were.

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After hitting legend, the contaband packs are no longer worth the gamble because now there is a very high chance that one of the items will be worthless (the rep item). Now that the first set are being removed (even temporarily doesn't really matter in this argument).

This is a large deterrent since I don't want to be given a useless rep item the majority of the time, something needs to be done so Legends are not discouraged from buying it.

They didn't remove an item from the pack for the reputation item. Packs used to be 5 items. Now they're 5 items PLUS a reputation item aren't they? You're not losing anything by being legend.

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Isn't that why they're being removed for a time and replaced with new ones?

No. They are being removed for a time so that players sitting on stockpiles of shipment 1 crates and items can be accused of gouging everyone on the GTN in a month or so.

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They didn't remove an item from the pack for the reputation item. Packs used to be 5 items. Now they're 5 items PLUS a reputation item aren't they? You're not losing anything by being legend.


Although I personally avoid the packs like the plague (anything I want I just purchase off the gtn), ^this is correct


you are not losing out on anything (an item is not replaced by rep (or certificate) item) if your rep is maxed out. Also, unusable rep items can be vendored for creds.

Edited by LrdRahvin
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No. They are being removed for a time so that players sitting on stockpiles of shipment 1 crates and items can be accused of gouging everyone on the GTN in a month or so.


That too, but point being, you won't be able to buy them from the cartel market soon so it's a moot point.

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That too, but point being, you won't be able to buy them from the cartel market soon so it's a moot point.

Wait, do the shipment 2 packs not have the rep items or something? Those (vice commandant and newer) are staying around.

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After hitting legend, the contaband packs are no longer worth the gamble because now there is a very high chance that one of the items will be worthless (the rep item). Now that the first set are being removed (even temporarily doesn't really matter in this argument).

This is a large deterrent since I don't want to be given a useless rep item the majority of the time, something needs to be done so Legends are not discouraged from buying it.


Don't worry, you'll get a whole new rep to build up when the next shipment of packs is released.

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After hitting legend, the contaband packs are no longer worth the gamble because now there is a very high chance that one of the items will be worthless (the rep item). Now that the first set are being removed (even temporarily doesn't really matter in this argument).

This is a large deterrent since I don't want to be given a useless rep item the majority of the time, something needs to be done so Legends are not discouraged from buying it.


Very high chance?


It's a 100% chance I believe. Don't all Shipment Two packs have trophies in them?

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Very high chance?


It's a 100% chance I believe. Don't all Shipment Two packs have trophies in them?


They only time they don't have a rep "trophy" is when you get "lucky" and get a certificate instead.

So, you're mostly right, they either drop one or the other.

Edited by LrdRahvin
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Although I personally avoid the packs like the plague (anything I want I just purchase off the gtn), ^this is correct


you are not losing out on anything (an item is not replaced by rep (or certificate) item) if your rep is maxed out. Also, unusable rep items can be vendored for creds.


what you lose out on are the worthless jawagrams. 2 or 3 in a pack. 1 use junk

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No. They are being removed for a time so that players sitting on stockpiles of shipment 1 crates and items can be accused of gouging everyone on the GTN in a month or so.


Very true. There's only one reason to sell hypercrates, and that is to get players to spend cartel coins in hopes of turning them into credits. In a month those people who have done that will begin sending the packs to the GTN. Of course, y'all are smart enough not to buy them, but the fact is, someone will.


If you buy a hypercrate today for 1500 CC, appx $14.00 or so, you can sell the packs today for about $5 million credits. Depending on how many people do this, the price MIGHT go up considerably next month. Of course, if every Tom, Dick, and Harry plans on getting rich off the same scheme, the prices will no doubt go down.


Now just have one of your toons be the Sugar Daddy and send credits to the other toons, assuring they won;y have credit issues to deal with as they level.


"I've been rich and I've been poor, and believe me, rich is better" (attributed with variations both to Sophie Tucker and Gertrude Stein.)

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Question. How much money is invested in order to hit legend status? (lets remove the strategy of buying off the GTN)


Because from time to time when i have a little something extra from my job I sometimes buy myself a pack. Usually it comes with a rep item. But i have not even gotten close to hitting friend status (im on the second tier from the bottom i believe). How in the world people can invest so much on a gambling for pixels basically if pretty baffling to me.

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The trophies are in addition to the type of items that we got in the first shipment of packs. It's not like they replaced something. If you were buying packs just for rep trophies then it might be time to re-think your buying strategy.
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The trophies are in addition to the type of items that we got in the first shipment of packs. It's not like they replaced something. If you were buying packs just for rep trophies then it might be time to re-think your buying strategy.


Wouldn't it be time to re-think your buying strategy if you weren't in it for the rep trophies? By all accounts, it's cheaper in the long run to just save the credits and buy the item that you actually want from the packs, whereas you can only get the reputation trophies if you open the packs yourself.

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If you buy a hypercrate today for 1500 CC, appx $14.00 or so, you can sell the packs today for about $5 million credits. Depending on how many people do this, the price MIGHT go up considerably next month. Of course, if every Tom, Dick, and Harry plans on getting rich off the same scheme, the prices will no doubt go down.


Hypercrates, even with the current discounts, are still around 4 times that amount. Currently the Shipment 1 Hypercrates are running around $40, and the Shipment 2 around $55.

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I have yet to be impressed with any paks I've purchased from the Cartel Market.

I don't craft..scratch one or two items from a pak

My companions don't need gifts anymore..another 1 or 2 items not needed from the paks


I'm not intending this to in any way, make people who enjoy spending money on the chance of something sweet feel ripped off.

Because I've spent alot trying to get something super rare, or unique to impress you all with in game.:p


I do think the percentages of really worthwhile stuff is way too low. I can only think that their plan is to make the paks, and wording, so exciting that people will keep taking that chance....spending real money, for what in my experience has been a carrot dangling in my face, and never getting to bite it.


Personally, I am feeling a bit ripped off. I say a bit, because no one made me buy them. But, I was given false hope of attaining something great.


I've spent my last real world money on the CM.

You can't keep playing the bait and switch game without people figuring it out sooner or later.

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They didn't remove an item from the pack for the reputation item. Packs used to be 5 items. Now they're 5 items PLUS a reputation item aren't they? You're not losing anything by being legend.


This is where the thread should of ended, why do people continue to babble?

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In my opinion they are now a waste of time.

1. Why are common grade 6 materials still included where there are new grades of materials. You cant give Ciridium away as its so common with players sending out companions to try and get mandalorian iron and yet you can get these in packs.

2. jawagrams- really? Last monthly pack I had, and I usually sell mine, I opened and I got 2 of these in 1 pack along with a worthless material.


It seems to me rare items have gone super rare and its easier to sell pacs unopened and simply buy what you want off GTN

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