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Bugs that piss you off


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Some bugs are just "meh ok" while others just make you wanna scream sometimes. Here's my list of bugs that piss me off:


1. When I'm typing in my security code, just as I'm typing in the first digit, the text box jumps up to my password so I have to retype it

2. If my internet crash and I get DC from the server, game exits and I have to launch from the launcher all over again

3. If I'm at Makeb and I get a LFG Ops queue pop with a broken teleporter so I have to enter manually

4. Getting stuck in the pillars when fighting the Terror from Beyond

5. Getting stuck, leaving you in movement so you can't use quick travel or fleet pass, you try /Stuck but it doesnt work, it removes you from movement but as soon as you try to move you're stuck again!


There are only two that consistently make me use upset words:

1) When my companion ALWAYS insists on standing exactly where I need to click. It may be an NPC vendor or quest giver, Resource or quest item. What ever it is, when I stop my companion makes a B-Line right to where I want to click and gets in my way.


2) When I get stuck on the landscape. This game is completely rediculous in that regard. If I can jump between two rocks, then I should be able to move between them. The fact that I get stuck is just lazy programming. All they need to do is make it so you can always walk and get rid of that stupid subroutine that makes the game think your toon is falling when they are not.

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i hate when you get rooted in pvp, you die and you are rooted forever at spawn, experienced in NC and VS.

or when the whole instance in the end is stuck and you must leave loosing the profit.

crash to desktop in BT/TE is ridicolous(since they just make patches to add cartel market stuff) but alt tabbing ''fixes'' it

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Taxi "Flickering!"


Every time I see this I think my graphics card is going. I have to ask in General Chat if anyone else is seeing this same problem.


Is that a bug or a feature? I get the feeling that those taxis are actually holographic manifestations and the "Flickering" is intended as a way to show that are holographic in nature.

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Is that a bug or a feature? I get the feeling that those taxis are actually holographic manifestations and the "Flickering" is intended as a way to show that are holographic in nature.


It better not be a feature!


Unless I missed the memo where they actually switch between Taxis and Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet! :rolleyes:

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It better not be a feature!


Unless I missed the memo where they actually switch between Taxis and Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet! :rolleyes:


I'm trying to think if other types of Taxis flicker. Do the bird taxis on (?) Alderan (?) flicker? I'm not sure but I think they don't...

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The one that REALLY pisses me off, which Bioware just flat out ignores..


Broken /r . I can't see how this is a difficult thing to fix. I should be able to /r everytime to respond ,and also to be able to respond to the right person. Half the time it shows another person's name I whispered/whispered me earlier. Simple stuff, Bioware. C'mon.




Animation Delay. Since like 1.something or other on my merc when I shoot a TM. It'll channel to the end, then pause, then jump forward to catch up. I'll say this now. It's not my pc. It's def on Bioware's end.


Companion not reappearing after getting off speeder. Yet another bug promptly ignored, or they don't have the skill they had in the beginning since letting people go and can't fix it. One of the two, take your pick.


Companion viewing still isn't 100% working right. Been around for ages as well.


These are just what are off the the top of my head. Add about 20-30 more, and you have it about right.

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1) The plethora of "falling" bugs around the world when you walk onto an area that is difficult to access. They have fixed it for the most part by putting you back where you were, but it's still a bit annoying.


2) The disappearing speeder "flicker" glitch. This one has persisted since launch and continues today. Especially on Nar Shadaa.


3) Phantom GCD bug. You hit an ability, either keypress or direct click on a bar and it does not fire, does not trigger any effect but the GCD triggers.


4) The current bug that causes terminals and NPCs to take a very long time to load, even if your FPS is high and latency is low.



The final ones are minor glitches, but still annoying....


5) The on-off state of appearance for unify colors in character selection. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


6) Unify colors does not work for single color dyes.


7) Missing textures for companions when putting on equipment that hides all or partial chest and leg areas.


8) Preview and color match not working properly on your starship.

Edited by LordArtemis
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#1 When doing AoE and the game turns my character. It also fires the animation in the wrong direction (mercenary). Irritating as sorcerer as I usually wanna use the knockback after the aoe... but it fires the wrong way cus the aoe turned my char.


#2 When I chain casts and suddenly my cast bar disappears (they might have recently fixed this)


#3 Also my Lightning sorcerer sometimes get a buged force pool when the regen is so off the charts he can chain cast the most expensive heals for 10 minutes in a row... When it's normal im out of force after 5-6 casts maybe.


#4 Voss speeders go stright through mountains and hits every tree in the forest between taxi points. Not a bug but shouldn't have left beta.

Edited by Vandrain
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As I climb the stairs on Makeb towards the final fight there with the Hutt, my comp freezes at the stairs. It is the same freeze that happens at so many doors, elevators and at soo many FPs.


Really?? This has been a problem in the game since day 1. Just like the comp not coming out when you are in a semi-full group. These are very reproduce-able, why is it so hard to fix this?


I play solo a lot so comp bugs impact my game A LOT.

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The only bugs that pisses me off in this game are the Killiks, damn things are everywhere on Aldaraan.


No, I am serious.

Besides, any person that call themselves a gamer should be used to game-related bugs in any game and should be able to deal with it without getting pissed off.

Edited by Kelleth
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1) 4) The current bug that causes terminals and NPCs to take a very long time to load, even if your FPS is high and latency is low.



That's no bug.... I think that's the engine. Had a conversation in gen chat the other day and this is so widespread it's scary.


I'l rephrase that - this is so widespread it's SWTOR.


My pet peeve is the /flourish bug ......


1)/flourish your sabre, watch in bemusement as a sort of shadow sabre appears before the real thing ....


2)swing it about a bit ....


3)sheath it fully lit and watch in horror as it magically floats through your legs back into your hand.


4)Never use /flourish again.

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It better not be a feature!


Unless I missed the memo where they actually switch between Taxis and Wonder Woman's Invisible Jet! :rolleyes:

It's not a feature.

The lengths people will go to "role-play" this game's flaws away never ceases to impress. Holographic manifestations...

Edited by Machine-Elf
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I swear if this happens to me ONE MORE TIME...I am gonna moan and complain here and still continue to sub!


NUMBER 1 BUG: The /stuck bug is ridiculous. I keep getting stuck on random things...mailboxes on the fleet...the crates stacked on top of one another right outside the shuttle on the Makeb Orbital Station....the sides of mountains on Balmorra...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR.


/stuck doesn't work...I once had to wait a whole day just for a sage to come and pull me out . On the Makeb Orbital station I had a sage standing NEXT to me refuse to pull me out because I can just log out and it will fix it...NOPE it won't. What a guy right? :mad:

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It's not a feature.

The lengths people will go to "role-play" this game's flaws away never ceases to impress. Holographic manifestations...


Hey, get out of my happy place! You don't know any more than I do. If you don't know for a fact, which you don't, then stop being a jerk.


Besides, as far as bugs go, if it IS a bug, what's the BFD? It's totally harmless, doesn't cause you to get stuck, or impact you negatively in any way. If I were to prioritize dev time for fixing bugs, this would be the LAST one that I would worry about.

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The one that irks me that I encounter the most is the one where your health bar appears 1% full after you transfer to a new instance and won't change. It's just a huge annoyance to see it there, inaccurate.
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Is that a bug or a feature? I get the feeling that those taxis are actually holographic manifestations and the "Flickering" is intended as a way to show that are holographic in nature.


If they were meant to be holographic they would be translucent and have tracking lines running through them, like every other hologram in Star Wars. It's not intended and for me this "flickering" didn't start until 1.6, and yes, it happens on Alderran too.



Edited by Blackavaar
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Back after a huge long break and amazed to find some of the bugs still in the game but the ones that get right up my nose at the moment are:-


1. Completing a flashpoint and the game closing down when we make the jump to hyperspace, good job that Han and Chewie didn't get tossed out the airlock every time they did that on the falcon.


2. My other half inviting me to group and when I shuttle to the instance he is in I can no longer see my target enemy correctly, just a red revolving circle around them rather than details when I target. So I try a relog and guess what, I am in a different instance again...sigh.


3. Also in a party, other members stat bar is fixed, they can be half health but the stat bar has not changed at all, and their companion is not showing. I know, lets try a relog, oh now I need to shuttle to correct instance refer to point 2...sigh.


4. Dismount speeder, oh where did my companion go, oh well I will resummon...5 minutes later dismount speeder, oh where did my companion go...


We have been subbed for 2 months after a huge break, we came back excited to see the changes and re-visit a much loved universe, there will be no 3rd month.


Not sure about the first issue, but the rest could all be caused by syncing issues between your comp and the server, so most probably something to look into at your end.


The bug which annoys me most is (as many others have mentiond)) getting stuck.

Most games have places where you can get stuck in the geometry, but I have never played a game with as many as TOR. This has been around since launch adn I can;t see it going away anytime soon. Geting stuck on what appears aperfectly flat piece is annoying!

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The one that irks me that I encounter the most is the one where your health bar appears 1% full after you transfer to a new instance and won't change. It's just a huge annoyance to see it there, inaccurate.


Oh yeah, hate that. Also hate the way the targeting reticles stop working properly after switching instances.



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Hey, get out of my happy place! You don't know any more than I do. If you don't know for a fact, which you don't, then stop being a jerk.


Besides, as far as bugs go, if it IS a bug, what's the BFD? It's totally harmless, doesn't cause you to get stuck, or impact you negatively in any way. If I were to prioritize dev time for fixing bugs, this would be the LAST one that I would worry about.

I know it's a bug because a) I have common sense, and b) it wasn't there before.

Also it's a highly visible bug, ergo correcting it should be a priority.

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I know it's a bug because a) I have common sense, and b) it wasn't there before.

Also it's a highly visible bug, ergo correcting it should be a priority.


It's been present for me since day one. Nothing has changed recently. Are you sure you just didn't notice it until recently?


Also, in regards to priority, there are dozens of bugs that are causing game play issues and I would prioritize those long before a cosmetic thing like this.

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There are only two that consistently make me use upset words:

1) When my companion ALWAYS insists on standing exactly where I need to click. It may be an NPC vendor or quest giver, Resource or quest item. What ever it is, when I stop my companion makes a B-Line right to where I want to click and gets in my way.


That hit the button for me. I'm trying to maneuver first just to assess the threat and figure out who I need to take out first and Riggs stands exactly in my way. I've been known to yell out, "Get out of my X'ing way!" which, when I do, my spouse gives me strange looks.


Darth Jadus just staring at you and it says, "Cannot see target." So you have to get right on top of him, literally, meaning you cannot properly set up your defense, and he kills you dead. It has been over a year with many ignored tickets on this one.


Having to re-kill re-spawned mobs that you just killed on the way in. The thing is, this does not always happen. Sometimes the game keeps track, so you know it is possible. I think this is just lazy programming myself.

Edited by MSchuyler
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1. Activating an ability in combat that causes the animation, but the attack doesn't go off, but still causes GCD.

2. Activating an ability in combat that causes the animation, but the attack doesn't go off, but still causes GCD.

3. Activating an ability in combat that causes the animation, but the attack doesn't go off, but still causes GCD.

4. Activating an ability in combat that causes the animation, but the attack doesn't go off, but still causes GCD.

5. Activating an ability in combat that causes the animation, but the attack doesn't go off, but still causes GCD.

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