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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Operative healers


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Are too mobile and can heal until the cows come home outhealing any single dps at all times. They are the FOTM healer, there is a ton of them around where before they were a minority. They need to be toned down. Or give out more snares and heal debuffs to dps. It's not enough to have a heal debuff only on one AC. Edited by Aelaias
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LOL another nerf Operative/Scoundrel thread.


We're terribly sorry that you are not as skilled in this game as other players, but please do not take your anger out on our lovely forums. We try to keep them clean of as many QQers and fail trolls as possible. If you like to comment or complain, please call 1-555-426-7736 (1-555-IMA-QQER) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will be sure to reply to your stubbornness as promptly as possible. Thank you and have a nice life away from this MMO. :p

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LOL another nerf Operative/Scoundrel thread.


We're terribly sorry that you are not as skilled in this game as other players, but please do not take your anger out on our lovely forums. We try to keep them clean of as many QQers and fail trolls as possible. If you like to comment or complain, please call 1-555-426-7736 (1-555-IMA-QQER) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We will be sure to reply to your stubbornness as promptly as possible. Thank you and have a nice life away from this MMO. :p


They may well be nerfed at some point in perhaps a not too distant future. Perhaps indirectly, by other classes getting buffed such as with heal debuffs and harder snares. I think that would make you very disappointed.

Edited by Aelaias
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We try to keep them clean of as many QQers and fail trolls as possible.


Ya ain't doing a very good job, slacker. We're all neck-deep in a cesspool of derp and failure.


Operative roll's not gettin' nerfed, kids. Better start getting used to it and realizing how easy it is to counter. Use your brain. :eek:

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They may well be nerfed at some point in perhaps a not too distant future. Perhaps indirectly, by other classes getting buffed such as with heal debuffs and harder snares. I think that would make you very disappointed.


Coming from all 3 sides of this, Healer Tank and DPS, I agree that it's hard killing a healer, but I don't believe it's really OP. If you're going up against one on your own, good luck. But if you have a smart team, then they're no problem. I believe this is a L2P thread.

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The problem sits with the balance when the game picks players for pvp. Last night, we came up against SEVEN scoundrels in just one side. Healers, healing healers. THATS the problem. The game needs to limit how many are placed into a warzone.


But Bioware have yet rolled out another stupid untried and untested ability with scamper, now giving the agent the best CC and means of escape in the galaxy. Im trying to remember when I saw Han Solo 'Scamper' away from battle....

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The problem sits with the balance when the game picks players for pvp. Last night, we came up against SEVEN scoundrels in just one side. Healers, healing healers. THATS the problem. The game needs to limit how many are placed into a warzone.


But Bioware have yet rolled out another stupid untried and untested ability with scamper, now giving the agent the best CC and means of escape in the galaxy. Im trying to remember when I saw Han Solo 'Scamper' away from battle....


I have also been thinking BW needs to put a limit on healers per WZ. But yeah when things get too hectic, Scoundrels/Ops throw the emergency Stealth, Scamper 30 meters away, and heal themselves. Still I don't think it's really OP, unless you get 7 healers.

Edited by stupidsyrup
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When a DPS does 1 M damage everybody cries, when a healer does 1 M heal that's all good. Yep that's SWTOR PvP for you. Now the good thing is, that's a few months from now, when everybody and their dogs will roll Operative healer, BW won't have much option but nerf them to a realistic level.
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When a DPS does 1 M damage everybody cries, when a healer does 1 M heal that's all good. Yep that's SWTOR PvP for you. Now the good thing is, that's a few months from now, when everybody and their dogs will roll Operative healer, BW won't have much option but nerf them to a realistic level.

Its really hard to gauge damage because so many players are under geared, so big hits will always boost these numbers.


For me, its the amount of healers in any warzone can really be a pain. Sure, if you have a good side, you can just about hold out (voidstar) because they have zero dps but on any capture and hold maps, its difficult and now that Agents/scoundrels can moonwalk through fire traps in huttball, its just bloody stupid.


HUTTBALL starts, 4 seconds later agent/scoundrel has balls and self heals toward the finish line. THATS the problem.

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They may well be nerfed at some point in perhaps a not too distant future. Perhaps indirectly, by other classes getting buffed such as with heal debuffs and harder snares. I think that would make you very disappointed.


If youre having such a hard time outdpsing HoT's i doubt giving you more snares would help, cause they would just cleanse it anyway.


You know since you cant outdps the HoTs

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If youre having such a hard time outdpsing HoT's i doubt giving you more snares would help, cause they would just cleanse it anyway.


You know since you cant outdps the HoTs


Here you go, snare him. Don't kill your enemis, snare them. We don't live in the dark ages anymore. Killing is uncivilized, stunning is the way to go. Healers are good people we can't just kill them. Stun, heal, interrupt the corner stones of the exiting PvP. Now i am writing this meantime I am PvP-ing (really) that's how awesome SWTOR is. You can PvP and wright on a forum, watch TV, eat, drink, whatever, THX BW. Oh, and we won. Now that's what i am talking about.

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I have also been thinking BW needs to put a limit on healers per WZ. But yeah when things get too hectic, Scoundrels/Ops throw the emergency Stealth, Scamper 30 meters away, and heal themselves. Still I don't think it's really OP, unless you get 7 healers.


How could 7 healers possibly be any more "OP" than 7 DPSers? A team with 7 healers isn't going to be killing anybody.

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When a DPS does 1 M damage everybody cries, when a healer does 1 M heal that's all good. Yep that's SWTOR PvP for you. Now the good thing is, that's a few months from now, when everybody and their dogs will roll Operative healer, BW won't have much option but nerf them to a realistic level.


Really? Because all I see in thread after thread are people crying over healing numbers being "too big".

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Aren't people missing the point that this thread is not about healing in general but two well played operatives are way more flexible and less likely to be killed due to their "emergency" button and other def cooldowns than sorcerer or mercenary healer(+counterparts)?


There is little problem killing one of the former but you pretty much have to kill the operative in 1-2 hits as soon as he get's below 30% because otherwise he'll just heal himself for 0 costs, throw a flashbang or go stealth and heal himself back up to 100% in no time. On top of that he can also defend an objective much better than any other healer could.


(and yes I'm playing an operative by myself)

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HUTTBALL starts, 4 seconds later agent/scoundrel has balls and self heals toward the finish line. THATS the problem.


I love how much everyone exaggerates the roll. The fact is - it isn't that good - when you have the ball rolling doesn't even take you the full way over the fire trap - AND it uses 25 energy.


If a scoundrel gets to mid and picks up the ball and can self heal himself all the way to the end zone ahead of his team, and the 8 people in your team can't kill him you may aswell all unsub and go play tetris.

Edited by BraaxusKun
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I love how much everyone exaggerates the roll. The fact is - it isn't that good - when you have the ball rolling doesn't even take you the full way over the fire trap - AND it uses 25 energy.


If a scoundrel gets to mid and picks up the ball and can self heal himself all the way to the end zone ahead of his team, and the 8 people in your team can't kill him you may aswell all unsub and go play tetris.


It's not exaggerated...When you scamper off a ledge you go farther. I literally only have to roll at most 3 times and I'm miles ahead of everyone and grabbing the ball before the enemy assassin has even dropped down from the top ramp.

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People complain about others mobility, but when they build a template they always ignre the snare procs, the root procs, the sprint procs, the knockdown procs, the gap closers abilities, and the cd reducers for those they already have

in favor of the +0.75% global dps talents.


and then they come complain the targets never want to stay in range for them to unleash their maxed out dps....


L2PVPTemplate doopeys.


If you can force an operative to use 25% of his mana twice in a row forgoing de facto 2 healing gcds at the same time, and going into low regen mana mode, you did something seriously right and you are about to win, all you need now is to finish the job. and all you need for that is for you not have the capacity to be on his back anyway after the rolls.


it applies to sorcerers and their sprint too,

to snipers and their roll too

Edited by Ajuntalee
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who thinks healers are too strong atm really has a L2P issue..


imo Healers are too weak in competitive RWZ games..


it's about.......


operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer


Sorc and merc heals are nowhere near operatives regarding survivability without anyone else.

Edited by Sziroten
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it's about.......


operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer operative healer


Sorc and merc heals are nowhere near operatives regarding survivability without anyone else.


Sorc and merc are op?! Are you kidding?! Who thinks that heal is op, specially sorc and merc, suffers from an acute l2p condition.

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