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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ETA on Advanced Class change?

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Sadly, with the insta 60 tokens, I think you'll be SOL on this ever happening. Buying a 60, makes Bioware $...freely swapping your AC, doesn't.


LOL I assumed this would come in the form of an "AC Switch Token". Shirley they wouldn't add a new feature unless it was somehow tied to 1000 or more CCs!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Sadly, with the insta 60 tokens, I think you'll be SOL on this ever happening. Buying a 60, makes Bioware $...freely swapping your AC, doesn't.

All the way through this topic and very few have advocated FREE AC swapping. As far as I'm aware the vast majority that want this feature added are willing to pay a certain amount for it.

Either as a large one off payment that then allows casual switching or a cheaper one shot token.


It would be interesting whether the devs could use additional ACs to separate out the PvE (solo/group) and PvP (solo/group) design considerations.

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All the way through this topic and very few have advocated FREE AC swapping. As far as I'm aware the vast majority that want this feature added are willing to pay a certain amount for it.

Either as a large one off payment that then allows casual switching or a cheaper one shot token.


It would be interesting whether the devs could use additional ACs to separate out the PvE (solo/group) and PvP (solo/group) design considerations.


Not totally against switching AC, but considering how easy they have made it to level up a new character, and with the introduction of the lvl 60 token, I don't seem them doing this any time soon. And with the story being the main focus, I think they'd rather you played through that again.


No point having them doing more work, when they can just tell you to level up another alt instead.

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Not totally against switching AC, but considering how easy they have made it to level up a new character, and with the introduction of the lvl 60 token, I don't seem them doing this any time soon. And with the story being the main focus, I think they'd rather you played through that again.


No point having them doing more work, when they can just tell you to level up another alt instead.


This is your paid for AC switch:


  1. rename the character you want to switch ACs with to <name> <AC> (e.g. JoeShmoe Scoundrel)
  2. record the appearance settings at an appearance change station
  3. acquire a level 60 token
  4. create a new character with the name <name> <other AC> (e.g. JoeShmoe Slinger)
  5. set the appearance of this new character to be the same as the "old" one
  6. click create character
  7. get that new character to 65 (one SM Op should do it)
  8. gear the new character up


You now have "one character" with two ACs.

Edited by psandak
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What I find funny is that this thread has been necro'd many times over the past 3 years because of an early game statement that was probably just a carrot, that they ultimately couldn't provide, to entice people. Now, 3 years later, this poor dead horse has been beaten to hell and back. The devs, or community team, haven't even deemed this thread worthy of a simple statement to address this.


So let's simplify the question: Will there ever be an option to change AC's? A simple "Yes, we'll be revisiting AC swapping and we'll give you all an update (within a reasonable timeframe)." Or "No, we will not be revisiting AC swapping due to <whatever reason>."


Common sense would dictate that after 4 1/2 years it's not even on their "drawing board" anymore and simply not going to happen.

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What I find funny is that this thread has been necro'd many times over the past 3 years because of an early game statement that was probably just a carrot, that they ultimately couldn't provide, to entice people.


Common sense would dictate that after 4 1/2 years it's not even on their "drawing board" anymore and simply not going to happen.

Is it technically a necro if the thread has never died? ;)


And common sense says this was a dead deal the day they introduced insta-60 tokens. If you wanna swap AC, that's how you do it...give them extra $.

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Is it technically a necro if the thread has never died? ;)


I'd say anything over 2 weeks without a comment is a dead topic and someone just bumping the thread to rehash old arguments. So yeah. The last revival was around 2 weeks from the previous post, which in turn, was 6 months from it's previous post. I didn't go back and look beyond that.

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The dead have risen! Repent while you can!


I'm still against this at least as an unrestricted option. Permitting an AC change up to a certain level, 25-30 or so, would be fine IMO. Selling it on the CM will just make it a "change to FOTM" token for the ones with tons of money/credits to spare.

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Ooooo, look who knows so much. It just so happens this thread is only MOSTLY dead. There’s a big difference between mostly dead, and all dead.


So it's like some guy sleeping on the sidewalk in a big city. 99% of the people ignore or skirt around him. But every so often someone walks by and gives him a swift kick to make sure he's still breathing. :rolleyes:

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Well, like I said several times earlier in this thread, this should never get implemented. AC swap would just lead to queuing as tank with non-tank gear. I was recently in a PUG operation with tank having full DPS gear and not generating any threat. Even when I was playing WoW, I remember people queuing as tanks with DPS gear or even lacking gear. This needs to stop.


I would even remove the respec. A role choice should have gravity and FOTM hoppers should be punished by having to buy a 60 token or level up that character.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would pay for this feature as well. Im paying this game to be entertained, and its my prerogative to change advanced class if i want, for my entertainment.


I too would like to change advanced classes, but you simply can't go "because I paid for it, I deserve it, and I can do it." By that logic since I pay for it, I have the right to troll, grief, and hamper other players because I simply take entertainment in their misery. Team killing people on battlefield 4, blowing vehicle assets up, pulling extra mobs in a flashpoint or operation, in general grief etc. etc. Need slightly better reasoning then that.

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