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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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On topic, it's a forum where people passionate about the game like to throw ideas about and discuss the impact. As long as it remains civil I see no reason why any one needs to move on.


As to what 'pretty clear' means, could you compare and contrast these two quotes about training costs.


The need to train/ re-train intended and therefore no changes at this time.



Changes made less than a week after the initial release of 3.0.

While I was stung a little at the time from having levelled up and trained two characters from 55 through to 60, I think the removal of training costs is nothing but positive for the game.

More to the point this is a change to a fundamental of MMOs, when you level up you pay for new abilities at the trainer.


Why do you think the developers would be so unlikely to consider another change in direction?


Extremely well done sir :)

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You do know that you could for example level a opposite gender and opposite alignment character, right? that would give you a new perspective on the "same" story...


And now, thanks to Disciplines, we get defining abilities sooner, so you should have a general idea how it work around Nar Shaddaa (so basically after 3 planets)


Sorry just one of those people who doesn't sex change in games. Also I play my characters like I would play them. Making other decisions would be "out of character."


And even with the new system you are not getting the class defining abilities in the 10-11 range, some key abilities still don't come until you are in the 20s and the contention is "you don't have to make up your mind until lvl 10 or 11."


So your first point, trying to use your personal play style to govern a decision that would effect all players.


The last bit largely irrelevant because you still don't get the full feel for the soul until you get into your 20s and 30s. Hell I am 47 on my commando and am still waiting some stuff if I am not mistaken.


You know its okay to just say "hey I think if you want something you should have to work for it and not be able to buy it off the cash shop."

Edited by Ghisallo
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  • 1 month later...

I would like to see the ability to change our advanced class.


And no, we're not talking faction defection or changing from a smuggler to a knight. The advanced factions are actually subsets of the basic factions, and we're only talking changing the subset.


Story is the same, voice and companions are the same, we just loose a few proficiencies and passives and gain an alternate set.

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It needs a good sloshing of industrial strength pesticide. :p


On topic.. seriously... they have made it pretty clear they are not going to do this. Suck it up and move on folks.


Who is "they"?


Is it the devs who created and launched the game, who are largely no longer here?


Is it the devs who created and launched RotHC, who are largely no longer here?


Is it the devs who created and launched SoR, who are mostly still here, but I'll bet $50 won't be in a year, the way EA runs things?


"They" can change, and the new "They" can change their mind at any time... After all, the devs said "no" to housing once, didn't they?

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I would like to see the ability to change our advanced class..
We've had that ability since launch and I have used it on all the Republic classes and 2 of the my imp classes. 2nd toon I leveled was a infiltration shadow, figured out people really didn't want infiltration shadows in operations after the 1st nerf so I rolled another consular and made her a sage. Having both a sage and shadow, commando and a vanguard, scoundrel and a gunslinger, a guardian and a sentinel, sniper and a operative & a sorcerer and a assassin I can say without doubt we have always had the ability to change advanced class in this game. :rolleyes: Edited by mikebevo
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Advanced class change would be a good addition to this game. For me, it's never been about changing to Flavor of the Month. I have gear from Launch I have kept on my main and also mounts. Neither can be obtained anymore. I'd rather swap from tanking on my Shadow to Healing on a Sage, without having to reroll. Reason: my group of friends has too many tank classes and not enough healer classes.


In my opinion, this game is the next best game out there behind WoW. In fact, I raid several times per week in WoW and also play SWToR in between raiding days. Most of my WoW guild plays over here in SWToR as well. We all would like to see SWToR implement some quality of life changes. For example:


1. Paid Faction Transfer. I have two friends in WoW that rolled Imperials at Launch. Now they are rerolling and leveling up the exact same classes on Republic so they can play with their real life friends.


2. Cross Realm Raiding. I have met SO MANY great people using Openraid in WoW thanks to cross realm raiding. It's an amazing feature. Instead of spamming General Chat looking for a raid/operation group, actually sign up in game.


3. Mounts and Pets should be ALL available across account.


These are just three quality of life changes off the top of my head I'd like to see implemented.


P.S. - This post keeps getting necro'd because some people want to see the feature added. The people that flame the post are either not around anymore, against the idea, or are likely the same people who say, "Why do we have a million of these posts...just add to an existing post"...LOL

Edited by KalebGrayson
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Instead of just saying "No, not going to happen ever" or things like "the only reason people want to do this....." why don't you guys actually try sharing your concerns instead.


I for one am curious as to why this would be such a seriously bad thing to add to the game. I mean it looks like it's coming...just like F2P, market, moddable gear, adaptable gear, appearance kiosk...dyes....all of the things that folks were saying the same things about.


That doesn't mean that your concerns are not important or reputable. I just want to know what they are.


Main reason? Because it is hard enough to find competent people to group with now, as a result of the 12x exp, to then be stuck with someone fumbling around with a new AC. I know you are a champion for the casual player LA, but this is an issue of someones want seriously affecting the game enjoyment of others when we are forced to group with them in FPs.

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Who is "they"?


Is it the devs who created and launched the game, who are largely no longer here?


Is it the devs who created and launched RotHC, who are largely no longer here?


Is it the devs who created and launched SoR, who are mostly still here, but I'll bet $50 won't be in a year, the way EA runs things?


"They" can change, and the new "They" can change their mind at any time... After all, the devs said "no" to housing once, didn't they?


*Points at dev preview videos for 3.0*

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This tread reminds me of my ex wife. Just when you think shes gone....here comes the knock on the door.


Move and change your phone number. I did and haven't heard from mine since 05. I'm not on social media either. And I don't have any financial obligations to her and no children.

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We've had that ability since launch and I have used it on all the Republic classes and 2 of the my imp classes. 2nd toon I leveled was a infiltration shadow, figured out people really didn't want infiltration shadows in operations after the 1st nerf so I rolled another consular and made her a sage. Having both a sage and shadow, commando and a vanguard, scoundrel and a gunslinger, a guardian and a sentinel, sniper and a operative & a sorcerer and a assassin I can say without doubt we have always had the ability to change advanced class in this game. :rolleyes:


Change, not make-a-new-character-and-do-the-mindnumbing-grinding again and again and again. Keep your two cent's to yourself.

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Main reason? Because it is hard enough to find competent people to group with now, as a result of the 12x exp, to then be stuck with someone fumbling around with a new AC. I know you are a champion for the casual player LA, but this is an issue of someones want seriously affecting the game enjoyment of others when we are forced to group with them in FPs.


Or the flip side, you might get MORE people to group with... you keep harping on this "people won't know how to play" thing, but that is ALREADY happening...


I have two Jedi Shadows in my Legacy, I don't play either of them. Let me convert one to a Sage and I'll have two Sages (I already have a lvl 60 Sage).


The Sage I'll bring to ops, one as healer and one as DPS. As it stands now, I have only one to bring.


I have no interest in playing as a Shadow, and that was my very first toon ever made back in v1.1. But I just don't care for the class.

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Main reason? Because it is hard enough to find competent people to group with now, as a result of the 12x exp, to then be stuck with someone fumbling around with a new AC. I know you are a champion for the casual player LA, but this is an issue of someones want seriously affecting the game enjoyment of others when we are forced to group with them in FPs.

The solution to this, as it has ever been, is to join a guild, or if you are set against that to add those that play well to your friends list.


This could be directed into an argument that the game seriously needs a more functional address book. Legacy functionality would be a start, if player A is antagonistic and not a nice person to group with I want to block all of their characters not just the one I'm unlucky enough to stumble across.

With the inclusion of Legacy banks the inclusion of your own legacy across faction is less of an issue, but would still be a nice QoL feature, there are times when it is still easier to mail and I have characters with weird names due to the archaic naming restrictions.

Adding opposite faction characters into an address book and allowing whispers would also be nice. I fail to see why I need to resort to external modes of communication to get a group together if my friends are scattered across the characters of their legacy.


But, returning to the question at hand...


The removal of training costs has opened up the way for easier implementation of AC swapping.


The only negatives remain in the minds of those players that feel others are there to make their game experience more convenient.

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  • 3 weeks later...
after 12x XP I fail to see the value of implementing this

^^^^^ A billion times this! The dev team should not be wasting time working on such a thing when what it really boils down to is that you made poor decisions and were too lazy to level an alt.


Close the thread and let it die already.

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^^^^^ A billion times this! The dev team should not be wasting time working on such a thing when what it really boils down to is that you made poor decisions and were too lazy to level an alt.


Close the thread and let it die already.


I'm all for options, but I think the key to your post is not using dev resources for something that trivial when resources are needed so many places. I can get behind that.

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No it isn't and it's never going to happen. Roll a new toon and get over it.


I've got well over 25 level 54+ characters including at least one of every AC; I still want AC swapping. What's your source on them saying "no"? The last word I heard from a dev was it would probably happen. The main reason that it hasn't happened already (along with lots of other things) may just be a lack of coding resources/priorities...

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