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ETA on Advanced Class change?

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Know what bxp weekends have done for flashpoint pugs? Well imagine if people could switch their AC at the drop of a hat and reroll and entire class without learning how to play it or even what their abilities do. Do you really want dps geared dps set bonus dps mindset players tanking for you? Or tanks healing? If you're unhappy that you rolled a powertech and suddenly decide you want a merc instead...you have twelve character slots. Use them.
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Heh. Well, if folks are not complaining they are not living, right?


At any rate, I think dual spec and reselect advanced should be released at the same time, but this is how I think both should work.


Reselect advanced class - Only allowed when class story is concluded. All points are naturally refunded.


It would cost CC to use, have a 15 day cooldown and all of your current gear would be removed from your toon. This way you could not sport heavy gear in a class that uses medium, etc.


Dual spec - Allowed when you choose your spec onward, but open use is only allowed after you conclude your class story.


Before your story conclusion dual spec would be restricted to use inside heroics, flashpoints, operations and warzones UNLESS the groupfinder tool allows you a free spec swap while qued to fill missing roles. It would be a permanent unlock feature, allowing you to save a particular setup...it saves point allocation and bar locations of specials but not gear setup. it would have a one hour cooldown, and would cost either EC or CC.


After conclusion of your storyline you are unlocked to spec swap any time you wish.

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But in reality I'm sure it will cost like 6000 Cartel Coins to unlock it, then another 2000 Cartel Coins every time you switch (discounted 3.2% for subscribers, of course) with a 2 month cooldown. Oh well, what can you do? As a start, I'd be happy just to have the option in-game, in any form.


With the exception of the 2 month cooldown, I honestly hope that if they choose to add this to the game it will cost AT LEAST 6000 CC and an additional (small) amount of CC for each change (maybe like 300-500).


If people are too lazy to level characters and want to take the easy route, it's fine by me. But Bioware could make some money off of this that could help the game for the rest of us who actually enjoy playing the game.

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subscribers can have 12 chars on one server, if you buy the unlock u can have 22 chars on one server. stop being lazy and make another character. i have 11 characters and will make the other 5 when these 11 are lvled up. quit crying and lvl another char
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I don't like this idea either but if it is put in you almost guarantee it will not be what people want. It's gonna be expensive and likely have a level cap on it. That is all I would agree with. At max level it can cause too many problems and will cause massive whining due to it if it went that route.


If it goes in level 30 should be max allowed level IMHO for all the reasons already stated.


Good day

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I rolled a Paladin but I want to be a Warrior now, wah wah let me pay money to convert so I don't have to level again.


That's why you roll a druid, so you can be a tank, melee dps, ranged dps, or healer.:rolleyes:


Honestly, I don't see an AC change being a big deal. Your story doesn't change, your resource doesn't change, your main stat doesn't change, your buff doesn't change, the majority of gear you use doesn't change. You even share a lot of abilities. The only major change is Warriors/Knights having two different armor classes - the rest don't.


I wouldn't want this to be a thing where you can just swap back and forth at will, but it would be nice if you had the option - have it cost a lot of money, put a cooldown in on how often you can change it.

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Hopefully, this will never be implemented.


The two biggest reasons I've seen for wanting this are:


"My AC got nerfed, or the other AC got buffed and I want to play the OP AC now."


"I want to level easy mode and switch to the other AC for end game".


Neither one of those two reason is sufficient to allow class changes, IMO.

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If people are too lazy to level characters and want to take the easy route, it's fine by me. But Bioware could make some money off of this that could help the game for the rest of us who actually enjoy playing the game.
It is very presumptive and unconstructive to intimate that someone who wishes to keep their current character, but try a different role, is doing it strictly out of "laziness" or a lack of desire to play the game. In fact, if you stop slinging petty insults long enough to think about it, you can come up with a list of many other reasons someone might want to flip ACs without re-rolling. Edited by SW_display_name
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Isnt that what many said would happen if F2P happened?


And it did.

But you are comparing two very different things.


With F2P a certain amount of subscribers left, either because they disagreed with the change or because they were bored or because they simply thought going preferred worked better for them now that that was an option. However, the player numbers were increased significantly by the new F2Pers that more than made up for the lost subs in terms of sheer numbers.


Unlike that change though, this change would definitely not have such a huge impact on the number of players. Obviously some would unsub, but then again people unsub every day for the most irrational reasons, and a small number would be satisfied with the change. However there is no way numbers will go up with this change because it's not something that makes you want to play a game.


In other words, they have nothing to gain from this, unless the price is really high.

In fact, they'll be losing subs when people won't have to level an Assassin AND a Sorcerer (etc.).

But, if that is what it takes to keep the game going, I don't care either way.

I just find it stupid because half the fun of a class is in learning it from scratch, but to each their own I suppose.

Edited by TheNahash
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Yeah.... they've ALWAYS said "Not gonna happen", "Never" and "no" when asked about this.
I don't want to be insensitive, in case you have a reading-comprehension disability. So I'd just like to politely encourage you to find outside help to read you the OP, especially the giant quote box where the lead developer says "Yes, that will probably happen".


No, get this stupid notion out of your head. You are not going to be able to pay for your rerolling to the next fotm.
Let's think about your claim.


We'll begin with the generous assumption that every month, 1 of 8 classes becomes the new "flavor". We'll also assume that each class has an equal chance of becoming this flavor and ignore similarities between 2 same-class ACs which can also lead to similar weaknesses in the current metagame.


Since you are already one class, you have a 12.5% chance of not even needing to AC change! So we can discard 1 class because that's you (wave at the camera!) and you might be lucky and become OP for a month!


Thus, we'll decide that there are 7 other classes that might become more powerful and appealing to you than your current class, every month.


You can AC change to exactly one of them.


Thus, you have a 14.29% chance of being able to impulsively become the new FotM class every month, while retaining about 25-30% of the same skills and tools you would have had if you didn't change.


I am sceptical that this is a significant or gamebreaking development.

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I don't want to be insensitive, in case you have a reading-comprehension disability. So I'd just like to politely encourage you to find outside help to read you the OP, especially the giant quote box where the lead developer says "Yes, that will probably happen".


Let's think about your claim.


We'll begin with the generous assumption that every month, 1 of 8 classes becomes the new "flavor". We'll also assume that each class has an equal chance of becoming this flavor and ignore similarities between 2 same-class ACs which can also lead to similar weaknesses in the current metagame.


Since you are already one class, you have a 12.5% chance of not even needing to AC change! So we can discard 1 class because that's you (wave at the camera!) and you might be lucky and become OP for a month!


Thus, we'll decide that there are 7 other classes that might become more powerful and appealing to you than your current class, every month.


You can AC change to exactly one of them.


Thus, you have a 14.29% chance of being able to impulsively become the new FotM class every month, while retaining about 25-30% of the same skills and tools you would have had if you didn't change.


I am sceptical that this is a significant or gamebreaking development.


Once again that quote comes up, as proof that class changes are definitely coming, despite the fact that nowhere in that quote do they say that class changes are definitely coming. The term was not even "probably", it was "likely". You can argue that these two are the synonymous, but they aren't really.


I'm still not convinced that the devs are really even considering adding class changes. I think the devs know that if they come out and state definitely for one side or the other, that it will likely cost them significant subs and income, as the "losing" side will likely see many people leave the game. There are those that feel strongly enough against class changes that if the devs allow them, those players will walk away, never to return or spend another cent on this game. The opposite is also true. There are those who are so opposed to the effort required to level another character, that if they cannot swap AC's they will simply stop playing, as their AC has been nerfed, the other AC buffed or simply because they chose the easy mode leveling and now cannot fill their desired end game role.

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I'm still not convinced that the devs are really even considering adding class changes. I think the devs know that if they come out and state definitely for one side or the other, that it will likely cost them significant subs and income, as the "losing" side will likely see many people leave the game. There are those that feel strongly enough against class changes that if the devs allow them, those players will walk away, never to return or spend another cent on this game.
Why on earth does someone else AC changing upset you enough to stop playing a game you're otherwise enjoying?


It sounds more like you're just unhappy and ready to move on, and looking for an excuse to do it.

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I find it funny that the only argument against this that people have is "I don't want you to change your advanced class."


If there were objections based on serious conflicts like those caused by faction, gender, or base class changes, that would be one thing but I've yet to see any "real" argument for why this shouldn't be something to be implemented.

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Why on earth does someone else AC changing upset you enough to stop playing a game you're otherwise enjoying?


It sounds more like you're just unhappy and ready to move on, and looking for an excuse to do it.


Why is it when people want something and want it handed tot hem without effort, that they fall back on the "I want it and it won't affect you, so I should be able to have it".


It's not like every player isn't given plenty of opportunity to change their minds before making the PERMANENT choice of AC, and every player is told that once you choose an AC there is NO going back.


Even if they charge CC's, it's still handing out class changes as that person did not put any effort into leveling that new class. Some people realize that if they simply hand out class changes then those people who choose to level up in easy mode then switch to their preferred end game AC, or who simply wish to be the OP AC will likely have no clue how to play that new AC. You may say that you are uber leet and you can learn in 10 minutes, but even if that were true, you would be among the minority.


Some also feel that selling class changes is also simply one step closer to P2W.

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I find it funny that the only argument against this that people have is "I don't want you to change your advanced class."


If there were objections based on serious conflicts like those caused by faction, gender, or base class changes, that would be one thing but I've yet to see any "real" argument for why this shouldn't be something to be implemented.


It's a class change. Can you change from a rogue to a priest in that other game? Can you change from a rogue to a hunter in that other game? Can you change from a ranger to an elementalist in the newer game? Why would you expect people to be ok with allowing class changes in this game?

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It's a class change. Can you change from a rogue to a priest in that other game? Can you change from a rogue to a hunter in that other game?


Irrelevant argument. Who cares if what you can and can't do in WoW? SWTOR's system is a bit different. Advanced classes are not completely analogous to other game's classes. They share more in common than some classes in WoW's different specs within a class do in some cases.


On the other hand, a lot of other games don't restrict people to a limited number of roles like these games do, allowing you to build whatever focus you wish.

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Instead of just saying "No, not going to happen ever" or things like "the only reason people want to do this....." why don't you guys actually try sharing your concerns instead.


I for one am curious as to why this would be such a seriously bad thing to add to the game. I mean it looks like it's coming...just like F2P, market, moddable gear, adaptable gear, appearance kiosk...dyes....all of the things that folks were saying the same things about.


That doesn't mean that your concerns are not important or reputable. I just want to know what they are.

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